November Due Dates (cont)

Wandering hope that baby turns back so u can sleep :hugs:
I finally managed to sleep but oh was very restless so he woke me few times! Fell back sleep pretty easy tho thank god!

Ahhh were due next month, finally seems like its getting closer! Congrats to everyone due on the first of nov... Officially on ur last month... Unless ye go over :p lol

Have we lost any one to the full moon? I know we've still 2 nights officially to go tho! WTB r the girls hanging in there still?
Cant believe we're all due next month!!! :pink::blue::dance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo:

Seems like only yesterday me and OH were celebrating 100 days to go! Now its like 30 something ahh!
yall are shouting yay next month. and while im excited. i am not ready!! lol
We're off to collect the last of the bits and pieces that my BFF has given/loaned us, including moses basket and other assorted toys and clothes... also getting wedding certificate ratified by the Registrar's Office (which I hope doesn't cost much, if anything), and I'm cooking today - bolognese for dinner and a cake for my mum, it's her 57th birthday today :D she doesn't know I'm baking for her though. We're gonna hoover throughout the house and I'm cleaning the kitchen whilst DH tidies up the garden, and we'll have a pretty bunch of flowers and box of chocolates waiting for her when she gets in from work :)

Yes, feeling father chuffed and the day's not even really begun!
1eighty can I have some of ur energy bug please? Ha my body wants to do stuff but my head and eyes just can't move! Happy birthday to ur mam tho!

We officially cleared another 2 debts (oh's this time!) this morning! And I'll have the esb and fones cleared tomorro! Loving this feeling of getting somewhere with bills! I know to some ppl a 100 bill etc is nothing but when ur after getting this bill down from over a 1000 in a few months it feels pretty good! Even better to see he's serious bout reducing costs before baby's here!
Hah, 'due next month' looking forward to saying that now instead of 'due late November'

Don't know if any of you ladies use Gumtree but I've scored some amazing bargains off there recently.

We got - a bassinet in great condition (only used 6 weeks) for $20!
Medela Swing breastpump used twice, $280 new, got it for $130 and a whole heap of free baby stuff thrown in (breastfeeding pillow, onesies, bumbo, tummytime mat, nappy bag, portable changemat, cot mobile)
And we just bought a 2nd hand Steelcraft DLX pram with bassinet - immaculate condition, not a single stain, normally over $1000 new, we paid $300!!! Sooo happy

Pram with bassinet


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Wow, next month we are all becoming mummies!! How exciting!! :happydance: :D
Makes me want to get my ass in gear and get the last few bits sorted.

I have my first antenatal class tonight, so im quite looking forward to that :) Xx
For the last few days I've been having lots of sharp pains in my cervix. When im sitting and try to stand I can't even walk they hurt so bad. :nope:

Feels more external than internal if that makes any sense like its not from baby laying low. Do you think it's just a normal pregnancy thing or should I call my doctor this week if the pain keeps up?
I have had that feeling just a few times Momma. Is it some weird "baby hit a nerve" thing? If you ask your doc I would love to know what you hear.

Can't believe it's so close now!!! Next month! Granted I'm due at Thanksgiving, so could I guess remotely possibly go into December, but I don't know if my OB's office lets you get more than 10 days overdue. I never had to ask before. It probably would have come up if I had appointments past 36 weeks.
It kind of is. But then again it feels like the same pains I had when I started to dialate with my son. If it does get worse and I do call I will let you know what she says :thumbup:

Yay for October!! I have 17-31 days until she is here :happydance:

OH left for Tulsa this morning :cry:

As for the full moon, one of my girlfriends who was due Oct 8th, had her water break the other night on the 29th. Maybe the moon had something to do with it? Gives me hope since my technical due date is 9th of November and the next full moon is around the 29th of this month. Doc said if my water breaks early, or I start to have regular contractions they will go ahead and do my c-section early. I know she walked a ton, and ate tons of spicy food. In fact, she was at our local mexican resturant with her mother (who just got into town) and her water broke there. Maybe I'll try eating there around the same time of the moons phase :haha:
ooh maybe I'll be right and get that Halloween baby afterall :haha: if the full moon is that close to it! ;) I'm starting to think maybe I'll go overdue now though :shrug:

aww mommab when will he be home?? :(
He is only suppose to be gone this week. But he made some comment about I hope im home for my birthday this morning. His b-day is the 14th. Part of me thinks he wants to go. He has always wanted to travel, and if he is not here and he is gone he has no responsibilites.I have overheard many of his conversations this weekend with his supervisors and they were asking how I was doing and they really did seemed concerned. It was like they were giving him a chance for an out and he wasn't taking it :growlmad:

Maybe im being hormonal but if he doesnt come home at the end of the week, he can forget about coming in the operating room with me. If he can't put his foot down for himself and his family then maybe I don't really need him. We are not married yet and latley he has me questioning it.
Aww Momma :hugs:, sorry to hear about your OH and hopefully he will be back at the end of the week.
I would be feeling the same if it was my OH although added hormones don't help! xx
Id call your doctor if it continues mommab. Always better to be safe than sorry :D

Bugaboo those are some amazing bargains! I love gumtree! Just got myself an amazing brand new double bed off there for a fraction of the price it should have been :happydance:

Im so tired :( This lack of sleep is really hitting me now. I wish I'd done all my tidying earlier so i could just relax this last month but nope I had to leave it all to the last minute didnt I! grr.
Well the cake turned into cupcakes because mum didn't have cake tins (but did have a tart tin and muffin cases!), and they bloody sunk in the middle! So I filled the sunken bit with jam and topped it with icing. Except I ran out of icing halfway through (was being far too generous with those first cakes) so the last are dusted with icing sugar and can be had with cream instead!


Picked up play gym, moses basket and bouncy chair with arch from my BFF, and a HEAP of clothes (which I will go through tomorrow, no energy for it tonight!) and I think some bottles (so all I have to do is get replacement teats for them), so got some sorting to do tomorrow, then I can sort out what we have left to get for the Troll and start to pack hospital bags!
Momma I too get that pain, it's enough to wind u at times and stop u in ur tracks. Some days r better than others though! With me it's def not dilating (only checked and I'm def shut tight, but if ur worried I'd call!)
As for ur oh, I can see where ur coming from with the he's had no responsibilities etc and even tho from what u say he gets on brill with ur son maybe in his own head he's freaking a lil? I know my oh is finding the thought of a newborn again very weird (DS is 7 and we only moved in together full time when he was one!) he hasn't been round a newborn since DS and although he is excited I know he's a bit OMG too! Maybe ur oh is so used to going for work where he can that he feels the sec he stops its gonna hit him! U should talk to him, tell him what u think he feels, ull know by his reaction :hugs:

1eighty cakes r better than none, say she was delighted!

Be exciting this time next full moon to see if we've any poppers!

Felt like such a bad mammy... Fell sleep on the couch as DS was talking to me, woke 5 mins later to him putting a blanket on me! Had to get up and find some way of treating him, so he's been wanting to start karate for few weeks now so we went and enrolled him in there ha!
MommaB, I hope you get everything figured out!

I am so tired today I can barely think. Four more hours to go at work, though, so that just plain sucks. My everything hurts and it's not really only the baby causing it - we had a different instructor in my Saturday yoga class and she changed a few things around, of course. Result: sore muscles. On top of that, I barely slept last night. Bleh. Stupid full moon.

I'm also all hyped up on sugar because I had to meet my husband's mom and grandparents (they wanted to see the bump) and failed to get a proper lunch during my break. We did meet at a bar, but I decided all the food there was disgusting, so I didn't order anyhing. Now I'm eating a horrible cinnamon roll, on top of a donut I ate for breakfast.

Waiting to hear from the doula about our tonight's meeting, too. Even though I know we should meet with her, I kind of hope she can't do it tonight. I'm tired. Bleh.

I need to run to the hospital tomorrow on my lunch break, too, to get the preregistration done. Then Wednesday morning, we go in for another appointment/scan.

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