NOVEMBER Babies, write your day here! 29 BABIES BORN ALREADY!

Ooooh the rings are all so pretty, that set is gorgeous lesleyann! 2rockinboys how sad to lose your beautiful ring! :cry: So sorry!

While we're showing pics, i thought i'd show you some of my wedding stuff and how we made savings.

I made the buttonholes which is the first piccy, bought some artificial 'babies breath' flowers in pink and wrapped them up in tissue paper and ribbon for the main wedding party to wear. This cost about £10 for everything and i made 12.

The cake is after we rescued it as best we could! I'd been collecting ribbon and material ever since i decided on the midnight blue/hot pink theme so i just put some bits together to make it look prettier and hide the gashes/dents etc. The little people on top i made too, miniatures of me and hubs out of kiddies playdoh! They cost me £2 and a few afternoons worth of crafting.

The dress i bought from a 'designer' charity shop in Deptford. It originally came from Debenhams Debut range at £110 but i bought it for £13!! I bought black embroidered butterflies and smaller blue netting butterflies which i sewed to the skirt of the dress, i turned the top into a corset style front and lastly added lace cap sleeves. The total for the dress was an extra £40 odd on top so the whole thing was just over £50 :D

Lastly, our rings. My engagement ring is white gold with a pink amethyst and my wedding ring is a half eternity white gold/diamond. Hubbies wedding ring is made of hematite.

Oooh and our photographer was a lovely girl called Stormy who i found on Gumtree! I posted an ad saying we had no money for a photogrspher but would love to welcome someone who was training to practice in return for some pics on a dvd. She replied with a portfolio and asked for travel expenses (a travel card as she lived in London!) We met up beforehand and ended up getting on so well, turns out she was an established photographer that had just moved to the UK from the US and wanted to build up her wedding portfolio. We ended upgiving her £100 as we had money left over and she did an amazing job! We got loads of other genuine replies though as well as Stormy, all wanting to boost their portfolios with our wedding for free or just travel expenses!


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Ooo they are lovely pics hun, you did really well on your budget.. Im lucky my dress dont count as it was brought out of the old budget! (£1,500) eek.. Also My shoes and veil we already have..
Thanks hun! Oh lovely that you have your veil and shoes too, i bet you'll look gorgeous on your big day :hugs:

Just popping on today to share a little something i made!

Teehee! I've opened up a graphics place on the siggy/request forum, i've found playing about with graphics and stuff again has helped the drag of third tri. I used to do it a good while ago before work and babies, rediscovered my love for it! Feel free to request anything made if you fancy it and feel free to steal this little one too, just replace the ? in the link below with ] and it should work.[/IMG?
Wow, that's amazing!! Your dress is so beautiful!! Your obviously quite arty crafty to of done all the extra bit's and bob's yourself?! I love to contrast of the colours you had too, look's so lush together!! Im also gonna put one of those banner's on the first post, it's so cute ^.^ Dont think my siggy can take anymore coding lol

Leslyann when is the big day?? June the??
Big day is June 23rd!! Just brought the cake stand off Ebay 4 tier stand for £29 had budget of £40 for the stand so thats a saving again and I was looking at 3tier ones before..

This is the one we have brought, my mums won it am going to remove the flowers

This is my dress (well a picture of it I have found on google) Its a Rosetta Nicolini
Awwww, that's beautiful!! X2!!
Good bargin on the cake stand, and the dress is amazing!! Your gonna be done with your check list very soon ^.^
Hello ladies

I am due nov 4th and we have been told were having a boy, very excited!! Congratulations to everyone here!!
Just wondering if anyone is hoping to come early or late, things to do with date? I would love to come at the end of October, my lo is Nov 23rd, with it being so close to Christmas, would make it easier if their birthdays were different pay packets, if that makes sense. Also like the idea of the having different months, I know it doesn't really matter, but in a perfect world, lol, anyone else or am I crazy?
Just wondering if anyone is hoping to come early or late, things to do with date? I would love to come at the end of October, my lo is Nov 23rd, with it being so close to Christmas, would make it easier if their birthdays were different pay packets, if that makes sense. Also like the idea of the having different months, I know it doesn't really matter, but in a perfect world, lol, anyone else or am I crazy?

Welcome to our little corner of BnB! And i totally understand hun! Of course i'm not bothered as long as he's healthy but i would totally love to have him at the end of Oct, preferably 31st as i'm a halloween freak!! :happydance: We have no birthdays in Oct in our family, Mine is Sept 29th (i turn 30 in 5 days, eek!), hubby is Nov 24th and our eldest son is 21st Dec, so an October baby would be fab!
Just wondering if anyone is hoping to come early or late, things to do with date? I would love to come at the end of October, my lo is Nov 23rd, with it being so close to Christmas, would make it easier if their birthdays were different pay packets, if that makes sense. Also like the idea of the having different months, I know it doesn't really matter, but in a perfect world, lol, anyone else or am I crazy?

Welcome to our little corner of BnB! And i totally understand hun! Of course i'm not bothered as long as he's healthy but i would totally love to have him at the end of Oct, preferably 31st as i'm a halloween freak!! :happydance: We have no birthdays in Oct in our family, Mine is Sept 29th (i turn 30 in 5 days, eek!), hubby is Nov 24th and our eldest son is 21st Dec, so an October baby would be fab!

Welcome and congrat's!! Do you have any name's in the pipeline for baby boy??

Your gonna think im crazy but please, let me explain!! I don't like even number's, and due date 05/11/11 suit's me just fine and dandy!! My 2year old was due July 24th (2009) (day before my birthday ^.^ ) but was 12 day's late, and when the clock ticked over from July to August i was really upset because it's an even number >.< Didn't turn out too bad though, as i think of his birthdate as bad counting, 5/8/9 lol So im hoping -fingers crossed- that this one isn't early enough to be October, and i don't mind if he's late because they won't let me go long enough to get into December :happydance: This will be the first November birthday in our family + extended family Im lookin forward to havin a little Scorpio Rabbit ^.^ Im a Leo Rabbit, my OH is a Crab Rat :haha: and our son is a Leo Ox/Cow (depending on which Chinese horoscope you go by :wacko:)
Hey ladies just wondering if i could get some advice here rather than posting in the main 3rd tri and wasting space.

TMI: I went into hospital at about 27 weeks for an overnight stay as i woke up on a Sunday morning, went to pee and had quite a bit of bright red blood with small clots. It took about 7 or 8 wipes of tissue to get rid of and then the tissue was just stained red/pink each time i went to the loo afterwards. I called L&D and they told me to come in asap and get checked. I did, they found out it was coming from the cervix but had no reason for it as it was up high and closed, baby was fine too. They kept me in for 24 hours to make sure it didn't start again - of course i'm grateful for the excellent level of care but with an 8 year old it's not something i'd like to repeat again having to sort out emegency care for him etc so hub could stay with me... plus we dont' have a car and live about an hour if not more bus journey from hospital to house! (2 bus changes).

Anyway that was then and there was no reason for the bleed. This evening i had a slight sharp pain in my left side down low (it felt like i'd laughed a bit too hard and slightly pulled a muscle?) anyway it didn't hurt but 10mins later i went for a pee and noticed blood in my knickers. Not a lot, about 3cm long 'splodge' but it was bright red and was there when i wiped too. It only took one wipe to get rid of the bright red and since then it's been just slightly pink/orange cm when i go to the loo. Had no pains in particular apart from a it of lower backache, baby is still moving great, no loss of fluid, no clots and no active blood coming out etc - do you think i should call L&D? Of course baby is most important but i'd hate to be taken in for another 24 hours for nothing again, let alone having to try and get there and hubby get back at this time of night!

I was thinking about resting up and monitoring myself until tomorrow morning to see how things go. If i'm still letting a bit of blood go or the cm is still tinged then calling L&D? What do you guys think? xox
I've been at work all day and jus finished watching a film, wish i'd been able to reply sooner though!! How has your day been Jubbly?? Hope everything is ok with you and baby <3
I've been at work all day and jus finished watching a film, wish i'd been able to reply sooner though!! How has your day been Jubbly?? Hope everything is ok with you and baby <3

Hey hunni, thanks for the reply :hugs: I think things are ok - last night we snuggled up on the sofa and watched Insidious (eeeep!) and when i went to the loo after there was no blood at all. No pains or anything either so we just went to bed. Today again i've been fine apart from a few bouts of lower backache and whilst cooking dinner some horrible sharp pains near cervix which felt exactly like when LO was breech and was kicking my cervix. I'm going to see my gd specialist team tomorrow anyway so will speak to my midwife and see what she says - bubs is still moving loads and seems happy.

What film did you watch? :flower:
I need to catch up in here again... Glad your better hun, how was Insidious?

Oh has just gone to work so im here with my match sticks holding my eyes open watching kyle and pups lol pups start to go next thursday though!! Got the midwife this Friday just the norm check up.. Going to the market tomorrow with my gran to look at more wedding bits and bobs lol
Im glad that your ok Jubbly, you'll have to let us know how your appointment goes! :flower: Oooohh, i wanna watch that!! Is it any good? We watched the imaginarium of dr ponassus, which was really random, and annoyingly had the stupid ginger bird from the old rimmel adverts in it -in a whinny voice- "get the london look" -stab stab stab!- but we enjoyed it!!
Also brought the newest pirates of the carribean the other week, and that was really good!! Best of the lot so far, but probably because there was no kiera knightly to ruin it (i really really dislike her as an actress, mostly because she talk's through her teeth :growlmad: )
Got the midwife at 3:20 today, woo woo!! Hopefully she'll be able to tell me how he's laying as i can't make out where his head/bum is >.<
Pup's start goin that soon?!! Bet you'll miss them <3 How much more do you have on your wedding to do list before little lady arrives?
Will miss then but be glad when my house is back to a type of normal again lol got all their paperwork though today.

Erm well all the decorations are now brought, mens Ties are now brought.. Oh should be ringing about the disco today.. Going to look at suits for Kyle tomorrow and babies dress
Ooh exciting about all the wedding bits! I loved looking round and picking stuff up, starts to feel so real and exciting!

Insidious was good actually - it was pretty cheesy in sections and not as scary as i'd hoped (i am a HUGE horror buff) but it had some pretty dodgy moments too! It uses a lot of Hitchcock influences with colour and the use of silence to create massive tension which is always ace! Worth a watch deffo but wait til it comes down in price. We bought it for £9 in Sainsbury and are trading it in with CEX for £8 in store credit on the weekend, not bad :)

I hate kiera knightly too - the teeth thing, urgh!!

Good luck with both of your appointments too ladies :thumbup:

Lastly, my appointment was a bit crap today. Bleed was fine, consultant said it was probably just a bit of my placenta flaking away at the edge, nothing to worry about BUT... i've now been put on drugs for my diabetes. Thankfully not insulin injections but Metformin, the pill form. Turns out i had +4 ketones in my urine(same as last week) along with protein and i've lost 9lbs in a week and a bit!! :wacko: it all means to keep my blood sugar levels normal my body has been going into starvation mode and breaking down. Baby is fine but if i carried on this way i definitely wouldn't be, so they've started the meds :(

Also 'cos of this, i'm now definitely an October baby as they're inducing me within 4 weeks - argh! Still prefer it in here with you lovely ladies though so i'll hang around if it's ok? :happydance: urgh my head is all over the place!
How long do you guesstimate it'll be before all puppies are gone, or have you already found owner's for them all and it's a case of them being picked up?
In the paperwork, did you get to name them?? A friend of ours has a german shepard called diesel, but his (is it breeding name?? Can't remember) name on paperwork is Midnight Titan!! How cool is that!!
You'll be done in no time with your wedding prep, have you anything in the pipeline to keep you occupied untill LO arrives??

It's a shame there having to induce you for said reason's, but at least you'll be getting the October baby you wanted!! :thumbup: Keep us informed on induction dates and whatnot!! Im glad that you and baby are ok with the worry you were having yesterday, though i feel like today has been a day of 'lets give out crap for free' in your having to take pill's, plus my midwife appointment :(
When she tested my pee she said there was trace protine, so it's been sent off and i've gotta ring for results at the end of the week, which is naff as i wont be able to get my test results untill after 2pm and im gonna be on a train on my way to portsmouth to visit my friends and my mum (which im already dreading after the conversation i had with her yesterday, my mum does my head in!)
The midwife wanted me to make an appointment to see her this comming monday as she worried about the lack of growth when she measured my bump, though im not coming back from portsmouth untill tuesday, which is bloody typical, the ONE weekend i'll be away and i should really be here!! So i've been booked into another clinic for next thursday to check my growth as she doesnt want to wait 2weeks. So im kinda really worried about it, especially as she kept asking me if i was feeling plenty of movements, and if i was eating right?!! Then she kept feeling my tummy over and over, im pretty sure that SHE's not even sure how he's laying at the moment the way she kept doin it, and im really freaked out, which is new as im usually pretty relaxed and easy going with pretty much everything you throw at me!! She also said that i need to get lot's of rest and relaxation as having an active job and active 2year old probably isn't helping?!! WTF?? Am i jus supposed to push him into daycare or something (not that i can afford it!) Im finishing work on thursday anyway, though they covered my shift for tonight and tomorrow because i told them i couldn't cope with going in tonight, so thursday is my only shift left now! It's so crap, i just wish there was something more i could do, take a pill, eat certain thing's, i dunno, anything more than having to sit on my arse and get fat :cry: All in all not a good start to my week, and it's going to slightly ruin my time in portsmouth :growlmad:

On a positive note, im glad im not the only one that find's keira knightly and her unsightly teeth annoying!:thumbup::thumbup:
Most of the pups have homes but we had alot of people waiting for boys and we only had 2. They start leaving on the 6th. We picked however most are taken? so we told KC (one example here) As long as it has Izzy on it because thats what the new owner will be calling her to KC Named her Izzy Wizzy Let's Get Busy.. We also have Snickers the Sherif.. Pumpkins painting the town.. etc lol

Well not going to the market tomorrow now my grans ill was at the docs today aparently..

Well another thing to add to the list, we rang up about viewing a new house to rent tonight the agent does not get the keys for another 24/48hours and will be ringing us back as soon as they have them to take us to view it, As we are in a 2bed and need a 3bed, its 3mins up the road and only £30 a month more expensive but huge compared to where we are now.
LMAO i love some of the name's they get :thumbup: The Izzy one is awesome!!
I hope your nan's ok, nothing serious??
And 3mins away with only a £30 increase, how can you go wrong?!! Make sure to tell us how the viewing goes!! Hopefully it'll be full steam ahead!! Would you be moving before LO arrives?

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