November Rainbow Babies

Cata- A midwife told me about a chiro who is able to work on us pregnant ladies. That reminds me, I have to call and see if my insurance will cover a chiropractor.
And even though you're staying at your dads, your homemade craft touches are sure to make the space. We love our little bundles so much already : )
Little brother with the iphone should suffice! All I want is a nice picture of me and baby, and one of me and fam after the birth, where hopefully I won't look too puffy (cause I sure did for DD's birth pic) lol. DD was actually in the Special Care Unit after her birth due to fluid being in her lungs (never heard that "first cry"), so I never got to hold her immediately after.
As for hair removal, I'm still shaving and trimming down there, but I'm not one to go completely bald. I'd imagine that once I get big I will still be shaving, but only bringing the mirror into the shower with me. Asking DH is out of the question.
No pain relief for you ladies over there? : ( aw no. So I would say that you could watch some more youtube vids of preparing for a natural birth
I was lol'ing about your lesbian dinner. And your bit with the doctor telling you it was boy. But as for your scan... is there a way you could ask if that was actually standard procedure for an anomoly scan? Sorry it didn't go as expected : (

Blakes- I don't even bother with Tylenol, ever. It has never worked for me. I think it might be this hot weather

babyjo- Oh I do hope that your work will get better. Relaxation in the garden should help. You also might be so busy that you missed some movements throughout the day.

Babyjo- thanks for letting me vent! I just feel like every week it's a new pain lol. Maybe the headache was a fluid issue. It's been in the 90's here for the past 5 days, and I should step up the water. I did drink some Dr. Pepper last night and Headache went away about an hour or so later.

Klein- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Well men are men, that's my only excuse for them. I think my husband thinks I'm capable of so much, that he takes it for granted and he could be helping me out with a project a little more.

And Um yeah I should have a figured since you were getting a photog that you would have some type of vaginal birth. doh! Good for you for trying natural this time. I believe it does take research, continual dedication, and a plan for that type. The hospital I will be laboring at does have one or two jacuzzi tubs. I am going to try and get one of those rooms when the time comes. And if for some reason it doesn't work out with natural, tell the nurses to dial down the epidural before it comes time to push! : )
I guess with the dots project I should give it some time. I do have 5 months to get it done! haha. Mine is for a ceiling fan lamp, and I've made my own frame to fit over the current glass lamp that hangs down. Just used some craft wire for that part. The dots are white, and I've used "vellum paper" and a circle paper cutter.

Baby's closet organizer is being delivered today. I love putting things together! I think I had trouble sleeping last night because I was so excited about it.

DH and I were just watching "A Baby Story" on TLC, and as he got up from his chair he goes "I'm crowning, and I gotta go to bed." hehehe
Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes. My mom came at 10:30 last night and brought balloons, a butterfinger cake and a card. That was really nice. The thought of her coming put me in tears so maybe I am a bit emotional. I'm usually not a cryer!

Cata-Wow, you have totally opened my eyes. I didn't realize you wouldn't have pain relief. Do they use pitocin there to induce? So sorry about your doc appt too. What a let down. Not to mention your long wait or the dumb doctor. Maybe you'll get a different one next time!

Hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to the chiro...PLEASE PUT ME STRAIGHT!!!
Klein- mother's have a way of making us feel good. OMG- so I saw this great recipe on pinterest, if you like Butterfinger it will look delicious to you
and here is the recipe:

Every time my mom gives me a card for anything it always makes me cry.

I had my rescan today and baby was still not cooperating so we have to go back once more to try and get a look at the spine!

Dahlia that desert looks absolutely delicious its making me hungry and ive justbhad dominos pizza :rofl: xoxo
Hi ladies!i have been away for ages so busy but I love catching up on all your news!went to our scan yesterday and we r having a very active,very healt hy y little girl!my 4yr old son is excited!wondering how the dynamics of our family will change lol.i will no longer be outnumbered :) hop we u r all well, just updating xo
Dahlia-SO MANY CIRCLES....oh it sucked cutting them out and I had a round cutter and everything. Hang in there, don't give up THOMAS!!! lol I had to do mine in stages. I took the circle cutter and wax paper to my DD's gymnastics once a week and worked on the cutting part for 2 hours a week. If I try to get it done too quickly I burn myself out on it. At least your mom is coming thru for you for the sewing...that sucked horribly lol.

I'm researching natural water birth after forceps delivery. Both of my kids were delivered via forceps. I'm finding out that it happens pretty often if your epi was turned up high and left on...I'm hoping that's the case for me. I'd love to do a natural water birth and the new hospital is equipped for it so I'm going to give it a try. Another hurdle to get over is the fact that both of my kids were induced. My son at 41.5 weeks and daughter at 39. So I really have no idea if I can even get a good go for a natural delivery anyway. Once they start that pitocin and break my's over. I have to have an epi!

That's great they are working on Vivienne's room. I know everything is going to be hard for them but starting on her room could very well be the hope they need to pull thru.

Too bad about your headache. You are so not a whiner! I slept on my neck all wrong last night and it's been hurting on both sides all day. I do have that chiro appt tomorrow so I'm hoping that they will set me straight again!

Sharon-So glad your all moved in. I read your post quickly and thought it said the only room that was finsihed was the nursery lol I thought man, she couldn't wait to start on it and she did it really quick!!! Goodluck with the next scan. It is pretty awesome you get to see your LO again though!!! Maybe even better views!

Dancing- My bump grows throughout the day. In the mornings I take a look and I'm pretty pleased with myself...then as the day goes on the BIGGER I GET! I never remember doing that with my other pregnancies so I don't know how common it is. Maybe I did and just missed it lol.

Cata-So weird they won't adjust you while pregnant...My chiro's table has a special pregnant hole in it for me lol. Hope you have a great appointment!

babyjo-you for sure need to get in the zen zone girl!

AFM-The mess is made from the sheetrock and I've been busting my butt trying to get it cleaned up. Not to mention today is my 30th birthday and I've not even got a card today nor any help cleaning up the mess. I swear sometimes I wonder about my husband and what he thinks inside his head. I've heard all day...what do you want...what do you want. I've always thought in my head that I'd do something really different and special and BIG for my 30th birthday. Heck, I envisioned maybe even a surprise birthday party or something seeing as how I've planned one for my moms 50th and my sisters 21st. Nope. Just another day ordinary day. That would involve cleaning up sheetrock and getting all dolled up to take DD to gymnastics. Maybe I'm just over emotional...maybe not. Just needed to vent a little bit.

my bump does the SAME EXACT THING!! I start out the day practically flat and then by bedtime I feel like I look 9 months pregnant.. I don't know what that is about but I think its funny!! Maybe we just can't suck it in by the end of the day :haha:


I hope DH came thru and spoiled you tonight!!
Hi ladies!i have been away for ages so busy but I love catching up on all your news!went to our scan yesterday and we r having a very active,very healt hy y little girl!my 4yr old son is excited!wondering how the dynamics of our family will change lol.i will no longer be outnumbered :) hop we u r all well, just updating xo

My son always says he is going to have a baby sister when I ask him about baby---Not sure his wish will come true--2 more weeks until we find out...
Dancing - I'm honestly not sure, but Costa Rica is said to have an excelente healthcare system and we cannot ask for an epidural, unless you are on a private clinic paying lots and lots then they may do it.
My grandmother also had her children at home, 4 of them! and my mom, well she barely made it to the hospital with all three of us :p my brother was born at the elevator :p I think if you can make it without medication
having the option to get it, that makes the effort even more admirable IMO... on the other hand labour is labour, and if pain is too bad and you can have drugs wth! why not? :D it is still a very hard thing to do I can only imagine to push a baby out! lol omg :help:

You should totally come and visit!! that would be awesome :hug:

Dahlia - I was talking with my brother's gf today and she said she is glad he's going to see my labor because they are trying to get pregnant and well that will make him take even better care of her... I personally think he will collapse
:p but the fact that he is so enthusiastic about all of this and claimed his spot at the labor room with me makes me feel special :hugs:

My lesbian dinner lol, you know? my BF is now out of the country still working on cruise ships :boat: and she may make it in time for my due date, i asked he if she wanted to be with me during labor thinking she would be so excited
to my surprise she said: wouldn't that be too lesbian?? :rofl:lol wth!!
The doctor basically said they will check baby on July 27th, I sure miss my private OB :(

Klein - No pain relief for Cata :( at first I was feeling so brave, but now I'm slowly realizing how hard it will be :argh:
I do believe they use pitocin here, on my second MC they gave me that on a IV before my D&C, that was 1o years ago tho.

Yay for chiro appointment! how did that go? I hope you feel better now :)

That was so sweet of your mom!! Some moms are areally unique<3

Sharon - Stubborn baby :) good thing is you get to see LO every time yayy! hopefully there will be some cooperation next time :)

pcbs - Congrats on your little girl!!

I had a dream about my mom :angel:, she was standing there next to the stove just looking at me, I tried to say something but I had no voice, then my sister came in and she saw her too, we both hugged and cried.
I was able to talk to my sister so i tried to talk to mom... I wanted to hug her and tell her I was pregnant (when she was diagnosed with cancer and I was still married she told me shs didn't want to die without being a grandma)
well when I was getting close to her a huge kick woke me up! my pillow was covered in tears and my two dogs were next to me so i guess I had a pretty strong reaction to the dream and baby and the dogs didn't like it :p
I just miss her so much, Lo's dd is 2 days after her death anniversary and sometimes I think he may come early and how would it be to have him born on that day, oh well only time will tell.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend :)
Forgot one little thing :D FOB called today and said he will send "some money" when they reach Venice ( checked on the cruise line page and that's on Sat so I just said that's great because I need to see the doctor ( there is no way I'm telling him I got social security now).

I also told him if he didn't give me the names he liked well I would name LO myself, he was afraid I would hate the name and he said he had one but he wanted to choose a name I would love, so i just made clear we will both decide his name :thumbup: well he said he likes DeMarco and he would like baby to have his name Jason as a middle name (although I think it would be better as a first name with that name)... I'm ok with Jason as it goes well with most names BUT I don't like DeMarco :dohh: he panicked after my short silence and said: you hate it don't you? I said no i don't hate it ( LIAR!!) I just would like to find the meaning behind the name and think about it a bit before we make any decisions... I feel like such a manipulative witch, but I just need time to think of a way of either getting rid of the name or getting used to it.

I like the name Malik so maybe Jason Malik? Or Darius Malik? I also like DeAndre, Ryan, Xavier, Moses, Darnell, Dwayne, Neil, Issac, and Omarion, any suggestions greatly appreciated girls, I'm really having a tough time with this.

Name rant over lol

***Update: asked a close friend who is know for being cruel and heartless to give me an honest opinion about the names, after a bit he asked: why are all your names guetto names? Well we don't have a guetto here but I guess i get what he means... I am now thinking about using Issac but I still want jason as a middle name and it doesn't sound right... lost again :p
Cata-That's great that FOB is sending money. I don't know about naming your son after him necessarly. Just think about it! You may end up being on great terms with him.

I had to do alot of thinking when I wasn't married to my DS's father. Biological sperm donor was a 3rd. So my son was assumed to be the 4th. Well...lets just say I choose all of the names myself and I'm super glad I did. I ended up hating him...that would of been really hard if my son had the same name as someone I hated. Sorry that was my rant lol!

What's your last name? I'll be able to do more with the names if I know that. I do like the Jason Malik though :) What about Isaac Malik? Or go for a 4th name and do Jason Isaac Malik ____. We do 4 names in our family lol. I have too much trouble picking 2 out. It's pretty popular here. I notice alot of it more now that my kids are older!

I hate the dream was just a dream. I know it's awful. I dream about my husband that passed away. Often, he never speaks...he just nods. Almost like my brain knows he can't speak, so it doesn't let him do it in my dreams...if that makes any sense at all!

Dahlia-My moms butterfinger cake actually looks ALOT like that pic! I forgot to comment on that picture. I just finished up a slice and thought of it lol!!!

So super excited that I get to see my LO tomorrow!!!! I hope I love this new doctor as much as I do in my head!!! FX
Klein can't wait to hear about the new Dr.!!!

Cata--I like Xavier from your list of names--Its so hard to think LO will be "stuck" with a name forever if they don't like it--Such a big decision we make for them!!
Klein - I'm still thinking about useing FOB's name or not, precisely because
I may end up hating him as it happened to you, it was def a good decision to pick the names yourself!

In my country we use two last names, so baby will be either Romero Vindas if I give Him his dad's or
Vindas Badilla if he uses only mines (hispanic last names wil never sound nice with english names but oh well :(. Thinking about giving him mines but FOB insists I should give him a chance
to show how responsible he is and how much he loves this baby before deciding on that (it is very clear to him that we won't ever be together again)

Wow 4 names :) i would love that because I could use all the ones IO like :D then again 4 names + 2 last names would be too much :(

What you experience in your dreams with your husband makes perfect sense to me! my mom never spoke to me in my dreams either and I guess that is where me being mute comes from too.
When I see it that way I am glad that even in my dreams I know she is gone, it is painful but it would be so sad to wake up if I could really talk to her in my dreams.

Yay for the appointment today!! did you come back already? I hope it all went great :) please update us as soon as you can!

blakesmom - I like that name so much too, even tho most of my family wouldn't pronounce it properly lol That is excatly why i am so worried about this! I will name him and then for the rest of his days he will be called
whatever I name him, waaaaaaaaaaaa too much pressure... I should be able to just call him my little cupcake!! I like that <3

Yesterday I emailed FOB and was completely honest with him, I just I didn't like the name that much and i would like to talk about names a bit more next time he called,
so we can find a name we both like. he replied today saying not to be stressed and that he completely agrees with me :)

I have an aunt that lives out of the city, as in milking her own cows. Since I was little she was very passive agressive with me, my granny loves me to death even now that I'm older and
I'm pretty sure she is jealous because her children were never to close to granny. Since my mom passed my granny went to live with her and i sent her money monthly for granny's expenses.
as soon as i got pregnant and left my job well that stopped and she just took my gran to a home :( my aunt is a selfish person, and very very nosy and mean.
because of this I decided to stay away from my maternal family during my pregnancy, they all live 5 hours away and even like that I heard many bad comments from them when they found out about my pregnancy.
Well aunt called me yesterday and said she is comming to visit us on Thursday :( she's just staying one night but I am dreading it as i am the only one who is always here and she is so...passive agressive lol
I'm such a complainer but I wanted to get it off my chest lol I'm a bad niece but i want her to stay there with her cows!!

Ahemm have a wonderful day girls... I'll be lurking for updates :D
Hi everyone.

Ugh I've just turned into a stress-ball this very minute. Vacuum is not suctioning the right way. Then.. my daughter and nephew slung a toy under the oven, which I recovered for them by scooting the oven out. But now the plug for the oven, which is very touchy and came unplugged, isn't fitting into the ancient outlet that it was just in :cry:
It's just so stupid.
Maybe I'll just need to take the vac in for a tune up, but I hope the oven isn't effed : ( I'm hoping writing will help and get my mind off the nonsense.

Well last night DH and I dtd. I got all worried after cause baby wasn't moving. DH was on top of me for a minute or two and that's what made me freak out after. But I read that the rocking can cause baby to sleep, so I think that was it. This morning baby didn't move as much as she usually does at breakfast time, but this afternoon she was back to normal. And I guess it's okay to have these days with less movement since we're not at the point of getting regular movement yet.
-I'm going to post a belly pic! And I must say, DAMN I've gotten big!

I ordered the Shoal-creek dresser and I can't wait to assemble it
There is a second had baby shoppe around here that I am going to visit once we find out the sex. Hopefully we'll be able to find a nice swing for baby there when the time comes

PCPS_-thanks for the update. That's very nice, lots of girls!!

Blakes- My dd would always say that the baby is a girl, and that our MC was a boy...? Two more weeks to wait, just like me! My exact appt is on Mon July 16 at 10 am. When's yours?

Cata- It sure will be eye opening for your brother to be there for the birth : ) And if your best friend could be there that would be so nice! And in no way lesbian ha
FOB giving you some money is a step in the right direction : )
And personally, I wouldn't really care what FOB said about names. You're the one there, taking care of baby, so I think the choice is all up to you! Now if you were "together" with this person then it would be nice of you to care about his name choices.
I liked your Ryan, and Xavier names the most : )
Since your aunt is coming to town, I would just make sure I had plenty of things to do in case I needed to just conveniently not be around her. lol. So better get going to the craft store : ) haha
But that was very nice to hear about you sending money to your Gran. I hope it was put to good use for her. I have worked in a retirement home for a few months and the lives those people live is nothing compared to what it could be in a family members home : (

Klein- can't wait to hear about your appt with the new doc! Another U/S pic would be great too!


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what a cute bump dahlia! agh so exciting! i've been out of internet and cable until last night because of the wicked storm we had on friday. alot of people are without power but we were lucky to have never lost it. i feel sorry for them in this heat wave we're having not to have AC! anyway hope u ladies in the US have a nice 4th of july! ill be working tonight but maybe i can catch some fireworks if i get out early.
Dahlia-You are not big. Omg. Whatever. I'll have to take a new bump pic and show you mine. Ugh. LOL. That stinks about your oven. It so sounds like my luck! Did you try sticking a hanger or something into the vacuum to make sure it's not clogged? Mine clogged up like that and I was going to throw it away. I started looking in it and OMG once I got it cleaned out it worked like brand new!

Cata-Hope you have fun with that aunt of yours lol. I'll be thinking of you :) Too funny about your BFF and the labor comment! I think it's prefectly straight lol!

My dr appt was great yesterday. I met the doc I choose. He is great. I was very pleased with my decision on chooseing him and the doctors office based off of online reviews and you tube interviews lol! The office was great. The ultrasound was a bit disappointing with the 2d. Looking back, our 13w u/s was such high quality it made this one a bit underwhelming lol. The baby looked great, we totally enjoyed seeing the LO again and we are still on TEAM YELLOW!!! Baby Klein measured 5 days ahead and was swallowing and moving around. The baby for sure has DH's feet! So either it will be a boy or a poor little girl with her daddy's ugly feet lol!
Great to hear your scan went well and yay for team yellow Klein!!

My rescan appointment has come through for next Thursday! Hoping baby cooperates this time xo
Sharon, did your tech make you drink 1 liter of water before the appt? I did last time, and she said it was good that I did that. This time I'm going to drink only .75 liter, and have a swig or three of Pepsi soda before I go into the appt. I need to make sure baby's private bits are showing! So a moving baby is my best bet I think. I do feel like baby is no longer breech (like he/she was at last U/S), but it might be transverse now. lol.

Oven is fixed, it was just a fuse-box issue, thank the Lord haha. And I rinsed my vacuum's hose out, it was clogged with a damn stuffed animal of the dogs! haha!

Klein- aw I'm so happy that you're happy about your doc! Was your 13W U/S a 3-D and that's why there was such a difference?
That's funny about the feet and that you can see they're so big already. I wear a size 10 ladies shoe, so DH always teases that I have big "Bobos," as in Bobo the clown feet!

Dancing-It has been soo hot here for the past two weeks now. In the 90's every day. We had some massive storms last night and this morning and some people lost power, and I feel blessed that we did not. It's just unbearable outside.
Dahlia, they didn't say - just said to go with a full bladder. I drank quite a lot, probably not quite a litre, but she made me empty my bladder a couple of times throughout the scan to see if baby would move if they had a little more room in there!! X
Dahlia-So glad the oven and vacuum are fixed. Those are essentials we can't do without lol!

Sharon-good luck with your scan on Thursday. I hope all parts are shinning thru!

Baby Klein's cribset has come in. I was really excited. It looks good. I ended up doing a coral print that's green. I'll post pics soon. I'm really hoping the dang carpet guy will call us back and we can get it down in DS's room!!! I have to get him all moved out in his new room BEFORE I can get started on the nursery! The waiting is killing me!!! I mean I have money and I want the carpet laid. Like 2 days ago. What is the issue!!! Ugh, I simply have no patience for anyone these days! Some days I don't even have any patience for ME! YIKES!!!
Klein- Great news on the bedding! Green coral sounds lovely! Question- when are you washing everything? (can't remember if I already asked that) I just pulled out DD's old clothing because I absolutely could not wait another 10 days to find out to see if it's a girl or not. I am surprised that I will be able to us most of it, gender permitting : ) So I am washing it all and folding/hanging stuff up. lol!
So yes, as you can see waiting is killing me as well and I'm trying to keep busy doing things.

I had a dream last night about some spotting. Eeek! I forget what happened, but I know I freaked out after seeing some blood. Oh well, those dreams get to the best of us, but it's all just in our subconscious.

I wonder how Cata is doing with her Aunt...

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