November 2012 Due Dates

i am only 10 weeks but i want a belly so bad.. anything! i have no bloat even! still in skinny jeans and gained only .5 pounds... i know its so early i am just being impatient lol!
I wish I could say that I've only gained .5 lbs. I've gained 7, probably more. I am afraid to weigh myself. I have done nothing much but shove carbs into my face trying to ease the nausea. And then lay around moaning about it because I couldn't even force myself to walk the dog. So I am afraid all of the extra weight isn't baby, and just a tire around my middle... I am disappointed in myself, but honestly eating the carbs sometimes helped. I wish I had the zofran sooner, maybe I wouldn't have gained so much weight...
i am only 10 weeks but i want a belly so bad.. anything! i have no bloat even! still in skinny jeans and gained only .5 pounds... i know its so early i am just being impatient lol!
I wish I could say that I've only gained .5 lbs. I've gained 7, probably more. I am afraid to weigh myself. I have done nothing much but shove carbs into my face trying to ease the nausea. And then lay around moaning about it because I couldn't even force myself to walk the dog. So I am afraid all of the extra weight isn't baby, and just a tire around my middle... I am disappointed in myself, but honestly eating the carbs sometimes helped. I wish I had the zofran sooner, maybe I wouldn't have gained so much weight...

I've already got an extra 7 lbs myself! I hate it. I know that I am so bloated however that there has to be at least 4-5 lbs of water. My doc said that she is not concerned and that I was at a normal weight before, so I probably will be after. I'm usually a low-carber, so that's most of it. It's hard to see the scale be at the highest number in 15 years though...but I have to keep reminding myself that it's about the baby, not me. Being obsessed with weight is not a good thing during pregnancy. Wish their was a switch to turn off...
Stephers, I was a low carb eater, too. That was the only way to get down to a healthy weight for me. I had JUST lost the last 2 pounds to my goal weight 2 days after my BFP. It took me 2 years to get there. And now it's hard to let go of it and resign myself to a different phase of my life. I just was unable to tolerate a salad there for about a month. Talk about food aversion! I think I may be heading into a better part of pregnancy though so I am going to try more salad now. I've still got some nausea, but it isn't as intense as it was before. I will try hard to keep to my walking schedule now that I am feeling better and hope that the rest of the weight gain will be baby. I don't know how much is bloat and how much is fat... My midwife didn't seem concerned either.
I lost 8 lbs at the beginning of my pregnancy and have only gained 4 of those back. This is my third pregnancy and still no sign or even hint of a baby bump :(
I feel you ladies... I am still at a healthy weight, but I am probably at least 5-10lbs above my normal/preferred weight, all gained since becoming pregnant! I've been feeling pretty good throughout this pregnancy so far, but I definitely suffer from lack of energy and a low blood sugar feeling if I'm not eating every couple of hours! I also exercised pretty intensely during both of my last pregnancies, so I wanted to just "take it easy" this time around. So, while I'm bummed about my new flabbiness/bloat (by 9pm I look about 4 months along!), I am totally in agreement about knowing that this is a "good" kind of weight gain! Best for baby! The way I see it, it will all balance out in the end anyways.
i feel like pregnancy has turned me into a crazy person! :wacko: some days i feel like i'm on top of the world and then some days i feel like everything's going to go wrong...i'm having one of those days. what the heck is wrong with me? the second my boobs stop hurting or i feel bad i just fear the worst! i just wish i could be confident that everything is going to be okay and stop worrying so much because i know it's just not good for me. end rant.
Awww, Bexxc. Sending big hugs and lots of happy vibes your way! I know what you mean, and I have those days too. The truth is (and I know you know this:)) that worrying is only counterproductive. It is totally natural to feel edgy and up and down. I'm certain that part of our sensitivity to these things is hormonal, haha. Remember that it's totally natural for symptoms to fluctuate - every pregnant woman I've ever talked to has told me that. Besides - Your little one is just fine, its sweet little heart is just pounding away! <3 Keep your chin up girl. Tomorrow will be a better day!! xoxx hugs
i feel like pregnancy has turned me into a crazy person! :wacko: some days i feel like i'm on top of the world and then some days i feel like everything's going to go wrong...i'm having one of those days. what the heck is wrong with me? the second my boobs stop hurting or i feel bad i just fear the worst! i just wish i could be confident that everything is going to be okay and stop worrying so much because i know it's just not good for me. end rant.

Bexx, I'm sorry that you are feeling this way!:hugs: I can only say that I know exactly how you feel, and that some days are better than others. Good news for you is that so far everything is looking great and remember that it is completely normal for symptoms to come and go. Thinking of you!
MommyH - I so want a bump now!!! What a lovely bump you have. I think you look the picture of health and far from death!

Littlepeople - welcome to the november group!! 2 af's in as many years - sounds bliss to me! Lucky you!!

Bethan - I can honestly say although I am tired today I think I have coped really well with being back at work today!! Hopefully not long till you start feeling better! :hugs:

I know some of you are so going to hate my gutts for saying this. My df was so convinced I'd picked up about 10lbs that I decided to get on the scales this morning and to mine and his shock I have stayed the same 12st 3lbs since finding out I was pregnant!! I still cant believe or understand how I've done it!

Oh a better note - seems like I am far from walking this journey alone! I told my 'head of school' this morning and she told me that she is due about 10 days before me! Ok so now to work out which is the contagious chair in the staff room so we can warn the others!! hehe - oh that gives me a plan!! :haha: hhmm :winkwink::shhh::smug:
Skweek - isn't it so nice having someone go through this with you? My best friend is due 2 weeks after me. We've literally known each other our entire lives (our brothers played ball together, so as infants our mothers would bring us to the park to watch them). I feel so blessed to be going through this with her! The only bad thing is that we live 300 miles away from each other now so we won't be there for each other's deliveries, but every other aspect of it is great :)
Oh that is just the beginning - not only is my head of school preggers with me but - here comes the list
my SIL - due 2 weeks before me
my nail lady - due beginning of Oct
my old neighbours wife - due 3 days after me!

Now just waiting for everyone else to come creeping out of the wood work now that the 12 weeks are up!
There is a saying that this baby thing is contageous!! :haha:
It definitely is contagious! I started my job about a year ago and at that time there were 2 newborns and 2 new pregnancies. There's been a few more since then obviously and now I'm pregnant... They warned me not to drink the water ;) So glad I did, though!!
Hi girls :)

My best friend is 7 weeks ahead of me... BUT I still haven't told her!! She lives an hour away from me and I am seeing her next weekend and want to wait to tell her in person. I can't believe I'll be 11 weeks when I am telling her. I was (and still am) so nervous about telling people early... slowly, slowly I'm telling more and more people...

My weight is such an annoying issue. I'm still at a very healthy weight but have gained close to 3 lbs (doesn't seem like a lot but I am 5'1" so every lb. shows!). I make it to the gym most days to walk, but the food thing is another issue. Oh man, if you ladies could see what I ate this weekend you would DIE!!! Like, enough for a 300 lb man! HAHA.

Btw, at work right now with a bowl of peanut butter m&m's sitting in front of me... chomping away haha.

Any gender predictions for you ladies? I really thought boy for the first 8 weeks or so, and now I'm leaning towards girl... when do they say that the heartrate can predict gender (I've heard over 140-girl and under is usually boy). At this point, the heartrate is high no matter what. My baby's heartrate has been pretty consistent at 178-185 on my home doppler for the last week.
It's definitely contagious. The girls I know from school were pregnant when I was pregnant with my son, they're pregnant again. :haha: I haven't announced this yet though.

Mmmmmmm! M&M's!! They're so yummy!

I have a feeling this LO is a girl too. :) I guess we'll have to wait and see hehe xx
When I started teaching at this school there were so many ladies either on mat leave or pregnant. At one stage there was 2 ladies announcing their pregnancies, 2 about to go on mat leave and 2 on mat leave!! This went on for about 18 months!!!
And it all starts again!! 2 already on mat leave! and another 2 about to announce pregnancies!! so is it the water or a chair in the staff room? :haha:
I constantly go back and forth on my gender prediction. As soon as I found out I thought girl, but recently I've been feeling really strong boy vibes (but that could also be because I spent the weekend with my girlfriends and one has an adorable 3 week old boy that just melts your heart!). Either way, I will be ecstatic! My biggest wish is for 10 fingers & 10 toes :)
Before getting pg I always thought I would have a girl first! But for the past few weeks, I've been thinking boy! My little bean's heart rate has also been a bit lower so I think if the old wives tale has any truth to it then that would indicate boy. Honestly, all I care about is a healthy baby!! Still so hard to believe that we will have our little ones in just a few months time :)
i'm thinking i'm carrying a boy and so does DH plus everyone i know (friends, family, etc.) have had girls so i figure a boy is due
When I was pregnant with Leo there were 4 people in my netball team pregnant at the same time. One had her baby in the July, I had Leo at the start of October and the 2 others were mid November! It was pretty stressful trying to get a team together every week LOL!

Thankfully its just me pregnant this time around - Im missing my first match tonight :(
We really want a boy to be completely honest about it. I keep dreaming about girl babies though.

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