NOVEMBER Babies, write your day here! 29 BABIES BORN ALREADY!

Scarletvixen i know, they just moved it with no warning, and there's been practically no more people come along since it moved :( sad times lol. How are you anyway?

lesleyann Horray for baby clothes at a bargin!! As for involving the MIL with the wedding stuff, i suppose it depend's on if you really want her help? Personally i'd just want to do it all myself (with OH of course) the last person i'd want getting involved is my own mum as she has a tendency to take over!! Even when i was younger living with her, just changing the furniture around in my room, she'd come along and take over!! Did my head in :wacko:
Well you see we dont have the best of relationships me and MIL so I thought maybe a small olive branch, the main thing I need off her is Oh's side of the family list as Oh always forgets people, and me and Oh have said if she starts pushing for certain things I will just say "Ooo Ill speak to Oh about that later then" then it can be left hanging and me and Oh could discuss if it is maybe a good idea just something we had not thought of or then say "Well we spoke about it and we dont like that" kinda of thing..

I mean she cant say anything about the colour scheme I already have my dress and she has seen it, it was brought when we was first planning to get married before kyle was on the way so thats set, Due to our own budget it will be a Reg office and hiring of a hall if shes not happy with that then she can stump up the extra cash?

So really I would be asking for a list of names and if she has any money saving idea's
Well you see we dont have the best of relationships me and MIL so I thought maybe a small olive branch, the main thing I need off her is Oh's side of the family list as Oh always forgets people, and me and Oh have said if she starts pushing for certain things I will just say "Ooo Ill speak to Oh about that later then" then it can be left hanging and me and Oh could discuss if it is maybe a good idea just something we had not thought of or then say "Well we spoke about it and we dont like that" kinda of thing..

I mean she cant say anything about the colour scheme I already have my dress and she has seen it, it was brought when we was first planning to get married before kyle was on the way so thats set, Due to our own budget it will be a Reg office and hiring of a hall if shes not happy with that then she can stump up the extra cash?

So really I would be asking for a list of names and if she has any money saving idea's

All of that sounds fab to me - OH and i don't have a great relationship with MIL either and this is kind of what we did, although she did offer to make our cake (which turned out to be a complete disaster that my best mate and i had to correct at 11:30pm the night before the wedding :growlmad:). Anyway she felt with lists and little suggestions that 'we'd think about' that she'd been a part of it and we got away without having to involve her much at all, it realy worked out. We also had a reg office and hired a hall and it was still the best day/night ever - everyone had a fab time and we came out of it with no debt, in fact a 'profit' from peoples generous and unexpected cash gifts in cards (which we asked people not to do!). good luck with it xox
Well you see we dont have the best of relationships me and MIL so I thought maybe a small olive branch, the main thing I need off her is Oh's side of the family list as Oh always forgets people, and me and Oh have said if she starts pushing for certain things I will just say "Ooo Ill speak to Oh about that later then" then it can be left hanging and me and Oh could discuss if it is maybe a good idea just something we had not thought of or then say "Well we spoke about it and we dont like that" kinda of thing..

I mean she cant say anything about the colour scheme I already have my dress and she has seen it, it was brought when we was first planning to get married before kyle was on the way so thats set, Due to our own budget it will be a Reg office and hiring of a hall if shes not happy with that then she can stump up the extra cash?

So really I would be asking for a list of names and if she has any money saving idea's

All of that sounds fab to me - OH and i don't have a great relationship with MIL either and this is kind of what we did, although she did offer to make our cake (which turned out to be a complete disaster that my best mate and i had to correct at 11:30pm the night before the wedding :growlmad:). Anyway she felt with lists and little suggestions that 'we'd think about' that she'd been a part of it and we got away without having to involve her much at all, it realy worked out. We also had a reg office and hired a hall and it was still the best day/night ever - everyone had a fab time and we came out of it with no debt, in fact a 'profit' from peoples generous and unexpected cash gifts in cards (which we asked people not to do!). good luck with it xox

Sorry she messed up your cake hun :hugs: We are planning on buying plain white iced cakes from like tesco and decorating our self and then putting on a cake stand as I dont have like £300 to blow on a cake.. but then its bits like if the inlaws did offer to help a bit it would be bits like that we would get done properly, We are not hiring someone to do photo's hoping enough family members have camera's and there will no doubt be some nice pictures
Sound's like you already have a good plan and just need to put it in motion!! I hope that you have fun with the planning and dont get too stressed out :flower:
Where have you kept your dress all this time?!!
Well you see we dont have the best of relationships me and MIL so I thought maybe a small olive branch, the main thing I need off her is Oh's side of the family list as Oh always forgets people, and me and Oh have said if she starts pushing for certain things I will just say "Ooo Ill speak to Oh about that later then" then it can be left hanging and me and Oh could discuss if it is maybe a good idea just something we had not thought of or then say "Well we spoke about it and we dont like that" kinda of thing..

I mean she cant say anything about the colour scheme I already have my dress and she has seen it, it was brought when we was first planning to get married before kyle was on the way so thats set, Due to our own budget it will be a Reg office and hiring of a hall if shes not happy with that then she can stump up the extra cash?

So really I would be asking for a list of names and if she has any money saving idea's

All of that sounds fab to me - OH and i don't have a great relationship with MIL either and this is kind of what we did, although she did offer to make our cake (which turned out to be a complete disaster that my best mate and i had to correct at 11:30pm the night before the wedding :growlmad:). Anyway she felt with lists and little suggestions that 'we'd think about' that she'd been a part of it and we got away without having to involve her much at all, it realy worked out. We also had a reg office and hired a hall and it was still the best day/night ever - everyone had a fab time and we came out of it with no debt, in fact a 'profit' from peoples generous and unexpected cash gifts in cards (which we asked people not to do!). good luck with it xox

Sorry she messed up your cake hun :hugs: We are planning on buying plain white iced cakes from like tesco and decorating our self and then putting on a cake stand as I dont have like £300 to blow on a cake.. but then its bits like if the inlaws did offer to help a bit it would be bits like that we would get done properly, We are not hiring someone to do photo's hoping enough family members have camera's and there will no doubt be some nice pictures

hey sorry to butt in i posted at the beginning and just been following along. wedding idea sound get we were on tight budget for ours and just seen you right about cake we got ours from M&S and it was £50 3 cakes one fruit on base and then other 2 were chocolate sponge all decorated we just added couple of bits. and everyone said how amazing it was also we didn't have photographer and got some amazing pics so i thought better than a professional would do tbh!! we also did the same with our MIL but she offered to do us a little get together after ceremony before the evening do for close friends family which was all we had at the ceremony think it was 40-50 in the end and i was lovely she decorated her house and got all food just like little nibbles and all the drink and it got her involved a little and got her part of it so we could do all the rest of it our selves. if you need any tips on getting cost down let me know we didn't spend much at all. i got like my bridesmaid dresses from monsoon and stuff like that but i worked there at the time and got 25% discount. we got married and the town hall then had evening do at a golf club where only paid for the food but my MIL and FIL put money towards that thankfully was so grateful for that. hope planning goes well we did ours in a week but we got married pretty quick after getting together but you don't need to spend loads to make it an amazing day x:hugs:
Sound's like you already have a good plan and just need to put it in motion!! I hope that you have fun with the planning and dont get too stressed out :flower:
Where have you kept your dress all this time?!!

Well it was kept at my grans house till she downsized in Jan been sat at the inlaws in their "office" ever since..

Well the plan is for before baby is born;
Paid for all the Reg office stuff (Will be done on the 27th Oct)
Deposit on Hall DONE
Deposit on Disco (Waiting for a call back)
Ring the Mobile Bar and comfirm times,drinks, corkage charge
Guest list 100% happy with
Invites waiting to be sent in Jan

After baby starting Jan to be done my May (Oh's and Kyles birthday in may)
Pay off rest of Hall (£280.80)
Pay off rest of Disco
Buy rings
Book and pay for hotel for 1night (honeymoon)
Get dress altered (Been Quoted £60-£80 without see'ing the dress)
Buy Flowers (Having Fake flowers £40 for me, baby and 4 button holes)
Buy Babys dress (Thinking £30 Max)
Buy Kyles suit ( Same as Above)
Buy Tie for oh to go with his suit and match colours ( What £10?)
Buy/Pay for Decorations for the hall
Start picking up bits of food that can be kept in the frezzer

Week before/of wedding;
Buy rest of food
Buy the freash button holes
Sort out the cake (Pick exactly where its coming from etc)
Get hair cut

I think thats everything :haha: But thats without looking at my list
Well you see we dont have the best of relationships me and MIL so I thought maybe a small olive branch, the main thing I need off her is Oh's side of the family list as Oh always forgets people, and me and Oh have said if she starts pushing for certain things I will just say "Ooo Ill speak to Oh about that later then" then it can be left hanging and me and Oh could discuss if it is maybe a good idea just something we had not thought of or then say "Well we spoke about it and we dont like that" kinda of thing..

I mean she cant say anything about the colour scheme I already have my dress and she has seen it, it was brought when we was first planning to get married before kyle was on the way so thats set, Due to our own budget it will be a Reg office and hiring of a hall if shes not happy with that then she can stump up the extra cash?

So really I would be asking for a list of names and if she has any money saving idea's

All of that sounds fab to me - OH and i don't have a great relationship with MIL either and this is kind of what we did, although she did offer to make our cake (which turned out to be a complete disaster that my best mate and i had to correct at 11:30pm the night before the wedding :growlmad:). Anyway she felt with lists and little suggestions that 'we'd think about' that she'd been a part of it and we got away without having to involve her much at all, it realy worked out. We also had a reg office and hired a hall and it was still the best day/night ever - everyone had a fab time and we came out of it with no debt, in fact a 'profit' from peoples generous and unexpected cash gifts in cards (which we asked people not to do!). good luck with it xox

Sorry she messed up your cake hun :hugs: We are planning on buying plain white iced cakes from like tesco and decorating our self and then putting on a cake stand as I dont have like £300 to blow on a cake.. but then its bits like if the inlaws did offer to help a bit it would be bits like that we would get done properly, We are not hiring someone to do photo's hoping enough family members have camera's and there will no doubt be some nice pictures

hey sorry to butt in i posted at the beginning and just been following along. wedding idea sound get we were on tight budget for ours and just seen you right about cake we got ours from M&S and it was £50 3 cakes one fruit on base and then other 2 were chocolate sponge all decorated we just added couple of bits. and everyone said how amazing it was also we didn't have photographer and got some amazing pics so i thought better than a professional would do tbh!! we also did the same with our MIL but she offered to do us a little get together after ceremony before the evening do for close friends family which was all we had at the ceremony think it was 40-50 in the end and i was lovely she decorated her house and got all food just like little nibbles and all the drink and it got her involved a little and got her part of it so we could do all the rest of it our selves. if you need any tips on getting cost down let me know we didn't spend much at all. i got like my bridesmaid dresses from monsoon and stuff like that but i worked there at the time and got 25% discount. we got married and the town hall then had evening do at a golf club where only paid for the food but my MIL and FIL put money towards that thankfully was so grateful for that. hope planning goes well we did ours in a week but we got married pretty quick after getting together but you don't need to spend loads to make it an amazing day x:hugs:

Any Tips or hints would be great hun so far we think we have it for around £2,000 but if it can come down even better! :thumbup:
that sounds great we spent that about too. erm i'll have think what we didn't and let you know was 4 years ago so hard to remember some stuff hehe. x
Wow, you have been a busy bunny!! My friend managed to have a 2k wedding a few years ago, but her parent's did chip in a photographer and a surprise limo to/from the reg office!! And she had 11 brides maids, plus me as MOH :wacko:
It's always good if you have family/friends with 'talents', that can help
When it come's to eventually getting married myself were gonna ask my OH step mum to make the cake (she's awesome!) his sister to do all the hair stuff (you guessed it, she's a hairdresser) and a friend of mine does scrap booking and has a room FULL of stuff, and said she'd make the invites for us :thumbup:
Wow, you have been a busy bunny!! My friend managed to have a 2k wedding a few years ago, but her parent's did chip in a photographer and a surprise limo to/from the reg office!! And she had 11 brides maids, plus me as MOH :wacko:
It's always good if you have family/friends with 'talents', that can help
When it come's to eventually getting married myself were gonna ask my OH step mum to make the cake (she's awesome!) his sister to do all the hair stuff (you guessed it, she's a hairdresser) and a friend of mine does scrap booking and has a room FULL of stuff, and said she'd make the invites for us :thumbup:

Oh yes helpful friends and family make all the difference!

My parents have both been chefs, flower arrangers and a few other little bits
My nan and mum are very crafty so doing our own invites however we will more than likely be using my nans disk of metoyou bear pictures and printing card invites
Uncle Tony is very good with pastrys and cake decorating
My cousons GF is a hair dresser so even if she wants paying its cheap anyway
My uncle collin does hobby photo's so hoping he will come and basicly be the photo man

A HUGE chunk of our budget is the rings mine alone (new engagement and wedding ring) is £425 :blush:
Wow, thats nearly 25% of your budget!! Must be very pretty :flower: What metal are you going for?
My engagement ring was white gold with black and white diamonds, but i lost it on the beach, only had it 6months :cry: and we've been engaged 2years this christmas!! Haven't been able to afford to replace it yet >.<
Here's a pic of what i lost, boo!!:cry:


  • 20261_229896281580_583686580_3757387_6920457_n.jpg
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aww thats lovely hun, Well I have an engagement ring but it dont fit anymore since having kyle.. Here is the set though with wedding band I want, White Gold$detail$

Here is my old ring$detail$
He dont care what his looks like just told me to not spend over £100 on his lol So it will be a plain, white gold band
Fair enough!! I didn't know you could get a men's one that cheap?! I brought my OH a titanium band (he decided he wanted an engagement ring, bless) for his birthday July jus gone and it cost me £60 including 2or3 years cover!|white+gold/occasion|wedding/recipient|him/

Mens white gold wedding rings ^ from £69.99 Womens also start at £69.99 but it quickly goes up if you dont want plain bands
The £199 polished satin one looks jus like my OH (obviously titanium though)
Bargin!! you gonna let him choose his own lol??
Well I picked mine, Im a fussy git haha! Ill prob just show him the page and go so which one???

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