November Due Dates (cont)

Hmmm maybe I should listen to my mammy more lol I've never even tried it myself haha but sec she hears ear ache this is what she says! Glad it helped though there really is nothing worse than sore teeth or ears!

Sk woohoo for 'surprise' baby showers! Say ur exhausted tho!

Pfft I'm over these hormones! Just had another meltdown! Wtf is wrong with me! Feel like I've went from oh and I never fighting to walking on egg shells cause I know I could flip at him! I give up... Locking myself in the spare room until I've to collect DS! This is seriously doing my brain in! He's no saint either so I know it's not just all me... But a lotta it is preg me stuff!

Baby u better be here 40 weeks exactly if not a week earlier, cause if not me and daddy mightn't even be talking!

:hugs: I hope you feel better. I know how it is with the hormones. They are really raging right now for me, too. I feel just generally angry. And, I don't want to clean the house because I'm tired and I know it will make me angrier at OH. But, if I leave it I can't trust he'll do it. idk what time he'll even be home today. I'm so sick of living in a pit. And, on top of it, I'm sick with a head cold. I just want to strangle him for leaving me in this disaster whilst sick. Not to mention pregnant and giant.

Then he said I should take off from work early, but at the same time says his financial situation is "not good". So, wtf, should I not take off then? I am scrambled. I don't think I can work 7 more weeks! I don't even want to work 2 more weeks, honestly.
Oh so I honestly feel grand all day... Then he comes in, can say summat in an off way/ or just summat in general and I just can't be arsed to listen to it! What's worse is it's like he said he didn't say anything bad... He doesn't need to, his tone says it all! I honestly just wish he'd say 'babe, shut up and give me a cuddlr' like he's doing until like 27 weeks! Since then i think he might find it easier if I'm in the spare room, he doesn't have to try read my moods! Uggghhh!

As for ur oh, the cleaning wouldn't bother me as I'm the SAHM but I know it's him who's home more often for ye, so I can see why ur annoyed! Then being sick makes it worse, cause u truly can't get the energy to be arsed to do anything! Hope we can both last the next few weeks without killing them!
So I was just browsing the first tri thread.....WOW we have come along way.

Remember our first convos on here about not feeling pregnant one day to the next, or our BBs and how miserable they were in the begining, freaking out because of implantion bleeding?

Im happy we are now at the end of the road and our concerns are making sure we cook just a wee bit longer!

What do you think ladies. Do you think first tri or third tri is scarier?

I'd definately say first tri was more of a worry, just because the chances of something happening are so much higher. Infact I dont think I genuinely let myself believe I was going to have a baby until I had my 18 week scan. However (and this is just my opinion and like Jaz said not to undermine anyone who'se gone through a first tri miscarriage at all because it is an absolutely devestating thing to go through) but i think it would be ten thousand million billion times harder to lose a baby now than in first tri. It literally doesnt bare thinking about :/ Its something I dont think I'd be able to get over.

But enough of that depressing topic...!

I was thinking today actually about how I hope everyone from this thread stays in contact after our LO's are born. Id love to keep informed of how everyone's doing and what everyones LO's are up to as they grow older. We should definitely keep this thread going afterwards! :)
I was thinking today actually about how I hope everyone from this thread stays in contact after our LO's are born. Id love to keep informed of how everyone's doing and what everyones LO's are up to as they grow older. We should definitely keep this thread going afterwards! :)


Though I am TERRIBLE at keeping in touch. That's why I love Facebook so much - even people I've not spoken to in a while I can keep up with through the occasional "like" or "share" or "poke" etc. I know news from my cousin in Paphos before her parents (and therefore mine) know, I can tell lots of people something in a few words or a picture, and I feel kinda chuffed with myself for being able to stay connected with folks I'd otherwise have drifted from. :blush:
Anyone heard from lillio? Worried about her :( Won't see the boards again til late Tuesday night as we're travelling back to the UK (leaving in 20 mins).

Hugs to everyone xxx
Hope all those with raging hormones (suppose that all of use) find their happy medium sometime (hopefully before babies are born). Having to walk on egg shells is no fun esp when we are the ones who are so short tempered at the mo.

Yes yesterday was my baby shower - spoiled with lots of gift cards and money, as well as a few pieces of clothing and toiletries. Will post a few pics as soon as I get them from everyone.
I have asked DF if we can put the furniture together today. I really want the room finished now. This does however mean that I will need to do the ironing today too. Busy day ahead of me then.
Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.
I was thinking today actually about how I hope everyone from this thread stays in contact after our LO's are born. Id love to keep informed of how everyone's doing and what everyones LO's are up to as they grow older. We should definitely keep this thread going afterwards! :)


Though I am TERRIBLE at keeping in touch. That's why I love Facebook so much - even people I've not spoken to in a while I can keep up with through the occasional "like" or "share" or "poke" etc. I know news from my cousin in Paphos before her parents (and therefore mine) know, I can tell lots of people something in a few words or a picture, and I feel kinda chuffed with myself for being able to stay connected with folks I'd otherwise have drifted from. :blush:

Agreed. Facebook is a good way to stay in touch! Havent heard from lillio sorry :( ooh and where abouts in the UK are you moving too?

Glad you got spoiled at your baby shower Skweek! :happydance:

Ive just woken up from such a realistic dream where I went in for some monitering of babes heartbeat and ended up having to have an emergency C section. It was crazy! Decided Im going to be prepared and wash all babes newborn clothes today incase something like that does ever happen!
Sk really hope I find a medium before then too lol

Ohh exciting building furniture! And washing clothes wandering!

Also is any one gonna take Epo and rlt in the coming few weeks? There's some good threads in third tri if u search for them! I never did it with DS tho! Might look into it today at some stage!

It's my mil's birthday to day so will prob go visit her, and I'm off to collect my car seat and DS lol!
I was thinking today actually about how I hope everyone from this thread stays in contact after our LO's are born. Id love to keep informed of how everyone's doing and what everyones LO's are up to as they grow older. We should definitely keep this thread going afterwards! :)


Though I am TERRIBLE at keeping in touch. That's why I love Facebook so much - even people I've not spoken to in a while I can keep up with through the occasional "like" or "share" or "poke" etc. I know news from my cousin in Paphos before her parents (and therefore mine) know, I can tell lots of people something in a few words or a picture, and I feel kinda chuffed with myself for being able to stay connected with folks I'd otherwise have drifted from. :blush:

Agreed. Facebook is a good way to stay in touch! Havent heard from lillio sorry :( ooh and where abouts in the UK are you moving too?

Glad you got spoiled at your baby shower Skweek! :happydance:

Ive just woken up from such a realistic dream where I went in for some monitering of babes heartbeat and ended up having to have an emergency C section. It was crazy! Decided Im going to be prepared and wash all babes newborn clothes today incase something like that does ever happen!

Oh, dear, that's quite a dream. Scary stuff!

I have also gotten the "get it together" bug most recently. I just placed the order for the last things I need for the hospital bag after having made a final, realistic list of exactly what I want to bring. I didn't see it before yesterday, I figured I could get away with nothing at the hospital, who cares? But all of a sudden it hit me and I had to make the lists and start getting it together. I also built baby's crib yesterday (OH was never going to get to it, it took me 10 minutes. lol!) and unpackaged his mattress and tried on the bedding, etc. All fits and is perfect so it's all to be washed today. Clothes have already been laundered as well. I'll pack these bags next weekend. Can't believe I'm ~33 weeks along. Could have this baby within a month if he comes early. Have to plan for that!
Sk really hope I find a medium before then too lol

Ohh exciting building furniture! And washing clothes wandering!

Also is any one gonna take Epo and rlt in the coming few weeks? There's some good threads in third tri if u search for them! I never did it with DS tho! Might look into it today at some stage!

It's my mil's birthday to day so will prob go visit her, and I'm off to collect my car seat and DS lol!

Matter of fact, Phin, I ordered both EPO & RRL tea last night from Amazon. Hey, can't hurt. I'm a bit of an herbal skeptic, but figured anything that can possibly make my cervix favorable and my uterine muscles toned and more functional at birth should be given a shot as long as the price is not insane. Are you going to try them, too?
I love facebook :D So easy to post photos and just talk about the new babies Imo! Especially when busy :D:happydance:
Really not sure bout the tea, cause as it is I detest tea ha but I've heard u can get the tablet form, although they aren't meant to be as effective/take longer to build in ur system? I'd wouldn't mind taking the tabs tho even if that is the case! As for Epo I def am gonna look into these more!

It can be my bed time reading to night while I'm stuck in the spare room ;) lol

Glad u got ur cot done too! I've mine here, need to get a mattress tho and new screws to hold it together lol (I didn't expect to be trying for a baby when I gave the screws from my cot to my sis ha!) shouldn't be that hard tho, I still have one or 2 there so should be handy enough getting more!

31 weeks today for me too! May take a bump pic, feel like I haven't grown much over the last few weeks... NOT complaining tho ha!
I was thinking today actually about how I hope everyone from this thread stays in contact after our LO's are born. Id love to keep informed of how everyone's doing and what everyones LO's are up to as they grow older. We should definitely keep this thread going afterwards! :)


Though I am TERRIBLE at keeping in touch. That's why I love Facebook so much - even people I've not spoken to in a while I can keep up with through the occasional "like" or "share" or "poke" etc. I know news from my cousin in Paphos before her parents (and therefore mine) know, I can tell lots of people something in a few words or a picture, and I feel kinda chuffed with myself for being able to stay connected with folks I'd otherwise have drifted from. :blush:

Agreed. Facebook is a good way to stay in touch! Havent heard from lillio sorry :( ooh and where abouts in the UK are you moving too?

Glad you got spoiled at your baby shower Skweek! :happydance:

Ive just woken up from such a realistic dream where I went in for some monitering of babes heartbeat and ended up having to have an emergency C section. It was crazy! Decided Im going to be prepared and wash all babes newborn clothes today incase something like that does ever happen!

Oh, dear, that's quite a dream. Scary stuff!

I have also gotten the "get it together" bug most recently. I just placed the order for the last things I need for the hospital bag after having made a final, realistic list of exactly what I want to bring. I didn't see it before yesterday, I figured I could get away with nothing at the hospital, who cares? But all of a sudden it hit me and I had to make the lists and start getting it together. I also built baby's crib yesterday (OH was never going to get to it, it took me 10 minutes. lol!) and unpackaged his mattress and tried on the bedding, etc. All fits and is perfect so it's all to be washed today. Clothes have already been laundered as well. I'll pack these bags next weekend. Can't believe I'm ~33 weeks along. Could have this baby within a month if he comes early. Have to plan for that!

Im going to do my hospital bag tday! I think its good that we're all getting the 'get it together' bug now so that when it gets to the very last few weeks we can just relax knowing we've done everything and not have to stress or rush around. Thats my plan anyway!

I think my morning sickness has come back :( Anyone else? Ive felt so sick the last 3 days :(
I feel for you ladies with morning sickness. I didn't get it 1st tri, so not expecting it now thank goodness. Hoping you are all feeling tip top soon enough!

Yes, Wandering, it would be nice to relax the last couple of weeks away. Alas, I have a feeling that it won't come to that. lol!

Phin, I know what you mean. I am a coffee person myself, but I can do tea. I'll probably mix it with mint leaves if the taste is not too pleasant. Might even chill it and drink it as a water replacement. I'll let you know how it goes!
Blerhg, I just managed to delete a huge post.

Long story short:
- no m/s in 1st tri, but the baby makes me sick now occasionally
- a friend gave birth yesterday, no warnings at all, in just a few hours. Little girl is 2700g and was born two days short before the 36 mark, so that reminds me to finish my hospital bag, in which I still don't know what all to put
- we have new neighbours, a pile of white-trash college kids and they've lived here since Friday, while managing to annoy us at least 100 times so far. The average number of cars parked all over would be about 10, and there's noise and whatnot all day and all night long. Fuckshit.
Blerhg, I just managed to delete a huge post.

Long story short:
- no m/s in 1st tri, but the baby makes me sick now occasionally
- a friend gave birth yesterday, no warnings at all, in just a few hours. Little girl is 2700g and was born two days short before the 36 mark, so that reminds me to finish my hospital bag, in which I still don't know what all to put
- we have new neighbours, a pile of white-trash college kids and they've lived here since Friday, while managing to annoy us at least 100 times so far. The average number of cars parked all over would be about 10, and there's noise and whatnot all day and all night long. Fuckshit.

Heya Jaz,

sorry to hear about your neighbors. Are there any noise ordinances in your community?

I had a though, didn't you have that google nexus 7? did you ever try skype video on there? lmk how you like it, still interested in this device for my mom.
Morning ladies!!

Made it through the shower yesterday and man oh man, we have no room for all this stuff. We did a diaper raffle and ended up with 20 packs of diapers :happydance: We got all the major items seat, swing, bouncer, co-sleeper, baby bath, as well as 12 blankets, and adorbale snowsuit, and about 56 outfits!! I really dont know what im going to do with all the clothes. The turn out was more than I expected, and this little girl is already more than spoiled. The only thing I have left to buy is my pump, and bottles.

Oh, and OH mother did NOT play games :happydance: Instead she did 4 raffles and gave the guest prizes, so it was a good time for all.

The cute thing was, my DS and myself went to my parents for dinner, and when we came home OH had built all the items that needed put together and sorted all the clothes by type and size. I think he is a little excited for Morgan to get here.

I have another shower tomorrow and its suppose to be bigger than the one we had yesterday. I have a feeling we are going to get more clothes and blankets. I told OH we have to move :haha: This apartment fits for us, but this little girl has more stuff than all of us combined and needs her own space.

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