Thanks!Klein I bought my CB digi's off eBay. A lot cheaper than in the shops.
They aren't as sensitive as the ICs though so don't do them too early![]()
Omg I know totally agree about the dust! It's awful. I waited until they told me they were done making a mess, then I cleaned all day Friday. Of course they will still be tracking in and making a mess. It drives me crazy. We have the 'shoes off at the door' rule. It makes me cringe when they walk back and forth with the door wide open! The bathroom looks great though. So it will all be worth itKlein, no symptoms for me, but this'll be the first place I come when I get them! I love remodeling even thought it's a big dust fest. So far we've redone our hideous pink tiled bathroom, and our old kitchen. I love them now. And after my D&C I painted the "would-be" babies room a nice light blue, fit for a boy or a girl.
And lol about your skimpy workout gear! I'm sure those handymen would love to see you in it!
Does everyone have a space designated for baby yet?
I still haven't used my last HPT, I may do it tomorrow to celebrate my 5 wks, I'm sure the line will be nice and dark
Yay for darker line! I remember having those stretching feelings with DD.Klein, yea tested today but with a normal one and my line is darker stilltesting with digi tomorrow with fmu
had some cramps and twinges tonight which have scared me a little but I just keep telling myself it's okay and it's just everything stretching out down there lol!! They weren't like AF cramps and I wouldn't call them painful but I they were noticeable. But then I thought if anything was wron I wouldn't of had a dark line this morning do I'm sure everything is fine
how's everyone doing? Xx
Will you wait to decorate when you find out? Or are you doing something neutral?Dahlia - yes we have a little nursery room we shall use. Although not decorated it though - that's on the 'to-do' list
I can't believe you are 5 weeks soon! You will be an Appleseed then![]()
Pichi, we haven't "decorated" yet either. But I thought I should get the painting out of the way while I wasn't pregnant, because I am the handy-women around this house! DH is the fund-er, and I am the do-er. lol.
It's been a while since DD was an infant, but I believe we kept her in our room until she outgrew the bassinet (so maybe 3 mos?). Then I believe we had her in her crib and I would get up to nurse her. And I will be nursing this one, so I think we'll do the same, but I am thinking about one of those pack n plays to put in next to the bed. It might be less stress on me if I didn't have to leave our bedroom.
Klein, that sounds like the most logical plan for the kids. We have a 3 bedroom as well, so after this we'll be full! We currently use the 3rd bedroom as a playroom. And boy it is full of toys that we will be needing to donate!
I know it is mighty early, but I am a planner, and I do think about what things we will need, and what changes around the house we will need to do for baby... does anyone else do this? I just can't help myself. I don't want to jump the gun, because I did that last time... and look what happened. But by nature I like to prepare, so maybe if I keep it strictly in my head, and not buy anything until further along, I'll be okay.
oh, i forgot to mention that I did buy some baby onesie sleep sacks todayPichi, we haven't "decorated" yet either. But I thought I should get the painting out of the way while I wasn't pregnant, because I am the handy-women around this house! DH is the fund-er, and I am the do-er. lol.
It's been a while since DD was an infant, but I believe we kept her in our room until she outgrew the bassinet (so maybe 3 mos?). Then I believe we had her in her crib and I would get up to nurse her. And I will be nursing this one, so I think we'll do the same, but I am thinking about one of those pack n plays to put in next to the bed. It might be less stress on me if I didn't have to leave our bedroom.
Klein, that sounds like the most logical plan for the kids. We have a 3 bedroom as well, so after this we'll be full! We currently use the 3rd bedroom as a playroom. And boy it is full of toys that we will be needing to donate!
I know it is mighty early, but I am a planner, and I do think about what things we will need, and what changes around the house we will need to do for baby... does anyone else do this? I just can't help myself. I don't want to jump the gun, because I did that last time... and look what happened. But by nature I like to prepare, so maybe if I keep it strictly in my head, and not buy anything until further along, I'll be okay.
Ahhh me too! I was looking at cribs and bedding online yesterday and was brainstorming how the furniture could be arranged in the room I think would be best for the new baby! We have a four bedroom house and no other kids yet, so we have a choice of a couple rooms but I think I picked the one out.
Alandsa, I love the fruit tickers. It helps to visualize the size a whole lot better Then I started thinking about what stuff I could get now if I find good deals, and then if I could be finding clearance clothes that would fit the baby in November/December!
Alandsa, I forgot to tell you what apps I have...
BabyCenter My Pregnancy
Sprout lite Pregnancy
BabyBump<-- not Baby and Bump
I enjoy looking at the progressive pictures and animations.
wow i gotta check out kmart. if they're getting rid of all their winter stuff, and im due in winter lol. I am superstitious though and i am afraid to buy anything until im further along.
I'm a planner too. I do 'theme' rooms. Hubby and I have pretty much decided on an 'under the sea' nursery. It can be gender neutral.
With this being our 3rd baby (hopefully) I don't want to find out the sex. I could have never done this with the other two kids. Since, we have one of each I think I really want to wait! If for some reason we have more than one we will need to find out what they are to plan a bit better. I hope I can get DH warmed up to the idea
I'm not a fan of the yellow or green clothes etc. So I think I have came up with a solution to the whole not finding out the sex problem. I will do 2 seperate registeries. One for baby boy and one for baby girl. I will set aside some cash for carseat and anything else I will need immediately after birth. After the birth my SIL or sister will go and pick up whatever those items that I will be needing asap. Then, a week or so after the birth instead of a shower, I'll have meet the baby shower. People will know which registery to get their gifts from.
Since it is my last baby (hopefully) I won't mind doing 2 different registeries! I'm a bit of a control freak and it's too exciting picking it all out!!!
What do you ladies think of the plan???
Alandsa, I forgot to tell you what apps I have...
BabyCenter My Pregnancy
Sprout lite Pregnancy
BabyBump<-- not Baby and Bump
I enjoy looking at the progressive pictures and animations.
Dahlia- I have the pregnancy app and the sprout app, I think the pregnancy one is fabx
Got 2-3 on my clear blue digi!!!! Wooooooooxx
Pregnancy app by Smiles Factory Ltd.
It's great your fam has really pulled together for you, and I can def see how you need another shower! Maybe we'll do a diaper and wipe sorta thing because that sounds great!