November Due Dates (cont)

Sorry to hear the news!

(I think I managed to miss some posts before, baby brain, my last post seems totally random now...:shrug:)
Sorry to hear bout ur mam Hun, going through it with my mil so kinda know how u feel :hugs:

Baby is having a quiet day today, still moving just quiet.. Hoping he wakes me with a few thumps to night! Skweek thought u said I wouldn't cry on book 2? I cried when they in the shower lol it's def a woman's book tho really isn't it? Like I know my oh asked bout it but I can't imagine a man enjoying it! Def plays on the emotional side rather than the hardcore side lol

Gotta say i def have my appetite back a bit today! Just had food and toying with the idea of eating again! I missed food food tbh so not complaining! My mam taking DS for a few days tomorro so I'm gonna scrub my house, change bed sheets do the washing and enjoy a nice few peaceful few days just me and oh!
If there was any part I would have shed a tear or 2 it would have been chapter 14- that part choked me up a bit!
But yes I agree - the shower is also pretty emotional.

So sorry to hear about your mom! Hope they have caught it early enough to get rid of it quickly!

Saw MW this morning and my fundal height is measuring too big! By baout 2 - 3 weeks to big! So GTT on Friday morning and another growth scan in 2 weeks YAY!! Wont be complaining about getting to see my little girl again! I was really sad that I wouldn't be seeing her again till she is born and trying to convince DF that we need to get a 3d scan booked, but now that we have this scan I will be fine! Get to see her one more time before she is born! YAY
Ok I'm on ch 12 so I'll start preparing myself!

Glad u get to see ur bab again, I've my appt next wed, so presume my fh will be checked then! I've the gtt test on the 27th, we don't get a Mank drink tho just have to drive a bottle of lucozade! Bit nervous ESP cause most people say there's no symptoms to watch out for, so just may wait and see! I do hope I get another scan tho, 15 weeks is a long time to wait ta c baby!
My MW said I would get a lucozade too! yay - not too bad then! But its that 2 hour wait I'm not looking forward to! Shame DF did offer to come with me for that appointment too! He is sooo sweet!
I've been stalking a while but never joined is thread - I'm team yellow due nov 2nd :flower:

Uk girlies do you know how they make the decision that you need the GTT test? Xoxo
I was told that as my brother is type 1 diabetic and I have PCOS and was on metformin I would have to have the GTT.

I am aware of some who were sent for the GTT after finding sugars in their urine.

Much more than that I cant say, hope this helps
In your labour notes .. there should be a list of factors that mean you need it ...

I know one of them was previous family history of diabetes .. oh and BMI above 30. I'd find you the others but, my notes are in the car :dohh:
Yeah, I went to the supermarket yesterday and it tired me out! Of course then when I actually went to bed I couldnt sleep for an hour or so :dohh:

I'm having incredible fatigue these past few days as well. I slept 9 hours last night then took a 2 hour nap today and I'm pretty sure I'll sleep fine tonight as well. Baby is really active, though, and I've heard the growth spurts make them not move as much?? So, not sure what's going on.
Anybody else have edema?

Yet another new pregnancy related thing im experiencing. I can litterally press on my shin and the dent stays there for hours :dohh: And my engagment ring is now off. I had to soak my hand in ice water and use windex to remove it my fingers have swelled so much! Oh the joys of pregnacy
Anybody else have edema?

Yet another new pregnancy related thing im experiencing. I can litterally press on my shin and the dent stays there for hours :dohh: And my engagment ring is now off. I had to soak my hand in ice water and use windex to remove it my fingers have swelled so much! Oh the joys of pregnacy

I have the same thing going! Its called pitting edema and it is fun to gross people out by showing them the dent you can put in your body. :D I have some nice fat cankles and a camel hump on top of my feet as well.
No swelling here, at all. My fingers have never been thinner and I've probably never had ankles this small before either. And it's pretty damn hot, too, on top of my 9 hour sedentary job. I have no idea what's going on, but I sure do like it.
No swelling here yet, either. I heard from my aunt that in her final weeks of pregnancy she puffed up something serious, so I figured I'd get that joy later on. lol!

I've already outgrown about 1/3 of my pregnancy clothes. grr! I'm pretty much on 1 week's worth of outfits at this point that I mix/match and wash and wear again the next week. I am not spending more on preggers clothes! (unless I outgrow the rest of this stuff, that is. :/ )
had my glucose test today and it wasnt bad at all.
i had the lemon lime flavor, so it tasted like a flat sprite, it was realllly cold and pretty good actually. it was 10ml. Hopefully i pass.
It was only 10ml? As in like less than 1/20th of a cup?! Mine will be orange flavoured.

When do you find out the results?
Fingers crossed for you!! Happy you liked the lemon lime, it was my least favorite
I had the orange too Jaz. It wasnt too bad, tasted like an orange freezer pop, the really sugary kind. But mine was 50ml
It was only 10ml? As in like less than 1/20th of a cup?! Mine will be orange flavoured.

When do you find out the results?

lol clearly i looked at the bottle wrong..
it was about 8oz, i know that much

she said the results will be in tomorrow and that they will only call me if i need further testing
so no news is good news
Let's then hope for no news!

I had a three hour glucose test done about 12 years ago. It was a full cup and it wasn't flavoured at all. ICK. But I lived.

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