November Due Dates (cont)

I'm expecting to go long over due & have a huge baby! I feel if I prepare myself for the worst then anything better is good ;)
I was born 2 weeks late, DH was born pretty close to his due date. I was almost 9lbs and he was 6lbs.... I'm really hoping baby takes after his daddy :)
I'm very happy with my due date tbh to ha and DS was 10 days late and only 6 lb 6 so I don't wanna go early and have a teeny baby to worry bout even more! But cause this preg everything is very early (started feeling baby at 10 weeks and bh and leaky boobs since week 16) she says she wouldn't be surprised!

That and I was born the day of my sis's first school tour and she had to miss it... Even then I liked to make my presence known haha!
They thought both my husband and I were twins because we were so big and our moms were so big.

My mom was told it was twins until her 7th month when they did an ultrasound to make sure (which was pretty unheard of in 1980). They only found one and said to her, "nope, just a really big baby" She was far enough along to have four names picked out: Stacy, Sara, Marc and Eric :)

I'm so so so screwed

on a side note: every time I piss my mom off I say: "just think, there could have been TWO of me!" this is me 20 weeks

And this is now 27 weeks! Only finally able to share lol

Sorry so random ha
Great bump, Phineas! It's amazing how much these little ones can grow in such a short time frame! :)

Gubeedal - I'm sure in those moments when you're reminding your mom she could have had twins, she's probably so glad she didnt :haha: Twins run in my family and it's my generations turn... so far no one has had them (and I'm actually the last of us on that side of the family to have a baby), so we were thinking we'd get them... but nope! Just one! Although he's measured big at every scan. DH thinks we'll have them next time, LOL!
Thanks girls! Any one guess from way I'm holding whether boy or girl??? I think boy tbh I'm very like I was with DS!

Oh god as much as oh would love twins, I really think I'm happy with one lol they r in his family too but unless ones hiding very well def only one baby! Both me and oh were less than 7 lbs so this one prob be small too!
Nice photos, phineas!

Here's my newest one, from this morning. Our lovely bathroom at the office. :lol:

27w5d for me:
My sister is a Scorpio & I'm a Leo... Let's just say we haven't always seen eye to eye! It does worry me a little because I often find certain character traits to be acurate in terms of astrology, but I don't believe in horoscopes as in, tomorrow every Leo will have financial issues whilst every Libra will fall in love?!

OH and I are a scorp/leo pair. It's good in the bedroom, and there are other ups, but there are also tons of points of tension. I have no idea if we'll make it, honestly. As it is I don't think so, but I'm still holding on for now. At least before the pregnancy we had sex to make up for the downs. Now that he won't have sex with me, and in the third tri I don't even want it anymore, there is just no way to relieve the stress. We see a counselor, but it's more like mediation time. :wacko: Hopefully the mother/son leo/scorp relationship will work better. :thumbup:
Lovely bumps ladies! :)

Phin ... I think ... girl? I dunno the shape is quite similar to mine I think ... He/she looks low too! :)

Hope you odn't mind - here's my 29 week bump :) Starting to chunk out a bit now! My love handles look HUGE :blush:


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Is there any truth in talk about baby being about the same size at birth as parents? DF was about 7lbs and I was 6lbs 6oz at birth.
Cause if there is truth in this I wont be having a very big baby as predicted.

I am loving all the bump pics. Will see if I can get one tomorrow and post it up here.
Nice pix, ladies. :D Grown a bit there I think, Jaz, from the last one you posted. I can't wait to take another pic in a few weeks and compare! I'm loving the bump. :D

gubee, my mom also carried big. I have been asked if I've got twins several times this pregnancy because of how early I popped. LO has been measuring a week at the 12w & 20w scans and I'm 95th % on the fundal height as well. Funny thing is since we're expecting a giant I'm half expecting a mini baby, you know, just to prove us wrong. lol! It'd be so funny since me and OH were such giant babies if our LO came out at only 6-7 lbs or something. :p

On the twins note, can I just say I was SO relieved to find out it was just one! I think as a first time mom in grad school I just couldn't have coped with two. Whew!!

Charlie I SOOOO hear you on the love handles. lol!!!
Everyone has such great bumps! :)

Charlie, I've started chunking up, too... I've always had "love handles" (which I feel silly for saying now considering they were never anything like they are now!), but of course they're much more "defined" at the moment :haha: My back/hip/pelvic/groin pain is just too much at this point to work out... I've given up on trying, though I will take a walk with DH around the neighborhood before bed sometimes.
lol blessed - it doesn't help when the Love handles weren't small to start off with either :haha:

sk - me and OH were both around 7lbs ... my boys were a lot heavier than our birth weights - Stephen was closer - but Henry was way heavier lol.
My sister is a Scorpio & I'm a Leo... Let's just say we haven't always seen eye to eye! It does worry me a little because I often find certain character traits to be acurate in terms of astrology, but I don't believe in horoscopes as in, tomorrow every Leo will have financial issues whilst every Libra will fall in love?!

OH and I are a scorp/leo pair. It's good in the bedroom, and there are other ups, but there are also tons of points of tension. I have no idea if we'll make it, honestly. As it is I don't think so, but I'm still holding on for now. At least before the pregnancy we had sex to make up for the downs. Now that he won't have sex with me, and in the third tri I don't even want it anymore, there is just no way to relieve the stress. We see a counselor, but it's more like mediation time. :wacko: Hopefully the mother/son leo/scorp relationship will work better. :thumbup:

Keeping you in my thoughts, oh_so !! I really hope that things turn around for you guys :hugs:
Charlie r u telling me I've love handles??? Ahaha I've enough love handles for 3 of us! Lol although now I see ur bump again I do kinda agree.... Hmmm maybe I've hope still of throwing a lil girl into the mix lol!

Love seeing bump pics think its crazy how quick they r gaining shape! Wish I had a bit more roundness to mine tho feel like I've gone out width wise than out out! Although other than my pain I can actually still forget bump is there! If it didn't move as much as if does I'd have just said I had put on weight ha!

Oh so sorry to hear u and ur oh r roughing it out ATM. Coming from some one who knows how that feels ( we had a brutal year last year from sept 2010 until sept 2011) and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hear u tho on the sex, no matter how bad things got sex never left the building! How I dunno cause wow some of them fights were crazy! We took a break for a few weeks but still lived together, and I used to stay in the room with him until DS went to bed then I'd go to the spare room, just do we could figure out our feelings. I eventually one day broke and thought cause he hadn't caved in that it meant we were done so I said my farewell etc to him and ran to see houses. That next night he came to me and it was the start to a long long long talk. My point really being stick it out if u can. Long as ye both really want it ye can come through! I know there r times u gotta walk away too, but no matter how hard things got neither of us could just walk for good! Also he's a tauras I'm Gemini and astrologicaly we might work and mightn't work!
Phin - I think you've lost weight int he second pic - more bump, less weight if that makes sense :) :haha: noooo I'm just saying in mine I have gained more love handles ;) ... pass me a spade to dig myself out of this hole? ;) Are you bothered if you have a boy or a girl?

oh so - :hugs: I really hope things work out for you! I don't really know what's gone on, but just keep communicating with each other
Ahahaha for that nice comment I'll help u outta the hole lol no I honestly don't mind boy or girl but tween me and my sis weve 3 boys and both of us r preg, she's def on her last so be nice to throw a girl in there for one of us!
Here is my bumpity bump. She is quite heavy today, at least that is what my back is telling me :haha:


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