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November Rainbow Babies

Dancing--Love the new profile pic--sorry you have to have a minor surgery, but sounds like that should fix it so that is good!!

Dahlia I felt bad for the people who had to look at my lady parts during DS's delivery--I couldn't see past my bump so kind-of skimped on keeping things tidy--I guess I expected they would shave things before delivery--shows what I knew LOL. This time I will have to do a better job LOL
Dancing- I have had things called "skin tags" develop during this pregnancy and last. Mine are red little freckles that come on my chest. They never did get big, just the size of a freckle. I think I have 2 now.

It sucks to have to have it removed, but it will be helpful in the future.
Oh no dancing! I hope your surgery goes well. At least once it's removed you won't have to worry with it again.

I noticed a tiny skin tag develop in my areole:( ewwww!
hey everyone, sorry i am not around much -- i just cant seem to keep up with this buzzing thread :)

i hope you are all doing okay?

I just read briefly that you were discussing getting 'skin tags' i have just had one appear right on my bikini line, its a real pain as i can hardly see over my bump to shave and now i have this little skin tag to contend with lol i want to get it removed, i have had them before, once on my inner arm when i was just a teenager but didnt have it removed. i actually pinched it so hard (as it didnt have any feeling to it) that it turned black and fell off one day which was a nice surprise lol
dahlia-lol about the inspired cleaning...I need to do lots more!

dancing-Good luck with the removal, I don't blame you for wanting it removed before BFing.

Lady Garden-Well, I commented on one of those threads lol. I shave all of that every day. I do think it's funny that I don't even shave my legs that often lol. Anyway, when I was prengnat with my son...I got huge and just did a trim before I had him. With daughter, I didn't get as big and I was able to shave the entire time. Might I add that the clean-up after the birth was easier to deal with...it's really yucky down there. This go round I'm shaving by feel already...I don't really trust DH to do it...there's too many things to cut and nick IMO. I'd love to find a fog free mirror...If I can figure out the opposite thing properly in the mirror.

I've been reading a ton of birth stories off of the birth story/announcement thread, watching all the birth tv shows. Anyone else doing this? I feel a bit obsessed with it. I'm so wanting to fast forward umm...about 7 weeks or so lol.

Oh...can't wait til my 4d tomorrow, how about I'm to bring a VHS for them to tape it on. I didn't even know they still made VHS's. I don't even have a VHS player so I'm going to have to have it converted to watch it at home! I thought this was a crazy request...
VHS?!? LOL--Seems like with the 4D being newer technology that is odd--maybe you should take a blank DVD just incase that is what they meant LOL
blakesmom-I thought the same thing...then this happened...

I went to Wal-Mart and asked for a VHS and the guy laughed at me...I didn't find it too funny. I think he figured it out by my facial expression. Anyway, I called the doc back and asked the nurse, are you sure a VHS??? She said yes and I told her that Wal-Mart didn't sell them anymore. She told me to try Dollar General. I called them and they have them for sale. I also had to call my mom and see if she had a VCR to play it on. The kids are going to want to see it today and we won't have a chance to get it copied over yet. IT'S CRAZY. A VHS. I HAD 3D'S DONE WITH DD AND THAT WAS 7 YEARS AGO...THEY WERE ON A CD THEN. PEOPLE CAN'T WE GET WITH THE TIMES ALREADY LOL.

While at Wal-Mart...I got a birthing ball to use at home. I'm going to get on it and see if it helps with lower back pain like everyone says...maybe it will. Something to do with sitting up straight. Plus, I need to feel comfortable balancing on it lol.

Hope to get some good pics to post today!!! FX
Have fun at your scan, Klein! Seems like the doc could convert their technology to DVD. They should do it soon before it's too late!

I have been watching some birth shows on TLC. I shoudl be watching birthing vodeos on youtube though, for breathing techniques etc. I feel as though it's just slow long breathsIn through the nose, out through the mouth.
My keyboard is acting weird on this site. I can type everywhere else, but sometimes my keyboard will freeze up while on B&B. Anyways, continuing on, Hello Alandsa! Nice to hear from you, and see that you're doing well. Will you be having a shower at all?
i wish it was a skin tag because then it wouldnt be such a big deal. but this thing is like the size of a pencil eraser and sticks up alot. its so ugly lol
hi Dahlia, good to hear from you - im loving your photo <3 look how gorgeous your bump is :) well we dont tend to do baby showers in the UK but Im planning on having one :) not quite sure what they involve but doing a bit of research :) will you be having one?

DancingSheba - oh sorry i didnt quite realise :( hope that you can get it sorted out?
Hi Alandsa! Nice to see you :flower: Do you have any bump pics?

So...My 4D went great I'm on :cloud9:
I really think I needed that for all of this to really sink in! I know it sounds crazy but since we're team yellow I feel like I needed that to connect.

Baby's estimated weight was 3lbs 8oz. It measured 5 days ahead. She gave us 42 pictures total! Come to find out the VHS was b/c their CD burner was broken. She said they stored all of the u/s on the computer and to call back in a week or two when they get it fixed and they will burn me a copy of it!

Here's my favorite...


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That is just breathtaking! I didn't realize the babies would have that full of a face at this time. How wonderful!!!! Congrats! And I see your LO likes to have hands by his/her face. I often think I am getting jabs from all limbs, including elbows, so that must be the "position." Do you feel you have an inclination of the sex at all after your scan?

Alandsa- I'm glad you'll be having a shower! So fun! I won't be having one for this LO, but thankfully I'll be able to use a lot of DD's gear and such. Do you have any names figured out? I always recommend fun games at showers, makes the time so much more fun and memorable IMO.

We went swimming tonight, as the pool will be closed after Monday. Tomorrow we are going to a peach festival with DH's grandma. We went last year as well. It's always a fun time for DD. And I love getting farm fresh peaches! yum.
I'm having to post one at a time, my internet stinks


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Looks chunky lol


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I love it's little tongue!


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last one!


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Klein--so great!! Well that is great they had the VHS as a back up option! Baby looks like it could be ready to come out any day--10 more weeks to work on plumping up those cheeks is going to make for some squeezable cheeks forsure!!

Dahlia--enjoy the peach festival!! I LOVE peaches, but DH doesn't--he is a weirdo!

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