November Due Dates (cont)

Baby spent last night doing stuff on my cervix. I think it's him trying to engage or something. Very uncomfortable, so weird and accompanied by shooting vaginal pain. So far so good today. lol! Cute baby, I think he wants out! :p
Charlie - I got my flu shot last week... The doctor said it won't offer any immunities to my baby, however in most women the flu turns into pneumonia and preterm labor so it's best to get yourself immunized to avoid complications. I'm starting to feel like I have a cold as well. Ugh! Hate that feeling... and I hate being a mouth breather!
Happy Friday everyone :)

Awe, I just am getting over a cold now. It was awful being sicky while pregnant! I def don't want the flu, but also never had a flu shot and am kinda of the mindset that they are no guarantee, may have side effects, and I'd prefer to stay clear. I want to stop working by the end of the month so at least I'm not at a university my last month of pregnancy. Oh, the germs!!! :wacko: Yuck!

My boss has requested that I actually do one more experiment set before I go on leave. Really thought I wasn't going to be doing anymore lab work. Kinda sucks as most days staying standing for any period of time is really annoying with the BH contractions that just won't quit. I'm going to go in this afternoon and ready stuff so I can do the experiment next week. After that I am not taking any more requests. lol!!

Happy Friday to you!!
I've always had that mindset too... I've never willingly got the flu shot and anytime I have I always feel like crud afterwards. My doc was pretty adamant about it though and I figured I'd just go for it so I wouldn't be saying "what if" later...

Oh_so, I think getting away from a germy university in the last month especially is a good idea! And so sorry to hear you've got to be on your feet again, I find any reason to sit now, LOL! Hopefully your last expirement will go smoothly and be over quickly!

Has anyone met with their pediatrician yet? DH and I have a meeting with a possible candidate this afternoon and I'm not 100% sure on what types of questions I should ask. Any suggestions from you ladies who have already met with one?
Gosh WTB, it must be so strange being in limbo like that. Thinking of you & your babas :hugs:

Aw Phin, your OH is such a sweetie!

Medieval, good on ya! I honestly could NOT face the gym at the moment. I'm finding day to day normal stuff to be exhausting as it is!

Mostly I just take a walk around the neighborhood for exercise. I called my mom the other day to ask if she thought it was safe to ride my bike around while pregnant and she said, "I don't think you'd find that very comfortable!"
I've always had that mindset too... I've never willingly got the flu shot and anytime I have I always feel like crud afterwards. My doc was pretty adamant about it though and I figured I'd just go for it so I wouldn't be saying "what if" later...

Oh_so, I think getting away from a germy university in the last month especially is a good idea! And so sorry to hear you've got to be on your feet again, I find any reason to sit now, LOL! Hopefully your last expirement will go smoothly and be over quickly!

Has anyone met with their pediatrician yet? DH and I have a meeting with a possible candidate this afternoon and I'm not 100% sure on what types of questions I should ask. Any suggestions from you ladies who have already met with one?

I have NEVER had a flu shot before but my doctor really wanted me to get it while pregnant, so I did last week. And not a moment too soon, because one of my colleagues came down with the flu this week. I haven't had the flu myself since elementary school, but I felt better safe than sorry. And we (or at least I) get a different version of the flu shot than non-pregnant people that's supposed to lead to fewer side effects.

My doctor is Family Practice, and I really like her, so I am pretty sure I want her taking care of my baby, too.
Aw WTB hope they manage to stay in a bit longer! But if not you should be super proud of yourself for getting this far! What have the doctors said? Do they think they're going to be born today or is it a matter of just wait and see?

Phin I didnt understand a work of that :haha: Im such a technophobe!

The doctor last night was getting a status update every hour until 4 when things finally started to settle. I'm down to 4-5 minor contractions per hour and as long as I tolerate the medications I could go awhile. How long is up in the air though. I can go from fine to "oh no!" in a flash. The good news is the NICU is now on a sort of high alert knowing they need to be ready to rumble any time now. :haha: thanks for all the kindness ladies, it was a very very long night.

Mrs--thanks for the info on multiquote, had no idea how to do that either.

Charlie--I'm sorry the bug is going around your family at the moment. Im not sure if the vaccination crosses the placenta, but I do know it is given to preggies because our immune system is already lowered.
I've always had that mindset too... I've never willingly got the flu shot and anytime I have I always feel like crud afterwards. My doc was pretty adamant about it though and I figured I'd just go for it so I wouldn't be saying "what if" later...

Oh_so, I think getting away from a germy university in the last month especially is a good idea! And so sorry to hear you've got to be on your feet again, I find any reason to sit now, LOL! Hopefully your last expirement will go smoothly and be over quickly!

Has anyone met with their pediatrician yet? DH and I have a meeting with a possible candidate this afternoon and I'm not 100% sure on what types of questions I should ask. Any suggestions from you ladies who have already met with one?

Thanks, Mrs. I hope so, too!!!

I met with the pediatrician's office yesterday. They apparently schedule pre-natal appts with the lactation consultant. In my area there are just two pediatrician groups, one is larger than the other. The smaller one also had half the doctors not accepting new patients, so I went to the larger one. I felt really comfortable after our discussion that they would be a good place to take the baby. They let you hop around until you find the physician you like the best.

We discussed the following:

after-hours communication/ appts - (turns out they are always available to do analyses by phone, and they have sick visits after hours on weekdays for generally a few hours, then also on Saturdays and some Sundays).

lactation consulting- they are great, they allow visits solely for this that are billed to insurance so no need for a private consultant.

Vaccines - We are choosing to forego most vaccinations, and aren't doing anything before 6 months. I wanted to be assured they wouldn't be kicking us out over it, and they have said they won't, though they will discuss them all the same to be sure we're informed (ie, scared shitless, lol!)

Separate waiting areas - there is a separate section for healthy newborns, there is a section for people who just want to be away from the main area as well.

Can't recall what else. I got the general feeling it would work out fine for us, though.
Hey girls,

Hope you are all well. I've only read back through the last couple pages and i'm sure ive missed loads! You do talk a lot!

WTB - I hope your little ones stay tucked in there for a little longer! You've done so well to get this far though! :D

AFM I've been busy continuing with my nesting. Is it normal to keep cleaning things even though they have already been cleaned? lol.
I've slowly been getting my hospital bag together as well, although i have a feeling its going to be sat there for at least another 10 weeks.
My mum is doing my head in, my travel system arrived at her house today and told me she would bring it round tomorrow, although now she's decided she's out for the day so will bring it at "some point". Great. I just want it now lol. I can't cope with the excitement ha ha.

WTB, I hope you can get some rest now, after a rough night. ANd that the little girls manage to stay in there a bit longer.

I've never gotten any flu shots and I don't think I will this year, either. But we'll see. I'll likely have to work until I deliver (still learning about the shitty policy at my workplace), but I just don't really believe in flu shots, is all.

Unsure yet about the vaccines for the baby. I don't think I'll agree to HepB. Where on earth would he get that?! Chicken pox annoys me, too. But then again, our daycare probably won't take him without those, so... argh. We'll see. One step at a time. I'll stay at home for at least 6 months, too, unless something goes horribly wrong, so we might be able to figure it all out and do it the way we want it done.
WTB, I hope you can get some rest now, after a rough night. ANd that the little girls manage to stay in there a bit longer.

I've never gotten any flu shots and I don't think I will this year, either. But we'll see. I'll likely have to work until I deliver (still learning about the shitty policy at my workplace), but I just don't really believe in flu shots, is all.

Unsure yet about the vaccines for the baby. I don't think I'll agree to HepB. Where on earth would he get that?! Chicken pox annoys me, too. But then again, our daycare probably won't take him without those, so... argh. We'll see. One step at a time. I'll stay at home for at least 6 months, too, unless something goes horribly wrong, so we might be able to figure it all out and do it the way we want it done.

Chicken pox vaccine? In my time you built immunity by, well, getting the chicken pox. lol! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. ;)
There was a lass on the forums here who had been exposed to chicken pox at nursery by an unvaccinated child, she was FREAKING, and though everything was fine in the end, she went through a lot of worry over that.

I think there's a general lack of awareness with that and shingles, I had shingles centred on my knee (of all places) a few years ago and wasn't made aware by my doctor that I should be keeping away from people in general in case they weren't immune and had pregnant friends or relatives or were in fact pregnant themselves. I was sent away from my local outpatient's clinic thoroughly confused and angry and upset, just because the doc didn't think to say anything to me about it.

Been shopping with my mum today, off to Tesco and to New Look (maternity jeans, yaaaaaay!) and ohmigosh my feet are so SORE! In other news, DH is thru to the second round of interviews for a pretty decent job, and my dad just dropped in with a cotbed for the Troll :D which is very awesome. :happydance:

Also... reflux, eish.
Vaccines! that's definitely a question I need to bring up with the doctor for sure.

As for nesting... I'm too tired to nest! Hopefully I get that last minute energy surge and can get our house in order... if not, I'll let the cleaning lady do it :)
Yay momma for ur oh coming home!

Charlie that's crap that ur feeling run down. It's def a lot harder when ur preg. It's just no fun! Hopefully the boys be good for u! We've never been offered the flu jab! Dunno if itd get it tho I dunno!

Mrs u managed to explain multi quote better lol thanks! Oh doesn't blink when I'm sore and were awake but I've hid it well. It's only now as I get sorer he's seeing me wince more and more!

I found out my immunity (word?) lol to rubella, measles and mumps is low and I need to be vaccinated after I've baby. I didnt know ur vaccine 'ran out' ha!
I to counted be assed to nest today ha!

Anyone get reflux/hb when they don't eat for a while? I was out all day and didn't stop for food. So now that I'm home cooking I feel like I've hb! Can that even happen?

I've been out helping mil all day, and wow I can't wait for bed! Gonna make choc rice krispie buns now with ds after my panadol kicks in... Bh ur annoying me!
Had an appointment with the OB today. Everything looks good. We touched on the labor topic today. Because my labor with DD was atypical (i.e. not very painful), he encouraged me to come to the hospital once I start feeling contractions. This is the same doc who told me to wait a couple hours last time. I waited one before going to L&D to be told I was 7 cm dilated. Guess we learned something! He also seems to think my labor will be fast this time and advised me not to travel too far from home.

Scheduled to get a flu shot next week. Figured why not?
Had an appointment with the OB today. Everything looks good. We touched on the labor topic today. Because my labor with DD was atypical (i.e. not very painful), he encouraged me to come to the hospital once I start feeling contractions. This is the same doc who told me to wait a couple hours last time. I waited one before going to L&D to be told I was 7 cm dilated. Guess we learned something! He also seems to think my labor will be fast this time and advised me not to travel too far from home.

Scheduled to get a flu shot next week. Figured why not?

Yay for short labors! I'm hoping I have one, too, though I have no reason to believe it should be particularly short. :p
Just keep mobile as long as you can oh_so. Walk, walk, walk!
My labour with my first was over 24 hours early labour, 4.5 hours active, my 2nd was 12 hours active. I sort of hope it is more like my first though to be honest.

They don't give baby's here a chicken pox vaccine ... ?
Apparently there are two New Zealander pediatricians in my little german town, so we'll be searching around for them :p
Yay momma for ur oh coming home!

Charlie that's crap that ur feeling run down. It's def a lot harder when ur preg. It's just no fun! Hopefully the boys be good for u! We've never been offered the flu jab! Dunno if itd get it tho I dunno!

Mrs u managed to explain multi quote better lol thanks! Oh doesn't blink when I'm sore and were awake but I've hid it well. It's only now as I get sorer he's seeing me wince more and more!

I found out my immunity (word?) lol to rubella, measles and mumps is low and I need to be vaccinated after I've baby. I didnt know ur vaccine 'ran out' ha!
I to counted be assed to nest today ha!

Anyone get reflux/hb when they don't eat for a while? I was out all day and didn't stop for food. So now that I'm home cooking I feel like I've hb! Can that even happen?

I've been out helping mil all day, and wow I can't wait for bed! Gonna make choc rice krispie buns now with ds after my panadol kicks in... Bh ur annoying me!

Yeah, I was trying to decide what foods gave me reflux and then I hadn't eaten in a couple hours and STILL got acid reflux. From nothing!
Even though I still believe I don't have heartburn, at least not the way people describe it, I've been chewing on some Tums when the weird sensation around my tonsils happens... and it works. Whee.

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