November Due Dates (cont)

In with the consultant in a few hours, gonna ask the midwife if she can at least tell me if he's dropped officially as the sonographer doesn't do that.

Also, I'm not wearing my maternity jeans any more - they are just far too tight under the bump when sitting down and I'm worried in case it's preventing him from engaging!

Someone we know whose due date was the 16th is in labour now... starting to get bluesy that our troll isn't scooting.
Well im in early stages of labour (2cm) but midwife has said that it can stop and start and she wont sweep till 3cm.... so its just a waiting game now
Good luck rainbow!!

1eighty I only wear my jeans when I go to the dr :) rest of the time it's trackies :D
ha ha just had a look at the first page of this thread with the list of our names and dates. The only person is Momma who created the thread and a few others have popped. Do you think this was a conspiracy? :haha:

I have decided I am now due on the 8th. I got pushed forward a week at my 12wk scan. We had treatment so we know the exact dates etc and was originally told the 8th. So I am going to go with that. lol if she comes now she will be early! :haha:
Does anyone else feel like they've hit a wall? I'm so tired all of the time... I had my burst of energy over the weekend and completely finished all of the cleaning/packing/assembling/organizing/etc. and now I'm exhausted... I could fall asleep at my desk right now. :sleep:
If you all want me to add you to the front page I need your info. Its to hard for me to try and keep track of who has went and who hasnt since there is more than one place that this group chats. Just let me know :thumbup:
ha ha Hiya! :hi:

No I wouldn't worry, you must have your hands full. Hows it going?? x
Things are going well! Can't believe that my Morgan is already a week and half old. Feels like its already flying by to quickly :haha:

Speaking of, little Miss just woke up and wants to eat. We are cluster feeding at the moment....this momma is tired :sleep:

Ill try and keep up better here. I know some of you ladies have popped and I would really love to add you to the front page. Just let me know on here :thumbup:
Aw bless you, you don't have too. Has it been nearly two weeks already.. blimey!

Glad your well, I'm not on Facebook so wondered how you were getting on. x
1eighty I only wear my jeans when I go to the dr :) rest of the time it's trackies :D

Only wear mine when I have to venture outside, but I'm throwing the whole concept of being "warm" out the window now - went to the ward in cropped maternity leggings and flip-flops in 7C temps :/
Lol! At least our bodies are a bit warmer while pregnant :) It's to get through the lack of clothes at the end!!
I have a dilemma. I may be too late to do anything about it but if I'm not I think I need to get it sorted out. I moved from Ireland to Wales a couple of months ago for a work contract my husband got and apart from the people he works with we know nobody here and have no support network whatsoever. My parents planned to come over here once the baby was born. My husband figured he could take a week off work from when I went into labour and my parents would then come over for 1-2 weeks so I would have support for the first 2-3 weeks. The only problem we would then have to sort would be what to do with the dogs while I'm in labour. Our garden here isn't secure, so we can't give the dogs access to the outside if we aren't here.

Over time I noticed that my parents' plan to come over seemed to be inching more and more forward. And they were suggesting coming over sooner so they could look after the dogs while I was in labour, which would admittedly be a weight off my mind. I wouldn't have to worry about the dogs being stuck in the house for however long I was in labour and they could take the dogs for a long walk while we bring the baby home, so they'd be more relaxed and find it easier to adjust to the baby. On the otherhand it would mean that my husband and I wouldn't have time to ourselves during the first few days. I wasn't wild at the idea of them coming so early but saw the practical aspect and when I asked my husband his opinion he said he didn't mind.

Now that I have an induction date for next Monday and am showing no signs of movement this morning my parents suggested coming this Friday and staying until the 20th. I said fine and they said they'd book the ferry later today. But I've been thinking about it and if I get induced my husband will be finishing work this Friday and returning on the 19th. So that means that I will only have them here for one day after my husband goes back to work. That seems pretty pointless and feels like they are coming more to see the baby asap (which I understand) than to help me when I'm alone in Wales. They will take care of the dogs. Which is a good thing, especially as induced births take longer. But all in all I think I'd prefer to have them here after my husband goes back to work. Not have everyone here at the same time and then have me alone here each day until the end of the year when my husband's contract ends.

Obviously if they have booked the ferry already the matter is settled, but if they haven't should I suggest they wait a week or two to come over? (They have an event between the 21st and the 25th that they really want to be home for.)
They can rebook for later (unless they got non-refundable tickets) and you can put the dogs in kennels for a week if needed.

You have to put yourself and your hubby first as far as your LO is concerned!
1eighty I just noticed ur scan pic in ur sig, is it new? He's such a cute lil nose!

Springer I'd see if they could change it to the later date. Ull have time alone with oh and then their visit to look forward to!

Good luck to those in early labour :) hopefully we can get more yummy babies soon!

I've just noticed my feet r super swollen tonight :( bugger! Hope my bp behaves tomorrow, nearly there and def not willing to get put on bed rest!

Off to get another bath with clary sage, my feet need a good rubbing ha
Decided to go with the original plan. As my husband is a contractor he isn't entitled to any time off and after talking to him I'm worried that once the baby is born he'll be put under pressure to come into work. He only has 5 weeks or so left on the contract and I don't want him to jeopardise this job or future work because he feels guilty leaving me.
1eighty I just noticed ur scan pic in ur sig, is it new? He's such a cute lil nose!

:) It's a pic from last week's scan, the one I had up before was from the 12w scan where you could juuuuust make out eye sockets and teeth buds. This one much cuter :p Just need to see in person now!!!

Rocking the hb again, siiiigh.....
Springer prob wise, sometimes we gotta do it even tho its not what we want!

I always wondered if that old scan was in fact from baby, always used to look at it ha that ones stunning tho he's such a cute nose in it! Also snap with the bh ah one day they ll make summat happen for us!
Did we say that Beankeeper and OH_so_blessed popped??

How are you doing? I'm getting frustrated!!!
Hopefully they're all out having babies. ;) How are you doing whatwillbex??

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