November Nuggets ~ 2016

I've probably been long overdue coming off my tab,eats but had been stalling due to events that I knew was coming up in my personal life. Kind of used them as a safety net iykwim? But I ran out of my prescription before my bfp and thought maybe I should just give it ago without them xx
Yeah it was calming. Things are going in the right direction. Esp since while I have some symptoms that aren't consistent. Well minus the tiredness! Even the queasiness/ nausea is random still.

I look huge though. Pregnancy bloat is no joke. I look like I did with my daughter at about 12-15 weeks. I still have some "flubber" from her but when I lay down I can sort of feel where my belly is getting a little hard. Just like with my daughter it's when I lay on my side I feel it the most.

I am counting down for my first appt (confirmation!) it's next Friday. I am hoping that my first scan appt will be soon after but I think I'll have to wait 2-3 weeks out. Though I hope they will do it before the 18th. I want to know all is ok in there. Plus we have family coming to town for our daughters birthday on the 20th (her 1st birthday is April 27th) and I want to announce when they are here and need time to get a promoted to big sister or only child expiring shirt!
Welcome and congrats Ravilla!

Darkriver - thinking of you today :hugs:

ds has only to look at someone with tonsilitis and will catch it and sure enough by bed time he had a temp and was up and down all night

Awwww well that stinks! I hope he feels better soon!

7 weeks today. 5 weeks 5 days till dating scan. Not gonna lie, the idea of booking a private scan for about 10 weeks keeps popping up but I know it's a silly idea, I just have to be patient.

Do whatever makes you feel most at ease. If you're alright and not too anxious about waiting, then wait, but if you feel anxious or stressed, it's OK to not wait :hugs:

AFM - Nausea when I woke up this morning. I guess that show's on the road.
When I miscarried in 2014 I only made it to 5w5d... I'm 5w6d today. It's a milestone!
And my fitness tracker with heart rate monitor arrived today. That should help me get moving again but responsibly!
Thanks everyone:hugs::hugs::cloud9:

almostthere. yes I prayed for twins, as I ttc for sometime before conceiving through ivf

@fls. didn't ask for a print out. would def request for one at my next scan as I feel like looking at it over and over.
I know what you mean about getting frustrated with not knowing when appointments are - I'll also need notice to sort work/childcare (hospital here won't let you take children to scans)

I paid £65 for my early scan both this time and last time and for me it's defo worth it. I know some people are happy to wait for 12 wk scan but I wanted to know all was ok before the and it has helped me relax. Where I am they won't tell you gender at 20 wk scan - you have to pay for extra scan then. We're happy to have a surprise but as so many people find out these days I feel like my early scan is instead of a gender scan, if that makes sense?

Elmo, sorry didn't see your earlier message, hope you're having a better day!
So my scan was a bust (I figured it would be) - too early to see anything except a thickening of my endometrium; still a good sign. It's so dumb because my OB is going on holidays for 3 weeks and they said if I couldn't see him this week he couldn't be my OB - even though I'm barely pregnant. My BFP was even darker today so I'm staying positive, but it's getting harder to hide this from my mom (I don't drive and she takes me to all my appointments). I am gonna ask for more blood draws to make sure everything is OK.
Miss frick that sounds so silly your ob being on holiday so you miss out on being his patient!

I have just had the most amazing idea on how to tell our parents we pregnant. We got married in January (its been a very busy few months of weddings:haha:) and just got a phone call to say our official pics are ready. So we gonna make up photo books for the parents with the wedding photos, then the last page we will have a pic of my husband myself(holding a pic of Eoin) Lewis who will be either holding a sign or tshirt that says Big Brother, then the caption of on the bottom saying something along the lines of 'the complete **** family' what you guys think? Im usually too excited tell the parents straight away so iv gotten really carried away with have a reveal:haha:
That's a lovely idea ironmansmummy. I want to do some thing fun this time too. Never have before and think it would be cool xx
I'm so unimaginative! We will probably just say "erm yeah we are having a baby" :lol:
I have 2 ideas, one is me and OH with our bellies out, his says beer and mine says baby or something like that or do the photo of the shoes. Dads, mums, then the boys then some little booties which say due Nov 16 x
Altho that's likely o just be 'fb' announcement, family we will probably visit and tell one at a time. Convinced I'm not doing it till after dating scan tho X

Had to tell my mum at the spa day thing the other day tho as they pulled me to one side to say they couldn't do the massage on me!!!!! I had no way round not telling her!!! Would of preferred not to but she's happy xx
Oh, so fun! I love announcement ideas!

I was away on a work trip when I got my BFP. I knew it was a possiblity, so I brought a shirt with me (that I had bought when we tried a few months ago) that said "I can't keep calm, I'm going to be a mommy" I wore the shirt on the airplane home and when DH picked me up, I asked him if he liked my shirt! And *lol* before he looked, he definitely gave me the husband "yes, of course I like your shirt" but then he really looked at it ^_^

I'm not sure how we're going to tell our parents, but I do have plans for our big announcement and for my sister and two friends. I got my sister and two good friends some tumblers that say "Only the best sisters/friends get promoted to auntie". I'm going to mail them each their tumbler, without telling them anything, so they can get them and be completely surprised! :) And for our big announcement after the first trimester is over, I want to take a shoe picture. DH and I both wore converse at our wedding, so I want to get a picture with our wedding shoes and the baby converse I have. I've been planning it for ages, since we started talking about ttc, and I'm super excited :D
Jox i think the beer belly baby belly thing is hilarious!!
Ser how cute is your husband answering before even looking, kinda thing mine would do. I wore converse to my wedding too sooo comfy:haha:
Cherub that's amazing I'm so happy for you! Ivf is such a pain in the butt so glad you got two for the price of one just like you wished for a miracle!
Love your announcement ideas!

Missfrick glad the scan went well in terms of showing as much as was possible :)

I think I plan on lining up the boys up in size order with signs that say something but I don't know what yet!

Well who knows how I am going to manage those sleepless nights because so tired!!! Little ones been on and off all day bless him with a temp of 39 so have him doubled up on ibuprofen and calpol as one at a time wasn't cutting it. Got antibiotics from the docs.

Scan in the morning!!! So scared!! Xx
So exciting elmo. What time is ur scan? I hope ur lo starts to feel better soon. Mines been so marry all day, I swears it's coz he was up a couple of times then tried to get up at 6am, no chance!!! Sent him back to bed and he actually went till nearly 7 but it's left him tired and grumpy!!! Xx
Oscar has been off school today with a sick bug...that's twice in 9 days that he has had a bug. Really wish people wouldn't send their poorly kids in school and pass their germs to everyone else grrrr.

Elmo exciting for your scan!!
Oh and OH isn't up do the belly thing :haha: gonna keep trying to pursued him tho lol x

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