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November Due Dates (cont)

Wow can't believe some of you only have 2-3 days left until Due date!!!!!!! :shock: It's gone SO QUICK!!!!

Afm - I dtd last night hoping it would start something, and have a really really busy day today .... I also predicted on a thread on here and to my family, she's coming tomorrow and, am SO SO crampy today :( Thing is, need to get these chores done :haha: typical!
Nooo charlie! I'm meant to be first :p :p !

It's actually weird that my due date is so close, doesnt really feel like it!!!
Hopefully we'll get another baby or 2 this week! C'mon girls, get squatting, bouncing, DTD, eating curry, walking, doing star jumps, having baths (?), eating pineapple 'till your tongue hurts! Or whatever else! :haha: we need more babies!
Fit the car seat into the freshly valeted car this morning and the dogs have been groomed to near baldness (I'm not up for a lot of vacuuming in the next few weeks). I'm ready for this baby to come and getting really annoyed to spend every night crippled with contractions that disappear as soon as I get up each morning. They are a mean tease.
Have you been taking something for the pains Springer? Paracetemol should help with BH :(
You're due tomorrow!!! Ahhh! :happydance:
I have tried these and no joy especially with the curry just got my first lot of heartburn instead .:dohh:

I have never had so many phone calls checking up on me. Im there getting on with house work and im like yes im fine.

Another thing is everyone has there predictions for when she will arrive. A lady at work predicted 3.40 Sunday. She said she is never wrong. wa ha alot of mystic megs! I thought she was joking but nope she was serious. People are bananas!

Im a bit nervous about having a Halloween baby, not a big fan of Halloween. spoookkkyy!
I like firework night though, so if she could arrive then that would be nice. x:happydance:
Have you been taking something for the pains Springer? Paracetemol should help with BH :(
You're due tomorrow!!! Ahhh! :happydance:

I'm going to get out the tens machine this evening and see if that helps. I was almost sure I was in labour this morning as the baby was going wild every time I got a contraction and I thought it meant he was being pushed down and out. The midwife said yesterday that his head is fully engaged and she doesn't think it will be long but who knows what will really happen. I think I'll crack up if I go two weeks overdue. My husband says he has a really good feeling about Thursday.
I tried so many things yesterday - including what a thought would be a hot curry. Well lets just say that a madras is not hot enough for me. Might attempt a vindaloo later this week!
Have loads pineapple ripening at the mo.
Might attempt to grab DF again tonight! TEEHEE
Will make sure that any knitting is done while sitting on my ball - yes I have become really sad!! I'm knitting a blanket! And not doing too badly, even if I have to say it myself!!
Congrats on the knitting. I never got that creative bit late now to start. I did however make bunting for the nursery if that counts. I havent been on the ball as it was hurting my SPD.

I know, the curry I had was meant to be a hot one too. Felt like goldie locks.. it wasn't hot enough.

Are you finding your self symptom spotting? every twinge im like ooohhh well that's new. All it is, is an itchy toe or something :dohh:
Will post pics of my blanket as soon as its finished. Hoping to knit a really cute hat for the new born photo shoot. The photographer doesn't usually do new born shoots so doesn't have many props.
Aww that sounds sweet. Are you using a professional photograph company?
nope, just someone who was recommended via a friend. My friend used to work with him (the photographer). He has since left that job to do photography full time.
We have also booked him to cover our wedding next year - so getting a really good deal
That's really good. They are so expensive, I like venture photos. Not sure if you have heard of them. Luckily my friend is doing ours plus it helps her with her portfolio.

I just cant wait, its too exciting!:happydance:
Well I've done pretty much everything on the list and still nothing lol I've decided I just need to be patient and she will more than likely turn up at some point next week. Going swimming again tonight which might help to get her anterior and engaged then we shall see what the midwife says tomorrow :)
I'm jealous of ur curries :( I love curry, but there arent any good places around here :'(
Don't be we did a fake away and made it our selves. Nom! I have my mid wife ap on my due date. I am interested to hear the positioning of the baby.

I feel like being an air hostess the exit is here, here and only here, please keep your arms in on the exit. :haha:
Not much going on in our little... bumpland. Just back to frequent movement and some on and off mild contractions that do nothing. I mean, they don't make me take a break from my activities, or anything.

I need to call the vet and see if they can take the cat in one of these days. I normally trim her nails at home, but at this point, I don't want her to hate ME, when she can easily hate them instead, haha. I also want her checked for any and all parasites, get the flea stuff put on her, etc. I mean, at this point, I just enjoy the idea of getting others to work for me.
whatwill - we also have a close friend taking pictures of Davis when he gets here. She also did my maternity pictures last weekend. It's her gift to us (as it also helps out her portfolio) ;) I am SO grateful to have her around to do them... it is very expensive otherwise.

We're also taking the pups to the groomer this weekend. Poor little pugs, LOL! They're not too fond of the groomer. They shed so much (even in the fall/winter) so we're going to have them shaved as well. I also have plans to get my car detailed this weekend and install the carseats in both our cars.

On a random note, I was going through an email folder marked "baby" and I found some psychic readings I received either just before we conceived or just after (I was grasping at straws trying to find a "sign" it was going to happen :haha:). Anyway - one of the emails said she sees an "assisted delivery, most likely an induction". We have an ultrasound on Friday to check his weight and position since he's consistently measured ahead... if he really is a big boy she said they'll talk about inducing... how weird if my doctor actually does decide to go forward with it. I'm not holding my breath, but I thought it was interesting to re-read that piece :)

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