LAR83 I've put you on the 20th is that ok? Let me know if you want to change it anytime.
Hi everyone! Just like Sweetmama26, I got my first BFP at 11 DPO and my estimated due date is November 27. I'm hoping to get into the doctor's this week to confirm.
My DH and I are pretty surprised, as we were starting to get ready to TTC and decided to NTNP this month and ended up getting lucky! We are really excited, but at the same time, we don't feel as prepared because we thought it would take longer (our first took 6 months to conceive).
Congrats to everyone in the group so far!
Hi ladies I fell asleep last night straight after the kids, thats the third night in a row. I forgot how tiring early pregnancy is. I'm also currently craving packet noodles so I'm trying different recipes to find a healthy alternative. I'm also nauseous most of the time but not sick.
Congratulations Alidravana and Lar83, I'll add you to the due date chart.
Alidravana we had the same situation with our first. I thought we'd take a long time to conceive as all of my family and his mother took years. I took 3 months and I wasn't prepared.
Lar83 I'm glad you got your bfp x it's odd how it happens when you least expect it 😁
Hi ladies! Mind if I join? Looks like my due date is November 8. We had a loss 2 years ago, and got lucky our first round of ivf. It still seems to good to be true, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything is fine! Our first scan is March 26