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November Due Dates (cont)

This is the list I followed ... hope it helps :)

Maternity notes (don't forget them)
Labour Clothes
Bottle of Water
Phone and Phone Charger

After Birth
Toiletries bag (makeup, brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturiser, dry shampoo)
Fresh Pajamas
1 pair of Socks
Breast pads
Nursing bras
disposable knickers
Maternity pads
Fresh clothes for going home

For Your Baby
Car seat
2/3 baby vests
2/3 baby grows
Something fresh for trip home
Socks or Booties
cardi/coat/Snowsuit depending on time of year
When's your next appointment MrsBertie?

Will be seeing midwife on wed and was told at last appointment I will have a sweep if possible. Will have to wait and see though cos it's likely to be a different mw and as I'll only be 39+6 I know some can be funny about it.

How about u?
My hospital bag is still far from being packed. I took the suitcase out of its little storage hole, at least. That counts at least a bit, right?
Haha, as long as it's slowly happening jaz :)

I have an appointment today, and after thursday I should have one every 2nd day. But the receptionists seem to be screwing me over for appointments so not too sure!! I don't think they do sweeps in germany :(
woke up with 4 new stretch marks. FML
if this baby dont leave me alone and make his way out!!!
stretch marks keep popping up on my rear! Not cool, baby, not cool. Hopefully when it shrinks down to normal size again they won't be so noticeable.
I have a few weird looking ones... They look more like I scratched really hard rather than actual stretch marks so dunno what they r!

2 of the girls here that r due the same day as me, were brought in to be induced this weekend, found out one had a lil boy by section this morning and the other girls labour has just started to kick off... Yay for them boo for me ha! I realise they prob wouldn't have chosen to be induced (pre e and gd) but still can't help but feel a tad jealous!

In the middle of cleaning the presses... Yay ha
I can imagine the disappointment that comes with hearing about people who pop before you when you're due at the same time. A friend of ours is due on the same day as me (what are the chances?) and my best friend is a due a week after me... And I know, if either of them goes into labor before me, I'll probably have a full on hissy fit! :haha:
My butt ones were around 20 weeks :/ now they're just the creepy belly ones :( .
I have a friend who was due on the 25th. For 4-5 weeks they keep saying how their doctor doesnt think he'll see them again before the baby is born etc etc. She's now 4 days OD! I never really saw why they were thinking she was going early :/
DH thinks I'll go early, though there's really no reason to think that. He keeps saying Davis will be here between the 11th and 13th. We'll see! I gotta say, I kind of hope he's right. I'm getting downright miserable over here! Working during the last 2 months of pregnancy is for the birds! I hate my office chair with a passion these days.
Ugh that really sucks Mrs :( totally unfair that you don't get some time off!
I wish I didn't have to work, too.

Otherwise, I'm really nowhere near miserable yet, I suppose. Or at least not miserable enough to want the baby to come out early.

He's not moving as much this AM, I think, but mornings are not his favourite parts of the day, anyway. I'm fairly sure there' still enough activity, though, so I won't worry about it. For now, at least.
LO's movements have slowed down for me too. Unless i feel her little hands going crazy down in my pelvis.lol. ( on my scan the other day she was going to town chewing on her fists the whole 45 minutes!) Otherwise I have to pay extra close attention to her rolling around. It is normal though. These little buggers are running out of room!
I met up with my NCT class today (regular Monday outing) they've all had their babies but I was the last due date by a week so I expected that. OH just got home and told me his work colleagues sister who was due 2 and a bit weeks after me has had baby today! Now I'm depressed :( don't know the details so I guess it could have been induction or something but I guess I'm just jelous cod I really want to meet her now. Also the family have started telling me they want her to turn up cod they are fed up of waiting- cant say that's helping much lol!
Just ignore them! Ugh, people can be so unhelpful! She'll come when she's ready and we are so so almost there!!!

I'm kind of thinking maybe halloween will be my day, I was born on Friday the thirteenth and my little one can be a little halloween baby! :)
I'm the last one out of my NCT class too - it sure makes the time drag hearing all the baby announcements! X
Awe, Bertie. People don't realize what they're saying sometimes. To them, it's just a comment, but to you it's much more than that. Try not to listen. You're so close!! One thing is for sure... whether it's today or a week from today, you are going to have that sweet baby girl soon!
Bertie I so know how you feel!! I know 12 people due in October and November. Of those only 5 were meant to be due in October and already 7 have had their babies. One of them is a colleague who was due on 22 November!!! She had her baby on Sunday morning - 4lb 13!! Really tiny boy!
Although I am only due on Saturday, I have so many asking if I am 'still' waddling around!
Trust me I am trying everything possible to get this baby out now!

Not long for us now!! FXed by this time next week we are holding our babies!

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