November Rainbow Babies

Thanks for the advice ladies---I will for sure up date and hopefully post pics after Friday's scan!
Hello Blakesmom- Did you have your scan yet? I know it's so hard not to have DH there, but I do think having at least someone there will be good. And it should go well anyways!

babyjo- The only thing I can really say is that the big O may have "revealed" the MC, by starting the spotting process, but it most likely did not cause the MC. But definitely do what you feel comfortable with! No judgement here : )

about 4 weeks til my gender scan! yahooooooooo!

Klein- well I'm glad your progesterone hasn't gone down anymore. So in this type of situation they don't want you to take extra progesterone?
As for bathing suits, I have not attempted, nor have I needed to wear one yet... but it's almost pool season so I'm sure soon enough I'll be dreading wearing one. But it's the things we do for our kids : )
Twins are doing okay. Max's brain bleed has gone from a 1 to a 2. It's still not critical, but the fact that it got worse scares me. I think my brother and GF are also worrying about the twins' immune systems, so they are limiting even their own visits to see them, and have decided that his other two kids should not visit anymore. Just limiting contact really I guess.

DH took DD to her school fair today. I took the baby that I sit for up there for a bit so I could see DD ride and play. It's very nice out, around 75 degrees and sunny.
Not going into details here, but DH totally disrespected my parenting decision to take DD home for a potty break (we're only 3 minutes from fair) by literally turning around with DD and walking the opposite way of me and the car. He didn't think it was necessary. But quite frankly, she could have used a nice hour break, and gone back to the fair right after. Ughh just so upsetting. Had me crying. This type of thing happens more than I like, where I'm trying to be a responsible parent, but then he'll just go do the complete opposite with DD. Hello!? I'm trying to teach her respect and discipline, and he should want that for her too. Anyone else not on same page with DH sometimes.

I'm not a nazi or something, but I am the one who is preaching decency more than he is. He is just another child sometimes, and I seriously have to have a talk with him because it infuriates me. We are on the same page with everything else, just with this authority issue he doesn't get it.
**update- DH called me and apologized. Said he even told DD that he was wrong to do what he did. And he said he'd work on it because he knows it's something he does. So I guess I'm glad we're communicating about it!

I think I'm feeling some type of movement. This morning (3am) my stomach was twitching because I was nervous and couldn't get back to sleep after waking. Well it wasn't the twitching that I thought was baby, it was the feeling I felt afterward. Like a light fish-flopping inside, a little below midway between bellybutton and pubic bone. I've been feeling it a bit as I've sat today as well.

BTW- Where are all the other ladies on this thread? I know there's a bunch! Maybe they're lurking, or just in the general pregnancy area ; )
Scan went well and DH did take a few hours off work to be there as well. Got lots of pics, thought I would share these two. HB was 162!!


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Blakesmom-Yes, beautiful pic!!! So glad DH was able to go with you.

Dahlia-Glad DH called to say he was sorry. Yes, they are often worse than kids themselves. Aw, that's so scary for poor little Max. Like you said even though it's not severe it's still not good either. That sounds right about the limiting visits too. I know the parents are stressed to the max.
I don't know where everyone is these days. I was wondering the same thing!
The progesterone is typically gone off of at this point, although some ladies stay on it thought out pregnancy. I don't know. I guess everything is going to be ok with the levels. It would seem to me that if they were going to take a dive that they should of by now. It looks as if it's just leveled off at around the 20 mark. Which is in the lower end of normal.
I felt some fluttering last night, none since though. I'm eagerly awaiting some swift kicks lol!
Hi ladies :wave:
Blakesmom and Alandsa- Congrats on great scans your LOs are precious!
Klein- Hope everything stays good with your progesterone. I started weaning off mine and I'm scared of course!
Dahlia- Guilty of lurking! I have been checking in to see how everyone here is doing, but have been active in a PAL after recurrent losses thread. Glad to see everyone is moving right along with their rainbow babies :D
Hey tuckie hope everything with you is going great?

Yay blakesmoms! Must be a huge relief! Glad it went well!

Dahlia I have no idea how OH and I will parent but he is a few years older then me and I have a feeling he may try to boss me about but we will see. It's horrible that he undermined you like that!

Hope you guys have a great weekend. x
Dahlia I am glad that DH called you and apologised, I am not looking forward to parenting quarrels with my OH, like you - I won't put up with him undermining me infront of our child, and when he speaks to me rudely these days I say 'You need to stop speaking to me like that before the baby comes. I am the mother of your child now' :haha:

OH and I have applied for a house to rent today - pictures are in my journal if anyone wants to see. Apart from that I don't have much news, we are off to Ireland to stay with the in-laws on Thursday and then going to Portugal for a fortnight a week later! So we have been holiday shopping this week, when we get back we have our 20 week scan and then move into our new home the same day.

No movement yet :nope: starting to get a bit impatient even though I know its early, to be honest I wouldn't know what I was feeling for...

Do any of you girls have your bellybutton pierced? Mine is starting to go all red around the top of the hole but I don't want to take it out :(
Sharon-Mine is pierced, last pregnancy I took it out around 7 months, when the hole started to stretch. My hole didn't grow up or anything in the mean time. I intend on doing the same thing this time. Mine doesn't get red though. Although my nipples are outlined with red due to stretching so that could be what it is.

Nothing new to report today. Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)
i havent felt any movment yet either sharonfruit, although you're ahead of me by two weeks. they say that first time pregnancies you wont feel it as early. cant wait though. anyone else having a problem with recurring yeast infections/thrush? its like ever since i got pregnant the thrush started. :wacko: annoying
i havent felt any movment yet either sharonfruit, although you're ahead of me by two weeks. they say that first time pregnancies you wont feel it as early. cant wait though. anyone else having a problem with recurring yeast infections/thrush? its like ever since i got pregnant the thrush started. :wacko: annoying

I did with Blake--so far I haven't had one, but first time around I think I had 4-5?? Even tried washing all my undies in Vinegar and switching to cotton only--nothing seemed to work. So sorry!!!
So, I have a son who is almost 13 yo and a daughter who is 7 yo. We all went to bed last night and everything was good. I was awaken by hearing my son call for me 'mom' then a few sec later 'mom'. DH asked what was wrong and I told him Taylor was calling for me. I expected to see him standing outside my door, he wasn't there. I looked in his room and he is sound asleep. Checked in on DD and she is sound asleep. I'm looking around the house puzzled, I go back to the bedroom only to hear the 'mom' again. Now that I am awake I can tell it's coming from the TV. OMG, one of those TV preachers had a baby lamb in his arms and every 5-10 sec it would call out 'baaa' which does sound like a 'mom' to me, being asleep, in the middle of the night. Totally funny!
UGH, apparently my Harry Potter marathon weekend ended sometime after I went to bed and the lamb preaching came on. Made me so mad!!!!

I had my 15 wk appointment today, DH came. ugh it was stressful at first. The first nurse came in to get the HB. But we literally only heard it for 1 second (I recognized it too). She kept looking for it, but couldn't find it. So she brought in another nurse. She couldn't find it. Then the doc came in. He couldn't find it. So they got me an U/S. While waiting to be seen I was pretty emotional. Even though I heard that little glimmer of the HB, I thought maybe I was crazy or that maybe it was the last beat of my baby's heart. Well, we found the heartbeat and everything was measuring right on. Problem was the "anterior placenta." Meaning, since the placenta is more or less in the front of my stomach, it was hard for the doppler or get through my skin, the placenta, and into the uterus. I no longer have the placenta previa, but he said since it's anterior placenta that it mihght take longer to feel baby. But I could have sworn I was feeling it a few days ago...
I can still have a vaginal birth and all so that's good. My DH asked if we could see the sex but the tech didn't have time. But we did schedule our anatomy scan for Tuesday the 19th of June!!!! yay! Here is the pic they gave me. It's very blurry, but I think I can see a slight profile of baby, with it's hand close to mouth.

Klein, that's funny about "mom." I probably would have thought it was a ghost or something and really freaked out. It's times like those when I tell DH I heard something, and he won't even budge. Makes me think what would happen if there was an intruder or something. I'd probably be the one with a baseball bat ready to hit! lol

I don't have any piercing other than my ears, so I'm no help!

Dancing- no problems with thrush here. Sorry : (

Sharon- lol. I feel like I already have 2 kids. Me and DH laugh about it because he is my second child (at heart).

So just to say it again, maybe what I was feeling wasn't movement, but it sure felt like something, but now I'm sad that doc said I might not feel movement until 22 weeks : ( However I have a lot to be thankful for. I think I can let some more of my guard down, because I'm in second tri and we know baby is alright. We will be telling DD in a few weeks. Maybe a few days before our U/S we will tell her so that she can come with us. And here I go again getting emotional because once we do tell her, her life will be changed forever. I am not going to make that big of a deal about it though like I did last time. I will just tell her that she is going to be a big sister, and that it will be fun. Last time I think I went into so much detail (trying to prepare her) that I may have stressed her out. lol

Klein, did you get your diaper bag? Mine came today. It's lovely : )


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Dahlia-So sorry you had a rough time at the doc. I know the minutes seemed like hours while waiting. Glad to know they got you in for a quick scan though! That stinks about not feeling the baby move for a while. I think you could of felt when you thought that's what it was. You may just feel the movement few and far between for a while until later on. I feel little twinges every now and then, especially when I'm checking for a hb. I think it ticks my little one off lol. I check for just a few seconds 3 times a day!!! A bit overboard I know :( I'm a little on the ******* side. Every check I tell it, 'so sorry, mommy has to check on with me and I'll be done in a second!!!' I feel the pep talks are really working LOL!!!

I'm sure DD will be excited when she finds out. Let me know how it goes. I agree with keeping it simple at first. That's what we did. You can gradually build on that in time.

I know it sounds crazy but I really thought when I was pregnant with my second child that I wouldn't or couldn't love that baby as much as my first. I knew I would love the baby but I couldn't understand how I could ever love anyone as much as him. I was nervous going to the hospital thinking that. It's amazing to me how one minute my heart was full with love for one child and then they lay a new baby on my chest, it's like you instantly have two hearts and so much love that you didn't even know you were capable of. Very magical :)

My bag DRAMA---Ok I THOUGHT I ordered the norah style in the midnight laurel color. Well...then the next day I needed a shower gift for my friend. We are pretty close and I asked her to go online and see if she saw one she liked. Well she liked the same bag but with the purpleish/pinkish and green (I think the one like you picked out if I remember correctly) So, I ordered her that one. Yesterday there was a box on the porch and I opened it, I was expecting it to be my bag since I ordered it first. It wasn't it was hers. I took it to her and we checked it all out and I LOVE it. I was super hyped up about mine...I went online to see if I had a 'shipped' email. I didn't but I saw my order email, I was looking it over and to my surprise...I ordered 2 of the same bag!!!! I like the print she picked out but I had my heart set on the black and white one. I had sent out pics to friends showing them, I am in love with the bag lol. In the mean time I am flippin out b/c all sales are final for this particular sale AND my bag is SOLD OUT!!!! I was so upset. I called the company this morning and they were SUPER nice. I explained the situation and asked them if I could just wait til my bag came back in stock and I could just get it then since I'm not in a big hurry...come to find out they did have more in stock and my mistake bag hasn't shipped yet so they are going to make the switch for me!!! I was so happy :) They were awesome with the customer service and I was very impressed :) I can't wait til mine comes in though. They are super high quality and very nice. I was pleased with my friends and she was equally excited!

Do you love yours??
Klein- that is drama! : ) I would probably be in tears because once I buy something it's because I really want it and already picture me with whatever it is. I will spend a lot of time deliberating if I want something or not. lol. That was awesome of JJ Cole to honor your situation though. I looove mine! I already packed up the one I got for my BFF who is due in September and put some stuff in there for her. Can't wait to pack mine up for myself. I am thinking I will probably bring it to the hospital with me for stuff for baby. A FB friend said she bought her baby a hat for the hospital. They aren't finding out the gender, so they got girl and a boy hat. I thought that was a nice idea to have a special hat for baby when it's born instead one the hospital provides.

Some others with anterior placenta still say they feel the baby just fine, but that it did take a while for more "regular movement." But looking at this from a positive light, I'm just glad it's no longer placenta previa, and that baby is healthy.

I too used to wonder if I would love another child, but I know I will. But it still amazes me how much I love my DD so much! :cloud9:

Also, I posted my recent ultrasound pic on the 2nd tri board to see what the ladies who are good at spotting the gender would say, and they all have said boy so far! I guess according to skull theory, a more rounder skull means girl, but flatter means boy. I was hoping for more round, if you know what I mean. But then I do get the feeling it's a boy though. :shrug: I should stop thinking about it!

Anyone finding out the sex soon? I know some of the ladies are already around 16 weeks. Cata is the only one so far!:blue:
OMG--I have serious baby brain today---sorry it is RIGHT THERE IN YOUR TICKER :dohh:
lol Blakesmom

Ladies I need your opinion, is this t-shirt for a father of twins? or does it mean the dad now has two kids? what do you think? I am lookimg at getting DH a t-shirt for father's day, but it would be for wearing on delivery day
Dahlia I think it means dad of two. That's such a great idea. I may look into getting OH something for fathers day from the bean too.

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