November Due Dates (cont)

Here's my bump from yesterday :)

So looking forward to seeing our little man in 3D next Saturday!!!! :) I can hardly wait!
Cute pic Jaz!!!

OH loves my body! He said he wouldn't mind if I kept some of the extra weight lol. He really is a great guy.

As far as it hurting, it hurts all the time sex or no sex. Ever since I got pregnant I feel internally bruised in that region. It hurts to walk, sit etc. I'm hoping that post baby it will all go back to normal and we can continue as an active couple. Otherwise I don't know how patient OH will be. :haha:

So I took a peek at my baby registry, woohoo!!! I now have 5 items purchased! My co-sleeper, bouncer, boppy, Avent breast-milk storage containers, and the travel changing station!

My mother slipped yesterday and let me know that OH mom bought a side-by-side sleeper that goes in the bed with you. Is it bad that it kind of pisses me off? She knows are bed is only a queen (so that sleeper thing will not work) and we have a dog so its not like we can set it on the sofa while were in the living room (not to mention the co-sleeper we choose goes from room to room) So the item that she purchased is useless. My mother even told her she was getting us the co-sleeper, but i guess she didn't care and bought the item anyways. Im afraid that when we get it OH will not let me return it out of fear of hurting her feeling, but it upsets me because there were so many things on our registry she could have got us that we needed. Not to mention its the same exact one she bought OH brother just a few months ago and they hate it! Here is a link the thing she bought, keep in mind we have a small bed and a dog so where in the world would I use this thing

I feel like a whiny brat saying this but my mother spent over $200 to get things we need for baby and OH mom spent more on decorations for the shower than she did our gift,as you can see the thing was $35. (she spent $40 on a diaper cake,the diapers are died pink so we can use them,and $50 on balloons.) Its really not about money, but we needed the things that were on our registry.My mother was going to throw the shower and keep it simple, the way I would like it instead of making it fancy (which is more to show off for her well off in-laws that she invited)
Lovely bumps ladies!! :)

We just attempted the park - only lasted 30 mins it is SO SO hot .. 25* - okay may not ne hot by your weather US/AUS Ladies, but for here it is just pure sunshine and no clouds etc. I felt so bad cause I didn't realise it was THAT hot, I forgot to put suncream on the boys and they were starting to go a bit red .... and Henry kept refusing to wear his hat :( I felt like such a bad mum dragging them away - especially when it was MY fault for forgetting to put suncream on them, but it was for their health :(
Awh oh so that was really nice of them!
As for nightmares there really is nothing worse! Hope u can get some peaceful sleep today!

Ok sorry for the tmi alert;

We dtd last night (first night in a week cause I've been so sick!) and firstly wow who ever said u start feeling preg from 28-30 weeks wasn't kidding! I was so self conscious over my body, just felt like bump was just always there and in the way and I just couldn't relax from worrying he felt disgusted by my bigger self! Now believe me I'm not small normally anyways (screw u implanon I will get back to my size 10 self!) so like I know he loves me fat/skinny/preg but wow I was really insecure!
I didn't say it to him last night cause I was happy I was feeling but better to even be close to him but I'll tell him tonight how bad I felt!

Is anyone else getting to the insecure/don't be revolted by my body stage?

Also I was killed with bh for the night after doing it! Now I'm well used to bh but these literally ached! Think baby then pushed to my right side and wedged round my hip bone cause I couldn't lie on it all night! Bh finally eased off although he's still in a weird position!

On the baby positioning, I am absolutely with you there. Last night he wedged a bit under my ribcage for the first time when I was trying to change positions in the bed. Ahh! My giant cute baby. :baby::haha:

On the insecurity, I have that most of the time, but it has been for a long while now. I think the pressure has really been off after I finally gave up on dtd with OH, he has no interest in going in there while we're pregnant, which made me feel crap for a long while, but when I finally stopped desiring it the whole insecure body feeling sorta stopped, too. Now I walk around the house naked, don't care. OH kisses the belly and tells me I'm pretty now. I'm no sex object, but for right now I'm really fine with that. :flower:

I can't imagine having sex right now. I know I'd be with the BH also. Don't know how you brave souls are doing it!
MommaB - that would piss me off too ... and it would irritate me having that in my bed with me :haha: OH should have a word with her saying you have a co-sleeper and could she return it and get something you will use. HE has to say it - wouldn't she rather something Morgan is actually going to use?!

Yay for whatwill, boooo for MommaB, hugs for EVERYONE!

I'm actually less self-conscious about being nekkid now than I was pre-preg... but you can bet that after the birth it'll go right back to how it was before, if not worse. Depends on the skin elasticity and weight gain/loss.

Oh, good point. I know that's going to happen to me to. I feel like there is so much pressure to look good right away after birth, but that it's so unlikely to be successful with it. I just know I'm not going to want to show OH my belly for months. :cry:
I think that's what irritates me the most is that we have no use for it and she already knew that my mother had purchased the co-sleeper. I know she is spending money to throw this shower but like I said my mother was going to do it and keep it simple, but then OH mom took over and went crazy. She wont even communicate with my mom to let her know what she needs to do.
MommaB--my MIL (mom in law) is also a peach. She refuses to get any actual baby gifts but has atleast decided to help fix our sprinkler system and is giving us her old gate (she's getting a new one outside) since our baby room window is exposed to the street. I appreciate those, but she's the only family in town and when asked if she would help take me to the hospital after my CS when the girls are in the NICU she did this passive aggressive thing letting me know what an inconvenience it is for her.

She lives with just her dog, and has no other responsibilities. She doesn't want to sacrifice her time to take me to see the girls or give them BFs, and we were hoping DH could wait to use paternity leave for once the girls come home. It's like I asked her to take me to the movies or shoe shopping every day just because I don't feel like driving (or I'm recouping from major surgery and dr orders not to drive for 2-4 weeks and actually want to be a good mother to her grandchildren).
MommaB--my MIL (mom in law) is also a peach. She refuses to get any actual baby gifts but has atleast decided to help fix our sprinkler system and is giving us her old gate (she's getting a new one outside) since our baby room window is exposed to the street. I appreciate those, but she's the only family in town and when asked if she would help take me to the hospital after my CS when the girls are in the NICU she did this passive aggressive thing letting me know what an inconvenience it is for her.

She lives with just her dog, and has no other responsibilities. She doesn't want to sacrifice her time to take me to see the girls or give them BFs, and we were hoping DH could wait to use paternity leave for once the girls come home. It's like I asked her to take me to the movies or shoe shopping every day just because I don't feel like driving (or I'm recouping from major surgery and dr orders not to drive for 2-4 weeks and actually want to be a good mother to her grandchildren).

You have got to be kidding me!!!! You would think she would jump at the chance to take you as it would give her a chance to see her grand daughters!! WOW!!!

Now I feel terrible for complaining about a lousy gift when it sounds like your MIL takes the cake on being inconsiderate.
Hahha. Sad part is this is an improvement on her behavior. We are pretty sure the sprinkler repair and gate are to ease her conscience because both DH and SIL are always talking about how my dad and SIL's in laws are such great and loving grandparents.

My dad is trying to arrange to be here after I'm released to help with transport. It wil cost him $1,000 easily for transport and lodging from TX and he can only stay 4-5 days. If we were in TX we would have all the support we need with my dad, sister, SIL, brother, aunt, and 5 cousins (and their kids who love to babysit).
That's so awesome of your father! He sounds like a great man!! It's a shame he can't stay for longer, but it does sound pricey for just the short time you will have together. Too bad the rest of your family can't take turns coming to you and helping out. I'm sure they would love too, just everything is so damn expensive now days.
MommaB, I think I'd be pretty upset with my MIL if she did that, too! After hearing yours and WTB's MIL stories I am so greatful for mine... she truly is an amazing woman and has helped so much. I definitely wont take that for granted!

Do you think your MIL will change once the babies are here, WTB?
Well, she's already attempting to be better so it is possible. She stopped drunk dialing us and accusing us of all variety of wrong doings so there is hope. I still have no intention of leaving her alone with the GBs but am okay with her being around as long as DH is too. Who knows if that will change; she isn't a good grandmother to our three nephews so I'm not holding my breath. They come visit only every 2-3 years and she acts inconvenienced by them being in her (huge and otherwise unoccupied) home.
:hugs: What is it with MIL... I know there are good ones out there, but they seem so hard to find!
I agree!! My sister is most likely going to be divorced, and the family really wants to keep in touch with her MIL because she is pretty much the bees knees!! Talk about jealousy on this end!!!
Charlie I'm forever doing that with DS! It never looks as warm as it is! Then we get caught off guard! I now have sun cream left in the car!

Oh_so tbh I dunno how u last without it! I can feel my sex drive dwindling but it would kill me if oh had no interest at all, even tho I could see why (baby etc)! Hell rub and kiss bump otherwise just avoids it when we r dtd lol!
I've had the loose skin and gotta say best thing bout being preg is the loose skin is filled out, but I can handle the skin better than the bump! I'm not as self conscious of the skin! Hate my red stretchies tho! They r ugly and torment me! I can deal with them when they r silver just hate the red ones!

Momma being honest I'd prob say it too! I've finally established the respect I deserve from my mil, she has a thing with like WTB making us all feel like we r an inconvenience but yet we run around after her. Since I've been preg I've stuck up for myself more and said what I need to say! I think we've had like 3 heated debates with stuff I wouldn't have had the nerve to say before! Oh and I work it that if I've a problem I need to say it, if he has a problem hell say it! That way were both responsible for our own feelings and neither of us is offended if the other says summat!
Great pic, Jaz... that's a severe bump ya got going there. lol!. Great pic also, Mrs. 326. Your bump is looking really sweet and nice outfit! haha!

Yay for the kitty coming back home!

And Oh_so, that's so awesome your OH's family is buying gifts for you! We've not shared our link yet, but we might as well, because people keep asking about our baby shower (none to be) and want to buy us gifts. I'm kind of scared they're going to start buying us clothes, or items we already have (or do not want), so the list would probably really help, hm. I hope you get the passports figured out so you can travel. One other question - do you plan to do the whole bilingual thing? We do, so I'm trying to find more people who plan to work on it since day 1.

As for self-consciousness, hm. I don't have any issues being naked, I'm actually sometimes amazed by the huge bump. But I've been feeling shitty about the weight gain, which I know is ridiculous (7.5 kilos in 30 weeks, really, that's just fine), but it still bothers me. And I'm getting to the point where a 9-hour work day is annoying and I lose patience for it. I'm still doing perfectly fine, phyisically, but I wish I could get some time off, really.

I mean, I could, but if I do, they will take that from the time I could spend with the little guy when he's born. Bleh.

Here's the photo I promised yesterday; I took one this morning before work (Fridays are so-called casual days, so we're allowed to wear any denim):

Yeah, I hate asking for things, but it is nice that they got things from the list that we'll need. Things I was going to buy anyway. Because a lot of my family already got us clothes so I think we're set there. I can't wait to see who bought what because my mom also said that my aunts did get hold the list so who knows now. Exciting!!

As to the language, yes, we really want the baby to learn both. It's imperative actually. I have read that OH should speak to him in Arabic always when I'm not there. And that babies are slower to speak if they are learning two languages, but that when they start they catch right up and make sense of it all. Will be so cool to see. I can't speak Arabic. It's a hard tongue, there are sounds I simply can't make. I can hear them now, but can't make them.

I know what you mean about taking time from work, too. I have a very flexible gig being a grad student. I've received the okay for 6 weeks paid and no one's really going to say anything if I'm gone 2-3 months. I really want to stop working in a few weeks, but I know that means that I won't have as much time with baby once he's here. Still, I'm beat, it's hard work getting there. I think I'm going to stop working mostly and just head up there when I feel like it to make an appearance, but not get much done. I know that sounds jerkish, but eh, I don't care. I have a group presentation tomorrow and after that wouldn't be expected to give more presentations 'til I get back from leave and get something done. Another thing pushing me is that I signed up to take an exam to practice as a patent agent. It's a long shot that I'd pass it at all. I've done near to no studying for it as yet, and don't see that I'll start fitting that in 'til earliest next weekend. I'm auditing a class, but they don't go over a lot of the stuff that's on the exam. The exam is mid-October, so if I stop working at the end of September I have a chance that I could study enough to pass it. A small chance, but a chance nonetheless! hmm...

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