November Due Dates (cont)

At least he sets the alarm... I have to set the alarm for mine when I'm home and than nudge him awake.

Since I'm working this morning in about an hour I'll start the wake up calls to him. I wonder how many calls before he rises and shines this morning.
Even though he sets his alarm hun he rarely wakes with it I end up kicking him lol if I'm feeling sorry for him I'll tickle or kiss his arm awake but usually it's a kick lol if it happens a few nights in a row then i might sleep thru but that's rare!

Lol Sarah I just rang saying that's it separate rooms ha we wouldn't sleep tho! Hate not being in bed with him and I'm away this weekend so will already have one night no my bed!

It's ok DS knew I was gonna be a narky mammy after I got him brekkie he brought me a pillow and blanket on the couch... Only wake now :) feeling a lil better and no heavy head now thank god! Good job I've raised a charmer lol
At least he sets the alarm... I have to set the alarm for mine when I'm home and than nudge him awake.

Me too!! I drives me crazy! He has his own alarm but he wont set it. And I don't work atm. :dohh: MEN!!!! Guess we gotta love them :haha:
It's ok DS knew I was gonna be a narky mammy after I got him brekkie he brought me a pillow and blanket on the couch... Only wake now :) feeling a lil better and no heavy head now thank god! Good job I've raised a charmer lol

You really do have a charmer there! lucky you!!
If you are new to the group welcome!! If you would like me to add you to the list just let me know your due date and gender and I will get you added :flower:

Just realised I'm not on the list,can I be added please?
Expecting a little :blue: bundle 4th Nov.:flower:
Not long to go eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! sorry just felt like having a random post moment! :happydance::baby::happydance:
Got you added 5thbun :thumbup:
Sorry if you asked before and I missed your post, sometimes pregnancy brain gets the best of me :dohh:
I hear ya whatwillbex!!! :happydance::happydance:

This week I am busy organizing all the closets to make room for baby and all her belongings. Then, A very detailed cleaning is on the list. My baseboards and blinds and every little crevic of this place will be so clean by the time im done. I have warned OH and DS to prepare themselves. Once I get it clean I expect it to stay that way or else :devil: :haha:
I am having a sort out week too. No cupboard or drawer will be left untouched! Mission on! new development this week swollen feet has anyone else had this yet? they don't even hurt they just look like hobbit feet?

Got you added 5thbun :thumbup:
Sorry if you asked before and I missed your post, sometimes pregnancy brain gets the best of me :dohh:

Thank-you!! (Pregnancy brain has the better of me at the moment & I can't remember if I've asked previously or not:wacko: better late than never though :winkwink:)
I know!! it's sort of going quick but hit 27 weeks and it's slowed down a bit!! Though 29 weeks today :) Meaning 11 to go until Due date - 13 weeks MAX eeeeek!!!
I am having a sort out week too. No cupboard or drawer will be left untouched! Mission on! new development this week swollen feet has anyone else had this yet? they don't even hurt they just look like hobbit feet?


I'm pretty sure I'm the queen of swollen feet, mine are HUGE!
My nesting has taken a bit of a lull I think, It's just too hot!!

So yeah, so little time left! 10 weeks for me! O_O It's madness!!!

But something weird occurred to me today, which really seems pretty stupid of me. But anyway. They always go on in my birthing class about how you should go to the hospital at a certain number of contractions and what not. But... When do you go to the hospital if you are having them early??? I'm pretty sure you don't want to wait until you are are in full blown labour! So... er... when exactly?
Im not when? Im going to leave it as long as I can, I really don't want to be turned away but then again I don't know how bad the pain is going to be and how I will cope at the time.

10 weeks me too! whoop

Congrats Charliekeys. This week (29) has been the turning point for me and really starting to feel the effects of being preggers cheggers!

Sleepless nights
Swollen Feet
Pain on hips when led on my side
Pain in my lady garden at night?:blush:
Hot flushes

Just a few niggles for the last tri, thank few only 10wks left.
If you are having pre-term labor signs, you go immediatly and get checked out! Better safe than sorry.

Swollen feet, ugh Im happy to report so far I am not suffering to bad from that. Then again, I am not on my feet all day.

Baby has however positioned herself on my cervix...ouch!! I swear I thought a couple of times yesterday something was going to come out! I kept telling OH it felt like right before you start your period (tmi?) right before your menses get ready to pass, that feeling that something was about to come out of your vajay. It's weird feeling for sure.

I have hit full nesting mode this week for sure. Knowing I have two weeks of nothing to do until classes start up again I better take advantage now.
If you are having pre-term labor signs, you go immediatly and get checked out! Better safe than sorry.

Baby has however positioned herself on my cervix...ouch!! I swear I thought a couple of times yesterday something was going to come out! I kept telling OH it felt like right before you start your period (tmi?) right before your menses get ready to pass, that feeling that something was about to come out of your vajay. It's weird feeling for sure.

I have hit full nesting mode this week for sure. Knowing I have two weeks of nothing to do until classes start up again I better take advantage now.

That's pretty much what I thought! They don't turn you away here either, unless you're not actually in labour. But if you turn up and your contractions are far apart but you are in labour, you stay there.
My DH is going away for a week in sept, I'm so freaked that I'm going to go into preterm :/ ...

I just can't wait until my furniture arrives! I want to get stuck into it all!
I would freak out too!

I think this is the last week OH is working out of town, thank goodness. I told him either way, he needs to let work know that as of october he is off limits for out of town trips. When he travels away its a 4 and half hour drive back, plus another hour to the hospital.
Nesting/Packing fever here... It's still the best part of 4 weeks til we leave, but I keep packing, unpacking, reassessing and repacking the suitcases we'll be taking...

Hips are starting to hurt again :cry: but I know that if it gets really bad then all I have to do is go into the docs a week before the flight (which we need to do anyway for the pregnancy flight forms) and get two more steroid shots. They kick in within a week and it is pure bliss. This is one of those days where I wish I could literally do this: :wine:

I'm so paranoid about cankles and swollen feet that I keep them slightly elevated when sat at the computer and if sat down to watch TV. Poor DH is gonna have my legs draped over him for most of the flights too, hehehe :haha:

I want to be busy busy, but my back can't take it and it's sooooooo frustrating :(

Also, the bees are back (we have a hive in our ceiling space that gets fumigated every so often, we had hoped the last dose would keep the bees away til we left but seems not), so I'm extra apprehensive about getting things packed and stowed in case they swarm again and we have to make a sharp exit.

Also sliiiiightly concerned about starting to labour early, as I won't be allowed on the plane if that is the case. There was a lady who had her LO at 31+3 (see here) which is the stage we'll be at when we land :wacko:
WOW!! I just read that story of the lady that gave birth early! Definetly makes me a little nervous to think that could be any one of us in just a few weeks. It did give me comfort to hear that the baby is doing well though.
My bump is nowhere as big as some of the ladies' on here, however, I am totally feeling huge and pregnant right now, and mortified to think how this will feel in another 6 weeks even!

My lower back is KILLING me. It hurts sooooo much. My SO is wonderful about rubbing it for me, but during the day he's at work and I'm just like, ugh...ouch ouch ouch.

I've always had lower back pain, from when I was in my teens, and I fear that this is just going to get much worse (pain-wise) as my back holds up this ever-growing baby bump (and baby!)

If my SO is home, and I am laying back on the couch, or even sitting somewhere, I ask him to help push me up! Like a beached whale!!

AND, I've adopted some kind of "pregnant waddle" since it makes walking feel better.

Jeeeez. Only 29 weeks and this is what it's turned into.

Plus I threw up this morning.


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