November Due Dates (cont)

Mrs.... ask your doc about stadol. They can give you a shot of that in the hip during labor to take the "edge off" but it doesnt last long and it doesnt take all the pain away. It makes you feel like your intoxicated so the pain seems tolerbale. At least its another option or may be able to help you hold off as long as you can on the epi. You can also have Darvocet, but it takes longer to kick in.
I had the stadol shot with my son becuase the pain was terrible (pitocin induced) but I wasnt far enough along to have an epi yet (only at a 4 and contracting hard every 2 minutes and they lasted a minute)

With the stadol I was doing great. Even had my family come in while I was laboring and was happily chatting away. But once it wore off, get the hell out of my room :haha: and give me the damn epi NOW!!!! Once I got the epi I was all gravy :winkwink:
Yeah, I don't know what the UK girls are talking about when they say they want gas as pain relief, lol!

At my birthing class they only discussed 1.) natural 2.) Demerol (IV med that dulls contractions but doesn't last very long) and 3.) epidural.
Thanks for the info, ladies! WTB, I wondered the same thing about c-sections... Can you opt for one if you don't have a medical reason to have one? I've had 5 friends have babies in the last year and all but 1 had c-sections (unplanned).

And I'll definitely ask my doctor about stadol and demerol. I'd feel better knowing I had more options going in :)
Wow, lots of discussion today!

Jaz, on the pain/sensitivity down there... did you read that it goes away after? I'm all worried. I told my OH that my vagina doesn't work anymore. He smiled and said sinisterly "don't worry, I'll make it work." lol! I laughed. He confirmed that he wasn't joking. :p Cute! I just hope it really does feel normal again after birth. I am definitely going to ask them not to do many pelvic exams. I will make it clear to them next appt how much pain it caused me.

On the subject of pain meds, I really don't have many options as, like Jaz, I get sick reallllly easily. I can't really take much save morphine, and morphine is a poor pain reliever if it isn't bone pain, ime. It's great for broken bones, but that's it. Other than that it just makes you feel out of it, and more accepting of the pain/ relaxed about it, but the pain is the same. Plus I'd be worried baby would come out all morphined up. lol!

I am getting NOTHING done at work these days. Seriously. I got sick, but I'm coming out of it, and I'm just sitting here doing nothing. I know I need to set my lab up so that when I get back from leave it's all set. I'm stopping work in 10 days and just going to "work from home"... but in reality I'll likely not do much for work as I've got an exam I want to study for that I'll be taking on Oct 15 if I don't go into labor early or have another contradiction.

10 days!!! :D
I forgot to mention one whine from what was otherwise a lovely weekend. SO and I went over to see his dad and dad's girlfriend for a few hours (they live 4 hours away). We were in the kitchen and his dad was cooking breakfast, and his dad's girlfriend just lit up a cigarette with me sitting right there 8 months pregnant! ARGH!

On the second cigarette I made some excuse to go outside and call my sister. I mean, I know LOGICALLY that being around one cigarette isn't going to hurt the baby but it still BOTHERS me.

So now I don't know if I need to tell SO to tell THEM that when they come to visit the baby after she's born there will be NO smoking in the house. We are trying to stagger visits because my mom will be there for 2 weeks after the baby is born and we don't want to have the visits with his mom and stepdad and dad and dad's girlfriend coincide.
You're kidding!!!?? I can't believe you didn't say anything to her? Granted, it's her house, but I definitely would have asked if she could at least warn you next time so you could move away, or she could go outside. I'd be shocked if you had to have the conversation with them that they're not allowed to smoke in your home, but if it's something you're worried about I'd definitely talk to your SO about it and have him have that talk. I had to have a talk with my smoking relatives that they will not be allowed to hold my baby if the smell like an ash tray! Sorry to be rude about it, but... my baby, my rules.
Yay for 10 days Oh_so! Maybe just work shorter hours and try and get -something- done in that time??

Apparently morphine kind of makes you not care. Women apparently fall asleep between contractions and kind of... don't really care they are in labour :/.

WTB, In Germany it really seems like it's either Epi or aromatherapy. There is nothing for people in the middle. I just don't want to use things that might interfere with birth. But I'm very for science and not into alternative medicines unless they have been scientifically proven (No opinions please, just saying for me!:flower:). So I'm kind of stuck in the middle. If I can't do it without something I have to go straight to an epi!!! No tens machines (I googled) and no gas and air :dohh:.
You're kidding!!!?? I can't believe you didn't say anything to her? Granted, it's her house, but I definitely would have asked if she could at least warn you next time so you could move away, or she could go outside. I'd be shocked if you had to have the conversation with them that they're not allowed to smoke in your home, but if it's something you're worried about I'd definitely talk to your SO about it and have him have that talk. I had to have a talk with my smoking relatives that they will not be allowed to hold my baby if the smell like an ash tray! Sorry to be rude about it, but... my baby, my rules.

Yeah, I'd be surprised if they smoked in your house... that takes a special kind of dumb! But if you do think they will do it you might need to ask them :/ or alternatively if they go to do it your house just ask them to take it outside at that point...
Ugh, that's pretty off, not even giving you a heads up before lighting up! I'm surprised your dad didn't say anything either.

I'm so glad I don't have many friends/family that smoke. My dad does, but only outside & not very much... and when he does I give him a proper hard time about it!
Yeah, I was so shocked by it! The last time (a couple months ago) we dropped by for a quick visit we stayed outside so I thought it was clear that I didn't want to be around smoke but this time his dad was cooking breakfast so we had to go inside.

It's her house, so she's welcome to smoke in it, but I'm not going to bring the baby over there if they are going to smoke in the house. Luckily we don't see them very often and his mom and stepdad (who live in the same time) do NOT smoke and we see them a whole lot more.

Once I took a class and we all went over to the professor's house one night and he smoked RIGHT in front of my 7-month-pregnant fellow grad student.
Oh, I forgot to share this bit of gold...

The office I work in is a leased space in a school (bottom floor is a school, top floor is all business offices). Anyway - sometimes the students from the bottom floor come up to the top floor and use our restroom because it's larger and cleaner for the most part. One of the nursing students was in the restroom with me this morning and when she came out of the stall and saw me she said "Oh! When are you due???" I answered "November" and she then beams and tells me that her daughter just had a baby 2 days ago. She said she had to deliver 3 weeks early b/c she didn't have much amniotic fluid. She said the baby was 5lbs 1oz. I congratulated her and sweetly said "what a tiny baby! I'm sure she's perfect" she then tells me "yes, she is a tniy baby. But my daughter was too during her pregnancy. She wasn't nearly as big as you and you still have until November!"

Are. You. Kidding. Me? Thanks, lady. Thanks. Guess what? You don't look so small yourself! (of course, I didn't say that, but I sure was thinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Ugh, that's pretty off, not even giving you a heads up before lighting up! I'm surprised your dad didn't say anything either.

I'm so glad I don't have many friends/family that smoke. My dad does, but only outside & not very much... and when he does I give him a proper hard time about it!

It was SO's dad, not mine. None of my family smoke at all.

Yes, I am going to have to warn my SO to warn THEM that they cannot smoke in the house. They only come 1x a year (Thanksgiving) but won't be coming this Thanksgiving so it's not like we see them all the time but it is still an issue that is better resolved ahead of time.
That's awful and so selfish :nope: I'm surprised your dad said nothing to her aswell!

I had my son in Sweden and they had g&a, epidurals and walking epidurals afaik. I only had the g&a once I got to 7cm as my labour progressed quickly. The best thing I had though was warm water from the shower. I wouldn't get out of it and even ate my breakfast in there :rofl: It eventually came back up, but my oh has the funniest picture of me sitting in it eating my food!:haha: I'm not completely sure what's available here (we moved to Norway), as long as they have gas and air, I'm happy :haha: xx
Oh, I forgot to share this bit of gold...

The office I work in is a leased space in a school (bottom floor is a school, top floor is all business offices). Anyway - sometimes the students from the bottom floor come up to the top floor and use our restroom because it's larger and cleaner for the most part. One of the nursing students was in the restroom with me this morning and when she came out of the stall and saw me she said "Oh! When are you due???" I answered "November" and she then beams and tells me that her daughter just had a baby 2 days ago. She said she had to deliver 3 weeks early b/c she didn't have much amniotic fluid. She said the baby was 5lbs 1oz. I congratulated her and sweetly said "what a tiny baby! I'm sure she's perfect" she then tells me "yes, she is a tniy baby. But my daughter was too during her pregnancy. She wasn't nearly as big as you and you still have until November!"

Are. You. Kidding. Me? Thanks, lady. Thanks. Guess what? You don't look so small yourself! (of course, I didn't say that, but I sure was thinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

People can be soooo rude! :grr:
Oh, I forgot to share this bit of gold...

The office I work in is a leased space in a school (bottom floor is a school, top floor is all business offices). Anyway - sometimes the students from the bottom floor come up to the top floor and use our restroom because it's larger and cleaner for the most part. One of the nursing students was in the restroom with me this morning and when she came out of the stall and saw me she said "Oh! When are you due???" I answered "November" and she then beams and tells me that her daughter just had a baby 2 days ago. She said she had to deliver 3 weeks early b/c she didn't have much amniotic fluid. She said the baby was 5lbs 1oz. I congratulated her and sweetly said "what a tiny baby! I'm sure she's perfect" she then tells me "yes, she is a tniy baby. But my daughter was too during her pregnancy. She wasn't nearly as big as you and you still have until November!"

Are. You. Kidding. Me? Thanks, lady. Thanks. Guess what? You don't look so small yourself! (of course, I didn't say that, but I sure was thinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Urgh, some people just don't think before they open their mouth! :grr: You should have said 'Yes, well, I'm pregnant, what's your excuse?' :rofl: xx
Urgh, some people just don't think before they open their mouth! :grr: You should have said 'Yes, well, I'm pregnant, what's your excuse?' :rofl: xx

LOL! I would have loved to say that to her! My face looked pretty shocked when she said that to me...
Oh, I forgot to share this bit of gold...

The office I work in is a leased space in a school (bottom floor is a school, top floor is all business offices). Anyway - sometimes the students from the bottom floor come up to the top floor and use our restroom because it's larger and cleaner for the most part. One of the nursing students was in the restroom with me this morning and when she came out of the stall and saw me she said "Oh! When are you due???" I answered "November" and she then beams and tells me that her daughter just had a baby 2 days ago. She said she had to deliver 3 weeks early b/c she didn't have much amniotic fluid. She said the baby was 5lbs 1oz. I congratulated her and sweetly said "what a tiny baby! I'm sure she's perfect" she then tells me "yes, she is a tniy baby. But my daughter was too during her pregnancy. She wasn't nearly as big as you and you still have until November!"

Are. You. Kidding. Me? Thanks, lady. Thanks. Guess what? You don't look so small yourself! (of course, I didn't say that, but I sure was thinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Awe, don't feel bad. The one forum member that just delivered (mysterious eye) was way smaller than me. If she looks 40 weeks, I look 55. lol!!

We all carry differently. My baby commands a lot of space. :haha:
She said she had to deliver 3 weeks early b/c she didn't have much amniotic fluid. She said the baby was 5lbs 1oz. I congratulated her and sweetly said "what a tiny baby! I'm sure she's perfect" she then tells me "yes, she is a tniy baby. But my daughter was too during her pregnancy. She wasn't nearly as big as you and you still have until November!"

It might have been a hamfisted attempt at reassuring you. Her daughter was tiny because she hadn't produced enough amniotic fluid so the baby was born early with a low birth weight, which can cause problems. The fact that you are bigger means you do have enough fluid so don't have to worry about that causing problems for you baby. She might just have worded it really badly.
You're kidding!!!?? I can't believe you didn't say anything to her? Granted, it's her house, but I definitely would have asked if she could at least warn you next time so you could move away, or she could go outside. I'd be shocked if you had to have the conversation with them that they're not allowed to smoke in your home, but if it's something you're worried about I'd definitely talk to your SO about it and have him have that talk. I had to have a talk with my smoking relatives that they will not be allowed to hold my baby if the smell like an ash tray! Sorry to be rude about it, but... my baby, my rules.

I'm with you on this one. I also told my mom that she can't hold the baby if she smells of smoke. Usually Christmas Eve is done at my aunt's house, and she smokes, but I'm assuming she wouldn't do it indoors with the baby there. If she does we'll be going home early if she has an issue when I ask her not to smoke with the baby present. Offending people is worth the health of my baby. Sorry.

And, no one who knows me even the slightest would dare smoke in my home. lol!! :winkwink:

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