November Due Dates (cont)

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you are friends with someone, there comes a point when you have to resign yourself to the fact that maybe they're not "lifetime" material, but "season" or "reason" instead. Everything happens for a reason, every friendship brings with it lessons and experiences unique to that relationship. If it falls apart... it wasn't meant to stand the test of time. Some that do last a while really oughtn't, and that is more of a shame as one or both parties can end up cynical and jaded.

Just my 2c :)
So I was just browsing the first tri thread.....WOW we have come along way.

Remember our first convos on here about not feeling pregnant one day to the next, or our BBs and how miserable they were in the begining, freaking out because of implantion bleeding?

Im happy we are now at the end of the road and our concerns are making sure we cook just a wee bit longer!

What do you think ladies. Do you think first tri or third tri is scarier?
I'm going to say first is scarier. While it can be terrifying to come to grips with the reality of perhaps having a preemie or just having LO actually coming home, first Tri is terrifying because problems there are more likely to lead to angel babies.
Although there are alot of things that can go wrong in this stage of the game with preemies, the cord, and baby just making it out breathing, I also think first tri is way more scary!!!
I was a POAS addict for weeks!!! I think I took 12 test before I believed it actually had happend :haha:
Hmm, I think the whole thing has been pretty scary! Probably 1st is the scariest though, and the beginning if 2nd, as you don't have the kicks for reassurance. I might have to have a nosey at the old thread too :)
I think the whole journey is, in a way, pretty damn scary. I am, however, more scared now than I was back then. It's hard to explain, but I'll try. In the first tri, and I found out I was pregnant right away, as we were one of those TTC couples who were, to put it that way, not really expected to get pregnant at all (both have an infertility diagnosis and the cycle we got our BFP, I was scheduling our first IUI), I was actually reasonably relaxed, simply because I kind of expected the little bean to stick around. :shrug: He showed up against pretty much any and all odds, so I kind of believed that he just had to have been made out of 'quality material' to put it that way (our SA was crap and so is my ovarian reserve). So I guess the right sperm, there, really did meet the right egg.

And then he stuck around.

At the same time, now I'm a lot more worried because the little guy is nearly cooked and could make an appearance any time. During the 2nd tri, I was worried because he could have done it, too, but with next to no chance to make it, once he's out. Etc. Right now I'm focused on avoiding early labour and, of course, all the unknown genetic issues that we may, or may not encounter once he's here.

At the same time, while absolutely not trying to belittle anyone's experience and pain, the reason why I I am more worried and scared now, than I was in the first trimester, is the fact that this baby we're expecting now has a name, a face that we know, too, and the only way to get him out (not just now, of course, but for a while), would be to give birth. So no matter what, I'd get to see him, meet him and overall I think I'd freaking just die if something would go wrong. I'm by no means saying that early miscarriages don't compare; I've just never had any, so I have to speak from my own point of view and my own experiences, is all.
Speaking of tests, I think it's safe to say I have over 30 of them. For shits and giggles, let me just go take a picture of the box, really.
Here are my tests. I counted. Exactly 30. In the little baggy are all the OPK+ tests I ended up saving, from the TTC months.
I took one test, it showed up within 10 seconds and it was darker than the other line! LOL!

I was more scared of losing the baby in first, but I think it would be even harder to lose it now. I don't think anything bad with happen with this one (touch wood, fingers crossed!), but like Jaz says, it's MY BABY now!
I honestly don't know which is scarier personally tbh! I was lucky in that I had no problems in ttc/first tri! I came off implanon in the end of oct and once I started Oing and listening to my body we caught technically my 5 th month off bc but only my second proper cycle! I had sickness and tiredness that tbh I didn't care if they went one day... I was just glad of the break ha and I started feeling baby kick from middle of week 10, daily. So for me personally first tri wasn't scary.

But doesn't mean I don't realise it's like that for everyone. So for the majority of ppl first tri is scary but for me, I'm more scared now! I worry I'm not worried enough that I can get me and baby through the next 9 weeks, but I'm finding this time scarier than I did with DS!
I still venture to second tri a lot, but first tri only occassionally, only because I didn't have problems/wasn't scared much, so I don't wanna say the wrong thing and make some one else's fears seem insignificant, when to them they really r a worry! Dunno if that makes sense ha!
WOW Jaz.... I bow down to the queen of POAS!!!!!

Gosh you ladies are right. This is my baby and she has a name and a face and I believe she already has a little personality to her. It would be devastating if anything was to happen now vs in first tri when it was more just a dream than a reality.
i have the worst ear ache in the world. i had it once before in first trimester, but it went away within a few days and then i wasnt even taken any pain reliever.
Now its back.. with a vegeance. my ear hurts, the left side of my face hurts all the way down to my neck. im not sure if its pregnancy related or what. but my god its painful.
ive had it for about 2 1/2 days now and ive been taking 500 mg tylenol which doesnt seem to be working anymore. if it doesnt seem like its getting better by 5pm when i get off work, im gonna go to the emergency room. maybe they will have something stronger i can take thats still safe while pregnant.
anyone have any experience... or know anything?
Yeah, I kind of agree with that. In 1st tri I was in shock! :haha: I don't know if I really let myself believe that I was having a baby for a long while. I had my BFP at 6+5 and then started bleeding at 6+6, and then didn't get reassurance until 7+3. Even after that it seemed too good to be true (we were TTC/NTNP for almost 3 years).

Now there's definitely no doubt that there's a baby in there, and of course we've been getting all prepared for our LOs. I don't think I could cope with losing my LO now.
I know a girl who lost her LO at full term back in January. It scares me quite a lot.
Hmmm, I don't think it should mess with your sleep. Maybe you just were so low in iron that your body was over excited about getting some? :) It can mess with your belly though. Also you want to take it at a time you're not eating, so maybe right before bed or just before you get up (and then wait 30mins before breakfast). BEcause calcium and magnesium and caffeine interfere with absorption. :flower:

Yes, this is exactly why I take mine directly before bed. At that point I've not eaten anything substantial for a little bit. So weird that all these things interfere yet they sell prenatals with everything in them. What jerks!

My prenatal does not have Cal/mag, I just try to get lots of milk in for calcium/D during the day and I take a random mag supplement some days but not all. I take the iron a few times a week at night, particularly if I have eaten no meat that day, and the prenatal a couple times a week at night in case I'm deficient anything.
I think the whole journey is, in a way, pretty damn scary. I am, however, more scared now than I was back then. It's hard to explain, but I'll try. In the first tri, and I found out I was pregnant right away, as we were one of those TTC couples who were, to put it that way, not really expected to get pregnant at all (both have an infertility diagnosis and the cycle we got our BFP, I was scheduling our first IUI), I was actually reasonably relaxed, simply because I kind of expected the little bean to stick around. :shrug: He showed up against pretty much any and all odds, so I kind of believed that he just had to have been made out of 'quality material' to put it that way (our SA was crap and so is my ovarian reserve). So I guess the right sperm, there, really did meet the right egg.

And then he stuck around.

At the same time, now I'm a lot more worried because the little guy is nearly cooked and could make an appearance any time. During the 2nd tri, I was worried because he could have done it, too, but with next to no chance to make it, once he's out. Etc. Right now I'm focused on avoiding early labour and, of course, all the unknown genetic issues that we may, or may not encounter once he's here.

At the same time, while absolutely not trying to belittle anyone's experience and pain, the reason why I I am more worried and scared now, than I was in the first trimester, is the fact that this baby we're expecting now has a name, a face that we know, too, and the only way to get him out (not just now, of course, but for a while), would be to give birth. So no matter what, I'd get to see him, meet him and overall I think I'd freaking just die if something would go wrong. I'm by no means saying that early miscarriages don't compare; I've just never had any, so I have to speak from my own point of view and my own experiences, is all.

Oh, Jaz, I'm with you all the way here. The least scary time for me was from when I started feeling him up to now. Now that I've had some contractions and such I've been a little worried again about all the little things that can go wrong in labor, etc. And, he's so precious to me now. I know him. He plays games with daddy, makes big stretches, is always active- he's part of me now, I could never let him go. I think I'd die if anything happened now. In the first tri I was freaking out because I never believed I was having a baby and so always thought something horrid had happened to him and had no confirmation of movement, etc. But I think it would be much worse to lose him now. He's a little person that could survive if he came out, not just my little jelly bean anymore.

Ouf, I hate this topic. :(
Destniybaby my mam swears by putting a bit of olive oil on a cotton ball in ur ear! Dunno what it does etc but she always swears it works! Hopefully u get some relief tho!

I dunno if it was them tabs or what but I'm wired... Exhausted cause of the lil sleep I did get...but yet I can't seem to rest! I'm also looking for summat to eat but haven't a clue what I want! Blah! One of them days! Have to meet oh to give him work stuff so might go to a few shops for a look to get me out in the air for an hour!
Well, I'm finally home from the shopping trip followed by - as I suspected - my baby shower! It was great!! a few old and new friends as well as my MIL and SIL with her son! Was really glad seeing my old friends of which I haven't seen in almost 2 years!
I was horribly spoiled!
But right now I am absolutely shattered!! Going to see how long I can keep my eyes open before I crash!
Skweek - I'm glad you had a good day and enjoyed your shower. What goodies did you receive?

Destiny - I also heard that olive oil can help with earaches. I hope it disappears soon for you :)

I washed, dried and put away my first lot of baby clothes today :D I'm sure i wont be feeling as happy about doing it once LO is here, i'm sure my machine will be on constantly lol

Destniybaby my mam swears by putting a bit of olive oil on a cotton ball in ur ear! Dunno what it does etc but she always swears it works! Hopefully u get some relief tho!

for the hell of it.. i tried it and even though its still hurting.. its not a throbbing, shooting pain in which i feel i need to go to the emergency room. Its just a dull ache thats annoying but isnt too painful. it just feels like the pain is gonna taper off soon.
Thank you soooooo much!!:happydance:
Hmmm maybe I should listen to my mammy more lol I've never even tried it myself haha but sec she hears ear ache this is what she says! Glad it helped though there really is nothing worse than sore teeth or ears!

Sk woohoo for 'surprise' baby showers! Say ur exhausted tho!

Pfft I'm over these hormones! Just had another meltdown! Wtf is wrong with me! Feel like I've went from oh and I never fighting to walking on egg shells cause I know I could flip at him! I give up... Locking myself in the spare room until I've to collect DS! This is seriously doing my brain in! He's no saint either so I know it's not just all me... But a lotta it is preg me stuff!

Baby u better be here 40 weeks exactly if not a week earlier, cause if not me and daddy mightn't even be talking!

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