November Due Dates (cont)

Jaz please don't worry about weight gain. From what I've read some woman can easily lose 20-30lbs straight after birth with baby, placenta, fluids, etc. It sounds like you're one of the healthiest pregnant ladies I've ever heard of & if your eating well & going regular excercise (within reason) then you really shouldn't have anything to worry about.
Well done on losing all that weight pre pregnancy though! I'm amazed & a bit jealous!
Jaz please don't worry about weight gain. From what I've read some woman can easily lose 20-30lbs straight after birth with baby, placenta, fluids, etc. It sounds like you're one of the healthiest pregnant ladies I've ever heard of & if your eating well & going regular excercise (within reason) then you really shouldn't have anything to worry about.
Well done on losing all that weight pre pregnancy though! I'm amazed & a bit jealous!

I agree, I'm jealous!
Wish I were sleeping right now... :( Please go to bed DD!
Sarah! I'm so glad you asked that! We were going to pick up some bibs the other day, but then DH was like 'do we need them if your bfing?'... I really don't know!

I didn't even think of this, I've bought loads of bibs. I think we might need them? milk might run down their little chins if it leaks out of their mouth while they are sucking? Or for incase they are a little bit sick after feeding? Idk :| spose we will need them eventually anyways xxx
Question for 2nd time mummies and people who just know things!

Do I need bibs for BFing? will cloths do, what kind of cloths/towels etc should I get and how many??? Also... wash cloths? is there any reason I can't use small towels(face cloths or bigger) for wash cloths and spit cloths?

Really sounds like a dumb question, but I just feel like I'm being taken for a ride a bit by the baby product companies :). Although maybe I do need specific things :/

1. No you don't need bibs for BFing, but they won't go to waste if you get a few as you will probably want them eventually for weaning.

2. In the Uk most people use muslins (US = burp cloths) which are large cheap bits of thin fabric for mopping up sick, spills etc. Very large ones can also be used for swaddling. You could use wash cloths, but I would think they would be a bit small whereas a muslin you can drape over your shoulder for burping etc. Also since muslins are thinner they dry nice and fast even though they are absorbant and are very soft on delicate skin. Wash cloths are fine for cleaning hands and faces for an older baby but wouldn't be so practical for sick and spills I would think. Muslins can also be used for draping over you when BFing in public (if you want to, of course no need for this but some people like to do it), draping over the pram hood for a bit of sun protection, popping some Karvol on and tying to cot when baby has a cold etc. Whatever you go with you need LOTS. I think I have about 12-15 muslins since you will always have some in the wash, one in the changing bag and a few "lost" around your house at any one time!
Can you use them also for wash cloths? Also, do you think hooded baby towels are useful or silly? :)
Can you use them also for wash cloths? Also, do you think hooded baby towels are useful or silly? :)

Hmm, I don't know, they aren't flannel. I have a few wash cloths for using on DD now, but I think I just washed her with water abd dried her with a towel when she was younger.

Hooded baby towels are definitely not necessary IMO. A regular towel is fine. Having said that I think they are cute when they are little and have the hood up and I have about 4 of them (all given me as pressies though)! Nowadays DD won't let me put the hood up on them! If you want to avoid unnecessary stuff that's a rip off then yes, I think you can do without the hooded towels.
I agree with clare - we never used bibs for breast or bottle feeding - just muslin squares

and I think the hooded towels are pointless - they didn't fit over them for very long and we found normal towels to work fine :)
Who will be using cloth nappies? I want to give them a go to save some money in the long run but have NO idea what to get, what I need, whether they're better at not leaking etc etc :shrug:
Hey Ladies, wow this thread moves quickly!!

I haven't been on here much lately as been busy with other things, mainly sorting out the house and spending time with OH before he starts his new job!

What a shambles today has been!!

After not eating since midnight i went to have my GTT at 9am this morning. The doctors were already running late so i wasn't too happy about that, plus i'm always grumpy if i haven't had breakfast and a cuppa.
I got called in at half 9 and had a lovely nurse see to me, thank god as i'm petrified of having my bloods taken due to previous bad experiences.
She found a vein fine, so i was thinking to myself how it would be over and done with quickly, not the case!
Three attempts later she still hadn't managed to get any blood even though she had tried in both arms and my hand. Apparently my veins were too deflated from fasting. In the end she gave up as she could see i wasn't enjoying the experience and she was having no luck.
I now have to wait another two weeks for them to be able to try again! I'm hoping they will have better luck then!

On top of all that i have been suffering with mega heartburn, so much so it kept me awake until 3 am this morning and then i had to be up at 7!!

Hope you are all well :) I shall now have a read through of the last few days lol

still no weight gain:happydance::happydance: Only place I have gained weight is my belly thats it.. I have been tol I dont even look pregnant lol.. And I can still wear my regular pants and button them there just a little tight lol I
m hoping I lose 20-30lbs after birth lol
In regards to bibs, you will need them once they start eating solids or cereal. Also when they start teething they drool alot so this will help keep you from changing outfits due to slober :haha: So go ahead an purchase them if you want. I will!

Got a 100% on my final last night :happydance:

And got all my grades from my teacher....drumroll please.... I got all A's this term :happydance:

And today I'm 28 weeks, so IM officially no matter what book you look in, in third tri!!

Docs appointment today as well. Can't wait!
Oh Lucyjo81 that's horrible :( :hugs:

In regards to bibs, you will need them once they start eating solids or cereal. Also when they start teething they drool alot so this will help keep you from changing outfits due to slober :haha: So go ahead an purchase them if you want. I will!

Got a 100% on my final last night :happydance:

And got all my grades from my teacher....drumroll please.... I got all A's this term :happydance:

And today I'm 28 weeks, so IM officially no matter what book you look in, in third tri!!

Docs appointment today as well. Can't wait!

Well done momma!!!
Figured out how to attach pictures to posts, so thought I would share the pic we got of our baby from our 3D scan. It's not brilliant because of the position she was in and she was trying to hide behind placenta, cord and her arm! We are going back on tuesday when she will hopefully cooperate a bit more!

baby 3d.png
Figured out how to attach pictures to posts, so thought I would share the pic we got of our baby from our 3D scan. It's not brilliant because of the position she was in and she was trying to hide behind placenta, cord and her arm! We are going back on tuesday when she will hopefully cooperate a bit more!

View attachment 460431

Love it! Its great! We got lucky with our 3D scan, she is usually very shy:


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Who will be using cloth nappies? I want to give them a go to save some money in the long run but have NO idea what to get, what I need, whether they're better at not leaking etc etc :shrug:

I don't want to hijack the whole November thread and bore everyone who isn't in to cloth! So I'll try and answer this a little bit, but you'll get lots of help in the natural parenting section, and I can come and help over there too.

I use cloth for DD and will be using cloth for this baby too. There is a sticky at the top of the natural parenting section on types of cloth nappy etc. Firstly, you need to choose what types you want to buy (ie AIOs, pockets, fitteds etc) and then what brands. I would buy a few different things to try out and see how you get on. You don't have to stick to any one particular brand but you'll probably find some that you don't like.

In terms of size there are several options. You can get BTP (one size) nappies but these tend to not fit most newborns for a little while so if you want to cloth from newborn you either need to buy small nappies to start or start with disposables and then switch to cloth when your baby can fit into BTP. So with DD I used disposables until 4 months and then switched to one-sized cloth (she would have fit into one-sized probably sooner but I was unorganised and didn't have my cloth nappies until then!). With this baby I am using cloth from birth, just because I want to, so have built a "newborn sized stash" until DD potty trains and this bubs can inherit DD's stash of nappies.

In terms of types and brands, I like pockets and AIOs mostly for ease of use. DD is in nursery 3 days a week and this also makes things easy for them to be able to use cloth in the same way they use disposables. At the moment most of DD's nappies are BTP and she has a mixture of Bumgenius v3/v4 pockets, Blueberry pockets, ebay cheapy pockets, Bumgenius AIOs in size medium, TotsBots Easyfits AIOs and a few other bits and bobs like some prefolds and wraps. For the new baby I have mostly fitteds with wraps as these are cheap to build up a quick stash (I didn't want to spend too much as I already had a full cloth stash) and also a bit better for runny breastfed poo containment (I still found pockets and AIOs better for poo containment than when I used disposables with DD, but fitteds and wraps are supposed to be even better as you have two layers of containment). New baby stash is mostly Little Lamb fitteds (a mix of bamboo, organic cotton and microfibre nappies) with wraps, then I also have Itti Bitti D'lish SIOs, Fuzzi Bunz pockets, Bumgenius newborn AIO, Bambooty AIO, Real Easy AIO! Phew!

Do you have a cloth nappy incentive scheme in your area? For example I live in north London and was able to get a voucher for 54 pounds from Real nappies for London (it's for all residents, not means tested) to spend on cloth. I used this to buy 10 Little Lamb nappies and 2 wraps on offer for this baby. This is a good way to start a stash.

In addition to nappies you need somewhere to store them until wash day (most people use a dry pail: a big bin / bucket with a good fitting lid, you can use an extra large wet bag). Other accessories are optional and include a wet bag (for storing dirty nappies when out and about, again most people have one of these), mesh bags for lining the pail (then you just chuck the whole bag in the machine, definitely not needed but make life easier), liners for nappies, cloth wipes.

Hope some of that helps. I'm sure you have loads more questions but if you ask some specific ones then people can cover the info better!
In regards to bibs, you will need them once they start eating solids or cereal. Also when they start teething they drool alot so this will help keep you from changing outfits due to slober :haha: So go ahead an purchase them if you want. I will!

Got a 100% on my final last night :happydance:

And got all my grades from my teacher....drumroll please.... I got all A's this term :happydance:

And today I'm 28 weeks, so IM officially no matter what book you look in, in third tri!!

Docs appointment today as well. Can't wait!

Thanks Clare ... it's still very overwhelming and I don't really know why. Essex Council are only offering a £10 cashback after you've bought them, but after looking at the prices £10 seems like hardly anything. Especially, when I can see other councils are offering like £40 vouchers etc.

I'll pop over to the natural parenting section in a second and have a peek :)

WELL DONE mommab!! :) :)
I'm doing clothies!! I've bought 7 AIO Tots bots to start me off (and disposables until she fits them) I'll buy more if I'm not too overwhelmed. I'm not easily overwhelmed, but I just didnt want to invest heaps and heaps and realised I hated it!!! I was thinking about getting some bumgenius too :wacko: but I'm not sure.
I know 7 probably will be only 1 day, and maybe not even that, but even if I'm co-diapering (hehe!) I'm doing/learning something :D

Do you like reusables liners or flushables? Reusables can be hard to get here, but I'd like to try them! I was thinking totsbots as well, but there is a german brand I could try too.
Hey Ladies, wow this thread moves quickly!!

I haven't been on here much lately as been busy with other things, mainly sorting out the house and spending time with OH before he starts his new job!

What a shambles today has been!!

After not eating since midnight i went to have my GTT at 9am this morning. The doctors were already running late so i wasn't too happy about that, plus i'm always grumpy if i haven't had breakfast and a cuppa.
I got called in at half 9 and had a lovely nurse see to me, thank god as i'm petrified of having my bloods taken due to previous bad experiences.
She found a vein fine, so i was thinking to myself how it would be over and done with quickly, not the case!
Three attempts later she still hadn't managed to get any blood even though she had tried in both arms and my hand. Apparently my veins were too deflated from fasting. In the end she gave up as she could see i wasn't enjoying the experience and she was having no luck.
I now have to wait another two weeks for them to be able to try again! I'm hoping they will have better luck then!

On top of all that i have been suffering with mega heartburn, so much so it kept me awake until 3 am this morning and then i had to be up at 7!!

Hope you are all well :) I shall now have a read through of the last few days lol


Oh, no, that's awful! They didn't have another nurse try? I have horrid veins so I am also a frequent miss. I hydrate beyond hydration when I know I have blood draws, starting the night before. Even with fasting you can still keep with the water. I am lucky I have veins they can usually get in the hands and feet. My arms are almost not worth trying for these days. Not sure why it's so bad. Maybe because my blood pressure has been low? (100/50). In any case, good luck next time and sorry to hear about your day so far. I had one draw yesterday. One miss in the arm, but a hit in the hand and lucky enough I don't have to do blood except every month now to keep track of my thyroid levels, so I'm glad for that! Hope you've had your coffee by now. :coffee::thumbup: fwiw I no longer let the OB nurse try to draw blood. I go to either my hospital or my on-campus nurse that I know draws blood a hundred times a day.

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