November Rainbow Babies

Hey Girls

Sharonfruit that is a brill idea about ordering gender specific stuff shortly after baby arrives. Team yellow is tricky like that but I'll probably do the same thing.

I'm getting heartburn now:( I'm going to try to hold out until I see the midwife but I really don't want to take medicine without her advice. I've been drinking lots of milk to help.

In 3 weeks the building work in our house will be complete so then I begin the deep clean and organising.
Hi there ladies! Thought I would drop in and see how you are all doing?! I've had a few months off B&B and all baby related things.. But I am back ;) actually I'm currently waiting to test.. I think I had IB on Sunday but I've never had it before so I haven't got a clue!! Anyway.. How are you all doing?? Would love to know if your bumps are blue or pink.. Bot long to go now girls!! :) xxx
Hi Babydust! Nice to hear from you. I was just having a look at the original list on our first page. I hope you are doing well with baby-trying : ) TWW for ya then huh? Let us know how you test!

babyjo- I haven't had heartburn bad. Have you ever used Tums? Oh you will be having fun in 3 weeks then! hah

Sharon- you are measuring right on then. I hope everything is okay with your connective tissue disorder.
that does seem like an awul lot to get all in one size, unless they are getting varying sizes or they dont want to do laundry that often lol. I just found another dresser on craiglist for $40 that I got. Plus it came with a kids desk and nightstand all matching. All for $40 woohoo. Just gotta refresh with white paint and my mom is going to paint little baby owls (my theme) in the same colors that i used for the letters i have hanging. I love doing this stuff its so fun :happydance:

Post pics when you are done!! Glad it worked out for a lesser price and more matching goodies!!
aw Sharon, I know what you mean with back pain. Well, rather I know how bad it can get. I've had a break with mine for the past few weeks and I'm so grateful. I thought the pain would be there 24/7 by now.. but I guess baby is saving that for third tri. I wish we could take another birthing class, but it costs $ that I don't want to spend. And as far as a parenting class, we won't be needing that :winkwink: haha. I'm glad your OH is liking it! It makes me happy when my DH participates/talks about things for baby. But of course I understand he's not as obsessive as I am about things. lol
I think it's a good idea about the boy/girl list of clothing. Have it all set up so all he has to do it click : )

Um yeah, that's way too many bodysuits! I would say maybe 2-3 per day... and then washing a load of wash every few days or so! Maybe 15 sounds like a good number, so every 5 days washing a load. And then your gender clothing will be there in a few days anyway. So yeah, don't overspend on the neutral stuff.

How was your scan today hun?

Blakes- That's nice that DS found the robe! lol. DD finds stuff all the time for me, and I'm like "THANKS!" They have the advantage of being eye level with a lot of things. haha.

Dancing- yay for the furniture find! The little boy I used to watch had an own theme for his room. It was really cute. Did you find bedding yet? I love crafts too!

Here are my latest finds at Babies R Us. All this stuff for under $6 because I used three $5 coupons. US ladies-If you receive Babies R Us or Toys R Us email coupons, you would have got them in your email. Or text "5ONUS" to 78697 to get a mobile $5 coupon. Good on any dollar amount purchase, but exclusions apply. Expires on the 16th


and here is a crochet headband I made for my niece Vivienne, then another one I made for our baby. I will start on trying some flower embellishments to add to them. Crochet has gotten to be really fun for me.


Love those little sunglasses!! Such much for only $6--did you have to do different trips in or did they let you use 3 coupons in 1 transaction??

Couldn't see the crochet headband : ( I bought my niece Madalynn a crochet tiara today--I will try to snap a pic before I give it to them!!
Hi there ladies! Thought I would drop in and see how you are all doing?! I've had a few months off B&B and all baby related things.. But I am back ;) actually I'm currently waiting to test.. I think I had IB on Sunday but I've never had it before so I haven't got a clue!! Anyway.. How are you all doing?? Would love to know if your bumps are blue or pink.. Bot long to go now girls!! :) xxx

GOOD LUCK----TONS of :dust: while you are waiting to test--please do keep us posted!!!
Blakes- The lady at checkout let me use 2 paper coupons, and one mobile coupon. The paper ones had different bar codes on them.

I ended up crocheting a hat, and ended up thinking it was good enough for baby! So now I won't be buying one. yay! It's nice autumn colors. I put in on my DD's doll for perspective sake lol.

My mom and I did a maternity photo shoot at the park today. DD came along as well. Got some good shots in there, for the amateurs that we are ; ) I may post a few later


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Love the hat Dahlia, is your avatar from the shoot? You look amazing xxxxx
Cute hat and I do love the new profile pic also--can't wait to see more!! I might have to fire up my printer. I saw the 2 coupons in my e-mail yesterday--don't have a smart phone so can't use the 3rd, but I wanted to go this weekend to look at crib bedding sets so might as well get some cheap/free-ish items while I'm there!!
Hi Ladies! Just wanted to post now that I'm back in town. I've been reading and stalking while I was away :) We had a lovely vacation but I'm glad to be home. This week is sure to be a crazy one with the kids starting school tomorrow. Once I get everything back on track around the house I'm sure I'll be on more often. I must admit I am miserable now. I have NO energy and I'm getting very large. My neck and back hurt alot, can't find a good sleeping position. I guess I'm just pregnant lol. Anyways, here's to the home stretch. We are REALLY close now!!! So exciting!!! ((hugs))
Can you believe the school year is about to begin?!? Most schools here don't start until after Labor day--but it's getting very close to the end of summer (I CAN'T WAIT FOR FALL--I'm WAY TO HOT!!) I'm also feeling the 3rd trimester sneaking up with unfavorable "symptoms" energy is zapped--feeling big--really for this home stretch!!
Blakesmom- When do they get out for summer break? We get out at the end of May and we just had a law passed here over the summer that schools have to start on the 20th of August. (we used to start the FIRST week of August!) I've really enjoyed the extra time...don't have a clue where the time went but we enjoyed it lol.

Both kiddo's did well when I dropped them off this morning, whew! Went to the chiro and my neck feels a little looser. Maybe I'll be able to sleep better. I've been having PICA cravings. The only thing I've actually ate from my cravings is ice. I have an appt w a blood specialist tomorrow. I'm supposed to be taking iron pills but I've had iron IV's before and I'd prefer to have them verses the pills if at all possible. Hope that they will give me some much needed energy.

Anyone else having any PICA cravings???

Also, I've been having Braxton Hicks when I walk around or try to do anything. When I was at the beach and hauling around a little of the beach gear I'd have them too. I'm going to mention them to the doc when I go on Wednesday. Due to my lack of energy I usually just sit or lay around the house all day everyday :( If I felt like I could be up and moving around energy wise I think I'd have a problem with all the contractions. They don't hurt, sometimes my lower back hurts but how do you know if that's just typical back pain or pain w contractions?!?!

Anyone else doing this?

Washing cribset! I need to pick up some waterproof mattress liners and then it'll be ready to put on the crib!
Schools this year got out around June 15th I think...Sept 4th will be first day back...

No PICA here--lots of Braxton Hicks tho

I think DH and I finally agreed on crib bedding for this LO--we might paint Blake's room next week as he is going to be @ Grandma's and Grandpa's while his daycare has their mini summer break, then it will be time to tackle the nursery!!
Hi Klein! glad you had a nice vacation!

No PICA here either, the only thing closest to that was wanting to hit a cig a while back (didn't do it). But oddly the smell of one made me want to have one. I haven't smoked cigarettes in 6 years!

DD got our at the end of May for preschool (which gets out earlier than grade school). She starts Kindy on Sept 4. The time has flown... day by day it's getting so close!

My BH haven't showed up lately (I think you were gone when I had my first few), because I had never had them with DD wither. I don't know if anything offsets it. I've been busy around the house lately and haven't got more.

Blakes- what color will the room be? getting the nursery together will be fun!

My body feels more tired at the end of the day. There are also times when my uterus suddenly feels heavy for a while, but then it will go back to feeling better. I think it might be the baby's position at the time.

edit* I might as well ask what your ladies' plans are for getting the kids to school after baby comes. DH will take DD while he is on his paternity leave (7 days), but after that I think I will have to do it, even though I remember that they say not to drive for 2 weeks after birth. I might be able to take advantage of the school bus system for a few weeks, but I have to check into that.
Doing a "road/street" theme--and planning to do the bottom half of the walls green, top half blue with some clouds and then the middle have a road--something along the lines of this:
Blake isn't in school yet--I also was worried about how Blake would get to daycare (as his dacare was going to make us pay even if he wasn't going while I was on maternity leave) but now I have it worked out he will be home me with for the 8 weeks I plan to take off from work and they wont make us pay for a month and 1/2--So I guess DH will get a break from daycare drop off during that time.
Well I bet that's a relief for you then! I would hate to pay all that money for nothing. I love that room theme, it's very cute! IMO It would be fin to paint the road on the walls!

Dancing- Speaking of money, was that karate lesson situation ever resolved?

Have any of you ladies decided if this will be your last child or not? Yeah, I know I'm skipping way ahead for some of you, but for those of us with kids already, it might be a thought that's run across your mind.

Even though I know DH has always thought this was our last, I always still wanted one more. However, yesterday I watched the two neighbor kids for 7 hours. Boy is 8, the girl is 4 and we are good friends of his dad's so we know them well. But I had never watched them for a whole day before. Although they weren't misbehaved or crazy, it made me seriously reconsider having a third. There was intermittent bickering throughout the day (over toys and not playing fair, etc.), which was expected, but I was probably too nice about it. If they were my kids I would have probably handled the situations differently, and not have been so nice. Also, they are just different kids and raised differently than my DD, so they had some different points of view and different expectations on what is appropriate and not. The boy I know had a slight "older-kid" influence on my DD for the day, and I didn't like that. Didn't like having her exposed to some older-kid talk and ideas. But whatever, that's life right?

So reviewing all that in my head just now, I bet I could handle having a third, because my kids would all be raised with the same values and expectations, etc., but yesterday made me completely happy that we will most likely be a 2 child family! : )

It's also made me more aware that this pregnancy is one to cherish, and I feel like I have cherished it. My first pregnancy, I was 19 and due in April, and my mom told me not to talk about it at the Christmas/Thanksgiving holidays because of my "younger cousins." It really affected my view of my pregnancy, when we all just should have embraced it : ( So I felt ashamed of it, and the more I think about that fact, the more I get mad! Klein, how did you get along with your first pregnancy, I know you were on the younger side as well.
Hey there. Just had my regular appointment today, and also my glucose test (had to drink that yucky stuff). Everything measuring well and hb in the 150s.
I did hopefully get the issue resolved. The mother has to mail or fax a copy of the transfer papers or his school enrollment to the karate place. Otherwise they will start charging again. He is actually spending the week with us now before he starts school over there. Haven't had much BH contractions at all. Plenty of movement though so I feel her always. I actually took on a second part time job, working three extra shifts on top of what I already work. So i'll be totalling about 56 hrs a week, all on my feet. I know its alot but I feel good and I need to make some extra income to save up since I don't get paid maternity leave :(
Dahlia--I think this might be my last as well. I don't know if I would want 3 boys and since I can't guarantee a girl than we might be done with 2. Especially feeling so sick in the early days and miserably hot right now, but once he is in my arms I might think differently. Don't think I will do the Mirena IUD again as DH didn't like the occasional "pokes" for the strings and don't trust my self to take a pill every day--so might just do some natural family planning methods and see how that goes. I did love not having a period with the Mirena but since it took soooo long to fall pregnant having having it out I wonder if the hormones lingered in my body longer than what they were suppose too.

Dancing--that is great you are feeling good. I did a lot when I was pregnant with Blake--worked full time and then also took a college course that was pretty intense, but then I ended up with high blood pressure and bedrest @ 33 weeks--so take care of yourself and don't over do it!! Put your feet up every chance you can get between all that working you are doing.
Blakesmom-Love love love the road/street theme! Can't wait to see it when your done!

Dahlia, I know how you feel about not celebrating your pregnancy. I can totally relate.
I felt guilty to enjoy my pregnancy with my son. It was a great pregnancy but I felt like I couldn't 'enjoy' it. That people didn't want to hear about it. It was hard. Then when I was pregnant with my daughter...we waited until past the first trimester to tell anyone non family. By then it had been months since my husband had passed away and I felt like certain people questioned who the daddy was. They may or may not have been, I don't know. It was a bitter sweet time so I didn't enjoy it too much. I felt like the world was on my shoulders and it was a huge burden being pregnant with her. I kept thinking...what if I loose her there will be no do overs!!!! Very stressful.

I'm super excited this time. I've never had a HUSBAND around to help out with anything. I'm married, not a teenager, not a widow...things are looking up! I'm really excited about my shower. It's the first one I've got to have that I felt like noone was feeling sorry for me or coming due to pity etc. I know it sounds silly but it's for real a great feeling for me!

IMO this is our last, I've always had one kid after the previous one started school. I like that pattern. It's nice lol. I can't imagine wanting to start all over again, for a fourth time in ANOTHER 5 years lol. Mommy's getting old, I'd like to still be alive after I get all kids out of the house. I think once the baby gets here DH will see how much is involved and money etc and he'll be satisfied with my 2 and then his 1. It's easy for him to talk about more now...hopefully he'll change his mind or get someone else to be his baby momma lol.

As for school, VERY good quesion Dahlia--no idea. I have an aunt and uncle that live 2 streets over. I'm going to call them and see if they can drag their non morning selves out to take the kiddo's to school lol! FX they agree too!

I ended up calling the doc Tuesday night. I was having contractions with lower back pain and was having 6 an hour. The doc called me back and told me he'd check me the next day (I already had an appt for that day at 10:30) So...cervix is closed and thick and long so all is good. He did say that since it's my 3rd pregnancy that my uterus is stretched out already and I'll feel more 'braxton hicks' this go around. So that's a good enough answer for me I guess. He said baby's head is down, I figured cause I can tell where the hiccups are coming from lol. It'll probably flip and flop til delivery time but maybe it'll end up back head down!

I started my iron IV's today. I have to take 9 more days of the IV's. First one went well so ready to get them going so hopefully I will feel better!

Put the cribset on the crib last night. Going to meet with my friend who is giving me my shower later today to pick out colors etc. Umm..that's about it. trying to settle back down in the school routine.

Dancing-Don't overdo it. (I know I'm probably the millionth person who has told you.) Pretty much listen to your body and you'll be good.

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