November Due Dates (cont)

Have you met the other doctors in the practice so you know who might be there to do your c-section? Hopefully you and your doctor can come up with a detailed birth plan so the other docs know exactly what you want/expect.

And is it weird that I am totally not freaked out by the idea of labor/birth? I'm more freaked out about pooing (haha), but even that fear has subsidded after conversations with you veteran moms :). I am not panicked about my doctor not being there or on call b/c she won't be spending much time with me that day anyway. I'm not freaked out at all about the idea of a c-section should I need one. And I'm totally chill about the idea of pushing a baby out. I feel a little odd for being so relaxed about it, however that may totally change when the time actually comes :haha:
Woah Charlie, she sounds terrible! Hopefully you'll have another one next time??

37 days!! So exciting!
I heard it's like that for some women who have C-sections. Women can feel like it takes some of the magic out of the whole thing. But just think, you KNOW when your baby is coming! It's going to be so much easier to prepare and plan for it! Yeah, LOL, not to mention you miss the whole big head, small hole thing... :O
I keep thinking my baby could be here in 2 weeks... or 7weeks! Such a ridiculously big gap! Full term in 2 weeks (or 1 if you believe 36weeks)... :wacko:
Right girls I really need your help.. My restless leg syndrome has got so bad that ive resorted to actually tying my legs up tightly with socks at night!! (see picture below.)

I know it sounds ridiculous but it seems to be the only thing that works! I managed to get about 5 hours sleep last night which is the most sleep ive had in weeks. Except I have to tie the socks really tightly to stop my legs jumping about that im worried about reducing my circulation and thus reducing blood flow to the baby. Does this sound like something thats likely to happen to you guys??

Sorry if this is a ridiculous question ha ha


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Try those perhaps, they activate and deactivate allowing for better blood flow. Also you might try for compression socks (most medical supply shops have them).
Oof, Charlie, that's horrible about the midwife.

As for the restless legs, I have no idea what to do about those. I just actually had a co-worker explain to me what that was. Hm.

I had a meeting with my doula last night and we're finally getting things going. Next meeting is scheduled for next Monday, when she'll meet my husband, too.
Thanks il look into them,im so desperate ill try anything right now! Just booked an emergency appt at the doctors cos im so dreading sleep tonight but the only doctor on call is this horrible unsympathetic man and i just know he's not going to take me seriously at all! Grr!

This probably best describes it jaz -

Charlie thats rubbish. I only have my midwife appts every 4 weeks its really annoys me!

37 days momma b! thats crazyy! but so exciting!
Ugh, that sounds very annoying. This girl I work with has had it for years... so she just kind of jumps around. :/

I hope they get it figured out for you!
Thanks il look into them,im so desperate ill try anything right now! Just booked an emergency appt at the doctors cos im so dreading sleep tonight but the only doctor on call is this horrible unsympathetic man and i just know he's not going to take me seriously at all! Grr!

This probably best describes it jaz -

Charlie thats rubbish. I only have my midwife appts every 4 weeks its really annoys me!

37 days momma b! thats crazyy! but so exciting!

Have you tried getting a hot water bottle and resting your legs on it? Sometimes I find that it blocks out the sensation in my legs(I had pain, but It might work for crawling etc). I used to sleep (even through summer) with a hot water bottle on one side of my leg and a heat pack on the other. Helped me sleep. Tell us how your appointment goes!
Wandering... Ur poor feet omg! Good contraption tho If it works! I'd second the support tights, for such a silly thing they did wonders for my foot! Hope the dr can give u summat tho!

Mrs I to am not worried bout labour... Worried bout the pooing tho lol i don't wanna go the section route but more so for the recovery! It's only DS and I alot so I'd have to rely on some one to help!

Jaz yay for finally getting that sorted! Did u find her nice?

Sk getting there with the feeling uncomfy, but with me it's my eyes that look so tired! They give me away straight away that I'm struggling!

Charlie id have flipped! If get urself a list of what u need / wanna know and refuse to move! Have u found out why u need a MRSA? I've never heard of that! We do it appt at 36 weeks then 38 then weekly till we pop! Well done for booking 36 weeks!

Momma eek that's getting exciting! I do get why ud like the rush of when will she be here... But while a lotta us are guessing ull be holding ur lil girl!

I've my scan tomorro OMG WOOHOO! So excited to see baby! Hopefully I'll get an estimate on size too! Gonna try film it on my fone to, to show my mam! DS can't wait to see his brother (lol he refuses to think it might be a girl!) what r the chances I'd get a sneak tween the legs without anyone mentioning it?? Lol gonna keep a look out ha!
I have my second September appointment with the doctor tomorrow . There's really nothing to talk about, and, as far as I know, no tests to take, so I fear it's going to be kind of boring. I might ask her about the Evening Primrose Oil and Rose Leaf Tea, though. I guess at some point she'll check my thyroid and platelets again. But I usually come in with a long list of questions and I'm not coming up with any this time!
I'm not worried about birth/labour and I think that's because I don't know what's coming, if that makes sense? My friend who's pregnant with her second is a lot more worried than me about it and I think that's because she's done it before and she knows what to expect, whereas I'm just kind of naive to the whole thing x
I'm not really worried this time. My last labor was super easy, and while I do fear that this one may not be so easy (you hear all the time that every one is different, I just want it to be the same!). I'm not getting worked up about it though. Obviously one way or another this baby isn't going to stay in here forever and I'm not going to fret over it.

Also, not worried particularly about which doc I get to deliver me. They won't be there most of the time any way. Just hope I have a really nice nurse!

I'm feeling pretty chilled out about the whole thing too.
I'm more scared about being in a German hospital where I don't speak german well!! Lol :p
Sarah, that IS scary. I think I'd hate that. Be great to have a bilingual doula or something for that situation!

Well, I read all the updates since yesterday, always good to see how all you ladies are doing. I am worried about labor on inasmuch as I don't know which side of OH I'll get that day. Let's hope it's a supportive one! :p Oh, also definitely not liking the idea that people may see me poo. :(

I can't believe that any midwife would go a month between appts right now, that is awful scary. In fact, I have my last two-week gap between appts right now, next week starts weekly appts. Not sure what they're doing next week. I feel like there isn't too much for them to do, though they might test for GBS either next or the following week.

I've been having lots of contractions. Some have been quite crampy uncomfortable. Was having them for hours last night. I can get them to go irregular by getting up and doing stuff, but then once lying back down they'd start to be annoying again. I'm not going to call, though, just going to hold out 'til water breaks or until I really can't get them to slow down by moving, or in the case that baby stops moving normally. I don't want to bother myself worrying about getting to the hospital or doctor every day. :/

hmm... what else? Dunno! Tired as all getup even though I slept from 8:30 to midnight (poorly, with lots of crampy contractions) then from 1am to 8am. How on earth am I tired?! Must be another wave of tiredness. Happened yesterday, too.

Also not very hungry last few days. No idea why. Weird. I've been famished, and now all of a sudden I could go hours and eat very little and not care. I did not have lunch today. Had a late breakfast and an afternoon cappuccino and shared coffee cake and an orange. I believe I'll make it all the way to dinner now... wtheck happened?
I think it's all a mix of hormones, overall anxiety/expectation/whatever, plus the fact that our poor stomach are somewhere in our throats at this point, anyway.

There are days when I feel like I could, or should, eat a roasted pig with an entire field of greens and starches, then the next day, I don't care to eat much of anything. Then there are days when just about any food sounds delicions, or those where everything seems disgusting and I can't even figure out what to have.

Tiredness... ugh. I woke up reasonaly fine this morning, but I still made it only up to about 2 pm. Ever since, I've been mostly dead and there's over an hour left at work. Then some stuff around the house, then our childbirth ED stuff at 8pm.

I so need some time off, argh.
Oh, as for contractions... hm. I don't even know if I'm having them. Sometimes there are some weird movements that I can't quite figure out, or in other words, I can't tell whether it's the little guy's routine, or some sort of my own (as in my uterus doing it).

I guess I'm really hopeless when it comes to this kind of thing. I still can't tell if I've ever experienced any hiccups, for instance. I do know that my abdomen keeps popping/clicking, that's for sure.
Oh, as for contractions... hm. I don't even know if I'm having them. Sometimes there are some weird movements that I can't quite figure out, or in other words, I can't tell whether it's the little guy's routine, or some sort of my own (as in my uterus doing it).

I guess I'm really hopeless when it comes to this kind of thing. I still can't tell if I've ever experienced any hiccups, for instance. I do know that my abdomen keeps popping/clicking, that's for sure.

We all just have different pregnancies and babies. My contractions used to be just the tightening. They've now been accompanied with menstrual cramps quite often. Last night it wrapped around my back and down my legs, not pleasant. This in addition to an evident tightening. I even know right before it happens. I can feel the muscle start to ready to tighten. lol! Right atm I'm having a tightening but no cramps, thankfully.

The hiccups, too, I think not everyone feels them. LO gets them a lot and he's so big now I can see them by looking at my belly, never mind feel them. It's a rhythmic pulse. So, I'll see my belly and feel him as he has a rhythmic hiccuping. It can last anywhere from 30s to a few mins. Maybe your baby is just a more coordinated breather than mine. lol!!
I've only felt hiccups twice... or at least what I think was the hiccups :)

As for contractions... I haven't felt a single one. BH or otherwise. My doctor said that not all women do.

And I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo that is chilled out about the idea of labor :)
Oh, I know it's all different, from woman to woman and baby to baby... but I'm still kind of dumb, if that makes any sense. :lol:

I mean, ok, I don't even know if I'd recognize menstrual cramps. I've had them before, I suppose, but I pretty much never really haid painful periods. So my feeling associated with the bleeding is, uhm, something along the lines of big open... hole in my abdomen (ok, yes, I do perhaps require to be diagnosed with weirdness...itis :rofl:). I made sure to share with my doctor, as well as my doula, that they shouldn't expect of me to give them any sensical information if they ask about pain or sensations I'm experiencing, because I'm more than likely to give them some ridiculous feedback.

- Doctor: So, is the baby moving (around 15-20 weeks)?
- Me: Uhm. I don't know. But I feel like I swallowed this big cellphone here and there.
- Doctor: ?! :rofl:

- Another doctor: So here's your prescription for the horrible ear infection and, on top of these antibiotics, keep taking the same painkillers.
- Me: Huh?
- Doctor: Painkillers. For the ear. The same ones you've been taking all of this week, while trying to decide if you should see me.
- Me: I never took any.
- Doctor: ?!?!?!??!?
- Me: I wasn't sure my ear was hurting.
- Doctor: ?!?!?!??!?!


I'm a bit messed up, perhaps. :lol:

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