November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

I was packing for my trip and I noticed a "donate" pile in the closet that apparently never got donated :)! I started sorting through it and found some shirts that were spandexy material that were too small for me so I ended up cutting the top off right underneath the arms and they are working GREAT in lieu of the belly band. I think they will work for about a couple of months but I am SO HAPPY that I was able to whip them up in about 2 minutes. I got 4 "belly bands" and I am extremely happy! I just need to hem the tops and I think I will be set. I am test driving one now without buttoning/zipping my my jeans and they are working great. May be I will post pictures soon.
That's brilliant Desi! What a great idea! I'm so big now that unfortunately I'm in full on maternity trousers! I'll post a pic soon :/ I'm having a chilled day watching Toy Story 3 with my 4 year old and her friend, on the sofa with pop corn! Yum!
Hi girl.

I had my midwife appt this morning. All seemed to go fine. She said my uterus is well developed for 15 weeks so baby is growing well. Heard the HB. I asked her if it was ok that babys HB not moning posiion and she said its fine. the importamt thing is to be able to hear it!

im still getting headaches and feleing sick at night which is driving my bonkers. Im so tired all the time too.. Dont feel like im in 2nd trimester!
Sarah, glad your midwife appointment went well! :) When are you seen next?
I hope you get some of this 2nd tri relief soon. I'm starting to feel like a new person this past week- staying up past 11, eating full meals, etc.

Sparkle, that sounds like a lovely day!! Post a bump pic! I posted mine. ;)

Desi, what a great and creative way to use your old shirts! I love it. Post a pic!

I leave on my trip tomorrow. :) It's only a 2 hour flight, do you think I should do anything differently? Midwife said not to bother with compression stockings so I'm thinking I'll just take an aspirin (which I do anyways), drink lots of water and get up to walk a few times. I might wear my full panel trousers for extra comfort and also so I look more pregnant so people don't think I'm weird walking around the plane so much!
Hi Girlies,

Do you know ive not been in the office ofr 5 weeks because of my SCH! Im going to go in next week for a day or two but cant believe its been that long. Ive been working from home but work must hate me!

I had a small panic this morning. After calling my LO lazy and saying its not moved and HB always in same plac... it wasnt there this morning. I went all the way along the pelvic line and it wasnt there- just kept ketting my heart beat. So i moved further up my belly- ( which so bizarrely has doubled in size over night!) and i finally heard HB about 2 inches directly below my belly button. I couldnt believe how high it was! 5 minutes later I thought id just have another listen as id convinced myself id heard the wrong thing.. So popped it on again and baby had moved again - bit lower but not near plvic bone! Sheez... I much prefered lazy baby! hubby laughed and said he was a runner like his Mum! Cute!

Im feeling loads better today. eadache has gone finally and im eating like a pig. The real test will be 6pm when I normally feel sick so fingers crossed. But i normamly need a snooze around now but im doing ok..

Allie- I have a scan at 17 weeks (but thats because of my SCH) and another scan at 20 weeks which is the anomaly scan. I thensee GO at 24 weeks and dont see midwife until 28 weeks! So im pretty much on my own until 24 weeks!

Hope your flight goes ok. I think you're right- just walk around ( push your belly out to show you're pg!) and lots of water...

hugs xx
By the way- so sorry about my spelling! I write on my iPhone & have clumsy fingers!
Hi Ladies! How is everyone doing?

I had an appointment with my MW last Thursday. She showed me the top of my uterus which is right where is should be, a few inches below my belly button. I don't think I would have ever found it on my own, thanks to the little layer of flab I have on my belly. :haha: She also listened to the hb on a doppler. DH and I were rather disappointed that we didn't get another ultrasound because we were so looking forward to seeing baby, but I suppose an u/s wasn't really necessary.

We finally announced the pregnancy to our friends on Thurs/Fri. Feels nice not to have to hide it anymore.

I have officially grown enough that I can no longer zip up my prepregnancy pants without being in pain. Finally broke down and bought a belly band at Target this weekend, even though it has some mixed reviews. Haven't tried it on yet but hopefully it fits okay.

On the symptoms front, I have been getting massive headaches every day for the past four or five days...they always start in the evening and go throughout the night. I'm usually okay by morning. Tylenol does nothing for them! And there is the constant back pain which is getting so annoying because it gets more and more uncomfortable if I'm out and about walking around for a bit. :wacko:

Today I am super excited because I heard the baby kick/punch on the doppler! It was so amazing...can't wait until I can actually feel the movement. :)
Glad to hear all is going well Bumphope! Hearing those movements must have been do exciting!

Hope all the elevenses ladies are well!! :wave:
Would be cool if this thread was actually called Elevenses caus then people would know where to find us if they wanted to join!? I've been getting a bit nauseous again over the past few days... :sick: evil ms! My bump is massive, keep meaning to post a pic but I'm always on my iPhone!
Hi everyone! I'm back from my long weekend. We had a great time. I was really nervous on the flight there (I usually take a Xanax) and felt bad like I'd stressed out the baby, as I just didn't feel well after that, achey in the uterus and stuff. But it may have been getting upa t 4 am and all that walking......anyways, I called and asked my doc if I could take a one off xanax on the way back and he said he would prefer me not to but I could take half if I needed to. Well, I wasn't going to but then they announced we might diverted due to storms so I ended up taking a 1/4 of my pill....I still feel kind of guilty.

Oh, but I was able to use the "I'm pregnant" excuse to get moved to seats closer to the front of the plane. :)

Other than that flgiht anxiety, great time. I'd love to see some more bump pics in here! Hubby says he thinks I'm "showing" a bit.
Girls, I am loving my belly band. It is super comfy! And now that I can hear baby moving around and have mastered the screeching problem, I'm loving my Angelsounds doppler too. :)

Sparkle - Are you losing weight with all that MS? Hope it eases up for you!! :hugs:

I think if we want the thread under the name Elevenses, we will have to start a new thread. I'm game if everyone else is.

Allie - Glad to hear your trip went well. I'm nervous about my trip at the beginning of July since it's a 5.5 - 6 hour flight. Yuck. But we have a layover (making total travel time around 7.5 hrs), which normally I hate to have, but now seems like a good idea just so we can break up the flight.
Hi BumpHope!:wave:

How did you master the screeching problem? I could use a tip. Also, how often are you using it? I'm doing it about twice a week but I want to do it more!

I think I'm finally experiencing round ligament pain for real. OUCH! It's like a sudden sharp pain that seems to shoot up my whole body from my uterus.

I hope everyone is having a good week!
Allie - I have to use a little water on my belly any time I use the doppler because I can't hear a thing when I do it dry. But I find that water makes the screeching worse. So I have just been using one hand to move the doppler around while keeping the other hand on the volume so that any time I move the doppler, I make sure to turn the volume down...otherwise I end up with ringing in my ears afterwards! It was a pain at first, but now I'm used to it. But beware, when baby kicks/punches, the thuds are still pretty loud on the ears..but well worth it! :happydance: I haven't been using it often at all, but since I heard the kicking on Monday morning, I used it again that same night because DH wanted to hear (though he had no luck, baby must have been resting up). And then I just couldn't resist using it this morning again. It is just too exciting hearing movement, it makes everything feel more real. I highly doubt I will be able to practice any self control in using it now that I have heard that stuff. I'm going to aim to not use it more than every other day at most. :winkwink:
Ladies, Gonna be a quick post. I came out to my work conference last Friday (this city happens to be where my sister and her family live)! Work has been hectic. The flight was ok. I was a bit nervous but everything was alright. I am done with work now and we are going to go to a national park for the weekend. I will check back with you all mid next week! I am nervous about my flight back, total travel time of 8 hrs with a 4 hr layover! ouch!
Hi girls.

I hope everyone is doing ok. My symptoms have massively improved. I get nasuea every now and then and the odd headache but so much better.

Allie/Bumphope- you have very strong will power. I am using the doppler every day. Not out of panic but cos I love hearing it! Ohh... I hope theres no harm using it? I just assumed not as they wouldnt use them otherwise!

Desi - I hope your flight goes okay.

I am meant to be going to Ireland in July for a joint wedding and christening. But because of my hematoma I dont know if I can fly. I really want to go as its really close friends and my husband is best man. Its only a 40minute flight so will have to see.

I have a scan on Tuesday to see if the horrid hemamtoma has gone down. Im really really hoping it has.

I don't think there's actually anything wrong with using the doppler a lot...I just don't because I know the more I use it, the more likely I am to not find baby one day and panic! So I try to let the comfort of finding baby carry me over for a few days.

That said, I might do it today. I had a weird night's sleep and I feel kind of sick today, really worn out. I've also started getting short of breath sometimes, lovely!

Sarah, I would hope a 40 minute flight is okay....mine was only 2 hours, and I was nervous but I did it. It would be a shame to miss the wedding! Maybe if they no flying, you can take a ferry? Glad your symptoms are improving! Mine to, hardly any nausea.

Actually, I wanted to ask about that. How much weight have you all gained? I STILL haven't gained any weight. :shrug: But my diet is back to normal now, and I'm not exercising to speak of, just walking the dog....

Good luck for your scan next week, Sarah!

Desi, glad you are having a good time! I can emphathise, travelling and walking through the airports with luggage, getting up at strange times, etc. really took it out of me. Take it easy and enjoy seeing your sis!

Bumphope, how are you?

Hope everyone is well!
Allie- I've gained 3-4 lbs. All in the past 2 weeks. I can't stop eating.. Especially crisps!
Allie - I have not gained any weight either and I'm definitely getting less exercise than before since my back hurts so much. However, I also had about 15lbs to loose pre-pregnancy so for me I think it's okay not to gain as much. I'm secretly hoping that all those extra pounds migrate to the belly and I don't gain too much anywhere else! :winkwink: Oh, but my pants are definitely tighter at the waist. At my last MW appt, the nurse and MW both looked at me like I was crazy because I was the exact same weight as at my previous appt. But then they said I had plenty of time to pack on the pounds.

I get out of breath's kinda sad. The other day I walked from the parking lot to the dr.'s office and was winded. Ugh.

I'm going to try a prenatal yoga class this week and see how I like it and if it helps my back at all...I found a center that is offering the first class for free. I also tried calling my health care provider to schedule all my pregnancy classes but it's still a little too early...hehe, guess I'm over anxious to get every thing scheduled. And after hearing baby kick/punch earlier this week, I got so excited that I started our baby registry!! :haha: Three more weeks until my anatomy scan...can't wait!!! That's about all from my end. :)

Sarah - glad to hear you are feeling better! Good luck at your appointment!!

Desi - sounds like a fun trip!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Hiya ladies,
I think I gained about 5lbs from my pre-pregnancy. At my last nurse appt. I had gained 3lbs from when I saw the nurse last which was 4 weeks earlier. My pants are definitely tighter/some are not even fitting anymore. I am using the rubber band method for most and I also bought quite a few maternity tops and a couple more pants. My sister loaned me some of hers so I think I am set for now. I just need to add a couple of more sweaters as the weather cools down but otherwise I am pretty set in the clothes dept. I cannot wait for DH to see me on Wed because I think I "popped" on this trip. You can definitely tell I am pregnant! My tummy shows for sure.

The national park trip was a success. I hiked quite a lot. I was a pretty good hiker pre-pregnancy so I didn't have all the jitters but I had to be extra careful coming downhill for sure. I found myself paying attention to every step I was taking. I think the most I hiked in a day was about 4-5 miles. In the past I have hiked up to 14. I was glad that my little one was able to experience all this. But like Bumphope said, I was definitely running out of breath on our hikes. It hardly happened to me in the past.

Regarding hunger, I have gone downhill. In the past couple of weeks I have not been hungry at all. I have to force myself to eat every meal time but I am not as hungry as I was in the first trimester..hmm...

I am on the last two days of my trip enjoying as much time as I have with my sis and my nephew!! I am definitely getting a prep course with a 17 month old :)! So much fun to look forward to!
Bumphope, I look forward to hearing what you thought of the prenatal yoga class. I enjoy yoga.

Desi, 4-5 miles is a lot by my standards. :haha: Happy to hear you're having fun and that you have 'popped.' Post a bump pic?

I think my bump has grown as well, but it may be pudge/bloat now because I have eaten like CRAZY this weekend. No appetite problems on this end.

I can't remember who said their baby likes to hang out on their left side....mine has been doing that too! The past 3 or 4 tmies I've used the doppler the baby has been chilling over on the left.

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