November Due Dates (cont)

Tabitha u look super neat!

Bean enjoy ur Skype chat my offer to go cuddle that baby still stands :)

Mrs I'd ignore him not like u were hours late! Hope u feel better after bitching bout him :hugs:

Oh so u should pretend ur not even preg lol that would get tongues wagging! Lol i know that comments gonna start for me when DS is back in school! Although I see all my family this weekend so god knows what some of them will say ha!
Its funny I tell people Im 28 weeks and they give me a dirty look and act like they dont believe me...

Whaaa?! How bizzare is that! I haven't gotten dirty looks, but I got the look of pity from this woman. She couldn't believe I'll be waddling around like this for 11 more weeks. :wacko:
That's awesome, Medieval!

I hope so too, MommaB! I'm sure I'd still find something to do on the side for extra cash and for socialization purposes, but I'd really love the chance to stay at home. The only concern would be insurance... mine is amazing and DH's is horrible. I'm sure we could make it work though.
phineas, you know, I just noticed your signature that you got the proposal in first tri. That is so lovely. What took him so long? I get mad about it with OH now and my ex- and I were together 7 years unmarried. I feel now like maybe I'm not hopeless, maybe eventually they do want marriage. Big congrats, btw!

BTW, I don't blame you for offering to cuddle the baby. I just want to cuddle all babies now. It's the funniest thing. I'm so thirsty for baby cuddles, can barely stand it! I'm tired of this belly being in my way of my little son! :p
Oh so believe me if my oh is finally willing to take the plunge there is hope for anyone! It was a constant joke that we'd be 50 and still not married! Lol well tbh I think it was a mixture of things! Ive been asking him to marry me like once a moth since after our first yr anniversary ha and would get so upset when he said he wasn't ready etc. felt like we were just muddling along! In sept 2010 we started to go through a really rough patch, this lasted until sept 2011 and during that time I actually spent a lotta time lookin at my behaviour and how much pressure I was putting on him etc when we wouldn't have been able to afford a wedding even if we were on good terms. So I made the decision to shut up bout weddings. I didn't hint I didn't sulk when my sis announced she was booking hers I was delighted for her and gave no hints that I was jealous etc!

Things majorly improved for us after sept lady year (I got my implanon removed and felt like me again!) and things have continued to get better every day. He's over the moon to be a daddy again, and think this made him realise how far we've come! He proposed a few days before my first scan! Sorry long winded but tbh I'm so proud of us for not giving up on us. We've been through so much and every day I thank god we choose to fight for us cause it's so worth it! He's been my one and only for years and I can't wait to get my ring on my finger! It's funny how I'd be happy to elope, but he wants it all traditional and big and white ha!

This is why I always am on team fight to save ur relationship. I realise we were lucky in the fact neither of us ever cheated etc do no one else was involved, so in that sense we didn't loose trust but a lot of things went on that made us both have to sit down and look at our own role in the relationship!

Sorry lol

And that's exactly how I feel... Bump bugger off I wanna cuddle the lil thing ha!
$100. Expensive, but most of the other pillows only go around 1 side, or are not very thick. I was just frustrated losing my pillows to the floor all night, couldn't take it anymore. I have enough trouble with sleeping as it is. for me it has been worth it, even on my meager salary. OH says he's taking it after baby comes. lol! I find him in it sometimes napping. Very cute. :)

Oooh. Hm. Okay. I love the countless possibilities and combinations for drooling all over the thing. :lol: Actually, I totally love the idea of it. Except for the part where our queen bed wouldn't be big enough. Argh.

I'll have to stick to my body pillow.
Oh so believe me if my oh is finally willing to take the plunge there is hope for anyone! It was a constant joke that we'd be 50 and still not married! Lol well tbh I think it was a mixture of things! Ive been asking him to marry me like once a moth since after our first yr anniversary ha and would get so upset when he said he wasn't ready etc. felt like we were just muddling along! In sept 2010 we started to go through a really rough patch, this lasted until sept 2011 and during that time I actually spent a lotta time lookin at my behaviour and how much pressure I was putting on him etc when we wouldn't have been able to afford a wedding even if we were on good terms. So I made the decision to shut up bout weddings. I didn't hint I didn't sulk when my sis announced she was booking hers I was delighted for her and gave no hints that I was jealous etc!

Things majorly improved for us after sept lady year (I got my implanon removed and felt like me again!) and things have continued to get better every day. He's over the moon to be a daddy again, and think this made him realise how far we've come! He proposed a few days before my first scan! Sorry long winded but tbh I'm so proud of us for not giving up on us. We've been through so much and every day I thank god we choose to fight for us cause it's so worth it! He's been my one and only for years and I can't wait to get my ring on my finger! It's funny how I'd be happy to elope, but he wants it all traditional and big and white ha!

This is why I always am on team fight to save ur relationship. I realise we were lucky in the fact neither of us ever cheated etc do no one else was involved, so in that sense we didn't loose trust but a lot of things went on that made us both have to sit down and look at our own role in the relationship!

Sorry lol

And that's exactly how I feel... Bump bugger off I wanna cuddle the lil thing ha!

That's beautiful. :flower::thumbup: Your story makes me smile, Phin. I haven't said a word about marrying in a couple months... mainly because it's been so rough that I just can't see how it would make sense to marry right now. I hope we come through it, though. It's so hard because he has so many issues from growing up in a difficult situation and has a hard time talking to me when we need to talk. He shuts down. Today and yesterday have been good, as opposed to when I flipped on him earlier this week for his laziness. He's pulled it together a bit, without nagging mind you. I know he'll be a great father and I want so badly for him to be the great husband that I know he can be, too. It's just getting past the demons.

$100. Expensive, but most of the other pillows only go around 1 side, or are not very thick. I was just frustrated losing my pillows to the floor all night, couldn't take it anymore. I have enough trouble with sleeping as it is. for me it has been worth it, even on my meager salary. OH says he's taking it after baby comes. lol! I find him in it sometimes napping. Very cute. :)

Oooh. Hm. Okay. I love the countless possibilities and combinations for drooling all over the thing. :lol: Actually, I totally love the idea of it. Except for the part where our queen bed wouldn't be big enough. Argh.

I'll have to stick to my body pillow.

Oh, yes, DON'T DO IT! I took this pillow on vacation with me and we stayed in a queen bed. Poor OH barely fit. It was awful. It is a king-only pillow!
Ooey gooey moment.......

Today is the day before OH payday and needless to say there is no food in the house and im out of money until OH gets home tomorrow with his check. I never ask for money or demand a certain amount so he assumes he leaves enough for us to get by on while he is gone.

My OH called right in the middle of me having a breakdown trying to help DS with homework (he is getting a mouth on him) to ask what I was doing. Crying I explained what was going on with DS and its just been a crap day since he's been home. He then tells me he is about to go to dinner with a co-worker and asks what im having for dinner. I burst into tears. I reply sobbing a freezer burned hot pocket and DS is having grilled cheese. About 20 minutes after letting him go a knock on the door. He had called our local pizza shop and had my fav pizza delivered. He really is great!! Crying I called and thanked him and then cried while I ate the pizza. Oh my hormones are getting the best of me today :haha:
Aw, that was nice of him. Hope he stocks up a little better next time. Will he have any time off for his injury? I'm guessing not if they're making him stay until tomorrow.

What kind of pizza?
No time off. just light duty. And after tomorrow he sould be done traveling for a long time. At least thats what they are telling him. They are contructing a new yard up near us and want him to work there. So no more traveling down south! Which makes it easier to grocery shop when you buying for one family instead of two peolpe here and one person there.

The pizza was the works! Pepperoni, sausage, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, black olives and my fav Green Olives!! Not to many places around here will put green olives on your pizza. And he knows im obsessed with green olives!
Awe, so sorry you had an emotional night, mommab. I can't imagine running out of food. I am pretty sure I'd freak! Pizza sounds good. I was invited to all-you-can-eat wings tonight, but I asked OH to go without me as I was just too tired to make it. I ate leftover mashed potatoes, then rice and seaweed and a bit of milk. Kinda odd, but I feel satiated. I'm hungry every few hours these days, can't eat a great deal at once due to heartburn, etc, so probably better off staying away from all-you-can-eat. lol!

My favorite pizza is eggplant/ jalapeno, or mushroom and olive. yumm.
Im still trying to learn to adjust to this entire budget thing. I paid all the bills and made sure we had gas money, but didnt even think to leave enough for groceries :dohh: So really the running out of food was my fault. I should have asked OH for money once I realized we were not going to make it the entire week he was gone, but like I said I hate asking. Silly really. Tomorrow is a huge grocery trip. I have planned our meals for the next two weeks so there is NO WAY this will happen again!
Ouf! I know how it is planning everything out. OH is horrendous at it. I make a list each weekend starting by figuring out all meals for the week based on what we've got in the house, then putting the stuff we don't have on the list. When we first moved into together I was terrible at this. We over-purchased food big time, just went aimlessly to the store and bought stuff we liked. Often ended up throwing stuff away. I just read yesterday that Americans waste 40% of their food! ... We are much better now with not wasting food. I can't say we've ever run out, but we've certainly run out of stuff I'd like to eat. :p Staying organized is hard, and these days I'm so tired of cooking, too. Last night I made a big meal, but tonight we had nothing planned. Kinda glad OH went out and got wings to eat. He's still not back. Guess the guys are having fun! So glad. He doesn't have a great deal of friends here and I know he gets on well with my labmate who is very into politics, etc, stuff that I've got no head for. The two of them always end up talking when we go out in groups. The other guy with them is likeminded as well, and HIlarious. I haven't texted him, just letting him have fun. I'll probably go to sleep shortly. He actually worked on his school stuff today, too. I'm proud of him.

As to budgeting, I have never had to do it. Well, I definitely should have, but I have always ended up over-running credit in lieu. So awful. I got into tremendous trouble. OH, too. We're coming out of it, but still not budgeting. We really need to! At least until I get a real job.

Sorry for rambling. It's late and my brain is mushy. lol!
I can't figure out grocery lists and similar things. We've tried several times and those things ended up being a waste of money for us, unfortunately. I guess I'm just too used to having a convenient store/supermarket wherever I turn (in Europe), within a couple minute walking distance, pretty much, so I still can't wrap my head around the huge grocery shopping concept.

It's just that I can't plan the meals and then actually be sure we'll either want that food, or have time to prepare it. Then it often just goes to waste. :( So I just shop several times a week. :shrug:
OH rant! ugh. so i moved in with my OH june 1st. He lives in a huge 4 bed 2 1/2 bath, 2 story home in a nice neighborhood. but he pretty much lived like the single guy he was. Limited furniture, messy, 1 spoon, 1 fork, 1 knife type thing lol. No decorations, no curtains, just VERY plain. House needs alot of stuff. Now he has a car.. an older car but its been in his family since it was made in 1994. it is now giving him major trouble so hes been pressuring me to get a car because i dont have one. i work and go to school from home so i havent needed a car. Now i found one that i like, but he doesnt like it. He wants me to get some expensive luxury car and thats not what im in the market for. I found a nice 2007 that i love. and when i told him, he flipped out. i figured out he pretty much wants me to get a certain car so that he can go stunt for his friends at work. but that isnt really the issue. the issue is that... his friend at work is selling an old 1975 chevy malibu for $3,000. It needs a new transmission, interior and exterior work. and its because he's always wanted an old car to fix up. and thats fine. I have no problem with that. But NOW is not the time. There is so much stuff we still need for baby and this house needs to be fixed. I am so tired of having to wash dishes in a one sided sink because the other is broke and we dont have a dish washer. Yet he always wants 5 course meals when he gets home from work. His credit is TERRIBLE and to top it all off.. the main thing is that they are threatening to put a lien on this house because he hasnt paid any HOA fees since he moved in 4 years ago! Yet when i tell him he should save his money he says ' for what' He's being selfish. His priorities are all screwed up. If he was getting a car that he didnt have to shell out more cash for to fix up, then id be okay. but its a PROJECT car that has issues. It kills me that he is working crazy hours to get money for this car. which will be ALL his money. We were supposed to go half and half on the nursery furniture. i paid for it but he hasnt paid me back. i kinda regret moving in because i pay all of the bills.. lights, gas, cable, internet, phone..trash.. etc and he pays the mortgage so hes pretty much saving half of what hes spending.. and i would think the saved money would go towards the house and the baby.
This is the car im gonna get.
hes being a douche bag because im not getting the car that he wants me to get. its my money and i should get what i want. but he says its his money and he should get what he wants too. his car is that he has now is usable and if it gives him issues, he could always take mine. i purchased a washer/dryer when i moved in cause he didnt have one. I dont think i should have to be the one to buy every damn thing for HIS house when he wants to spend his money on a damn project car.
Ugh having the worst nights sleep thanks to foxes screaming outside the window! Most horrible noise ever :(

Baby had the hiccups for the third time today! Googled it to see what it meant and it says it shows the lungs are maturing which was nice to read. Then it says increased hiccuping could be a sign of a cord accident and the baby struggling to breathe. Wish I hadn't read that bit! Just another thing to worry about :S

Hope everyone's getting a better nights sleep than me anyway. Stupid foxes!
wow, destyni. i'm sorry. that's a pretty lame situation to be in. men can be so immature when it comes to money. thankfully my dh has gotten a lot better about it, but for awhile i was getting very frustrated because i was working two jobs to put him through school so we could pay our mortgage and all the other bills. as soon as he got a job, he wanted to spend "HIS" money on himself and would get frustrated that he couldn't do anything fun with his paycheck. it's like- excuse me? when do i get to do anything fun with my paycheck???

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