November Rainbow Babies

babyjo-Congrats on your onion! I'm built narrow too. I am on the tall side I suppose so that helps some. Hubby says I look like I've done a few too many keg stands lol. Whatever that means. At least people can tell your preggo and not just heavier!

My next appt is on Tuesday. I don't think I will be getting an ultrasound then. I need to call and check on that.

I am having a hard time finding gender neutral clothing for LO. I can't seem to find any online. I'll venture off into some stores in a month or so I guess. Just sorta bumbed out about it. I thought there would be some options out there and there aren't. It sucks.
Yes, I have an appt for around 20 weeks to find out gender, sooo long to wait! So glad all the ladies here are progressing nicely. I still want to slap myself sometimes because I'm shocked I've made it this far! :D Good luck on your appointments and upcoming anatomy scans ladies!
Yay for onions! That's my next stop! heheh.

Klein, babies are generally okay. Gaining weight. Just some obstacles with Max's heart valve, which is't exactly working properly, and we just have to wait for it to heal. His brain bleed is still there but hopefully will continuously shrink down. Vivienne is doing good though.

It's great DS's room is getting done. Graffiti theme is close to home for us. lol. I live near Detroit (ha).

It's hard to find gender neutral clothing. I see things at Target with yellow duckies and stuff, but I'm sure you don't want duckies everywhere lol. What is your plan exactly? I'm just thinking about what I would do.... I would want like a weeks worth of gender neutral stuff, but after baby was born I would go out and buy more clothing. Will you be registering for gift cards for your shower? That might be a good idea just from any old store so you can get some clothes with those funds.

I really do think I can feel movement even with this anterir placenta. It's not a lot, or very frequent, but about once a day I feel a slight pushing/rolling sensation in my tummy. Seems to be a third of the way up to bellybutton from my pubic bone.

Hi Tuckie! great scan pic! I'm glad your progesterone situation is doing well without it!

babyjo- Have fun at the Queen's Jubilee!
Well yes, you're right about narrow hips not being the best body type for giving birth, but our body is amazing and our pubic bone will separate as baby comes down the birth canal, so don't let it worry you too much!

Dancing- looks like we'll be finding out the sex in the same week as each other! woohoo. I asked my doc if I would be able to get a cd video of the anatomy scan, but they said they don't offer it. I only asked b/c a few of my friends have gotten one from their scans, no biggie though. I just hope I get a few good pics. Good luck at your appt tomorrow. Can I ask where you're vacationing at?
Dahlia- It's incredible. One of the girls in our recurrent losses thread just had an early m/c and it breaks my heart. Took me back to how awful it feels and all the "what ifs" and "whys" of it all. I know all of us ladies that have lost angel babies are so much stronger and more grateful for our rainbows when they finally come into our lives. I still don't think I'll fully believe it until I'm holding this LO though!
Dahlia-Too funny about the graffiti and Detroit!!! DH wants to go to the JOE to watch a home hockey game so bad. We did get to go see them play this year when they played the Nashville Predators, it was fun to watch even though we lost :(
Hubby and DS are huge Red Wings fans and I was out shopping earlier and DH called. He sounded all sad. I asked him what's wrong and he told me...he did it, Lidstrom is retiring. I didn't know what to say, it's a sad sad day for all of us Lidstrom/Red Wings fans :(

I couldn't wait, I went shopping to see what I 'could' find baby clothes wise. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find anything and would be forced to find out the sex based off of just not having anything for it to wear! Anyways, Here is the list of stores I went in: Target, JC Penney's, Belk, Dillards, Khols, Wal-Mart, & Sears. That's pretty much all of the larger stores we have here in my little town. (There is a larger town about an hour away that has Babies R Us and all of that, I'll try to check there next week or so) Of all of those stores, I found 7 sleepers and bought them all lol. I figure since it's a November or late October baby sleepers will be fine for the baby's first week or two. I'm like you, I'd want just enough clothes to get me by and then I want pink or blues lol.

I'm not sure what I want to do shower wise. I really wanted to have a meet and greet or a sip and see type shower a week or so after the baby is born. I'm not sure if that would be a good idea for germ reasons. Ugh, I don't know. Origionally, I was going to register for Klein baby girl registery and for Klein baby boy registery. Then have the shower 2 weeks after the baby is born and everyone will know what registery to pull from. I like the idea of a gift card type shower but that seems like it'd be a bore as far as the entertainment of opening the gifts. Then I thought about a diaper and wipe shower. Beats me, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm just getting frustrated. My dream of not finding out the sex and being able to have it all just isn't working out lol!
Any suggestions are appreciated...

Bless those little one's and your family. My heart goes out to them. So glad Vivienne is doing well and Max seems like a fighter.

Can't wait to see what everyone's having! I will be living thru you all as you find out lol!!!

Tuckie- I know, it's horrible to see others going thru a loss and at the same time trying to remain positive and greatful to still be pregnant and thriving.
Hey ladies,

I'm so glad that we can feel more confident about our pregnancies. I saw my midwife for a check up yesterday and asked her why is my tummy sooo much bigger than most. There has been no mistaking I'm pregnant for a while now. Even my friends husband took one look at me and said I'm going to be huge!
She told me not to worry it's because I am very "small framed with narrow hips" so my internal organs need to go somewhere...... There were lots of birth posters in the waiting room....erm! I don't think it's good to have "narrow hips"! Oh dear! I refuse to start freaking out about the birth just yet but yikes!

Tickie I'm glad your scan went well. Are you going to have another scan to find out the sex.... 2 1/2 weeks till I see my bubs again on a scan. When's everyone else's scans?

:( I don't feel any movement yet! Can't wait for that! DH talks to my bump which is cute.
Ive Been busy recently planning lots of socialising for the Queens Jubilee 4 day weekend coming up! It's going to be lots of fun!

Don't watch baby story or bringing home baby if you are worried about the birth. I was on bed rest for 3 weeks before I was induced with Blake and those shows scared me to death!! I say the birth process is a piece of cake, but I had a teeny tiny baby--hopefully I can still say that after this little one. My ultrasound isn't until 20 weeks--July 13th--so very far away!!
Omg, I'm such an idiot. I just remembered...hmm...I have two kids, a boy and a girl. Surely I kept some of their clothes. Now how much and what sort of shape they are in after 7 years and 13 years of storage...that I do not know. To do list tomorrow...get clothes boxes down from attic and see what's in them!
Maybe it will be like Christmas lol!
Blakes mom- I watch those shows daily lol. I'm crazy though! How much did Blake weigh? Hang in there, maybe the time will fly by!
He was 4lbs 12oz. That will be so fun to look thru old baby clothes!!!!
4 lbs! Gosh that is really tiny!

Re staying tea yellow and buying clothes, I'm also just buying enough gender neutral stuff for the first week or so. When baby is born we can shop online for pink or blue and get gifts too, and then will be able t go shopping hopefully after a week or 2. OH and I have also agreed to buy a pack of blue babygrows and a pack of pink, to have in the hospital.

For my baby shower I'm going to ask my guests to think very carefully about gender neutral colours. When I buy something I always think, would I put this on a girl? And then, would i put it on a boy. Sometimes with browns and yellows they aren't really that gender neutral at all xxx
appt went well. went very quickly as he just listened to heartbeat on doppler pretty much. which was alot louder than last time. i am going to be driving down to florida to visit my parents and brother. no its not my hometown, just where my parents went to retire. but im very excited to visit with them and relax and have momma's cookin!:happydance:
Dancing-Florida is so nice :) I can't wait to go down in August. Wish I could go before then. We usually go to Destin and sometimes Gulf Shores, AL. Both are great places and about 6 hours from where we live. Hope you have a great trip and glad your appt went well!

Blakesmom- Oh my, 4lbs...yes that is tiny!

I am done looking thru baby clothes lol! DD and I had a good time looking thru them. I had 4 boxes to go thru and kept out about 1 box of things total. I have a girl pile and a boy pile. A few gender neutral items such as sleepers and bibs and a blanket and diaperbag. Most of the clothes other than the sleepers won't be in the correct season. I had DS in July and DD in April. Luckily, there are some items that DD wore in a 18months that will work.

Hopefully that will be a good start and now I just need to make my mind up about what type of shower and when to have it!
Klein that's funny you are Wings fans! I guess they're everywhere! I used to be a Wings fanatic back in my elementary days, but not so much anymore. Sad to say I'd rather not watch sports.

Finding those old clothes must have been helpful, you might have enough now to get you through the first few days/week. On another board ladies some ladies were thinking that a sip and see might not be the best idea because of the "winter month" that our babies are due in. But it's basically your only option if you plan on having the shower after baby is born. If you did have the baby shower after, about how many weeks after would you do it?
I don't know what else to recommend about keeping the sex unknown til birth.

And I just found out that the nurses recommend the twins stay housebound for about one year! Their immune systems won't be developed like a full term baby would have been, so it's looking like they won't be able to venture out too much. I'm not sure the exact recommendations, but I wonder what will happen.

I can't wait to sift through DD's old stuff. Even if we end up having a boy, I'm sure I'll find one or two neutral outfits. lol. My husband just told me today that now he's not sure he wants to have a boy. Because he's afraid it'll be like him when he was a teenager and that scares him! But I know all about how he used to be ad I will not let our boy ever get to that point. But it was odd to hear him say that after I know he wanted a boy.

I watch those TLD baby shows every day! haha! I will endure labor til I can't anymore, then probably get an epidural. Labor was so much more enjoyable after I got the epi last time. I could relax and smile. DD was 7 lbs 6 oz., so I'm hoping this next one is 8 lbs or less.

Blakes- wow DS was little! Was he early?

Sharon- I agree about the fact that some gender neutral stuff is just plain masculine if it were to be put on a girl.

Dancing- I love FL. Haven't bene there in about 6 years, but it sure is nice! Was last in Ft Lauderdale

I feel like these appointments can go pretty fast then it's another month until the next one. I have been seeing the doctor that performed my MMC (a male), but I've decided to see the midwife at my next appointment (My office has about 8 doctors and 2 midwives). I saw her when I found out I MMC and she was very compassionate. After a few appointments with her I will decide if I want to give birth with her, or the doctor, even though there is always a doctor on-call in the delivery area of my hospital.

Do you ladies have a female or male doctor? or midwife?
As of now I am leaning toward a shower in September and registering for baby items/gear, no clothes. Also putting the word on the streets that I would love gift cards so I can purchase gender specific clothing after baby Klein arrives. I think I have to agree with the winter month and flu season etc. I think it's a great idea for a sip and see but not in November.
:( Oh well, I can't have it all lol.

Any thoughts on when your showers will be? I think we typically do it in the 7m here.

Oh my that is a long time for them to be housebound. I knew it would be a few months. Wow, it's likely if mom doesn't have a nervous breakdown before they come home that she'll never make that year. I feel so bad for them. Do you have alot of family there that can offer support and get the parents out of the house?

Too funny about your hubby. If you do have a boy just have to remind him that your genes are mixed in there too lol. Tell him your sweetness will overpower his bad boy genes. Even if you don't believe it, they sure start out sweet! Yes, they sure do change over the years though. I just threatened to punch my sons teeth out if I heard the 'n' word again. Ugh, it never ends!

I have a male doctor. I am pleased with him. He's delivered me and my 2 kids and performed my 2 mc's and removed a cyst on my ovary...we go way back! I would play it by ear and see what you think about the midwife. We don't use them in the south where I am. It's just a regular doctor in a hospital. No options at all. I think I would like to try a water birth or at least labour in the water for a while but I googled it and nowhere around here offers it!

One minute the appointments seem like lifetimes away and then as it nears it seems like it has flown by for me. My next one is Tuesday. I don't think I'll be having my u/s that day. It'll probably be at 21 weeks and not 17 if I were just guessing.

DH and I decided to have a quickie, the first BD-ing in prob 2 weeks. It's amazes me how noone needs my attention and I can slip away to the bedroom, lock the door and suddenly I have both kids trying to talk to me then how I can keep my composure and have conversations thru the door with both children....then hear their footsteps in a distance and continue. Oh, the great times these days lol. The deed got done and that's what matters I suppose!

Hope everyone has a great weekend to kick off the lovely month of JUNE!!!
Hi girls just stopping by to say hi, been lurking a bit and I can see you are all doing great :hugs: I'm glad you are.

I'm staying a bit away, I think I'm depressed :cry:

Much love :flower:
Klein that's funny you are Wings fans! I guess they're everywhere! I used to be a Wings fanatic back in my elementary days, but not so much anymore. Sad to say I'd rather not watch sports.

Finding those old clothes must have been helpful, you might have enough now to get you through the first few days/week. On another board ladies some ladies were thinking that a sip and see might not be the best idea because of the "winter month" that our babies are due in. But it's basically your only option if you plan on having the shower after baby is born. If you did have the baby shower after, about how many weeks after would you do it?
I don't know what else to recommend about keeping the sex unknown til birth.

And I just found out that the nurses recommend the twins stay housebound for about one year! Their immune systems won't be developed like a full term baby would have been, so it's looking like they won't be able to venture out too much. I'm not sure the exact recommendations, but I wonder what will happen.

I can't wait to sift through DD's old stuff. Even if we end up having a boy, I'm sure I'll find one or two neutral outfits. lol. My husband just told me today that now he's not sure he wants to have a boy. Because he's afraid it'll be like him when he was a teenager and that scares him! But I know all about how he used to be ad I will not let our boy ever get to that point. But it was odd to hear him say that after I know he wanted a boy.

I watch those TLD baby shows every day! haha! I will endure labor til I can't anymore, then probably get an epidural. Labor was so much more enjoyable after I got the epi last time. I could relax and smile. DD was 7 lbs 6 oz., so I'm hoping this next one is 8 lbs or less.

Blakes- wow DS was little! Was he early?

Sharon- I agree about the fact that some gender neutral stuff is just plain masculine if it were to be put on a girl.

Dancing- I love FL. Haven't bene there in about 6 years, but it sure is nice! Was last in Ft Lauderdale

I feel like these appointments can go pretty fast then it's another month until the next one. I have been seeing the doctor that performed my MMC (a male), but I've decided to see the midwife at my next appointment (My office has about 8 doctors and 2 midwives). I saw her when I found out I MMC and she was very compassionate. After a few appointments with her I will decide if I want to give birth with her, or the doctor, even though there is always a doctor on-call in the delivery area of my hospital.

Do you ladies have a female or male doctor? or midwife?

Blake was 4 weeks early--I had to be induced because of preeclampsia

I'm thinking September will be a nice time for a baby shower.

I have nurse midwives--all of the midwives in the practice are CNM and deliver in the hospital. I also will try going as far as possible without the epidural but unlike last time when I thought I didn't want one--I know I will this time---epidurals are AMAZING!!
Hi girls just stopping by to say hi, been lurking a bit and I can see you are all doing great :hugs: I'm glad you are.

I'm staying a bit away, I think I'm depressed :cry:

Much love :flower:

Man troubles??? :flow:
Hi girls just stopping by to say hi, been lurking a bit and I can see you are all doing great :hugs: I'm glad you are.

I'm staying a bit away, I think I'm depressed :cry:

Much love :flower:

Man troubles??? :flow:

Not at all :) I learned a long time ago not to let that kind of things bother me thank God.

Money has me very stressed but I'm trying to control it, baby can feel everything I feel and I don't want him to be sad.
Hey ladies

Klein too funny re trying to dtd with kids around. That is something I guess you have to squeeze in with kids around.

Baby showers being fairly new to UK I'm not sure when I'd like to have mine. Here you're best friend normally organises everything so hoping all goes well i will have mine beginning of October maybe. Wow you guys do gift lists for stores? That's cool!

Well I love drama in my life NOT. I had an accident a couple of days ago and now need to be put to sleep to have my left arm repaired. Doh! Was a freak accident and it's all bandaged up ( nerve and tendon need putting back together again). I'm not really worried about my arm just anxious my little bubs being exposed to its 2nd general anaesthetic! Hopefully I won't be under long-my plastic surgeon thinks half an hour. Having it on Monday so prayers and positive thoughts towards my bubs appreciated! It also means being off work a minimum of 2 weeks so I can plan lots of baby stuff, money and Doppler the hell out of bubs until my next scan.

Cata- the money thing with babies is scary but I've seen so many families survive just fine- somehow everything just comes together.

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