November Due Dates (cont)

I had a pretty easy pregnancy with my 1st and he was SO good - the perfect textbook baby/toddler.

Not that great pregnancy with Henry, with regards to back ache and feeling so tired all the time etc and he was a nightmare baby (he had colic, silent reflux etc)

This time around I feel great! It's just this pressure/pelvis ache - so hoping she's going to be more like my first..... *fingers crossed* lol

Aw no I hope it doesnt work like this cos ive felt so tired and achey recently! Never mind all the migraines and over heating and feeling faint! Hopefully ill have the perfect baby haha. Your two sons are so cute btw :)

Destynibaby - Im just starting to do nursery shopping now too. I have a cot and moses basket but want to get some chests of draws and decorative things too. Its finally starting to feel real for me now!
Going to order nursery furniture today. Im soooo excited. all ive bought so far is clothes... even with all this.. and all the ultrasounds and ob visits and this and that.. it still doesnt feel real. I honestly dont think it will.. til contractions hit. I feel like 'a baby? where? inside of me? yeah right. aint no human coming out of my foof!" lol

That's really exciting! I've still got a lot of work to do on LO's room before we're ready for that yet. We've chosen a cotbed and will be looking to get a chest of drawers too. It's a small room though so I think that might be enough for us.

Must have missed this thread! Can I please be added? My due date is 1st November and I am team yellow. My name is Clare and I have a 2 year old DD born by emcs. Not sure if this baby will be VBAC yet (my preference) or elective section (consultant's preference).

Going to order nursery furniture today. Im soooo excited. all ive bought so far is clothes... even with all this.. and all the ultrasounds and ob visits and this and that.. it still doesnt feel real. I honestly dont think it will.. til contractions hit. I feel like 'a baby? where? inside of me? yeah right. aint no human coming out of my foof!" lol

That's really exciting! I've still got a lot of work to do on LO's room before we're ready for that yet. We've chosen a cotbed and will be looking to get a chest of drawers too. It's a small room though so I think that might be enough for us.

We have a lot of stuff to do for the nursery too before we even decide to open the boxes for the furniture lol. ive just been so impatient and wanting it soo bad. OH gave me the OK to go ahead and get it even though, we still need to clear out the room, clean the carpet, clean the walls, and paint them. gonna order the crib, changing table, and chest of drawers. gonna get a rocking chair later.
Going to order nursery furniture today. Im soooo excited. all ive bought so far is clothes... even with all this.. and all the ultrasounds and ob visits and this and that.. it still doesnt feel real. I honestly dont think it will.. til contractions hit. I feel like 'a baby? where? inside of me? yeah right. aint no human coming out of my foof!" lol

That's really exciting! I've still got a lot of work to do on LO's room before we're ready for that yet. We've chosen a cotbed and will be looking to get a chest of drawers too. It's a small room though so I think that might be enough for us.

We have a lot of stuff to do for the nursery too before we even decide to open the boxes for the furniture lol. ive just been so impatient and wanting it soo bad. OH gave me the OK to go ahead and get it even though, we still need to clear out the room, clean the carpet, clean the walls, and paint them. gonna order the crib, changing table, and chest of drawers. gonna get a rocking chair later.

A rocking chair would be amazing but I don't think we have the room :-/
Is it bad that I'm relieved that you still have stuff to do?! Actually it's no biggy if things aren't done before baby as s/he will be sleeping in our room to start with so that buys us a little bit more time.
Going to order nursery furniture today. Im soooo excited. all ive bought so far is clothes... even with all this.. and all the ultrasounds and ob visits and this and that.. it still doesnt feel real. I honestly dont think it will.. til contractions hit. I feel like 'a baby? where? inside of me? yeah right. aint no human coming out of my foof!" lol

I totally get this! Sometimes I kind of forget im pregnant....
I'm feeling pretty good :) I just did a Yoga class, and I hardly noticed I was pregnant! LOL. And I've put on about 10kgs :(

A rocking chair would be amazing but I don't think we have the room :-/
Is it bad that I'm relieved that you still have stuff to do?! Actually it's no biggy if things aren't done before baby as s/he will be sleeping in our room to start with so that buys us a little bit more time.

I'm totally glad I have things to do, I think I'd be even more nutty now if there wasnt still things to think about.
I've just ordered my cot/furniture! I cant wait for it to arrive! I have heaps to put in the drawers :D

I plan to get a chair from Ikea, nothing fancy, but it bounces and is comfy :)

Wecome discoclare! Momma will add you when she can, she has finals atm though.
linz im also anemic. All they are having me do is take an iron pill at a different time of day then my prenatal

Must have missed this thread! Can I please be added? My due date is 1st November and I am team yellow. My name is Clare and I have a 2 year old DD born by emcs. Not sure if this baby will be VBAC yet (my preference) or elective section (consultant's preference).


Got you added....welcome :hugs:

I wish I could have a vbac but docs say nope to that :nope: said I was not a canidate, whatever that means. Def pro's and con's to both. The recovery from VBAC would be much easier than that of a section, but with section there is no labor and you pretty much know when babe is coming, no guessing.
Bean, I'm sorry you're feeling icky this pregnancy. i figured the ickiness was due to weight gain on my part, but if you've hardly gained and still feel all that then maybe not. I definitely hear you on the heartburn. I get it at the oddest times for no apparent reason. Have to lean forward and hold my chest and it feels just awful. :(
Hi Clare! Welcome! I think I've seen you commenting on other threads too...
Hope you are able to get the VBAC you want Clare! :)

From what I know of my area it seems pretty impossible to get a doc that will do a VBAC. There aren't many OB's around. My SIL had a c-sec because her daughter was breech and was told that if she had anymore they would have to be c-secs too. :(
Hi ladies just to let uknow i passed the Gtt today and just wanted to say its not that bad! The glucose drink tastes like tesco own tropical juice it's not that sickly I was so thirsty by 9 am I actually wanted more! The finger prick baseline bloody stung but apart from that it wasn't the nightmare I'd been dreading . I was allowed to leave the unit for fresh air ect on the understanding I came back if I felt sick or anything I also had the anti d done so my arm is pretty sore. Yes the fasting sucks but it's really worth it to know u and baby are ok best bit is I can go back to the midwife from hell next week with a very satisfying smug assed look on my face plus OH felt sorry for me so he got me a curry for tea xx
Hi ladies,
Other than suffering with back ache after being too active, I can honestly say I am loving this pregnancy and most days I forget that I'm pregnant. Just the movements and slight restriction of movement reminds me of the little girl I'm carrying!
Thankfully no heartburn and very little reflux here too.

As for weight gain - not sure - havent stepped on the scales in almost 2 weeks. All my friends and family say I dont look pregnant from behind! Hope they are not just saying that because thats what I would love.

Yet to order nursery furniture, but are in the process of clearing out all the junk from her room. Hopefully tomorrow will result in an emptier room! At least DF has cleared the cupboard so I can start packing things in tomorrow. We did buy the bedding set today. Just need to decide on which cotbed and dresser/changer to get now.
SIL has offered us a Brittax B-smart3. Just need to get a car seat and isofix unit for my car now. I would also like the carry cot for the buggy.
Other than all that just need to pack the hospital bag. Oh and clean the house again! hehe - A mothers jobs are never done!! :haha:
Oh also good news is I'm being referred for physio for my back and I can keep on the codeine until I give birth! Downside is because they don't think I'll be able to carry full term I'm being seen by the anethestist to see if I could tolerate an epidural if needs be plus I'm getting a growth scan just in case she gets too big for me to carry so need to be ready in 6 weeks x
27 weeks today, officially moving on to the 3rd tri boards.

Wow, there's a lot going on in this thread. Nice! (Except for the part where all the activity happens on days when I'm stuck working, haha.)

I have to admit I've been feeling pretty damn good from the beginning. No nausea, or at least no vomiting, which is, to me, one of the most important thing. I guess I have some sort of a phobia. Mental case, when it comes to puking, that's what I am. :shrug: I did get some m/s in the evenings early on, but I managed without actual puking. So all's good.

There are some aches and pains, but nothing really major. I wish I could sleep better, but I'm somehow dealing with it. What I really dislike is work, but part of that, I believe, is the fact I never really liked my job in the first place. At this point, I wish I didn't have to sit at a desk for this many hours a day. :/

I lost about way over 100 lbs during the past years (I think it took about 4) leading to this pregnancy, with the last 33 lbs coming off over the course of three months right before my BFP. I probably lost something like 50cm around my waist... so now I'm a bit miffed when it comes to pregnancy weight gain, I have to admit. I still eat healthy and exercise (although not as much), but I've put on something like 11 lbs so far. I hope I won't gain more than 20 total. Luckily, all of it has gone into my belly and boobs, so I feel slightly better about it (I tried on my smallest pre-pregnancy pants yesterday and they fit perfectly, except in the front where I couldn't button them up. But the butt, thighs and everything else still looked perfect, woohoo!). I do prenatal yoga twice a week and I walk as much as I can - it's hard here in our little Midwestern town; everything's suited for drivers.

As for the pain relief, I plan to go in all natural and ask for nothing. Of course I can predict if I'll really be able to do so, but I try to think positive. We'll see. They talked about all the posibilities in our last birthing class and those options just sound too scary to me. They include nausea and I am so not voluntarily signing up for that. We'll bring in a doula and, even though I don't think homeopathic remedies do much of anything, hell, I'd probably give even fairy dust a shot or two. :lol: I just don't want the real things that'll make me sick (yup, I'm aware of the fact that I might vomit in labour and I'm trying to figure that out...).

On another note, there's a chance our nursery could be done by the end of, hopefully, next week. Once all that work is completed and the kiddo's furniture assembled, I'll probably start sorting his clothes and other things. Amongst other things, I want to find out what we still don't have (and what I have millions of :lol:). Tomorrow is a huge second hand sale at a local church and I can't wait. The previous one, a few months back, was a huge success: I scored a ton of maternity clothes and some cool things for the baby for like no money. Woohoo!

(I bet this is a long post, huh? :lol:)
Hooray its offical finally going off graveyards at the end of this month! I could do a happy dance
Hooray its offical finally going off graveyards at the end of this month! I could do a happy dance
Nice one!!

And Jaz I totally agree, If they can convince me that anything will help and not have side effects like being dizzy/out of it, I'm all for the placebo effect!! Shit they should bottle that stuff :D
Question for 2nd time mummies and people who just know things!

Do I need bibs for BFing? will cloths do, what kind of cloths/towels etc should I get and how many??? Also... wash cloths? is there any reason I can't use small towels(face cloths or bigger) for wash cloths and spit cloths?

Really sounds like a dumb question, but I just feel like I'm being taken for a ride a bit by the baby product companies :). Although maybe I do need specific things :/
Sarah! I'm so glad you asked that! We were going to pick up some bibs the other day, but then DH was like 'do we need them if your bfing?'... I really don't know!

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