November Rainbow Babies

Cata-OMG!!!!! YAY FOR TEAM :blue:!!!! I KNOW YOU ARE ON :cloud9:
So amazing! Glad your scan went great and your dad will never forget it!

I don't know where to start. We did get new vehicles this week, our pool is starting on getting dug, I'm exhausted.

I know alot of you aren't up on progesterone...I'm going to try to fill you in with my situation and my concerns.

Progesterone is one of the horomone's that sustains pregnancy. Without it or a 'normal' level of it you will undoubtly have a mc.

My levels were low at the start of my pregnancy, we tried suppositories and they didn't work, then we did the shots and they did work. Fertility doc said to discontinue use after 12 weeks, that everything is fine and the placenta takes over production of the progesterone horomone at that point. I asked to have my levels checked after I stopped my shots just for a peace of mind. They agreed.
3 days after I stopped my shots my level was a 33
10 days after I stopped the level was a 20
The level appears to be dropping, I am barely at the low end to sustain pregnancy. I am very concerned. I will be getting my level checked Monday to see what the level is again. (I just hope it's not too late and too low to do anything about it) My OB doesn't check the levels routinly but is making an exception. I feel like I have a healthy baby cooking in an oven that isn't working properly. Very stressful. Please keep me in mind.
Hey ladies :D Wow Cata, you're so lucky to already know the sex! Congrats on baby boy!

Klein- I'm on prgoesterone and I'm worried too. I'm supposed to start weaning next week! Were you diagnosed with low prog? I was just put on it as a precaution, but I'm scared to get off of the supps. Please keep us updated. Hope all is well.

I got my doppler at 11+5 and after a few days of searching and getting frustrated, I finally found baby's hearbeat today! Twice now actually :D What a sweet sound! Hope everyone is doing well!
Klein, that doesn't sound too fun! : ( I forgot that some people can't stand the sight/small of some things.
I would love a minivan too! My mom has one and it wasn't until I was driving it a few weeks ago that I said, "I'd take one!" They are so handy and big, great for road trips. Even with just having two kids I feel like I need one. Right now I have an Escape and DH has a Fusion. Both are paid for but we don't have money to even trade one in and buy a van, so we'll just have to deal.

Hi Blakesmom! Only a few more weeks, and hopefully that MS will let up. How are you otherwise? Any plans for a NT scan? Will you be finding out the sex?

babyjo- your almost to 14 weeks! yay! I'm glad your MS has subsided a bit. It's hard to eat healthy all the time. I've been slacking on eating my greens and veggies, which in my head are the most important! It's times like this I wish I was a vegetarian : ) I bought a canister of different nuts the other week, mixed with dried cranberries, just so I could eat some every day and know they are good for me. But they really don't taste that good. Kind of bitter. But I will finish that canister one of these days lol

Otherwise so far so good. Only 1 of my co-workers knows I'm pregnant but she thinks I'm starting to show--I think she is more anxious to tell everyone than I am LOL. Had a midwife appt today and was REALLY hoping to hear a HB with the Doppler but no luck. Midwife wasn't worried but I can't help but to feel slightly stressed. 12week U/S is next Friday--so at least I don't have to wait too long to know how everything is cooking in there. How are you feeling??
Blakesmom The week of a scan is always an anxious time- try to make time to relax daily even if it means just going for a quick 10minute walk and it will make you feel better.

Cata wow can't believe they can tell the sex so early! Yay for team blue.

Klein :hugs: What a horrible time?! Your placenta will hopefully begin to boost the progesterone especially when you next get tested. I don't know a lot about it but I hope that it all works out. You too Tuckie. x

Afm I really was hoping to not spend a lot of money on maternity clothes. I bought belly bands and trouser expanded but its just not working out for me and I don't want to look a state this pregnancy! My bump is really obvious (Dancing I'm jealous of your strong tummy muscles! I realise mine must be weak despite years of exercise!)I went on a spree and bought lots of stuff including some really comfy trousers and got fitted with bras. The difference is worth the money for the comfort that I'm now in! There were only a few stores in the Uk that do maternity clothes and the range is tiny so I bought normal long floaty tops two dress sizes up. That will hopefully be all I need this pregnancy especially over the summer. I want to spend the rest on bubs! Have a good weekend ladies. x
Cata-OMG!!!!! YAY FOR TEAM :blue:!!!! I KNOW YOU ARE ON :cloud9:
So amazing! Glad your scan went great and your dad will never forget it!

I don't know where to start. We did get new vehicles this week, our pool is starting on getting dug, I'm exhausted.

I know alot of you aren't up on progesterone...I'm going to try to fill you in with my situation and my concerns.

Progesterone is one of the horomone's that sustains pregnancy. Without it or a 'normal' level of it you will undoubtly have a mc.

My levels were low at the start of my pregnancy, we tried suppositories and they didn't work, then we did the shots and they did work. Fertility doc said to discontinue use after 12 weeks, that everything is fine and the placenta takes over production of the progesterone horomone at that point. I asked to have my levels checked after I stopped my shots just for a peace of mind. They agreed.
3 days after I stopped my shots my level was a 33
10 days after I stopped the level was a 20
The level appears to be dropping, I am barely at the low end to sustain pregnancy. I am very concerned. I will be getting my level checked Monday to see what the level is again. (I just hope it's not too late and too low to do anything about it) My OB doesn't check the levels routinly but is making an exception. I feel like I have a healthy baby cooking in an oven that isn't working properly. Very stressful. Please keep me in mind.

Thank you hun :hugs: I am really happy lol maybe I wanted a boy I guess I'll never know :)

I am also on progesterone (have been since week 6 when I found out about this pregnancy), but micronized 200mg every night vaginally. yesterday I asked for how much longer should I apply it and my doctor said: I don't want you to stop it at least for now Catalina, baby looks pretty happy in there and I don't want to take any risks.

So yeah, I'm thinking it will be part of my whole pregnancy but that's ok, it actually makes me feel more relaxed as I am convinced this is why bubs is still in there.

I don't know much about theses things but I really don't think it can be too late to put you back on progesterone if you need it hun :hugs: it's a good thing they're testing you again :flower: you are in my prayers.
Hey ladies :D Wow Cata, you're so lucky to already know the sex! Congrats on baby boy!

Klein- I'm on prgoesterone and I'm worried too. I'm supposed to start weaning next week! Were you diagnosed with low prog? I was just put on it as a precaution, but I'm scared to get off of the supps. Please keep us updated. Hope all is well.

I got my doppler at 11+5 and after a few days of searching and getting frustrated, I finally found baby's hearbeat today! Twice now actually :D What a sweet sound! Hope everyone is doing well!

Thank you :flower: I was really really hoping to find out but i was told many times that it was too early, i was also surprised on how clear everything was :cloud9: now I need some names cause i have NONE:dohh:

Yay for dopplers!! I'm getting one too... after some thinking I decided I need it :thumbup: peace of mind is priceless.
Tuckie-Yes I was put on it for it being low. My level when I found out I was pregnant was a 33 then it started dropping, and dropping down to a 22. That was while I was on supp 3X a day. it never came up. They put me on the injections and that brought it up.

I just hope if it's still dropping now then I've caught it in time to start back the shots and keep everything going. The shots are horrible and I want to see if it's going to level off before I go back on them.

Most of the time when you go off of them your fine, that's why doctors typically don't even check the levels anymore after you stop. I just had a bad feeling and begged for them to keep checking them. So stressful. I should be able to relax a bit now but I'm more anxious than ever :(
Dancing- yay for your scan! Must have been amazing to see the baby again. What did you happen to buy?

Congrats on your boy! I just have a feeling they will say the same for me.

Klein- wow a pool? That will be so cool! literally : )
I feel so bad you've got this stress right now, I've definitely said some prayers for you.
The extra shots would seem like the logical fix, so I hope that's it. Your mother's instinct is priceless

babyjo- Maternity stuff can be so expensive! I know. I've got a lot of my stuff form thrift shops and actually I found some good stuff. I went to a baby shower today and wore one of my mat tops, but in no way did I look pregnant. lol

Tuckie- glad you're having luck with the doppler. Man I wish I had one now. I just don't feel pregnant the last few days. The stretching pains/cramps are gone and I just feel down about it. Waiting for some type of feeling down there, or even some movement.

blakesmom- I'm feeling the above^. My next appt is on 15 weeks exactly, so I have about a week to wait [biting nails]. Maybe baby will give me a flutter for mother's day

Happy Mothers Day To All!!! :flower:

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. I am trying to stay positive. I'll get my bloods drawn tomorrow and hear the results Tuesday. I'll know more then.

Had to share my first buy too lol...
I got 4 packs of bottles, a pack of diapers, wipes, and a mixer that fits inside of the bottle.
Most people just shake their formula bottles but my babies tend to spit up a huge amount when I did that so this little mixer thing is perfect and it was $5.00 so well worth it.

I also bought 3 mat bathing suits today. (the girls wont fit into a prepregnancy bathing suit) I hate to buy 3 but really people, how many bathing suits do you have to try on before finding one? Now being pregnant and trying to guess your size?!?! I really think they need to carry more maternity clothes and bathing suits in stores for us. All of this online ordering is really a hard task. I just hope they all don't get returned. With the pool and a beach trip planned I really need 2 for sure. They are so expensive too.

Anyone else want to share their buys?

Anyone good with couponing etc? I'd like to do that for diapers & baby gear.
Hey ladies,

It made my day on saturday as some woman who I don't know very well but see all the time travelling to work said:" congratulations! When are you due?"!!! Yeppie Yeppie Yeppie! I had on a long tight top and maternity jeans (yeah! The uk finally had some sun so I can put my winter coat away!)my bump is small but very obvious because I'm small framed. I'm still on cloud 9 that I'm showing so much other people can tell! It makes it sooooo real!!

Klein- yay for the swimsuits! Wow a swimming pool at home sounds fab! Fx for your progesterone levels.

I can't wait to feel flutters either!

In uk we get lots of coupons in our bounty packs (given to us in stages- they contain info, coupons and lots of samples) etc so will sift through which ones are useful. No baby buys yet as OH won't allow but I'm going to spend my time putting together my shopping list and window shopping! Stocking up on nappies sounds like a good idea although I'm still considering reusable.

Yeah the sun is shining! Urgh! Here we've had months or grey miserable weather... It's not hot but we've missed the sun soooooo much! It instantly lifts my mood. Maybe I need to move to a hot sunny country:)
Have a good week:)
hello everyone!

Klein, good luck with blood-work today. You're in my thoughts.
Sounds like some fun baby buys. How interesting, a mixer for the bottles. Something brand new I suppose!

My boobs won't get too big throughout all this. I am a 34B regularly, and last time I was a 38C while breastfeeding. My boobs are still painful at times, I wonder if that's bc they're growing. And I have found some light stretch marks on them, so I've been moisturizing them more. I had some on my boobs last time, so it's okay. They fade after a while. Did you get bikini type suits or the tankini style?

Couponing, I love it. I am not a nut, and have actually cut down after I stocked up on a few necessities. But supply of TP and toothpaste is running low again. lol. I usually take my mom's Sunday coupons, but I haven't got them in a few weeks. I have been doing diaper deals. Usually without coupons, diapers can run 19-24 cents per diaper in a pack. But if you use coupons and deals, you can buy them at 14-15 cents per diaper. Which can add up to big savings. ***The ideal situation to look for is: a store sale, combined with a store coupon AND a manufacturers coupon. Target is good for that scenario because they offer store coupons from their website.

babyjo- How exciting that others are recognizing : ) In the mornings my tummy is so flat, but as soon as I eat breakfast, it gets a little bigger, but by no means do I really look pregnant. I'm 14 weeks today and I know the uterus is starting to peek up above the pubic bone, so I hope I can get a little bump soon.
Oh, and the sun is just wonderful! Sun is shining here today and it is just so comfy.
klein i agree with the maternity clothes. i have been having trouble finding mat work pants because i am tall and none of them have long lengths. so i had to resort to finding a pair online. and they're more money than i would like to spend but i will be using them ALOT so it will be worth it. plus they wont show my ankles hahaha. yay babyjo for a baby bump! my coworkers keep telling me i have one but im convinced its just belly fat/bloat. ill be more convinced of my bump when it gets bigger!:winkwink:
Dancing-lol covered ankles are a plus! My baby bump came out for real last week. With it being my 3rd though, nothing is left to stretch! It's nice and fluffy in there for my LO lol!

Dahlia- My boobs have increased in 1.5 inches each. I know it sounds crazy but I measured EVERYTHING when I was trying to loose the weight I gained from my TTC shots. They got so huge the first time and the second. I even had a lift and they cut out alot of my stretch marks but there are still a ton. Mine didn't go away :( Stretch marks on my chest doesn't bother me...I am just praying I don't get them all over my belly. It can always be worse.

I got tankini's. I'd wear the bikini if the stretch marks didn't appear and I thought I looked ok.... here in the south I'd get a few looks though lol Many looks would be from my own family!
The swimsuits were onsale and some of the sizes were limited so I thought I better get a few to try just incase they don't get anymore in this season. FX one or two work.

Thanks for the couponing tips, I need to check into that. We have a target and those kind of deals would be NICE to catch!

DD asked last night what nick name we were giving the new baby. I didn't understand so I asked her to be more specific. She went on to explain that her nick name is 'monkey' (she does gymnastics and is always hanging/flipping around) I told her I figured we'd wait and see what sort of nick name the baby 'earns' lol Too cute.

Got the stickers of the cute little stick people dressed in their fav team clothing for the back of the van window! Those stickers will be the final SOCCER MOM touch! lol and it feels GOOD :)

Babyjo-So exciting that people are noticing. I look forward to that day, I am currently sucking in my bump when I'm around people I don't know, and sometimes people I do! I think I'll be more relaxed when it gets bigger and isn't in that in between stage!

Hope everyone is well!!! FX the silence is no news is good news :)
Klein, there is a current thread on here about pregnancy changing plastic surgery results. I think it's on the plain pregnancy club.
I think once I'm done having kids and I'm in my 30s and if boobs are saggy enough I will get a lift, or maybe even some small implants. Woohoo. The only problem is paying for it. Lol. I wrote in another thread that even though this is supposed to be our second, and last child, I wouldnt mind having one more after this one. More close in age to one another. What is everyone else thinking? Although I don't think DH will entertain the idea.

We seem to find nicknames as time goes on. Our dd's is "Sug.". I can't wait to meet our latest! : )

Question to all of you. JJ Cole is having an online warehouse sale starting tomorrow. I want to get a diaper bag. Now, I have the one I want picked out, but it has pink on it and is definitely girly. All is well if we happen to have another girl. But if it's a boy will that look weird to have a diaper bag with pink on it? Basically my thinking is that a diaper bag is a style statement from the mom. I will carrying it, so why not get one that I like? I know we will get a free diaper bag from hospital when baby is born. So if dad has an issue with carrying the girly one( which I don't even think he'll care) he can always use that one.

Anyone have an opinion? The more I think about it the less I think it matters

ps- forgot to add that when I woke up today, my stomach wasn't totally flat like it usually is. While laying in bed I saw a little pouch, and it felt firm. So I'm gettin' there!
Lol- transatlantic translator:) I was thinking what's a "diaper bag?" We call them baby changing bags... Had to google an image. I think they can be a style statement too! If you get a plain one from the hospital then I think you should get to pick whichever one you like (girly or not!). My OH is a mans man and I doubt he'd carry a flowery girly bag on his shoulder so I think I'll end up with a plain one unless he gets one himself.

Oooo I was really concerned why I was showing sooo much at only 14 weeks with my first especially after googling other women and figured it may have something to do with the fact I had gynae surgery fairly recently and my abdominal muscles were cut through! I can feel the top of my uterus more than half way to my belly button too. It feels so strange. Anyone else feel the top of their uterus? I start from my belly button down;)
here it is! even has pink Dahlias on it : ) also has another strap for stroller hanging. It's calling my name, so I hope I can get it for around $40 tomorrow, which is the top of my budget.

lol babyjo- well from what i gathered from the UK lingo, I could have only guessed you would have called it a nappie bag. so that would have been my best guess, if not a diaper bag. hehe

I'm sure why you're showing is because of your surgery then. I don't think I can feel mine yet. I just thought about it and, it's so odd to think there's a baby in there moving around and everything!
Dahlia I say go for it--That just looks like a cute purse so your good if you have a boy or a girl. I wanted 3 kids, but right now while I'm still sick--"I'm done" but it would be nice to have a smaller gap between this babe and #3 if we do go for a 3rd. Blake will be almost 4 when this baby is born.

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