NOVEMBER Babies, write your day here! 29 BABIES BORN ALREADY!

Ahhh, that's probably why we can't use it then!! Im assuming the fridge was turned off when he tried to de-ice the thing as he didn't mention anything about leaky gas!! Im just glad that he's managed to get a new one!! It's a bit of a pain in the backside not having anything fridge related in the house though, and were having to buy a single pint of milk for Auron from the shop just before his bed time, and throw away what's left in it (the thought of freezing milk has never sat well with me :sick:) At least it'll be here tomorrow though!!

Have you chased up on the cot bed, mattress status?? doesn't seem right that you've been waiting that long for it?! Did you get your maternity bits from boot's?? They should still have the 3for 2 on baby products!!? I got 4packs of maternity pads, nipple shields and breast pads in there for about £8-9 ish?? Also got money off for being part of the boots parenting club :thumbup:

I hated it when my fridge freezer went on the blink was running around to next door to store stuff in hers :haha:

Its the mill going in and paying (grandads given mil the money) have rang her and she still had not even got to the shop when we rang!! Nope not boots I went into mothercare their breastpads and mat pads (£4.99 for 24? with wingsss) where the best last time so I have got them again, also picked up a Big brother T-shirt for kyle.
OMG that's outrageous!! 5 quid for 24 pads!! £1.10 for 10 (i prefer maternity pads without wings cause i found them to be like super glue lmao, not pleasant to try and get off pants!) and with the 3for 2 it would be £2.20 for 30 pads in boots. I didn't try any other's last time, but they were just fine for me anyway. It's all personal preference i know, i just can't believe mothercare charge so much for something to bleed onto :wacko:
Awwww, i havent seen any big brother top's anywhere!! Managed to get 2 little brother tops in ASDA though :thumbup: Have you gotten any little sister things?
Got loads of little sister things lol Vests, sleepsuits, bib, t-shirt :haha:

This is like the T-shit I got for Kyle, cannot find the exact one I got but it was £6

Oh yes veryexpensive for what they are but I found them great never leaked, never had to double up or anything :thumbup:
Awww that's sweet <3 I totally would get Auron one, but after showing my OH the little brother top's, I don't think i'll bother lol. His reaction was "Oh god, really..." as he put's it, why state the obvious, but there nice top's and i'll be dressing Ely most of the time anyway when he's back at work :happydance: can be a miserable sod sometimes lol.
How are you feeling about your home birth assessment?? Confident?? Only a few week's!!
only thing im worried about is measuring my livingroom to see if I can fit the birthpool in a want lol.. They have no good reason to deny me a home birth.. All my tests have come back fine my house is not derilict(sp?) lol only thing they may try to argue about will be my dogs but they will be put in the crate when the time comes so safely locked away..

4 of the 9 pups are leaving by sunday, 1 we are keeping, 1 is staying an extra few weeks have 3 to find homes for.. At the vets tonight for all the jabs and microchips will be fun with 10 GSD's lol since roxy needs her boosters.. Infact I just got a letter today off my old vets saying its around that time of year again blah blah blah they where crap vets!
Ohh wedding ring cushion has just turned up!! not much left to do for the wedding now most of it is just paying off remaining balences on big things.. 27th we are at the Reg office to do the notice and pay off all of that, kyles suit has been brought, babys dress and shoes have been brought
Check you out, little miss organised lol. Im glad everything is going according to plan, and i hope you manage to find homes for the remaining puppies soon!! Maybe put up a notice in one of these forums to see if anyone in your area is interested??

Have you tested out the birthing pool yet? Bet it'll take ages to fill up :wacko:
not even brought it yet lol want to make sure everything is 100% ok will order it just before 37weeks providing it will fit lol

Haha yeah very organised, Well I did say I wanted everything done before baby arrives, and want everything paid off by the start of May (Oh's and kyles birthdays in May)

My to do list thats left...

Pay Reg Office Fee's (27th October)
Pay remaining on hall
Pay remaining on disco
Buy Cake
Buy Button holes
Buy paper plates
Buy Kyles suit shirt
Buy Kyles shoes
Get my dress altered
Buy Dress Hopp
Buy Rings
Book and pay for Hotel
Pay remaining on photo man
Buy Food
Buy evening dress (thinking I may change but not 100% confirmed yet lol)

Oh and then there is bits liek get my hair cut lol

me and bridesmaid going to go get our nails done the day before and go to Appy feet as my Hen do basicly lol
What's Appy Feet??

Appy feet is a place you go to and little fishys eat all the dead/hard skin off your feet :haha: It looks/sounds really cool and I want to try it our store has not long opened and everytime I walk past I want to go in :haha:
Oh yeah, we've got those around here too, they've got a full body one, can't think what the name of the shop is now though :wacko: Not my cup of tea, but i hope that you enjoy it all the same :flower:
ooooh I had that done in tenneriffe, very tickly and your feet feel soooooo nice after!!
My boss had it done and said it made her feet feel like baby feet lol. Im still not keen on the idea myself\\:D/
Took the moses basket out the bag today and put a cotbed sheet on the mattress which we got today

Midwife again on Friday, had a pretty boring weekend Tbh, Oh worked half of saturday, half of today we was "locked" in our street due to a half marathon shutting the roads lol
COCK IT!! We've been to my OH's parent's for dinner today and forgot to ask about borrowing the moses basket AGAIN! Aaahhhhhhhhhh >.<

Look's beautiful! She's gonna fill that up nicely :flower:
When are you finishing work?
lesleyann what a gorgeous moses basket!!

What has everyone been up to? I've missed a lot! :dohh:

Not much going on here, just really prepping as we only have a maximum of 2 weeks to go now (shiiiit!). Saw the baby last Monday in a surprise scan with my GD consultant - he's looking great, we're seeing him tomorrow again too in our official last growth scan.

I then saw the anesthetist on Wednesday who was fab. She checked my back was ok for epi/spinal as i have more of a risk with the high bp, induction and diabetes of having complications. I also spoke to her about my fear of tearing again (i had 2nd degree tearing with my first, 38 internal and external stitches) and she said i need to get checked for scar tissue etc as my treatment with ds1 all those years ago was horrendous - all those stitches and never checked, left for hours etc I don't really know why i never mentioned this to the midwives, i guess it just didn't cross my mind until now. She said It may be that with all of these things going on that they could decide just to section me anyway, especially if he's still not showing any signs of being engaged tomorrow (head down, but 'free floating' last week apaprently).

Aaah lots of things to think about - but either way we should have Sully in our arms in the next 2 weeks!! :happydance:
I dont work so im finished! lol slowly trying to get the house sorted for babys arrival/christmas and selling the last 3 pups...

Ontop of my wardrobe is loads of wrapped up christmas pressents now!

MIL is washing and ironing all the clothes..

Just read on the sun that we should expect temps to hit around -20 Degrees cel!! So will be stocking up on food and nappies aswell! Last year was bad enough Oh would spin his car out getting out our street, once we are out of our street its fine but getting out with the ice and snow is a nightmare!!

Glad your back is OK for an epi or spinal should you need one! Hope your scars are not to bad hun!!

Week after next is my homebirth home visit assesment!! Still need to measure up for a birthpool lol
boo for such cold weather!! I am feeling pretty crappy today, think I have a UTI. Past 3 weeks have had everything in my pee and after a course of antibiotics still there and now my pee is burning and I feel like poop, so off to the doctors for me tomorrow, but I have to take antibiotics as a precaution anyway for my kidney problem and think I may have close to the end....damn!!
jubbly Ah your still around!! I had begun to wonder if you'd had too much birthday fun and was passed out under the cake table or something to that extent :haha: Did you enjoy your birthday weekend?
2week guarantee, slightly scary? Have you got everything ready set go in the labour bag??

lesley -20!! Damn, that's some cold weather! Bet the gas company must love your area in winter £££!! Are you having any luck with selling the remaining puppies?
I can't believe you've already got wrapped up crimbo prezzies on top of your wardrobe!! I've only got a few stocking fillers for Auron so far! Went into the card factory yesterday (to get my friend a get well soon card as she's just had an op to remove a cyst the size of a tennis ball inside one of her ovaries) and saw all the crimbo wrapping paper, tag's and ribbon ect, almost started to freak out in the shop! Im usually quite good at stocking up early, but i've been so out of it this year :wacko:

MrsLQ You poor thing, it's all coming down on you now! Hope to hear some good news from the dr's, or at least get you fit and well as soon as possible!

I've got a stinking cold :cry: Sore throte, dry cough, runny nose which is becoming sore from all the tissues, head feel's like it's full of cotton wool, the work's! Auron seemed to be coming down with it last week, but has managed to skim the surface and is now fine and dandy, which im thankful for!
Watched a film the other night called RED, anyone else seen it? Was very very good! Bruce Willis is a legend! :thumbup:

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