NOVEMBER Babies, write your day here! 29 BABIES BORN ALREADY!

Oh, a new addition! It's been a while! Welcome :flower:

So you haven't made any 'solid' plan's for anyone to look after your son?
Oh, a new addition! It's been a while! Welcome :flower:

So you haven't made any 'solid' plan's for anyone to look after your son?

Nope I guess we will go with the flow, I wrote my last birth plan in labour so it seems to work well for us lol
Fair enough, suppose it's a bit easier wanting a home birth. I want to be in hospital though, and am just trying to come up with a plan of action for who will be lookin after my boy. Might have to get a few people to agree as alot of people we know work funny pub shifts, and my OH wont ask his parents unless there a last resort. He never likes asking them for any favours, im sure they wouldn't mind, but there his parent's and i respect his wishes
My my next door who is also a close friend does not mind what time I knock on her door if I need her, even if its purely to watch Kyle till someone turns up, he loves her and she loves the "toddler therapy" as she calls it when she gets in from work (secondary school teacher) lol My gran lives 10mins up the road, Nan is about 15mins, Oh's parents 20mins(40 if MIL is driving).. The New hospital is also in westwood and I have family there so can always get oh to drop him off at family on his way to the hospital..

My homebirth is not a 100% go ahead yet got to have my homebirth home review lol so it may all change
Welcome BeckyBoo! I see in your siggy that baby is a surprise ^.^ Any feeling on what your baby may be?

At least you have alot of family around you! We've got my OH sister (who has 2children) 10min walk from our's, and his other sister is a 10min drive away, a few friends close by, but my real close friends and my mum are back in pompey. In a way, i just wanna be induced again so i have a set time and date to make arrangements for -sigh- i dont like 'not knowing' >.<
Welcome to all the new ladies! :flower:

I'm slowly but surely getting more uncomfortable :haha:
Well You all know I said before I was keeping myself busy and not thinking about labour etc because Roxy was having pups? Well the pups are now 5weeks old so will be leaving in 3weeks sooo Im now planning mine and Oh's wedding for next june! lol
:lol: good luck with that but i guess it's good to keep your mind off of labor until you actually have to think about it ;)
Yay for wedding!! :wedding: Im all about the cake!! There's a lil bakery in town that does the BEST EVER toffee sponge cake in the entire universe!! And i've already requested to my OH that when we do eventually have the money to get married, i want one of the tier's to be that cake!! And i want it all for myself!! Get skinny skinny skinny for the day, and whack it all back on with some cake!! What more could a girl want?!! :cake: It's damn fine cake -dribbles-
Congrats on the wedding plans lesleyann! :hugs: I got married July 2010, best day ever!

Welcome to the new people :hi:

I have a scan today, resceduled from the 28th Sept to 6:10pm tonight, bit weird having it so late especially as we don't drive so it'll be four pretty long bus journeys in total there and back BUT at least we got to seel little man, check his belly circumference/weight 'cos of the GD and see if he's turned from breech/transverse yet. I think he has tbh, i feel a lot in the sides and upwards now whereas it was all to the sides and below before. We shall see.

What's everyone else up to today? OH has the day off so we're taking DS to school, chilling for the day (i'll probably be sleeping as Sully had me awake at 5 to watch the sun rise as he was moving so vigarously i couldn't get back to sleep!), picking DS up from school, then hopping off for the scan :thumbup:
4 bus ride's!! That's a long way to hospital! What are you doing when it comes to the main event?
Hope your scan goes as well as can be, and that you get some well deserved shut eye this afternoon!!

Im currently avoiding getting ready to go to the shops for a few bits for dinner and have to pay the council tax, but it's raining, and i have no energy right now >.<
Work tonight, can't wait for my last shift next thursday, can't come soon enough!! ^.^
Well Kyle has his first day at pre-school today (well half a day) So I got to do some much needed house work lol His going for 1 an half days a week £27 a week and they dont go during half terms etc But he needs it as he used to go nursery while I was at college and I reckon he was getting bored at home. Gives me time to sort out the house/baby things/wedding things without him jumping all over me lol We did stop at the sweetie shop on the way home they even sell penny sweets!!!

Going to view some baby clothes later aparently the lady has all but one age group from birth -1year and loads of blankets and beding for £75 so worth a look.
2rockinboys - On the big day... Eek. i'm trying not to panic that we're quite far form the hospital lol I'm hoping my dad will be around to take us by car (which breaks it down to only 40mins journey) if he can't leave work then we'll probably have to risk a cab, midwife also said call an ambulance. My first labour was only just shy of 5 hours start to finish, it would have been a lot quicker too if they had checked me earlier as i was 10cms and ready to push before i even got into the hospital! (this was in Hastings though, not London where i am now) I'm pretty freaked out about popping in the car/cab/ambulance or even at home due to the complications i have, BUT the first sign of any kind of labour i'm packing my bags and heading in someway, somehow! Boo to the council tax and rain - its gloomy here but no rain as yet. What do you do for work? x

lesleyann - Aw yay for Kyles first half day at nursery. I agree that it really helps them have something else in their life, my lo was getting increasingly frustrated and bored at home before nursery started. After even just the half days he was so much more content. Good luck with the baby clothes etc, sounds like a good bargain could be had! x
Horray for good old penny sweeties!! Did you have any luck with the baby clothes?? ^.^

I work in a wetherspoon (im a kitchen team leader) eventually wanna push myself up the ranking, but it's not something im gonna focus on untill both my boy's are in school. I've done pub work since i was 18, and when i went for this job i thought it best to go for the kitchen as bar finishes alot later, though half the time we get out just as late, it's depressing! I didn't finish untill after 1this morn cause it was so busy last night and only 2of us on a close (decent size kitchen too, and the other guy's only been with us 3weeks) but hey ho, workin tonight then i've got 2days off, and i feel like i need them now >.<
Sound's scary bein that far away from hospital!! Think i'd opt for an ambulance as they can belt it there, and it wont cost like a taxi!! Plus if your water's break in a taxi, they might charge extra! On the plus side should be a nice short labour! My friends first was 4hours, second was 2hours and third was 5hours (random how it went back up, but still short) Im just mentally preparing myself for another 3day labour with all the fuss and fun that went with it!! If i can manage a water birth, i'll be happy! :flower:
Yeah we got the baby clothes now I dont need to worry for a while after shes born..

Well the Inlaws dont know about the wedding yet ops lol But we think it might be a nice Idea if I tell them via asking MIL for a list of important people to invite and if she has any idea's on keeping costs low since I dont tend to invole her in much? What you ladys think?

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