November Due Dates (cont)

That's poop! Well I know one bit of German and that's guzuntight. So I would be ok if I worked in a pharmacy I suppose??
That's a toughy really if you had the right circle of friends (possible BFF's) it would slowly help your German. You need to break the cycle and I think your LO will definitely help you to get out and about more and mingle. I am similar to you.
So where are you from originally?

Rant away! x
:hugs: Hun I kinda know how u feel. I used to live in an estate with all my family and friends, then moved 2 hours away to oh's home place, so now I spend a lotta time on my own If I'm not with oh/his family! I miss my friends and just wandering to their house to sit and natter, and oh doesn't really get it! (he sees people at work all day whereas simedays if I don't go off he's the only one I'd see)

I too wish I had more things to do, I've decided when baby's here I'm joining the walking club and try get out more! I get days tho too that just get me really anxious at the thought of it being the same old nothing all day!

Can u go even for a short walk with ur ankle? Or sit outside if it's nice out? It kills me the thought if how many lonely people there are out there, like one of my neighbours prob feels the same way but cause I don't really know them I'd only ever say hi!
Oh, I really feel for you, it's horrible to feel so isolated. How bad is your ankle? Could you do something low impact like swimming? You could look into aqua natal or something? My friend was living in a small village in Belgium a few years ago and I know how hard she found it. Like you she made friends, but really missed the closeness of having her proper besties nearby. I live out of town but it's not too far to see my friends.
Do you Skype? I'm sure your friends back home would love to hang out for a bit one evening!
Phineas - I also cried my eyes out at the end of book 1 - so much so that I couldn't start book 2 till much later that day.

Sarah - I so know what you are going through! all my besties are back in Cape Town and having to start again is not easy!! I am so hoping that this baby helps me to make new friends here!

I think the whole 3rd tri slump has hit my like a ton of bricks. I slept till 10am and am so ready for an afternoon nap already!! Trying to hold out for a bit longer.
Really looking forward to my MW appointment tomorrow morning!
The tiredness has hit me today also. I have been full of beans for ages suddenly I find myself falling asleep watching the Olympics? they are the ones doing the exercise not me, whats that about? lol
I would love to know! have been fighting an afternoon nap for hours now! think I might give in in a mo
Yep! I'm totally hoping to get into more things with my LO. They are really big on baby swimming here, so I'll probably give that a go! I was looking for a swimming class this morning actually, they don't have a natal one, but I think an easy aerobics would be fine and I could see how I go!

I can walk a bit with my ankle, it's actually gotten heaps better in the last 3months, weirdly while pregnant?! So I've been trying to up my fitness a bit by walking a lot more and doing some gentle hills :p

Haha, Been, I'm pretty much glued to skype and FB :p

Aww Skweek, I love Cape town!! I was just there in March :D (oh and in sept last year).

Good luck with your MW tomorrow! I just had my appt this morning as I think I said earlier. My iron is still low :( I'm pretty sure my body repels iron...
Phew glad I'm not the only crazy pregie lady crying at 50 shades lol and I don't think I'll be able to get the sec book until at least tomorro :(

Ok this means I've like 2 weeks until I get the exhaustion back! Lol I'm ok ATM if I do summat but if I'm just home then I'm shattered!

Just lent oh my car for an hour, got home (sil brought me) to realise I'm locked out! He has my keys! Had to lift DS in through the bathroom window! Lol I'm such a ditz lol
phineas, I once managed to leave my keys inside twice in one week!!! I couldnt even blame it on babybrain :'(
Phineas - I've just finished the 2nd book today. Think I might start the 3rd book in a bit - if I can stay awake! hehe

Sarah - I'm sooo jealous!! I miss the mountain! I was there in Feb 2010 for my cousins weddings! Where about do you stay while there? I used to live close to Milnerton and Canal Walk! Feeling a bit home sick now!
U silly thing Sarah lol I hate being car less and not being able to get out the front door lol although thanking I'm preg or woulda had to go lift 100 sheep... I'll take a pregie belly any day lol

Skweek35 please tell me u didn't cry at the 2nd? Not sure oh can deal with another crazy lady today lol
We just stayed up the end of long st. So right in town! We rented a car though, so we could get around everywhere :)

Also, I have to say, the preggy belly lets me get away with a lot of things!
Phineas - No crying at the end of Book 2!! a few shockers though mid book 2 that I didnt see coming! That really had me hooked yesterday! Eager to get book 3 started now

Sarah - Long street brings back so many memories! shopping, swimming baths, nights out, willing car park attendants! happy days!
I still haven't jumped onto the 50 shades bandwagon yet. I think once my maternity leave starts the end of this month i may have to stock up on a few books :)

Talking of books, can any on you ladies recommend any good baby books? I'm looking for one that can help me prepare for labor and then the first year of babies life. There are soo many out there i don't know what to go for. Thanks :) xx
I keep hearing about that book. im not gonna read it though. Where is the movie version lmao
I fear if they made a movie of this book it would need at least a 2 - 18 age restriciton placed on it! :rofl:
SarahD, welcome to my life. I clearly do speak the language, and I even have a job (good pay, but I still freaking hate it), but I am bored out of my mind. I have pretty much no friends and very little things to do. I guess that's what happens when you exchange a 1 million people European city for an American Midwestern town of 50,000. I'll grow mold doing nothing, pretty much.

Perhaps you could try doing yoga? It can be very low impact.
I loooveee yoga, but I think I'm getting a bit heavy to re-start it. They stopped doing a maternity course at the place I wanted to go to. She said I could come along to the beginners course and she'd give me options. But I tried to do some the other day and found it really quite hard. Hmmm... I should probably just go shouldn't I....:p

And yep! I lived between a 400k and a million city. This whole 80,000 thing does my head it :(
Skweek35 I got book 2 woohoo! Oh came home with my car so I knew he'd be late tonight so said bugger it! Glad that there's shocks eager now lol being honest if a film came out I doubt I'd wanna see it lol personally I don't think it's as bad as ppl make out! Oh asked me what was in it this morning as we dtd (sorry lol) and I made up my own version cause it's a bit bland haha!

Lucyjo the only ones I know r the what to expect books! That or baby whisperer but I haven't read any of them fully! I will get a baby one haven't bothered getting a preg one... What could it tell me ye can't lol

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