November Rainbow Babies

Hi girls just stopping by to say hi, been lurking a bit and I can see you are all doing great :hugs: I'm glad you are.

I'm staying a bit away, I think I'm depressed :cry:

Much love :flower:

Man troubles??? :flow:

Not at all :) I learned a long time ago not to let that kind of things bother me thank God.

Money has me very stressed but I'm trying to control it, baby can feel everything I feel and I don't want him to be sad.

Babyjo is right--things do just always have a way of following into place and coming together. Still not sure how we will be able to afford day care for two little ones so I can go back to work, but if I don't go back to work then we wont have any insurance :dohh:
Hello all!
I was walking on the treadmill 3 miles each day before I got my BFP in an attempt to lose the horomone weight I had gained while on infertility drugs. After my BFP I felt like a semi had hit me, no energy and sick all the time. I'm still sick but I managed to get on the treadmill today. I walked by it several times to size it up and to get myself psyched up lol. I had a nice talk with it, I told's just you and me and your going down! I managed to walk 1.5 miles at a nice slow speed. I did have to put a box fan on me so I didn't get too hot and start gagging! I was pretty pleased with myself. Hopefully I will be able to work back up to my 3 miles. I would love to stay as fit as possible. With this being my 3rd I'm a bit concerned with all of the weight rumors and how the 3rd baby really does your body in. I hate to be that way and I'm not trying to not gain weight or anything like that. I just would like to stay as fit as possible and keep my energy level up.
Anyone else doing anything active/working out wise?
OH and his son and I walk the trails at the park alot, and i have 3 workout DVDs prenatal yoga, pilates, and another prenatal workout. They're great because there's a different workout for each trimester. I used to dance ballet professionally so being physically fit has been very important to me. Hopefully the bigger i get i can still stay active.:thumbup:
Dancing-That's awesome. I'm not coordinated at all so those DVD's would never work for me lol. That's great that you used to dance though. I'm sure you will be able to remain fit while your pregnant. :)
i was just watching a prenatal yoga youtube vid last night. lol. And... just now I was trying to hook up my elliptical withe electric so it doesn't need batteries in the console anymore, but I think I may have fried the console. My AC adaptor was the wrong voltage and I saw some steam coming from the console :gun: oops : (

Yeah, I've been pretty lazy. I even find myself walking slower than normal. But I have been having some pretty uncomfortable lower back pain and I think it will only get worse as time goes by. The memories of last pregnancy are coming back and I had the pain then as well.

Well I'm an onion today, and I'm waiting for some damn movement, but it's not happening.
My DD graduated preschool on Friday. The year went by so fast!
In other news I made two baby blankets with my mom this weekend. One is gender neutral, and the other is for a girl. I told my mom the girl one shall be called my "hope blanket" for hoping purposes that it will be a girl :haha:

Cata- I hope you are alright. You'll make it through. Hope your able to talk with your friends and vent to them


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Hello all!
I was walking on the treadmill 3 miles each day before I got my BFP in an attempt to lose the horomone weight I had gained while on infertility drugs. After my BFP I felt like a semi had hit me, no energy and sick all the time. I'm still sick but I managed to get on the treadmill today. I walked by it several times to size it up and to get myself psyched up lol. I had a nice talk with it, I told's just you and me and your going down! I managed to walk 1.5 miles at a nice slow speed. I did have to put a box fan on me so I didn't get too hot and start gagging! I was pretty pleased with myself. Hopefully I will be able to work back up to my 3 miles. I would love to stay as fit as possible. With this being my 3rd I'm a bit concerned with all of the weight rumors and how the 3rd baby really does your body in. I hate to be that way and I'm not trying to not gain weight or anything like that. I just would like to stay as fit as possible and keep my energy level up.
Anyone else doing anything active/working out wise?

I occasionally think I should get back on my treadmill--it just hasn't happened yet. Before my BFP I had a goal weight and only had 3 more pounds to go, but haven't gotten back on since then :blush:
i was just watching a prenatal yoga youtube vid last night. lol. And... just now I was trying to hook up my elliptical withe electric so it doesn't need batteries in the console anymore, but I think I may have fried the console. My AC adaptor was the wrong voltage and I saw some steam coming from the console :gun: oops : (

Yeah, I've been pretty lazy. I even find myself walking slower than normal. But I have been having some pretty uncomfortable lower back pain and I think it will only get worse as time goes by. The memories of last pregnancy are coming back and I had the pain then as well.

Well I'm an onion today, and I'm waiting for some damn movement, but it's not happening.
My DD graduated preschool on Friday. The year went by so fast!
In other news I made two baby blankets with my mom this weekend. One is gender neutral, and the other is for a girl. I told my mom the girl one shall be called my "hope blanket" for hoping purposes that it will be a girl :haha:

Cata- I hope you are alright. You'll make it through. Hope your able to talk with your friends and vent to them

Love the "Hope" blanket--I've got baby girl fever myself!!
Dahlia-Sorry your in pain. I love the baby blankies! I know you've heard it a bazillion times but time really does fly once they are in a school year. It's almost a slap in the face everytime a new year comes around at my house!
That stinks about your console too.

Cata-I missed your post. Everything will work out. I know it's alot to think about but I did it at 17 with virtually NO money and NOT much help financially from anyone. I promise it's a struggle but it comes together in the end. I'm not trying to pry but have you checked into any qualifying gov. programs that will help you. I can't see which country your from but I know here in the US we have programs such as WIC and CMA (sp initials? program that pays for daycare while you go to work or school). If you do qualify for those don't feel bad to accept the help. Everyone needs help sometimes! We can all help you brainstorm for ideas too. Just let us know! Stay strong and don't worry you'll make it thru. :hugs:

Announcing Klein Baby Names.....
Xander Brenton Nole Klein
Journee Merci Kaydnz Klein
YAY, now we just need the baby here, in due time--lol to have with the name!

Off to the dr for a check up this morning. No u/s :growlmad: Just the usual. Will update soon.
Love the names klein. We're still working on a boys name, but in a week we'll find out if it's even needed. We went to a small wedding yesterday and when I got home I felt like telling dd about our baby, but we'll for sure be waiting a few more days. Probably on his next day off we'll tell her. How was your appt. what was the heartbeat rate?

Babyjo- how is your injury? We're u able to get some questions answered.

Blakesmom when is your gender scan?

Cata- yes as Klein said I would look into some sort of assistance if it's available. I'm in US and we are on WIC while I am pregnant.

Afm this morning I was having some cramping like feelings for about an hour. I wonder if my uterus is stretching from all the food I ate yesterday and baby is having a growth spurt.
i get cramping very mild every now and then. i just chalk it up to growing pains :)
Dr appt was short and sweet, didn't give me a hb number but it's usually in the 150-160.
I told the nurse that I've been having some tightening in my uterus. Not like a contraction it feels different. She told me it could be the onset of a bladder infection or I could be getting dehydrated. She said when it happens to drink water and have a rest for a while. So, that's what I'll be doing lol. We go back on the 27th for an u/s. That would be our gender scan...minus the gender part!!! I'm excited to see our LO again.

Thanks Dahlia-we like the name too :)

I'm trying to find a cheap aqua or green (sage or lime) solid crib set. I've googled and been looking but if any of you happen to stumble across one please keep me in mind!

DH felt the baby move a little bit last night. Yay. I kept telling baby Klein to be mean like it's daddy and give him a good kick! We enjoyed it, good times!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Love the names klein. We're still working on a boys name, but in a week we'll find out if it's even needed. We went to a small wedding yesterday and when I got home I felt like telling dd about our baby, but we'll for sure be waiting a few more days. Probably on his next day off we'll tell her. How was your appt. what was the heartbeat rate?

Babyjo- how is your injury? We're u able to get some questions answered.

Blakesmom when is your gender scan?

Cata- yes as Klein said I would look into some sort of assistance if it's available. I'm in US and we are on WIC while I am pregnant.

Afm this morning I was having some cramping like feelings for about an hour. I wonder if my uterus is stretching from all the food I ate yesterday and baby is having a growth spurt.

5 weeks away--July 13th
Wow that's wonderful that DH is starting to feel baby! Wish I could say the same :(

Blakes- 5 weeks is a while to wait. I'm getting more impatient every day. lol.

Weekend has been pretty uneventful. Hot, that's about it. I've been pinteresting a lot of projects I'd like to do for the home and especially for babies room. I've decided to put up curtains as doors for babies closet. Here is a pic, and ours would look pretty similar to that room (with white crib and blue walls). I would pick more of a print for the actual curtain though
Hey ladies

I can't wait to shop for baby things and plan the nursery.

Dahlia I like blue for the nursery too ( even if it's a girl).

Klein I hope the cramping goes. Your names are great! You have even got the middle names sorted!:)

My arm is healing very slowly but getting there. Stitches come out next week. I will have arm exercises to do in a couple of weeks. Just annoying that I can only use 1 arm! My friend thinks its good practice for when the baby comes because you have to do lots one handed.

7 days to see my bubs again for the big 20 week scan. Nerves are beginning to set in. I haven't needed to use the Doppler anymore as I feel the baby move. It's such a strange feeling! Horrible dreams setting in too. Thinks its related to my fears. I had them last time before the last scan too. This is going to be a long 7 days!

Have a great week. x
babyjo- good way to look at the arm issue! don't let it get you down : ) and I hope you don't think I'm an annoyance for saying this, but better now than later that it happened. Are you able to take it easy at work and such? or are you off work?

That bring me to this question... how many of us ladies have a job? I myself was babysitting for a baby boy, but I have the summer off, and even in the fall I won't be continuing with him. They're a family friend and I'll still see them around. So I don't really have to worry about maternity leave, and I am grateful for that.

My scan is 7 days from today. I just can't believe it's almost here. I am still a bit nervous, but this is the last time I think I will be. I just need to see that baby is in there : ) We told DD today and she was so excited! I am very pleased because I thought her reaction would have been more mediocre. Here she is with her new big sis shirt.


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babyjo-wow, yes your friend is correct on the arm! It will be good practice! I understand about being nervous about your scan. It's reassuring that your feeling the baby move so much so I wouldn't worry about it! Sounds like everything is going great!

Dahlia-Love the nursery pic. That's a great idea. I'm so glad you told your DD and she's excited! That's awesome! Love the big sis shirt!

AFM-Well I had an eventful day yesterday. My lower stomach was hurting all day. It felt tight for a long time and was painful. I called the doctor and they told me, drink water, eat bananas, lay on my left side etc. So that's what I did ALL day. It never stopped. I finally went to the ER about 9:30pm last night. I just couldn't live with myself if something happened overnight and I didn't go get checked out. So, off I go. As I was giving my urine specimen, I was peeing over the toilet with cup in hand, I turn and there is a drop of blood on the toilet seat. I'm starting to panic and probe around to see where it was coming from. It didn't appear to be coming from anywhere so I turned in my secimen and waited for the doctor. They checked the HB and it was there and strong, of course I had been feeling baby move and checking HB at home. The doctor came in and asked me was I sure I wasn't bleeding from my vagina. I told him I didn't think so and if I was it must of just started. He went on to explain that there was so much blood in my urine that he needed to do an exam and make sure my cervix is still closed and no bleeding. SO, I TOTALLY STARTED GETTING UPSET. I was tearing up as he was telling me this. He came back in and did an exam. He said everything was great, cervix was closed and no bleeding in sight. SO--I got an RX for bladder infection meds and they sent me on my way. I'm so glad everything went well and hopefully everything is ok now. I'm still a little nervous about that being all it was but so far my tummy has felt better today. Hopefully, I will have some uneventful days to follow!!!
oh my gosh Klein, what a load of stress. So glad that nothing serious was the matter, and that your cervix is looking good. So what was the deal with the stomach tightening... normal? Was it maybe the bladder infection taking a toll? I hope it all stays calm for you over there. At least in the back of your head you knew baby was doing alright, since you had your doppler and were feeling movement.

Well, I have some bad news about my brother's lil' twin boy, Max. He passed this morning around 2 am. Yesterday the doctor told them that Max was just not going to be able to make it through. His lungs were not developing, and he was having kidney problems, and infection on top of infection. Little Max was in actual pain, although on a dosage of morphine, so we all knew that keeping him alive was keeping him in misery. My brother and gf had everyone say their last goodbyes. In his last hours they were finally able to hold him in their arms. The nurses dialed down his ventilator and he passed only a minute or two after they turned the machine down. I never imagined this would happen, and it all happened so fast. They only had a day to digest the fact that their son would die : ( Life is going to be so hard for them, but having twin Vivienne to concentrate on will help them through. God Bless Max
Oh Dahlia I'm so sorry to hear about Baby Max. I can only image how hard it would be to deal with the loss of a child who was born and fought so hard for his life. And how sad for twin sis to know that she had a brother who didn't make it as she grows up. May God be with your whole family during this time.
Dahlia- I'm so sorry to hear about max! I hope the parents are keeping strong especially for Vivienne. Really sad news :(

Klein- I can't imagine how scared you must have been! Whoa! That's too much drama for one night- I'm glad they figured out it was UTI in good time. I hope it clears up quick.

Afm- I've now been off work for just over two weeks! I'm never off work just at home so it's strange for me- we always travel a lot in Europe especially with the cheap air tickets you can get. I love being off a bit too much so im not unhappy about that. I have a very specialist job in hospital so it's not good that I'm off for soooo long:( when I go back it's going to be crazy crazy crazy busy but I've told them if I take on too much on my return I will end up having to take more time off. My Doc wants me to take another 2 weeks off but I couldn't bare to go back after all that time so I'm taking just one more week off then ease myself back into it. As long as my arm and bubs are ok I plan to work until 38/39 weeks- then I'm taking 1 year off! Can't wait for it!
Dahlia-They said that your bladder is on top of your uterus and it can be mistaken for tightening etc. while it is infected. So I'm guessing that is what I was feeling. I must say, I have had bladder infections since I was in the 3rd grade. I have also had my bladder stretched...this was by far a totally new pain. I'm not sure if its b/c there is extra pressure on my bladder from my uterus or what but it hurt!

I'm so sorry to hear about baby Max. I can't imagine the road that your family has been on and then the loss of a child. I hope everyone pulls thru ok. My prayers and thoughts are with your family. Baby Max, one of God's littlest angels in heaven.

Babyjo-Easing back into work sounds like a good idea! I love being off work. I quit working full time 5 years ago. DD was 2 yo. I should be able to be a stay at home mom with this baby and I'm looking forward to it. I do photography work but it's just a few hours a week so thats no big deal.

Hope everyone has a good hump day :)

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