November Due Dates (cont)

Has anyone started washing the baby clothes yet? Is it too early to start now with washing and ironing all the baby clothes!
I have a ton of clothes for her in all sorts of ages ranges - small baby to 18 months! Help!!
Has anyone started washing the baby clothes yet? Is it too early to start now with washing and ironing all the baby clothes!
I have a ton of clothes for her in all sorts of ages ranges - small baby to 18 months! Help!!

I don't see anything wrong with starting to wash things now as your nursery is ready. We've still got a long way to go before our nursery is done, so there's no point in us starting yet.
Woohoo, got my glucose results.

102, which is not even remotely close to bad! (In Europe, or at least Croatia, it'd be 5.7)

Yay yay!
Woohoo Jaz! That's great news.
I had bloods taken today, and she mentioned that it would be getting checked for sugars but I didn't have to fast or take a drink. Anyone else have this? Maybe if the sugars are high then I'll have to do the GT test?
Really hope I can breastfeed "from the source" this time around. With DD1 I pumped for almost 6 months. A combination of issues and my own anxiety made bfing too difficult for me the first time around.
Phineas, I hear you on the head-down baby. My bump is quite low and when I get up I feel like I need to support it. Not to mention the hundred pees a day.

Bookity, GL with the breastfeeding. We're all here for you! :) It's good that even with the anxiety you still managed to give baby the benefits of breastmilk. Good for you! :)
I just ordered a sheepskin baby comforter. It'll be here on Friday. I watched a video of a baby doing tummy time on this thing and couldn't resist. I had seen one at a local store and thought that seemed so nice. I want baby to be super comforted after he leaves my (very!) cushy womb. lol!

If you want to see the video look here on Amazon and just page down it will be the review you'll see on bottom with the video. Such a cute little baby boy!
Just had my GTT test today as well. Haven't gotten the results back from it yet, but they did get my blood cell counts back and it looks like I'm now anemic (I wasn't when they tested me back in April). Anyone else find themselves anemic in the 2nd or 3rd trimester? What did your doctor do about it?
Hi Gubee & Nikki, welcome to the November group. :)

Gubee, I think that's great that you're going granola. I wish I had a laundry system, I'd be in for cloth, too. Instead I think we're going to try some of the more eco-friendly disposables and see how they work out for us. I'm so in love with the good cloth diapers, though... I envy you!

We'll probably be making our own baby food, too, eventually. Starting on breastmilk as well, looking quite forward to breastfeeding actually.

Nikki, ikwym! So glad we're on the home stretch, too! :D

Hi Gubee & Nikki, welcome to the November group. :)

Gubee, I think that's great that you're going granola. I wish I had a laundry system, I'd be in for cloth, too. Instead I think we're going to try some of the more eco-friendly disposables and see how they work out for us. I'm so in love with the good cloth diapers, though... I envy you!

We'll probably be making our own baby food, too, eventually. Starting on breastmilk as well, looking quite forward to breastfeeding actually.

Nikki, ikwym! So glad we're on the home stretch, too! :D

I'm doing BF, reusables, and making my own baby food. Actually, I can't imagine not making my own baby food, but I am really into cooking :)

Cloth diapers, breastfeeding and homemade baby food here, too. The majority of foods we eat are cooked at home, so I can't really imagine feeding the baby anything else.

Actually, my husband recently got a washing machine that someone replaced with a new set. Its the washing machine only, since the dryer went out. Its a smaller one than the one we usually use, so he plans on hooking it up and it will be the "soiled diaper" washing machine ... lol!

I'm the same way when it comes to making our own baby food. We both cook, and I have a MASSIVE garden (we have 40 tomato plants alone) My DH and I always can and store our veggies for the winter and we plan on adjusting the garden next year so that we can feed our LO homegrown stuff as well.

I just can't justify buying food that I can not only make, but enjoy making, and when it comes to diapers... I can't justify spending that much money on something she is just going to poop in and then throw out. lol!
Sat here at the bus stop its ridiculously early going for the full month- Gtt anti d and antenatal app going to have more blood taken than Dracula would steal haven't eaten since midnight can't have coffee it's bloody warm and I'm stil upset from the hissy fit I threw last night as I went through the 'it's my baby my choice' crap at my OH. And before u all start to feel sorry for him he then went to ring MY DAD!!!! (as he was working) to try and talk some sense into me !!!! Needless to say I'm still miffed! So wish me luck xx
Omg girls the pressure in my vjj is getting ridiculous! I woke during the night in pain from it and every time I roll in bed I've to lift vjj first! :( please tell me some one else is this bad? Heading to get tabs in a min and just keep taking them!

Oh woke me all lovey with kisses I just lay in bed let him do the work ha I just couldn't move!

No ones failed the gtt yet have they? Congrats girls! I've mine on the 27th but dr was a bit shocked I've to get one, said if I've no history of it with DS, not measuring to big etc then he's surprised they r doing it (my bmi is high)! I don't mind doing it tho it'll catch it then if I do!

As for washing clothes I'm not doing it yet gonna leave it until I'm packing hosp bag! Baby walking across my belly this morning ha kinda cool tho!
Sexysmurf :hugs: and good luck take deep breaths or ur bp will be sky high!
I'm going to wash them when I get my changing table/drawers. Then pack them all away in there :)
What have I missed?? Haven't been on the continued thread yet as I am just now turning the curb into third tri (whoot!!) Though this last week of second tri has been HELL!!

I have been sick with God knows what fever sore throat coughing, hacking, ear ache-the works! I think I did read somewhere that pregnancy lowers your immune system?
Phineas, have you told your doc about the pain you're having? Are you sleeping with pillows for support? I really hope it gets easier for you.
I get pain in my hips but it seems to be resolved y just turning over. I'm definitely finding it harder to move from lying down though. Getting up to pee or even just turning over is much less comfortable, I just feel so heavy!

Young'n'proud, sorry you've been ill, that sucks! Are you feeling any better now? I felt like I was fighting something last week but thankfully it didn't materialise into anything.
Yeah it does :( basically it means we are more likely to get sick, and when we do it can be a lot worse :dohh:
So to start a new thread of topic I'm going to bring up Pain relief!!!
Apparently they don't do Gas and Air in Germany. So after saying I didn't want to have an epidural or opiates, my midwife suggested homeopathy! Which I don't in any way subscribe to... So anyway, I have to figure out something in between. I'm all for massage, breathing, pools, balls and what not.
Phineas - I asked my midwife about the intense pressure I have. She said that baby is just popping in and out of the pelvis and when I have it for a while, she's engaged for a bit, but then as it disappears sometimes - she pops out. She also said that as it's not the first baby, the pain could also be to looser ligaments/stretched out muscles and baby is therefore pushing down on things which is causing my inner leg pelvis bones to hurt like hell (if you get where I mean?). She said totally normal unless it starts to get accompanied by labour contractions and a bloody show.
Yup Charlie exactly what I was told, although seems like he was down there from bout 5 yesterday evening until I dtd this morning! Pressures eased a tad since this morning so think I just have the ligament pain now! I really dont want him engaged from this early full time Im walking like a duck and it kills when I'm sleeping!

Young and proud hope u feel better soon! I've been lucky and only had the odd sniffle thank god!

Sarah I had gas and air with DS Nd being honest I threw it away! It made me feel so dizzy and sick! I did use it when I was getting stitched tho! I prob will try gas and air again and if very necessary then the epidural!
So I said I was going to stay away until friday, yet here I am :haha:

Got all you new ladies added... welcome!!

YAY Jaz on passing that test!! :happydance:

Sarah did you notice your ticker changed? I think it said your a squash now :happydance:

Last nights final went ok I think. Still waiting on my grades. Tonights final is a doozy. 10 chapter comprehensive review on Pathophysiology :dohh: There are so many things that can go wrong with people and so many ways to treat them how am I ever going to remember all of this!?

Tomorrow is my 28 weeks check-up. Im honestly excited to go. Especially since one of my friends just found out she was preggers and I referred her to my doc. I asked her the other day how she liked her and she said she was great, to bad she is going on maternity leave in November. WHAT!!!!!! My doc never told me she was pregnant or adopting!!!! Now im concerned since she is the only doc I have seen and she is suppose to be doing my c-section. Looks like this doc has some explaining to do tomorrow!!!! Maybe that means she will schedule my section for the last day of October. I would love to have a halloween baby!!

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