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||November Mummies!|| Another Year :)

Yeh I'm struggling with the bathing and puttin to bed on my own, (hence why he's STILL in our bed:shy:) but as long as he's asleep and I'm not crippled over next to a toddler bed, I seriously don't care! As my mum keeps sayin oh you're gonna have trouble when baby is born - people manage, we'll figure out some routine.. I hope! :haha:
Well I jut got back from the doctor. I am 2cm dilated. She asked me to make an appointment for Monday but she was laughing and saying that I probably won't make it till then... She thinks it'll happen this weekend. We will see. She's been thinking I will go ino labor since week 32/33 so I am not even gettign my hopes up at this point but sooo wish it happens!
hope shes right marycotter :)!

I feel really uncomfortable and massive tonight :cry: going to go to bed soon and hopefully I'll have a nice and comfortable sleep!
I've just got into bed, feeling the same myself, I got up to come to bed and got a random pain which made me jump, and shout fuck, which sort of scared OH, but it shocked me :haha:
Man, this thread moves fast!! I apologize, I'll never be able to keep up....too exhausted when I get done with work. :sleep:
Hi myturnyet, I sympathise! Also have the discomfort of being awake myself lol. Do you find that when you need to turn in bed you wake up, and have to shift your weight in bit's to roll over taking at least 1-2minutes to make a complete 180 degree turn? Then discover that the turn has been in vein because your bladder has decided that it must be emptied right then and (if your not quick enough) there!

This is EXACTLY what happens to me...it's like you've been secretly looking in on my bedroom. :rofl: I try to grab to headboard for leverage to roll over...once that huge project is done, I have to rearrange all my support pillows in their appropriate spots. And then, you guessed it, I realize I have to pee! :wacko:
Well I jut got back from the doctor. I am 2cm dilated. She asked me to make an appointment for Monday but she was laughing and saying that I probably won't make it till then... She thinks it'll happen this weekend. We will see. She's been thinking I will go ino labor since week 32/33 so I am not even gettign my hopes up at this point but sooo wish it happens!

Ohh, I hope so...

My doctor did the same thing to me, it messed me all up. At every visit he says, "see you next week...or at the hospital." There was a big concern since I was getting a lot of contractions at 32 weeks on the NST...and now I'm trying to prepare myself mentally to go late! Not that I'm late, yet, but feel like I need to prepare myself since this whole time we thought he was going to come early.

Much better too late than too early!:hugs:
Ugh. Just woke up and I swear a train hit me in my sleep. I feel so big and sore.
Hey ladies hope you are all well
I am 37 weeks today, expecting a boy on Nov 24th
finally finished the nursery today :)
Still need some house renos completed
Also need to pack my hospital bag!
My name is Corinne
Hi Corinne, glad to hear you got the nursery done. Mine is just like the baby storage room at the moment. gotta get off my bum and do something about it lol!
Well Leopard I must confess my Mom came for a few days to help and OH did the prep work, so I cannot take any credit! But I am so relieved and happy it is done! I have ha zero energy for anything. I pray that changes at some point soon.
... after being awake all night having contractions! They were strong enough to wake me each time and coming every 15 mins ish.... then they died off again just before dinner. Im SHATTERED!

So went for my sweep at 2pm this afternoon... baby is finally fully engaged (explains why i cant walk), cervix had progressed a bit, she told me she could fit her fingertip in and she seperated the membranes. I felt it, it felt just like my contractions id been having the night before! Ouch! Then that started the contractions again.

had a few painless tightenings, lots of cramps, and lots of painful ones since the sweep and even had a bloody show tonight! and plenty of goo :haha:

She was suprised how I was just 'all baby' at the front (was a different m/w to the one ive been seeing) and weight is 'predicted' 9lbs 11 :wacko: haha. She even went 'You do realise this baby isnt going to be a 5lbsr... right?' :rofl:

yeah thanks for that.

Oh and I also have some good news... they could fit me in to be induced on monday so my date has been brought forward to THIS SUNDAY instead!! I get to meet my girl one day earlier of sweep doesnt go to plan!

Sorry to ramble on just been a good end to an upsetting day :thumbup:
Hey girls! I'm Amanda due November 25th but according to my lmp Nov 17th and he's been measuring atleast 2 weeks ahead since 18 weeks (even in my 20 week growth scan) so I have a growth scan scheduled for Monday :) I'm also suffering the terrible PUPPP rash (which within two days has covered my whole body) as of Tuesday I was 1cm 50% effaced and monitored 30mins with regular contractions and sent home to "progress" still having BH's but the pain isn't the same its back to just sore tightenings :-/ also suffer from a 40 degree curve to my lumbar spine.
Good luck Megan, hopefully this pain progresses into full blown birth giving mode and you won't need the induction!!
Oh good to hear everyone is getting good news :)
I know the feeling. The whole time I was at the hair dressers I thought I was going to pop.
I really feel like shite now, really struggling and OHs busy this time of year at work so he's always home late :(
Yay full term!

Lost more plug this morning but its only small bits everyday. Also does anyone still get round ligament pain? Amelie fell over last night whilst walking to our room in the dark so I sat up quickly and ow!

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