November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Allie - MW said the discharge sounds normal as long as it does not itch/burn/or have a foul odor and is typically mucous-like. Now, I specifically asked if if the watery stuff was okay, but I think I should be fine as every time I have noticed the watery stuff, there has been a thin long area in the center of the circle of watery stuff that is mucous-like.

Could the sharp cramp you felt have been round ligament pain??
By the way, you mentioned the other day that you are going to try to avoid an epidural...? Good for you!! I will be asking for an epidural as soon as they can give it to me! :winkwink:

Girls, what gender is everyone hoping for? At first, I was "secretly" hoping for a girl, but it just strongly felt like this baby is going to be a boy. Then a few weeks ago, all of a sudden I started feeling like it could be a girl...that strong sense that it is a boy just disappeared. So now I am thoroughly confused. :haha: But I got used to the idea of a boy so I'll be happy either way.
The discharge you describe sounds like what I saw on my undies today...wet around the outside, with the mucously stuff in the center. Perhaps it's just the water from the discharge soaking into the material. I'd say it sounds pretty normal as well. I'm back to the panty liners in any case.

Haha, you sound like me, I was hoping for a girl, then got convinced it was a boy, but now I'm back to thinking it's a girl, maybe, and Alex (DH) thinks its a girl. I had a dream last night it was a girl as well...I will be happy either way, too.
Hi ladies :wave:

@Sarah, not sure what NCT classes are??

But i've been feeling the baby for a couple of weeks now, and it's (apparently) because it's my second...?? Who knows? @cherry are you feeling anything... because it's your fourth!

I'm so glad your haematoma has gone down Sarah thats brilliant, very good news! Any one kind of going off food again? I just can't seem to decide what i'm in the mood for!

In terms of girl or boy, i just have a feeling mine is a boy! I'm completely convinced, it's going to be so wierd when they tell me it's not! But either way I'll love either to pieces!
Ps i have a bump picture but i'm a bit shy to post it because it's with only my knickers on!! But my bump is MASSIVE for four months, my colleagues are convinced i'm having twins!
Don't be shy! Lots of ladies post pics like that on here, it's like a bathing suit pic. I love looking at bumps. :haha:
Hi Allie and everyone else. I check in and read every few days. However I have not had to much to post. I am over the ms and don't really feel pregnant anymore. My stomach is getting bigger and harder but still mostly bloat. I hate being at this inbetween stage. My friend with 2 kids told me the other day, "I would never believe you are 16 weeks pregnant. You just look like you put on a few pounds."
I do tend to get headaches. I will usually get one a few days in a row and then I will go a few days without and then they come back for a few more. I did have some clear discharge for a few days but that has gone away.
I am now off of work for the summer. I am enjoying sleeping in and having nowhere to go. I do have my 16 week appt tomorrow which I am nervous about. Since I don't feel pregnant anymore, I am nervous about finding the HB and I have to have a pelvic exam since I would let them do it the last couple times. On the plus side, I find out the gender 2 weeks from today. I am thinking its going to be a boy because I secretly want a girl so I am preparing myself for them to tell me that its a boy. I will be happy either way but there are grandsons on my husbands side of the family and I would love to give them the first granddaughter. Is that selfish of me?
Sarah - Good news on the Haematoma, glad its going in the right direction.

Sparkle - not really feeling anything. I went swimming last week and I felt the baby was doing tumbles and swimming along with me, it was really weird but fun.

Had trouble finding heartbeat on the doppler the other day, I briefly found it but did hear a lot kicks, that were reassuring.
NCT is a Uk thing- its the National Childbirth Trust,- Uk charity and parents to be go on courses in your local area about 8 weeks before due date. You basically learn about how to look after baby, labour, how Dads can help etc. But its more about meeting new parents to be who live near you so you have a contact group when baby born.

Although I was forgetting you're done this all before Sparkle so a dab hand!

AmI the only one who's not going to find out the babies sex?

Ive had creamy d/c but not clear.

I am so happy for you. I am glad the hematoma size is moving in the right direction. When is your next scan?

I don't feel any kicking/moving myself. I felt some random popcorn popping stuff but I almost always get gas after that. So I think it is more gas?! How do you tell the difference, gosh! I cannot wait for a proper kick..

And Allie, we are not having sex either..its just fooling around but I haven't felt that pain at all. I have been so tired lately that all I can think about is sleeping hehe! And they say you are supposed to feel less tired in second tri?

What is the date of your anatomy scan?

Regarding gender, before I got pregnant I secretly hoped for a girl (partly because they have so many cute Indian (the Asian Indian not American Indian) outfits for little girls). After we found out we are pregnant, we had this sure feeling that it is going to be a boy and we have been referring to the baby as a boy also. Couple that with my boy dreams, I have a feeling it is going to be a boy for sure now. I am not getting the girl vibe anymore. I will be surprised if it is a girl hehe! I was talking to my mom the other day and it sounded like they would like a girl (partly because they already have a grandson)! It is interesting how most of us think it will be a boy!

Sarah - HOW are you NOT finding out. I CANNOT wait to find out! Still do not know when my appt is, I will know tomorrow when I go for my 16 W checkup.
Sarah I think you're only one not finding out! Ahh, I don't have the will power.

Melissa, good luck at your midwife appointment today! I look forward to hearing how it goes. :) I'm sure they will find baby no problem. I was also nervous about the pelvic exam...I just had it done. I think I noticed a spot of pink the following day (couldn't be sure even after careful examination haha) but nothing since. It did hurt a bit.

I guess I'm the only one getting cramps with sexual activity? Oh well, no more orgasms for me. :( It was too scary!

As far as what the flutters feel like, Desi, I like the way Cherry described them as tumbles. It kind of feels like something is tumbling or fluttering. I always feel mine just left of and a few inches below my belly button, mostly at night when I'm laying on the couch or in bed. One time when I was out in the heat and drank a really cold drink I felt the baby respond. I know the gas popping feeling you describe because I get that too, but in this case it feels totally separate from your digestive system. I bet you'll feel them in the next 3 weeks for sure. For me they are still very sporadic! Nothing yesterday at all, so today I listened with the doppler.

Cherry, I've heard this time of gestation can be hard to find baby on doppler so don't worry about that.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Ha ha! I am definitley tempted to find out! But I like the thought of finding out the day! Guess im still traditional! Im pretty sure its a boy as all grandchildren in the family are boys. And they say if you have sex on the day you ovulate ( which i think i did) it is more liekly to be a boy as they are stronger swimmers! Although hubby says all his tadpoles are super strong! Men and their swimmers!!!

My next scan is 3 weeks today on 7th July. That will be my 20 week anomaly scan.

Im worried at the way my weight is going up at the mo. Ive out on 4lbs in past 2 weeks! I am eating alot more but still trying to kid myseld if baby and fluid!

Allie- are your cramps painful as in ligaments or is your uterus contracting? I read that after an orgasm your uterus does contract and is more prominent...Is it that?

Sarah- Part of me wants to wait to find out the sex but the other part of me wants to know ASAP so I can shop for pink or blue. (I already have a lot of both colors in my closet because I couldnt resist). Before I got pregnant I thought that maybe I would just find out the sex and keep it a secret from everyone else. It seems like once everyone knows the gender, the excitement is gone. I now realize that it would be too hard as I would be shopping with my mom and want to buy something but would have to wait so I wouldnt reveal the sex.

My appt went well today. I could have gotten away with not having the pelvic exam today because they hadnt noted that I didnt have it yet. The nurse didnt have any of the stuff out so I mentioned it because I had already mentally prepared for it. I dont know why I work myself up about something so little but I just dont like the thought of it. That and I had one last pregnancy and a week later found out I miscarried so I was nervous about that.

The midwife did find the HB right away (I didnt ask what it was though. Now I am wishing that I would have.) The baby kicked the Doppler. I wish I could start to feel babies movements. I am so jealous of everyone that has already. The midwife told me it would probably be a few more weeks.

So according to my LMP I would be due Nov.23. My 9 week US gave me a due date of Nov 28. The doctors were going to stick with the 23rd though which I didnt think was right because my cycles are normally around 35 days. However today the midwife was feeling around and told me that my uterus is really high for 17 weeks. It was at least an inch above my belly button. Now I wonder if I really am 17-18 weeks along and baby is just short like me (5'3") or if it is just my anatomy. The midwife seemed puzzled by it but said that my US in 2 weeks should give us a better idea.

13 more days until I find out the gender. :)

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Sorry it's a bit revealing! But this is my bump at 17 weeks!!
Great bump Sparkle!!! :)

Melissa, I was told my uterus is high at one point as well. I think it might be my anatomy as I'm barely 5'5", and you're short as well so that could be it. I also ov late so I never went by LMP, just by OPKs and my CBFM(and my dates corellated with my scan). If I went by LMP I would be a week ahead of where I am as well!

Glad your pelvic exam was okay. How far along were you when miscarried? I'm sure it had nothing to do with the exam but I hate them as well. I actually am starting to wonder if mine gave me a yeast infection! :growlmad: That would explain the extra discharge the past two days and I'm also starting to itch. I may just do a treatment anyways.
Sparkle your bump is great!

Allie- I was about 11 weeks when I miscarried. Yeah that might explain the extra discharge. I would treat it too.

While feeling my uterus, the midwife stated that it was really high. She then asked me if I had a dating scan (yes and I would be 16w3d). She then said "and there was only one in there?" Yes "Are you sure?" NO I am not a doctor you are. (ok so I didnt really say that but I wanted to) So now I have been thinking. What if there are two in there. I read that one twin can be hiding at 8 weeks. My husband has twins on both his mom and his dad's sides. It would be great to have twins but I hadn't even considered it and now all I can think is "What if there are two..."
WOW. Great bump Sparkle!

I had a pelvic exam (and some state mandated tests so that required insertion of the speculum) at 11 W but I am so glad it is over with! I couldn't deal with it again!

I am shorter than both of you 5' 2" and last nurse appt she said it was right above pubic bone but she didn't really "check" me or feel around on the tummy for it. But she did find the heart beat pretty low, I remember unbuttoning my pants for her to use the Doppler. I will ask the Dr. tomorrow exactly where my uterus is, may be she can 'feel' it and let me know for sure. When I tried to feel it myself, I felt something hard right underneath the belly button...and then nothing down below and then hard again right above the pubic bone..hmmm...

Melissa - THAT would be a surprise if there were two in there! OMG, I have no idea how I would react to that. But at my 12 W scan the first thing the tech said was "well, there is ONE baby"!

I am glad my appt. is first thing tomorrow. I cannot wait to hear LO's heartbeat!
Thanks for the compliments on the bump guys! Now we need to see more bump pics soon! Imagine when we hit around 25 weeks! Wierd!

Melissa it's so funny you should say that about twins. Twins run in my family and i just keep getting asked "Are you sure there's only one in there?!" Now i'm thinking the same as you....what if they missed one?? I was looking it up and there are some women that didn't find out til their 20 week scan, even after having been scanned at 12 weeks!! Can you imagine if that happened?? I think i would have a small heart attack!! 2!!! god i don't know where we'd put them both! We'd have to find space very quickly! :rofl:
I love all your pics but I can't bring myself to take one. I just feel fat. Although the midwife did say I was big for my dating. Most is bloat because it is not there in the morning and each hour I just get bigger and bigger. I just want a cute bump that says I'm pregnant and not just fat.
Desi- Yea for your appt tomorrow. Four weeks seems like so long between visits. It is so nice to hear the HB and know that there is still a baby in there.
Enjoy your appt today Desi!

Cute avatar pic, Melissa!

Who was it that mentioned headaches this week...Melissa? Weeell, I am going on my 5th day of an off and on headache! It goes away, comes back, goes away, etc. I have taken stuff for it a few times but I feel bad as I would be taking Tylenol every day this week. It seems to be worst in the morning and at night.

Yeah, I think I'm just going to do a yeast infection treatment just in case. It's kind of scary to think I got something after a pelvic exam?
Good news is that I am back from my appt. All went well. Bad news is that when I took a shower last night, I seem to have twisted something and I have a muscle spasm pretty bad. I am propped up with pillows and I am working from home today. sigh!

My appointment lasted all of 5 minutes. It took us longer to drive, wait, come back! Are your appts so short? One thing I found out is the doc asked me to take more Iron since I am primarily vegetarian. She also pointed the top of the uterus to me and it is right under my belly button like I suspected yesterday. I was surprised to hear that though, I didn't think it would come up so high already. She found the baby about 2 inches under the belly button. Heartbeat was 143. Mine has been slower than some of you ladies. May be my LO is always sleeping hehe. Isn't there a correlation theory on heart rate to gender?

Anyways, my gender appt is not until June 12. I was trying to see if they could schedule it the week prior but they said they only do it after week 20. I am probably the last of the lot to find out :(!

How is everyone doing this morning?

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