November Rainbow Babies

Well guess what? We're still not sure what "team" we're on... baby was breech and a gender could not be 100% determined. She showed me the potty shot, and although she said it looks to be a girl (I agreed), who knows what was else could have been hiding there. So I'm not saying it's a girl yet because we just don't know! The tech wasn't too helpful when it came to my need to know the sex. She totally could have asked me to walk around for a minute or drink/eat something sweet, but she didn't. wahhh : (
I decided to see the midwife today. All baby's measurements were normal, except for the femur bone, which was measuring about one week behind. That concerned me, but the midwife said it is not indicative of any disability or abnormality. She said it's most likely because the baby was breech and a proper measurement was hard to get.

She said since the measurement wasn't "normal" that they'll rescan me in 4 weeks. I'm not concerned about the femur. As much as I've already googled, it's not an clear indication of downs or anything. And I think since all my other scans were looking normal, that it's just a fluke with positioning and or the fact that baby's legs are the last to catch up with everything else. I was originally afraid that at 23 weeks the baby would be too big to re-check the gender, but it seems that it'll be even more clear by then. So yay. Heartbeat was in 150s

Klein- you do wonderful work! I'm jealous you have all the props and camera for that kind of stuff. I'm a DIY kinda girl, so I'll be trying to do the infant pics by myself, and I've come across much of what you've said with my research. Thank goodness we have a spaceheater. lol. Now all I need is a new camera.

and oh, drinking that 1 liter of water before the scan was torture. I was fine until the actual scan. Laying down for that long was no picnic.

babyjo- I'm so glad your scan went well and everything with baby is healthy. My tech was as gentle as possible, which I appreciated. When you said you wanted to "wack" your tech it made me LOL. Team yellow, gosh you're brave! Look at me sitting here still not knowing for sure and I'm going nuts. lol

Tuckie- congrats on team pink! My potty shot was similar to yours. I wish she had printed it out for me, but at least I got about 10 other pics.

***i'll upload pics asap
dang it, I just realized I didn't really get a profile shot....

but here are some pics...

the first one shows skull and eye sockets. A little gremlin-ish!


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Dahlia- When is your next scan? Dr said she wouldn't say "100%" for us either, but she was "almost certain" we have a little girl in there. We kept seeing the 3 white lines. She checked over and over and came up with girl every time. The pic I posted is blurry, but the arrow is pointing to the 3 white lines- did you see those? Sorry tech didn't try harder to find out for you :/ If you saw the lines, it's probably a girl. My friend sys they're hesitant to say 100% unless they are totally sure. It's great baby was doing well though. I love seeing them move around! :D
Dahlia- When is your next scan? Dr said she wouldn't say "100%" for us either, but she was "almost certain" we have a little girl in there. We kept seeing the 3 white lines. She checked over and over and came up with girl every time. The pic I posted is blurry, but the arrow is pointing to the 3 white lines- did you see those? Sorry tech didn't try harder to find out for you :/ If you saw the lines, it's probably a girl. My friend sys they're hesitant to say 100% unless they are totally sure. It's great baby was doing well though. I love seeing them move around! :D

I don't think the tech was "almost certain." She knew that at the angle we were looking at wasn't the most reliable. I didn't get to see if there were any lines or not, but I didn't see any type of bulge. The movement was awesome. Next scan is on July 16 @ 10am
Great news on the scans today ladies and thanks for posting pic. July 13th can't get here fast enough--I want to go shopping--bring on the potty shots!!
babyjo-Yay for staying on team yellow!!!

Tuckie-Congrats on team pink :happydance:

Dahlia-So sorry you have to hang out with us team yellows for a bit longer! I know your probably eager to know!!! July 16 does seem like a long time away. :growlmad: Maybe it will fly by though.
I agree with you, the angle on the arm shot was probably just messed up. At least you got the rescan though to get a second shot at gender.
What's new, anything?

Bought anything?
Feel anything?

I found a bassinet at the thrift store for $16.50. Just washed the linens and scrubbed it down and it's good as new!
And the other night as I was sitting down, baby kicked so hard it made me jump ; )
It's not been to too active today though

DH found a baby mobile on clearance for $26 (too high in my opinion, but I wasn't even with him when he bought it). Anyways, when they rang it up it was only $9!!! So that's more my price range. I was very proud he found a deal.

We have three birthday parties to go to this weekend! It's nutty. I am going to make a collage of ideas I have for the nursery and try op post it up on here. Just not sure on how to actually make the collage lol
hey ladies sorry i havent been on here in awhile as i'd been on vacation in florida which was awesome! I was supposed to have my anatomy scan today but they called me on wed and told me i had to reschedule because no provider would be in that day :( UGHHH i was so excited to find out what we're having today. I have a new appt on monday at 8:45 so i just have to wait until then. while visiting with my parents they gave me a bassinet that has been in the family for a couple generations. its wicker and has a lace cover and its so sweet :) ill post a pic later.

Havent felt much movment at all. I keep thinking im feeling something when i lay down on my left side and put my hand on my tummy. but im startiing to get impatient :( maybe its because its my first baby or that my stomach muscles are strong.:dohh:
I've had a few good flutters but hope to get stronger kicks in the next week or two!! Today was my Birthday so had the in-laws over to celebrate tonight. Ready for bed now---it's been a LONG day!!
Dahlia-That's a great deal on the bassinet and the mobile!

Dancing-So cool you get the bassinet. Do post pics! That's awesome you had a good vaca. That really stinks about the scan being put off til Monday. Hang in there not much longer to go. I'm sure the lack in movement is bc it's your first baby and the stomach muscles are still strong. I'm sure you'll be feeling some great big kicks soon.

Nothing too new to report here. DS's lockers came in for his room so I painted them outside in 92 degree heat lol. I'm tired. That wore me out. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to pay $300.00 for someone to hang and mud the sheetrock in DS's room. Once we get that done then we have a long list of things to do to get the room ready for him. THEN we can start on the nursery. Seems like it will never get done.
Hey girls,

Dahlia I'm very jealous of your 92 degree heat! This summer weather wise is rubbish :( we are going to Spain end of August so hopefully I'll actually get a bit sun there. It's not happening in the UK this year!

We have tons to do before we can start on the nursery too. An endless list. We still are yet to buy stuff but have compiled a list of bits and pieces.
We have decided to blow our budget on our buggy because I love to go on long walks and want it to last till our next bubs after this one. Uppababy vista buggy has great reviews and tops our consumer chart from Which magazine.

Dancing glad you had a fab holiday! Hopefully you will feel bubs soon. I hope the scan goes well on Monday.

Blakesmom I hope you enjoyed your birthday.

I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday. Argh:( I'm far too used to being off work. I hope my work clothes still fit.... I'm too scared to try the tunic on because I know it won't go around my bump! I'm going to have to go in early to see if there are any large/ maternity tunics spare. My arm has healed real quick so I'm very lucky. My doc was surprised. I think being pregnant has caused that. All that extra blood pumping around!

Enjoy the weekend guys :)
Thanks--It was a good day for a Birthday yesterday!! I did have a "mid-pregnancy" crisis and cut of 8-10 inches of my hair LOL so I'm rocking a new hair-do that should hopefully be easy to maintain with a new babe on the way!!
Dancing- you must have had a super time in FL. Were you feeling up to sun bathing?
Too bad about your appointment, but you don't have to wait too much longer now! Will you be using your bassinet in your bedroom for the first few months? We will be.
The movement thing is probably due to this being your first baby.

Blakes- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So is your hair shoulder length now, or shorter? I've always dreamt about cutting my hair like pretty short, but I'm just afraid it won't suit me.
Well the flutters are good! I'm sure the kicks will start shortly.

Klein- sounds like you are doing a full makeover on DS's room. He will be so happy when it's done. It's such a nice feeling to have a fresh space like that. I love doing projects! My next thing will be to sand the glider rocker I picked from someone's curb.. then spray paint it and sew some new covers for it : )

babyjo- My cousin just went to Spain and she said her favorite thing was going inside that massive Sagrada familia church by Gaudi in Barcelona. Will you be able to go to any of the beaches there?
Uppa Baby Vista is so cute! Reminds me of one of the buggies someone else on here posted... said their DH won on some horses so they got their buggy, but I forget who that was!
and omg, I bet you're right about that extra blood-flow healing your arm!

We are off to the fireworks tonight so I hope it doesn't rain. Even though the forecast is calling for some thunder storms.

I have been feeling guilty for not eating as much veggies as I should be. I have been eating spinach on tuna and crackers ever so often... but I know that's not enough. Does anyone have any favorite good snack or recipe ideas with veggies?
I do like broccoli, but need to just make some!
i did do alittle sunbathing in florida but made sure not to burn! i will be using the bassinet in the bedroom but i live in a two bedroom townhouse currently and OHs son has the other room. So the crib/nursery will be in our bedroom too due to space issues. But i prefer the baby to be in our room anyway :) i know eventually we may move to a larger space. Cant wait until tomorrow morning! i am so excited:happydance:
I dont really have alot of ideas for veggie snacks. i usually incorporate veggies into every dinner. I make a beef veggie soup thats really good and it uses lots of veggies :)
Salads are my biggest way of consuming veggies. Not vary exciting but if you want you can pack as many or a few veggies in that you want. Here is a pic of the "new-do"


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Oh wow! lots going on! yay!!

Nurseries and makeovers :happydance: it is supposed to be the middle of the rainy season here but we still have very very sunny days :s I wonder what will happen to the rain forest in the next couple of years :( I do miss the States a lot when I remember summer days!

blakesmom love the new hairdo! I wish i had straight hair :cry: and happy belated birthday

Dancing yayy!! :happydance: congrats on team pink!! let the shopping begin!! :D

I took care of my social security situation last week :thumbup: someone told me I could just pay like 26$ a month and avoid all the paperwork and waiting so I did... I went to the main building and day 1 fainted doing the line (very strange as this never ever happened before) and day 2 I was able to complete everything :) I even got an appointment at our local clinic, they only have general doctors but he referred me to the main clinic's high risk unit... went there on day 3 and they gave me an appointment for next Thursday :happydance:

I did get a tiny bit crafty but I am not very convinced of the outcome lol, I've made like 4 owls so far but I'm not really sure if they would work for a mobile... my dog ate one :haha:

Here is one... I am lazy and forgot to sew the eyes :wacko: so i just used silicon :blush:

I am glad to see everyone is doing great :flower:


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Blakes- LOVE IT! And no doubt will it be easier to maintain. I too wish I had straight hair, but mines wavy. Sometimes it's easy, and other times I want to hide lol

Dancing! woohoo- Another pink! yay! What does DH think?
I do like veggie beef soup. yum!

Cata- that Owl is absolutely worthy of being in a store : ) (and btw, my dog loves stuffed animals too)
So you actually fainted while in line? Was it because of the heat.. or standing?

My back has been killing me. It usually eases up after a day or two if I take it easy and don't do any strenuous cleaning etc., but it's day 4 and still giving me trouble. Guess I'd better get used to it

Oh, and I see by looking at my signature that it says " My legs are becoming more proportional to my body," which makes me feel better about that femur measurement issue at the last ultrasound :)
LOL thank you!! I just wish I was a bit more patient so i could sew the eyes too but I just can't :blush:

I think the fainting had something to do with everything, the was a big line, people were standing too close to me ( I have no issues with human contact but I do not like strangers in my personal space) and it was very warm :( I also ate like 10 hard candies while on the line :blush: maybe my sugar? I felt like everything was vanishing and my heart was going to jump out of my chest so I didn't have much time to seat or anything... I just grabbed a big guy in front of me lol there was no way i was falling on the floor... luckily he grabbed me :thumbup: talk about strangers in my personal space :wacko:

The doctor that checked me said that it was probably my blood pressure :shrug: however they checked and it was perfect, my abdomen did feel hard form the inside, like if I had pulled something and had some kind of contracture? baby stopped moving for more than a hour, she said: braxton hicks and it's normal ummm not too sure about that but thankfully it didn't happen since that day. poor baby must have gotten all stressed.

Do you use some kind of support for your belly? or is it too early for that? this is my first so I'm not sure of how I will handle my back pains either :shrug: for now laying down with a huge pillow between my legs helps :) guess everything is moving and stretching to make room for LO :thumbup:

At this stage they develop so quickly! I'm sure all measurements will be perfect on your next ultrasound :hugs:

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