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November Nuggets ~ 2016

each pregnancy woman tend to get bigger so it seems normal to me but I def see a growth difference from your last photo to this one!

twicky how are you doing since losing your mucus plug?

hope all ladies are doing well. not much happening here I'm waiting for that giant growth spurt Mayne when I hit 36weeks it will happen I feel big and uncomfortable but not the end of the tri huge yet haha. I have a obgyn appt next Tuesday but probably won't have much to report. without late tri ultrasound show do they know the weight and length of baby? size is a concern to my dr and when I give birth so I'm curious if they will add an ultrasound to one of my appts next month hmmm
Hey everyone! Haven't been on for ages I hope you are all well! Lovely to check in on you almost!

Mel, hi, are you in the UK or US? How do you manage on bed rest with 7 children?! x
Just realised that I put a photo up from when I was expecting my 2 year old at this stage and didn't notice until it was up!!!

Well had the midwife today and scan. It wasn't as clear as the hospital one but could see baby. It is very low down and estimate weight is 5.5lbs, so looks as if it will be another big one. My others weighed between 8-8.5lb when they were born.

I'm still 2cm and my cervix is starting to soften, so I could go in to labour anytime.

I've been given a wheelchair to use, so I can at least get up and out of the bedroom and be with the family in the evening. The bedroom is downstairs thankfully, as I don't think I could face stairs just now!

If I don't have the baby at the weekend, then I am to go and get a steroid injection on Monday at the midwife unit and another one next Wednesday, with another scan and take it from there (section or induced)

Hi Elmo, I'm in the UK. I cope with being in bed rest with 7 children as I have a very helpful and understanding husband.

So here is my bump from last week: the proper one this time!!


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I'm good my mom is throwing me a sprinkle this Sunday so something exciting to look forward to! I also have my next obgyn appt Tuesday which will probably be the usual uneventful and super speedy checkup. counting down the weeks until October rolls around so I can then count down to Nov hahaha
each pregnancy woman tend to get bigger so it seems normal to me but I def see a growth difference from your last photo to this one!

twicky how are you doing since losing your mucus plug?

hope all ladies are doing well. not much happening here I'm waiting for that giant growth spurt Mayne when I hit 36weeks it will happen I feel big and uncomfortable but not the end of the tri huge yet haha. I have a obgyn appt next Tuesday but probably won't have much to report. without late tri ultrasound show do they know the weight and length of baby? size is a concern to my dr and when I give birth so I'm curious if they will add an ultrasound to one of my appts next month hmmm

I'm doing okay! Thanks for asking. :flower: Resting as much as I can. Advised not to do anymore strenuous activity ( I worked out in the mornings) and I also found out during a trip to Labor and Delivery(thought I was going into premature labor) that I have a nasty UTI!! Yuck. So I am being treated for that as well. My c section is officially scheduled for Halloween. So I have 3 or 4 more appts until baby is here!

How are you?

How is everyone else?

I feel bad for not being able to keep up with the threads. Been very busy, had a lot of stuff going on.
I feel kind of flu like today as I'm aching all over and also getting mild pains, which I think are now contractions starting as dull like period pains and backache.

My husband has taken children out with friends for the day, so I can try and get some rest. They hope to be back later this afternoon.

I ended up sleeping in living room last night on the recliner, as I was so comfortable and also closer to the bathroom.

So I am trying to listen to my body as I feel that it's getting ready for labour, as I've started to dilate and my cervix is starting to soften and baby is very low down.

Never felt this way before with my others, so I may phone midwife later if the pains get worse, or feel I can't cope any more.

Just hope baby stays put for at least 3 more weeks....
Mel it's early but still exciting baby will still be okay to come now but u hear you as it is early!

twicky I'm good went to a giant tag sale today got the cutest clothes and did some xmas shopping there last time I can probably get away with used things for ds as he is 3 and quiet smart he might catch on its not in packages lol.

baby girl actuslly just kicked the hsrdest ever three big ones in a row haha i csnt eait to go to the obgyn tuesday one appt closer to the big day! and tomorrow is my baby sprinkle im so excited
Things have settled down a little now.

I feel so weak so hope I'm able to sleep.

Going to phone midwife tomorrow and hope can get seen as just can't cope much longer with the pain/pressure/backache/heaviness.

almosthere: hope you have a good sprinkle tomorrow! Love that word "sprinkle".
thats good things have calmed down for you!

haha yes its so cute i guess a sprinkle is the new fad in the US atleast after a shower some people will throw a sprinkle for the ext baby if your having the opposite sex or if you need diapers and such
I had to get the midwife out this morning as I had a very uncomfortable night with incredible pains and pressure... almost in tears.

And I am in very early labour! I've gone from 2cm to 3cm, so making slow progress. My cervix is still closed but is softening well. She said that it didn't look like labour was too far off, but it could also be a few weeks.

I was told that if baby did decide to come early, then it would be OK as it is a good size and weight. It would only need to stay in hospital for a couple of days for observation, but she didn't think this would happen.

I've got to get a steroid injection tomorrow and again on Wednesday, so I'm as prepared as I can be for when baby eventually arrives.

So spending time today with the family, before things really start to happen. The children are really excited and have said they can't wait to meet their new sibling.

I'm still feeling a bit of pressure and feeling contractions, but they aren't as bad, but keeping a close check on them.
Mel do you pay for you midwife privately or NHS if you don't mind me asking?
Think I smell a troll in here 😂

3cm dilated with a closed cervix... come on?
Sorry I haven't been on in ages ladies, hope ur all doing ok!!!

Yeah I was wondering that Jemma. 3cm dilated but cervix closed. Something doesn't make sense x
Well it simply doesn't make sense how can a cervix be closed and also dialated 3cm? Speaking as a pregnant woman in the uk I can confidently say that a lady in slow / early labour, dilating at only 32 weeks would not just be left to chill at home! It doesn't matter the size of a baby, chances are that he or she may still need help if they where delivered so early. Also unless you have some very impressive private health care then midwives certainly do not come to your home to exam you and if they where private and coming out to your home, they don't give out growth scans!! On another note, steroids from a midwife led birthing centre? Utter rubbish.
You claimed to accidentally post a photo of your bump from a previous pregnancy when it was noticed that there was no way it was same bump with two days apart ....and yet then you go and post that same pic again in the bumps thread.

It really frightens me when this goes on in forums, clearly some fabrication going on here.

To the other long standing members of the group I'm sorry to cause any bother, I know i haven't been in the thread for a while but we all started out here together and I can't to see you have the wool pulled over you eyes as it might be easier to do to you American ladies since you might presume that things work differently for us over here X
At 32 weeks even baby is a good size doesn't mean their lungs r in anyway mature enough so like u said Elmo no way ud be left at home at supposedly 3cm dilated!!! Ud be in the hospital on bed rest!! A 32 weeker could easily need 6 weeks in hospital and now mw or doc in their right mind would say that baby was likely to be ok.

For someone on baby number 8 I'm quite shocked at how conflicting and 'confused' posts seem to be 😕
Ok, I apologise. Blame my lack of sleep overnight...

I meant to put that my cervix has started to open and is not closed...(banging head very hard on virtual wall!!).

Elmo, I am paying for a private midwife, but had all my scans done at the hospital, which she is happy with.

I've just called the hospital and I'm to go in for close monitoring/observation and also stay in until the birth.

I am just so tired and exhausted, so trying to conserve every ounce of energy I have. This is why my posts have sounded a bit confused, so I apologise again.
I had to call the doctor out a few days ago as I was in such pain and getting pressure.

She checked me and I'm measuring 42 weeks and 2cm! I am to be on bed rest until the birth as baby is very low down. I'm only allowed up for the bathroom.

I've got the midwife coming today with a scanner to check on the baby size, as they think it's a big baby, or that I'm further along than 32 weeks.

I can hardly stand up without feeling incredibly heavy and sore, but I managed to get a quick photo the other day of my heffalump bump, as I was able to stand up for more than 5 seconds!!!

I've suddenly got huge.....

Says here midwife coming with a scanner

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