NOVEMBER Babies, write your day here! 29 BABIES BORN ALREADY!

Taken from my journal...

Ok Ladies

So I went to the docs and my wee still has EVERYTHING in it. They have sent my wee off again (3rd time in a week) and they took some bloods to check my protein levels and something to do with my kidneys and have to take back a fmu sample tomorrow as they want to do another check on my kidney. They have started me on a really strong antibiotic 4 times a day...meh. They said my blood pressure was a little high, but nothing to worry about, but they want me to call my MW and tell her to see what she wants to do???? This confused me, surely would be the doctors call???? Anyway my midwife is on annual leave and am waiting for some other MW to call me back, but might not be till tomorrow? Its got me a bit worried, am I being silly???

Not so worried now, just think its a pain in the butt I have this stupid infection, but never mind!
I hope the MW get's back to you soon!! It's horrible when you have the worry niggling in the back of your mind! Keep us updated when you hear from her, and i hope you feel better with the antibiotics soon :flower:
Well I hadn't I had to call up again this morning, but got a really nice receptionist, so am waiting for someone to call me for a home visit to check my BP. But more worryingly than my BP my washing machine has been broken for 5 days and they can't get anyone out till Wednesday....tis pants!!
Oh no!! Your number 3! My fridge died after my OH tried to defrost the icebox, and made a hole in the gas pipe :dohh: so we had a new one delivered last thursday. Then someone else had trouble with there washing machine over the weekend, and now you too!! I wondered who'd be the 3rd lol. That is pant's though!! I hope your baby doesn't make an appearance before it's fixed!
How very rude of the MW not to get back to you! I'd complain, especially if it does turn out to be serious! Hope all is well though :flower:
Luckily I have washed all bubs stuff, so not majorly concerned about that, its more me, hubby and Oliver who have no clean underwear, lol
I did some handwashing instead, but will keep that in mind.

btw my Bp was fine, still stuff in my urine, but nothing to worry I am **FULLTERM** Yay!! So close!!!!
Had midwife yesterday, Baby was at the brim! Gave me some info to read on homebirth rules etc ready for her visit on the 27th... 8pm last night viewed another house, just got to wait for the landlord to get back to the agent about dogs.. But If they accept dogs we will be in before my due date eekk... Its £5 more a month than what we pay for a 3bed all double rooms, with seperate shower and bath and a down stairs toilet!!! haha just across the back from my mums house and about 5mins in the car from inlaws so good for help I guess.
MrsLQ Good good, im glad all has turned out good and well for bumpy!! Hurray for full term! :happydance: I'll be joining you on that one as of tomorrow :happydance:
Ahhhh, hand washing of course! Never even crossed my mind :haha:

Lesleyann Wow!! That was a fast turn out in the home front!! How scary though to be so close to having LO and possibly be having to pack up and move!! I hope that the landlord get's back to you ASAP, don't want the moving to bring on labour!! I can see it now "Where's the birthing pool?", "I packed it away", "Which box?", "Uhhhh........" :dohh:
well for 4weeks we would have both houses anyway so would be doing a slow move depending on how far along I am, things like clearing out this house of everything but 1weeks worth of food and clothes while setting up the new house, then use a week to clean this house, then a week to paint etc and then just a week empty...

Had some sore/painful BH's last night after DTD got be worried for a little while that we had brought on labour.. Since kyle was born within 24hours of a pretty good long go at it lol

Sod the birthpool in th enew house there would be enough room for a couple of midwifes in the bathroom so if needs must give birth in the bath extra easy to clean :thumbup:
Lol, i like that!! Must be a darn big bathroom! :thumbup:
I can't believe your still able to get naughty! I told my OH to stop pestering me the other night cause it's just NOT happening, im in too much pain to even try. He protested that he has need's too, and that it didn't have to be penetrative sexy time blah blah blah, so i bit back by saying that seeing as i was brewing him another child i'd of thought he'd be a bit more understanding and supportive of how im feeling and the pain and discomfort i am in on a 24/7 basis. Needless to say he didn't bother after that, but we'll see what happens tonight -sigh- Im bored of the sexual advances, especially as he say's every time that he's fed up of being rejected. 'Stop asking then', is what i say, but does he? No! Twat :dohh:
You'll know if im desperate to get this baby out if i do :haha:
haha oh yes going to be enough not being naughty once baby is born making the most of it now haha!!

Agents just rang back landlord is happy with dogs with a higher deposit, however he wants someone from the agents to come and meet my dogs (we all know what they mean is inspect my house but use dogs as an excuss).... So mad spree tonight to make sure everything looks as good as possible!!

Oh still needs to ring his car insurance company so see how much his insurance would go up by because if it goes up stupid its not worth the savings in rental cost
jubbly Ah your still around!! I had begun to wonder if you'd had too much birthday fun and was passed out under the cake table or something to that extent :haha: Did you enjoy your birthday weekend?
2week guarantee, slightly scary? Have you got everything ready set go in the labour bag??

Argh sorry for going missing again! I posted on 3rd tri yesterday cos i've been really stressed and worried. Had my 36 week growth scan on Tuesday cos of the GD and turns out Sully has less than half the amoint of fluid he's supposed to have in there - they rushed me to be monitored and put sully on the ctg to check his heart, on top of doing a painful internal to find the 'leak' but guess what...? NO LEAK. Sully is 6lbs 2oz and within perfect range for his size and all of his stats so it isn't a problem with him either. They can't explain it but it worries them. They took me off the Metformin medication asap and trained me in Insulin in case i need to start taking it, but they want me to be 'drug free' over this weekend just to be on the safe side.

I was monitored and on the ctg again today and going up again on Monday for more monitoring AND to get my induction/section date. They're trying to arrange an emergency scan sometime before Tuesday, if the fluid is still low they will probably take me in there and then, if it has miraculously replenished then they'll probably leave me til the following Tues 25th - either way in 10 days or less i should be snuggling with my bub! :hugs: Hope everyone is ok in here, sorry for being neglectful! xox
Wow, 10 days that is so close!!!

Just a shame you have to have all these complications to make it known, if that makes sense?
20 Days left to go! Almost in the teen's :happydance:

lesleyann, How did it all go? Are you being given the green light for your house upkeep with the possible new landlord??

Jubbly, How suckie with all the rushing and worrying all around!! As if it's not stressful enough without the dr's telling you their worried :wacko: You poor thing, but like you said, on a plus side 10 days or less until baby snuggles!! How exciting and scary all at the same time! Im guessing you have everything ready and rocking to go go go??
Well the manager came and had a look and was happy with the house, he is happy with the dog and pup, however the landlord had been told 2 dogs, so have to wait for a phone call tomorrow to find out if the landlord will accept 1 dog and 1 pup :dohh: But we should know by tomorrow night if we will be accepted providing we pass the credit check/refferences! Then its all move move move!!

Was at the pub last night lol Was one of Oh's friends and her oh's (his work mate) wedding party (they got married aboard) was there from 8pm till like midnight, had a cheeky glass of wine which took me 2 hours to drink was sip of wine, 5 sips of coke lol Oh had a good drink though and kyle was still wide awake partying!! oh and hitting on the women haha my little boy has started young!
:thumbup: go Kyle!! Have you taught him to say 'hello sexy' yet lol
Fingers crossed everything goes green!! :happydance: how pathetic, the pup will be a dog one day, bloody useless or what!

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