November Fireworks 2017

Ladies, I'm a little embarrassed to ask this but I am finding it necessary. Has anyone experienced or is experiencing constipation? If so, was there anything you found especially helpful for this problem? I'm going to call my OBGYN in the morning, I might have to switch prenatals...
Ooooh yes Brenda! I have an odd but trusty trick. I take a tbsp butter (real butter not margarine) and put it in 1/2 c prune juice. I warm it up and drink it and it works like a charm. No cramps and all natural.
Ladies, I'm a little embarrassed to ask this but I am finding it necessary. Has anyone experienced or is experiencing constipation? If so, was there anything you found especially helpful for this problem? I'm going to call my OBGYN in the morning, I might have to switch prenatals...

Coffee always does the trick for me!
Cup of coffee with a bowl of raisin bran cereal! Helped me tremendously, and my constipation was bad! Like I could only go once every 6 days. It's worth a try.

My heartburn and acid reflux is off the chain this time, and I'm even on a prescription for it. I had it bad with my first two babies, but this time is AWFUL!!! I have literally had bad dreams about it, only to wake up, and realize I wasn't dreaming. Drinking water even sets it off. Ugh. They say that relaxin is the hormone that induces the heartburn, and also grows the hair on baby's head. Both of my other kids were born with thick heads of dark hair...this baby ought to be born looking like Big Foot with as bad as the heartburn has been!!! :rofl:
Hi everyone!
Nice to see we have a new thread, which will hopefully be very active.

I have a little boy who turned 3 last month, following IVF (following years of unexplained infertility). This little one is completely natural, following one natural pregnancy, ending in miscarriage, early last year.
Can't remember what details I've already given with this pregnancy, but...

due date is 18th November (but probably will come sooner)
Team pink

Found out 2 weeks ago at 20 week scan that I have a complete placenta previa, meaning I'll almost certainly need a c-section earlier than due date (possibly much earlier, if I have any of the horrid bleeding which can accompany PP :wacko: I've had no bleeding so far, but the news knocked us for six and I've been terrified ever since!
Symptoms include occasional exhaustion, though mostly fine, bad indigestion, and HORRID varicose veins, including in an unmentionable place! (originally diagnosed over the phone as thrush, as I described feeling swollen and bruised).

This pregnancy is not glamorous or fun and I literally count the days to get to a 'happier' gestation. I'll be happy to get to 24 weeks, but despite what has been said about the odds improving for even earlier gestations, I'm terrified of having a properly pre-term baby and I know that survival odds may have improved, but the odds of having long-term health problems are great. I just want one as perfect as my little boy is! I'd like this baby to still be a November baby, because even if it's born on 1st, it'll still be 37+ weeks.

Don't suppose anyone else has placenta previa do they? Especially if 'complete' and/or anterior, as mine is (which of course makes things more complicated too!)

On the plus-side, I think our little boy is excited to be a big brother and he knows he's having a sister, which he occasionally talks about. He also sometimes says "I want my baby out now", and I have to explain that the baby is still growing and would be poorly if it came out now. He and I have been together most of the time his whole life (doesn't go to nursery or anything, though lots of groups we attend together) so I'll be interested/trepidatious to see how he reacts once the baby's a 'real' baby, not just an idea!

Sorry if my post has been a bit 'doom and gloom' but I figure that's partly the point of these threads, to share concerns and give advice etc.
Forgot to say, following an urgent midwife appointment last week, to discuss PP, I have a consultant appointment tomorrow to discuss the same. Basically a 'talky' appointment I think, so they can answer general questions I have about the condition. Fingers crossed for a bit of reassurance.
Hey ladies! Sneaking in here as I've been given an induction date of November 24th at 39w! Im probably a bit behind you all being due at the end, I overlap into the December group as well, but will definitely have a November baby! <3

Will have a read through in a bit when the kiddies are in bed x
Sizzles not sure if it helps but my mum had one with my sister, her 3rd baby. I was 15 at the time so remember it all well!
Hers was complete and she had an emcs after unexpectedly going into labour at 35w.
She had 1st tri bleeding but was fine for the rest of the pregnancy until getting niggles in the 35th week. She was monitored pretty closely, I imagine nowadays you'll get watched even more.

Ps. I also have the lovely varicosities in unmentionable places! I feel your pain lol x
No experience of placenta previa sizzles but I'm high risk for preemie as DD was born at 34 weeks via c section.
Fit and healthy!
I've had surgery that has given me a better chance of making it to term since.

Anyone else who had a previous c section getting painful kicks into your scar tissue?
Sizzles, definitely we all want our babies here at full term!!! :hugs: even with statistics of survival I think the greatest fear is long term disability which would be a life long heartachr!! So we all stand behind you on that fear! Every day baby is in is a 3% chance of not.only survivability but of less complications health wise! Just hold on to that number!! 3% better chance every day!!! :hugs:

I don't have placenta previa but I do have an anterior placenta that was sitting over my c-section scar. It was concerning for placenta accreta. Which can be life threatening or even result in emergency hysterectomy at time of delivery! Scary stuff. Luckily at my 20 week scan it appears that my placenta has moved mostly off my scar with just a bit left over it. I will be rescanned around 33-35 weeks to make for certain! I'm sorry you are in a scary boat!
Hey everyone!
I'm due November 4th with a boy.
Hoping for a Halloween baby, though, as it's my husband's favorite holiday. :)

I also have an anterior placenta, but I'm pretty sure I was feeling little nudges by 12 weeks. He's still lying sideways, so I feel bumps and kicks pretty much all around my sides and somehow he still manages to kick my bladder. So, that's fun.

I'm on here every couple of days, but I never know what to say to everyone, so we'll see how active I am... first time mom, btw.
Hi Sizzles, Dano, and Ebauerhaus! I'm glad you all found the group!
Sizzles, one of my dear friends had a complete previa and hers moved out of the way at 36 weeks! It was amazing! So don't give up hope. I remember how worried she was and she did have one scary bleeding episode. But her baby girl is doing great now and she ended up canceling her section! It's easier said than done when high risk, but try to stay positive and relax :hugs:

I think I need a blood transfusion ladies! I haven't shared here yet but I have a blood disorder that can make me extremely anemic in pregnancy. I see a hematologist weekly so I go tomorrow and see where I'm at. But I've been feeling extremely light headed and overwhelmingly exhausted. So I know I'm not feeling great.

Is anyone else STILL puking?
Thanks for all your responses and experiences.

TTC126 - it is our hope that despite 'complete' status, the placenta will indeed move! I realise it's a long shot - especially given that the sonographer seemed pretty certain it was highly unlikely - but I have heard these stories of it shifting late in the game. The sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned, as it would reduce my stress levels, and obviously the risk of bleeding, if it were to move even a tiny bit away from 'the exit'!
Sorry to hear you might need a transfusion. This is just one more thing that concerns me about the PP situation, though I know nothing about it to be concerned about it, if you know what I mean! I hope you get good news tomorrow.

Pink Passion - I love those stats! Thanks for those - that's quite reassuring to know.
Glad to hear your placenta is shifting off your scar.
I think I need a blood transfusion ladies! I haven't shared here yet but I have a blood disorder that can make me extremely anemic in pregnancy. I see a hematologist weekly so I go tomorrow and see where I'm at. But I've been feeling extremely light headed and overwhelmingly exhausted. So I know I'm not feeling great.

Is anyone else STILL puking?

I hope you won't need a transfusion!

I think the last time I puked I was 18 weeks, or so. I have felt like puking here and there, but glad I'm not actually... I got tired of it reallllly quickly.
Sizzles, I had a marginal placenta previa with my daughter (my firstborn), and it never budged. With marginal previas, they move up and out of the way 90% of the time, but not mine! I never did have any bleeding or anything of that nature, but it was always a possibillity. I had a planned c-section at 39w2d, and all was well! With a complete previa, you'll definitely want to keep an eye out for any bleeding, for sure. And you WILL need a c-section, without question. I don't know how your first was born, but if you've not had a c-section, the whole thing from start to finish is very straight-forward, and once it begins, you have a baby in about 20 minutes...add in another 20-25 minutes for them to sew you up, and wheel you into recovery with baby in your arms, given that baby is doing well and doesn't require any NICU help, etc. I have only had c-sections, and have never had a vaginal birth. The recovery with my first c-section was tough, but I was still in fairly good shape by the time I was one week post-partum, and my second one was like a dream- I was up and moving around with baby within hours, and while I was sore, I was pretty mobile and functional. Good luck. I feel you have nothing to really worry about, and rest-assured you'll be monitored very closely. If baby decides to come early, there is SO MUCH they can do to help her along, and to ensure that she'll be off to a good start.

It's going to be okay! :hugs:
When were you ladies told about having placenta previa? I'm currently 21 weeks and haven't been told anything in regards to my placenta. Is that something that happens around 20 weeks?

Btw, thanks for all the suggestions in regards to my constipation. I called my obgyn and was told colace, miralax, and Metamucil were on the safe list of medicines and to take as directed!!
My placenta was checked at 18 weeks and again this past Monday at 22 weeks.
I have a high posterior placenta.
If they haven't mentioned it then I wouldn't worry Brenda. They usually don't unless there is a problem or you ask.
Brenda I was told about my marginal previa at my 20 week scan. They'll just check that it moves up and like Wookie said most of the time marginal previa does move. If there was a concern with your placenta you would definitely be told :hugs:

Wookie, I love to hear that your second c section was easier than the first recovery wise! I had vaginal birth with my oldest and my second was a c section because he was breech and didn't turn. So I'm very torn over vbac vs repeat c section this time (if my placenta is out of the way)... I really preferred my section except the recovery!

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