November Rainbow Babies

Hey Klein, I saw this post and thought maybe you could chime in and relate... I feel really sad for her, but didn't know what to say myself
Hi ladies :)

Checking in to say hi, I lurk whenever I have the chance and i see everything is going nicely :happydance:

i am able to write today because my firend is not here, I had to honestly disappear, I may sound like a bad friend but things got to a point where I don't want to talk to her for at least a week. She makes comments like: if this baby has down syndrome I will abort, she also said she was having a veru difficult pregnancy because of all the horror stories I told her when i had my miscarriages :cry: ( her pregnancy is going GREAT) I realized if the world doesn't revolves around her then she acts like she is depressed so well i had enough of that for a while :wacko:

On a brighter note, I started my birthing classes along with little brother last Wednesday, super excited and as you can see I seem to have found a name for my LO :happydance: I did email FOB asing for his opinion but he's not even helping so it was more of me telling him this will be our baby's name :blush:

My dog scared me to death a couple of weeks ago, he was shaking and could not breathe, being so old I freaked out thinking he was ready to die and apparently he would have if we didn't take him to the vet. He is so anxious that he cannot poo. He's much better now, I give him an anxiety syrup every morning and night and feed him tiny amounts during the day :wacko: apparently me and my SIL being the main ones taking care of him and both pregnant made him go all crazy.

Girls I hope things keep going great for all of us... we are soooo close to meet our rainbows!!:cloud9:
Dahlia-I responded to her post. My heart goes out to her. Thanks for letting me know.

Cata-So sorry that your friend is a bit crazy lol. That's great about the birthing classes. Ours is week after next and I can't wait! Love the name too! Very nice :) Lol, too funny about the pregnancy horomones affecting your dog...they should do a study on that! haha Poor little thing. Hope he keeps improving though!

Nothing new for me here lately. Just enjoying resting this weekend. Started the ball rolling for my shower. I need to find time to register for that and order invitations. Kids are spending the night with my MIL. So...DH and I have been enjoying some alone time together. It's been nice. He grilled a lovely delicious steak this evening and boy did it hit the spot! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
I think we finally settled on a name. Took a poll via facebook to see about the spelling--but at least we got it narrowed down LOL. I'm pretty sure his name will be Lucas--or Lukas--or just Luke. I've learned that I have very opinionated friends and this could be the reason a lot of people I know don't reveal their names until after baby is here--I mean really would they tell me I'm an attention seeking parent wanting to "punish" my child to a lifetime of having his name miss spelled because I spelled Lukas with a K instead of a c--AFTER he was already born---no they probably wouldn't--but since I brought it up BEFORE apparently everyone thought they could be brutally honest LOL.

I can't remember if I also mentioned we picked out the crib set for little man, so I think my MIL ordered the shower invitations which will be the same theme--Woodland animals--foxes, deer, bears, etc. More "cutesy" than we did for Blake, but oh well--wasn't really finding too much that caught my eye, and I'm not creative enough to sew something up--so it will be just fine!

Our Anniversary is tomorrow--7 years WAHOO. We're going for a Sunday Brunch at a Lake near our town. We last did brunch there when we were celebrating our 1st Anniversary and it was the best meal I have probably ever eaten. I'm hoping it will be just as good as last time, and I'm able to eat a lot--knowing me I will get full quick with this little one on board, and then be starving 2 hours later LOL
Hi girls,

We are all coming along well, which is fab.

Klein I get braxton hicks a fair amount but my midwife is not worried at all. They don't hurt but it does feel strange.

Cata I cant wait to start my antenatal classes. Here they are mainly used to meet other mums in the local area who you can socialise with once baby comes. Mine start in a couple of weeks. Did you enjoy it?

Blake congrats on your anniversary. Your nursery theme sounds great! I'm learning a lot about baby showers on here.Themes, registry etc etc They are getting more popular here and my friends have decided to organise one for me in 5 weeks. Are you having it at your house? I'm feeling really lazy like i would prefer to just have it at my house. We are still picking girl/ boy names. Luke/ Lucas/ Lukas are all difficult to pick between.People love to give their opinions on names whether it's wanted or not :)

Dahlia as this is our first we will hopefully have more. OH has recently decided that he wants 4!!!!! I think we should see how one goes first. Haha! If we do have more it will be in quick succession as I've already had half my ovary chopped I know I can't take my fertility for granted. Your photo is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I really want to get some nice pregnancy photos done. Hopefully I'll get some nice shots on holiday.

I'm off to spain this week and cannot wait :) I intend to get some proper sun, warmth and sea! Because I am quite big I am getting slightly worried that they won't let me on the plane! haha! I got my doctor to do a note. The flight is only 2-3 hours. By the time I get back I'm hoping all of my house building work will be finished and I can build all the baby stuff we've ordered.

We bought a co-sleeping cot as a few friends have recommended them. I can't wait to put the nursery together! We are picking the colours/ themes today finally.

I'm team breech at the moment and am hoping that lots of swimming on my front will help baby turn. My midwife says not to worry until I'm 36 weeks. Turn baby turn!

Dancing it's great that you've got the energy for an extra job. I think our bodies are good at telling us when we are doing too much. I'm still working the same hours but have noticed this past week I'm feeling the need to be in bed by 8.30:)
Hi girls, glad everything is going well for all of you! For me - not so good!

I was admitted to hospital the last 3 nights as I've been having contractions. When I called the hospital thy were coming every 5 minutes for an hour, and getting increasingly painful. They told me to go in and checked me over but I wasn't dilated. They wanted to keep me in anyways and they gave me steroid injections to strengthen baby's lungs incase they decide to come early.

Whilst having the steroids I had medication to stop the contractions but after the steroids went in they stopped the medication and said if baby comes, it comes. They wanted to keep me in longer for monitoring but I just wanted to come home. I was very unsettled and uncomfortable in the hospital, I'm much better off at home where I can get some rest and I can monitor the contractions myself. They have retuned since the medication stopped, however ATM they are more like BH so I. Just hoping they don't become more regular over the next few days.

Here's hoping baby cooks a little longer. I know at this stage every day we keep LO in there makes a difference xxxx
Hi girls, glad everything is going well for all of you! For me - not so good!

I was admitted to hospital the last 3 nights as I've been having contractions. When I called the hospital thy were coming every 5 minutes for an hour, and getting increasingly painful. They told me to go in and checked me over but I wasn't dilated. They wanted to keep me in anyways and they gave me steroid injections to strengthen baby's lungs incase they decide to come early.

Whilst having the steroids I had medication to stop the contractions but after the steroids went in they stopped the medication and said if baby comes, it comes. They wanted to keep me in longer for monitoring but I just wanted to come home. I was very unsettled and uncomfortable in the hospital, I'm much better off at home where I can get some rest and I can monitor the contractions myself. They have retuned since the medication stopped, however ATM they are more like BH so I. Just hoping they don't become more regular over the next few days.

Here's hoping baby cooks a little longer. I know at this stage every day we keep LO in there makes a difference xxxx

Oh no sharonfruit :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Hopefully with you being back home and rested they will totally disappear!
Sharon- you will be in my thoughts all day! I know there's not much I can say to comfort you. But that you're totally right, in that every day baby stays, it's a blessing. Positive thinking can get you through this. Don't worry yourself now, because right now, baby is still safe. Try to focus on the day and no stressing on what could be (hard I know).
Hi girls,

We are all coming along well, which is fab.

Klein I get braxton hicks a fair amount but my midwife is not worried at all. They don't hurt but it does feel strange.

Cata I cant wait to start my antenatal classes. Here they are mainly used to meet other mums in the local area who you can socialise with once baby comes. Mine start in a couple of weeks. Did you enjoy it?

Blake congrats on your anniversary. Your nursery theme sounds great! I'm learning a lot about baby showers on here.Themes, registry etc etc They are getting more popular here and my friends have decided to organise one for me in 5 weeks. Are you having it at your house? I'm feeling really lazy like i would prefer to just have it at my house. We are still picking girl/ boy names. Luke/ Lucas/ Lukas are all difficult to pick between.People love to give their opinions on names whether it's wanted or not :)

Dahlia as this is our first we will hopefully have more. OH has recently decided that he wants 4!!!!! I think we should see how one goes first. Haha! If we do have more it will be in quick succession as I've already had half my ovary chopped I know I can't take my fertility for granted. Your photo is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I really want to get some nice pregnancy photos done. Hopefully I'll get some nice shots on holiday.

I'm off to spain this week and cannot wait :) I intend to get some proper sun, warmth and sea! Because I am quite big I am getting slightly worried that they won't let me on the plane! haha! I got my doctor to do a note. The flight is only 2-3 hours. By the time I get back I'm hoping all of my house building work will be finished and I can build all the baby stuff we've ordered.

We bought a co-sleeping cot as a few friends have recommended them. I can't wait to put the nursery together! We are picking the colours/ themes today finally.

I'm team breech at the moment and am hoping that lots of swimming on my front will help baby turn. My midwife says not to worry until I'm 36 weeks. Turn baby turn!

Dancing it's great that you've got the energy for an extra job. I think our bodies are good at telling us when we are doing too much. I'm still working the same hours but have noticed this past week I'm feeling the need to be in bed by 8.30:)

MIL will be having the shower at her house--which I prefer as I don't have room to accommodate many people here--and I haven't gotten to a "nesting" stage where my house would be clean enough either. Only down side is getting presents home from her house to our house, but I'm sure I can get DH to go hangout with his dad and be in charge of loading the car there and unloading when we get home LOL
Hi girls, glad everything is going well for all of you! For me - not so good!

I was admitted to hospital the last 3 nights as I've been having contractions. When I called the hospital thy were coming every 5 minutes for an hour, and getting increasingly painful. They told me to go in and checked me over but I wasn't dilated. They wanted to keep me in anyways and they gave me steroid injections to strengthen baby's lungs incase they decide to come early.

Whilst having the steroids I had medication to stop the contractions but after the steroids went in they stopped the medication and said if baby comes, it comes. They wanted to keep me in longer for monitoring but I just wanted to come home. I was very unsettled and uncomfortable in the hospital, I'm much better off at home where I can get some rest and I can monitor the contractions myself. They have retuned since the medication stopped, however ATM they are more like BH so I. Just hoping they don't become more regular over the next few days.

Here's hoping baby cooks a little longer. I know at this stage every day we keep LO in there makes a difference xxxx

Are they going to be monitoring you more closely now?? Will they continue with the steroids until your a bit further along?? Thinking of you and your LO :flow:
sharon you are in my thoughts! Hopefully those contractions will stay away until full term. Are you on bedrest at all? I know you must be stressed out I know I would be. :hugs:
I think they only do one lot of steroids and that should last the pregnancy. I'm not entirely sure though. I've got my next OB appointment on Tuesday so I think they might figure out a care plan then.

They said bed rest isn't necessary, as if baby sans to come its going to come. But I'm not working or anything, so I'll be taking it easy :flower: xxx
Cata- I really enjoyed my birthing class last time. It just gave me so much info on how the body is supposed to work.
Oh you did pick a name! I think it's a special time when you know what you want to name your child. Makes you that much more emotionally close, ya know?
You have 64 more days it says on your ticker! Ah! It is getting close!

Glad you're enjoying your weekend, Klein. Steaks sound nice! My DH doesn't grill :( I I dearly wish he would. But we do have our neighbor down the street who does, and we go there for dinner on occasion for BBQs with our kids.
My birthday is on Tuesday and DH asked if I should just let him take care of the dinner plans, and I had to say NO! lol. Because knowing him, he'd take me some place fancy, and I'm not up for that. I think I'll tell him I want to go to The Pancake House. It's no IHOP, but more upscale :haha:

Blakes- I am such a pregnant foodie. Well, aren't we all
this poster made me laugh

I knew a boy names Luca and I always liked that name for it's uniqueness. Sounds European IMO. Well since the shower and room are coming together, you must be excited! Where will the shower be? (And that Q goes for Klein as well)
And Congrats on your anniversary:flower:

Dancing- If you're feeling up to that work, then go for it. I am estimating that it will be the last 4 weeks that my body will be not able to handle anything, so do take it easy then.

Babyjo- Yay! a shower for you as well. I am amazed that the UK doesn't find it as popular as it is in the US. Look up some fun baby games! That's what I always like to do at showers!
4 is many! I'm sure as each baby comes, you'll know when is enough ; )
Have fun in Spain! Get some belly shots! I found that when I swim (actually swim), it feels like my belly is stretching. And although water is supposed to make you feel lighter, it makes me more aware of my body's weight. lol
I had a feeling my baby is transverse, due to feeling movement on both sides of hips. However, I think she may have turned during the past day and may be in correct position now, but not engaged.

Sharon- glad you're able to take it easy. Still thinking of you

Oddly enough, I was having menstrual cramp type feelings on my lower right side today after my mom and I got home from a long day at the shopping mall. I drank water and laid down and they seemed to go away after an hour or so. I think it might have just been from the walking. I have a doc appt tomorrow so I will let the doc know.
Blakesmom-Happy late Anniversary! I like all of the spellings and I don't read into the unique spelling of it. That's too much drama in my opinion...spell it however YOU want to. Ugh, some people make me so mad lol.

babyjo-Have a wonderful time in Spain!!! I hope the relaxation, the sun and the swimming are delightful for you and your baby!!! That's plenty of time for your baby to flip :)

Sharon-I'm really suprised they aren't trying to do more to keep your LO baking for a while longer. Since you weren't dilated maybe that's why they're not too concerned. I'm sure the main concern was that the steroid was given in time. I'm glad they sent you home though. Hospital stays are not fun IMO! Hope the LO continues to bake for now :) What did the pain with the contractions feel like and how long did you have them for before you called?

Nothing new for me right now, just doing my iron treatments and taking care of kiddo's. I'll check in tomorrow lol, Benadryl kicking in...time for nighty nights :)
Sharon-I'm really suprised they aren't trying to do more to keep your LO baking for a while longer. Since you weren't dilated maybe that's why they're not too concerned. I'm sure the main concern was that the steroid was given in time. I'm glad they sent you home though. Hospital stays are not fun IMO! Hope the LO continues to bake for now What did the pain with the contractions feel like and how long did you have them for before you called?

On Wednesday night I woke up 2 or 3 times with tightening pains but managed to get back to sleep. On Thursday night I was lying in bed and they came back. They weren't particularly painful at first but they did start getting worse after a while and at one point I was having to breathe through them. I lay in bed and counted them for about an hour, after that they were coming every 5 minutes and thats when I called the hospital

Thanks Sharon, that sort of gives all the rest of us something to go off of.

I'm poorly attempting to clean up the house today. I'm embarrased to say it's been a month since it's had a cleaning. Before you judge we were out of town 18 of those days lol, the rest...NO EXCUSE FOR! Normally I would hire a house cleaner, especially when I don't feel like doing it and I've been so tired and out of breath lately. Since DS needed a tutor for math, there goes my extra house cleaning money :( At $20.00 an hour a tutor adds up. It was necessary this year though, he's in pre-algebra and I HAVE to draw the line somewhere. I'm horrible in Math and I've been lucky to be able to self teach me the skills off of YOU TUBE. Since we're in the pre-algebra stuff...I'm done. I choose my sanity over my house cleaner lol.
Anyways, I'm cleaning the bathrooms today and freshening up the kitchen (I did clean it last week). I'm pooped.
I know all of that math and cleaning talk was so interesting...anyone else doing anything interesting today???
I've been feeling "short of breath" lately too--I feel like LO is down fairly lo already but my lungs are feeling smushed!!
I've been so short of breath too! I'm carrying really high. I can walk from one room to the next and need a break lol. Often times I'm on the phone with my mom, and I'll be cleaning up around the house at the same time, and she'll be like "Why are you out of breath?"

Yesterday was my birthday, and I had the best day!
DD woke up at 6:30 am and made me breakfast (dry cheerios, a plum, banana, yogurt, and a dry piece of bread). I wasn't even up yet. She had been waiting all week to do that! She is very hospitable : ) Then we went to the pool later on, where I was able to get some sun. DH got me a new camera- a Sony Cyber Shot. Not quite the model I was hoping for, but I had no idea he had a camera in mind. And we desperately needed an upgrade before baby comes!
Later, my mom and step-dad watched DD, and DH and I went out to eat at a beach themed restaurant with a cajun style menu in our neighborhood. DH got the strip steak, I got some Mango chicken. His steak was delicious : ) Went for a walk after. And when I got back to mom's, she had made me an Apple pie (my absolute fav!)
I felt a though it was my last "funtime" with DH until I get really large. lol.

Klein- I had to take an intermediate algebra class my last semester of school. I barely passed with a C-. It was so stressful. My brother was the one who helped me out through it, and he will be the one to help any of my children who need a little "tutoring."
The issue with cleaning I have in my house is all the toys. I need to de-clutter them. It was spring last time I did that, and now I have to do it again!

Well, I think some cleaning is what I'll do today. Klein's got me all inspired.

Another thread got me thinking about the lady garden downstairs. The subject was shaving before birth. I've always kept mine trim, but I decided to shave it all off yesterday to see if I liked it. I definitely don't. Although it's very smooth right now, I know the growing-in process makes it all prickly, and I just don't want to deal with that later on. I've decided to keep some hair down there, but will shave the (I hate these technical terms) "outer labia" when in labor. I told DH and asked him what he thought, lol, he just said "Whatever makes you comfortable."
hey ladies. Just checking in. Last week at my appt I had mentioned to the OBGYN about this weird growth on my right breast right where i guess the cleavage would be. It started out as a pimple but instead of going away it got bigger. And even with the slightest graze it would open up and just bleed and bleed. So she referred me to a dermatologist who classified it as a granuloma? apparently they're common in pregnancy, where a tiny cut or wound will build up abnormal scar tissue and blood vessels instead of heal normally. Guess its the hormones? Anyway now i have to have outpatient surgery to have it biopsied and removed. Fun fun. But im glad theyre removing it because its really ugly. plus im afraid that when im breastfeeding katrina her hand could open it up and it will bleed all over the place.

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