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November Rainbow Babies

Dahlia-Thank you. The tech said it was one of the best pics she had done with the eyes open etc. She printed one off to save for advertisement. I thought the whole experience was amazing. I was glad to know that I was feeling fingers and toes. The u/s confirmed that. This is the first pregnancy where I was like OMG that is so a hand and fingers I feel. I've never felt that before...just heels and elbows and kicks lol.

As for the sex...I don't know. I'm afraid to guess as I don't want to be wrong. I know that sounds crazy. I think deep down I feel it's a boy but I don't want to admit it...I feel guilty or something for guessing...it's weird. Everyone else seems to have no probs guessing...DH thinks it's a boy, both of the kids today agree they think it's a boy, my mom thinks girl, seems like the girl guesses are the minority.

Anyone feel free to guess!!! I'm open for it :)

Also working on wording for shower invitations...I'll post the final wording when I'm done. So much going on now towards the end. It's so much fun reading on the third trimester thread too, that was random but I was thinking it lol.

Peaches sound really good right now!
Bump pics


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Woweee Klein!!! Look at the photos, how amazing! I cannot believe how clear they are. How wonderful <3

I havent really taken many bump pics tbh, I'm sure I must have some from a christening I was at, I will dig them out :)

Yeah we have picked our name, we had it picked before we knew the sex lol we are going for Charlotte :)

How are you ladies feeling? I have just been checking out eBay for some bargain nursing tops :)
I second that, Alandsa! great name!

I've been ebaying for some postpartum hip wraps. I didn't do it last birth, and I would like to try it this time to get my hips back in better shape.

Blakesmom- you look great! And you are carrying high, as am I

Klein- Oh yes. those lil fingers, I feel like I can feel those as well. I don't know what to guess for the sex. I think it's good for you to remain neutral, and let others do the guesswork : )

Well, we went to the pool for the last time tonight. DD starts kindergarten tomorrow. She is always hesitant about starting school. I try my best to pep her up, but not over-do it. Like, I told her that there will be many new kids this year that arr probably a bit nervous and that she can be a helper for them and show them around since she attended last year (trying to take the anxiety off of her). Oh parenting joys : )

My best friend had her baby today via scheduled c-sec. 7 lb 2 oz. Her name is Makayla. She was so nice to hold. And they're always so nice/calm in the hospital. It's when you take them home that they seem to come alive! lol

It made me want my own lil one soo much!
Alandsa-love the name ;)

Dahlia-Aww your baby girl is starting Kindergarten. They grow up so fast. I'm sure you'll be nervous for her. All good moms are :) Your right, summer is ending and it always makes me sad. I am not a winter lover. It sucks. I hate winter, the short days, the cold weather, the darkness...ugh. Oh well at least it's movement in the right direction for our due dates, that's an up side I suppose.

I've been shopping on etsy. Well, looking and adding items to my favorites so I can purchase them after we know what baby Klein is lol.

I'm currently in the hospital...long story short I was having major pain with contractions. It was decided I have a big UTI infection and was admitted for iv antibiotics and monitoring for contractions. The contractions have stopped and they are giving me something for the pain of the UTI. Apparently the infection was really bad bc the nurses went on and on about it. I knew something was bad bc of the PAIN I was in. I got no sleep last night and suffered all night in pain. It was horrible. Anyways, I'm supposed to go home tomorrow so I'm looking forward to feeling better :)
:hugs: Big hugs to you Klein! Was it you who had a bad UTI in the beginning of pregnancy as well? Glad they have a handle on it and you can hopefully go home tomorrow. Must have been scary

And that reminds me of Sharon... how are you doing? :flower:

Yeah, winter does suck. I'm at least happy that baby isn't due around Christmas, or in the dead of winter.

Take care everyone!
Awwww so sorry you have been feeling so unwell and unable to sleep from the pain, you poor thing!! Hope they get it stablised soon *hugs*

Aww Dahlia hope your little one has a good day, it really must be nerve wracking for parents. I can see all these photos on FB of parents children all dressed up in their uniforms for their first day today aww!!

Wow that's amazing that you can feel their fingers, I'm not quite sure what I can feel from the outside, but noticing that in the evening she tends to poke me on my left side, i think it's a limb but that's all lol. I can feel her hiccuping now, just started this week :) i can feel the size of her whole body where it jerks with each hiccup lol DH was telling her to 'hold your breath' to stop the hiccups lol aww!
Klein so sorry for your hospital stay--those are NEVER fun!!

Dahlia--How was DD's first day back??
I'm doing really well thanks for asking. I haven't had any more contractions for almost a week now. I was a bit concerned about babies movement last night but it seems to have picked up a bit this morning - I guess they are starting to have less room in there!

Sorry to hear you had to stay in hospital Klein - thats never fun.

Oh and I've booked my newborn photography session with this photographer for the 7th Nov - which is 5 days after my due date!! X
Today was DD's first real day back at school (yesterday it was just meet n greet with teacher). DD goes to half day kindergarten, which me might change to full day later in the year...
Anywho, She was surprised to see that her teacher was not the "old lady" she thought she was going to have, but a younger new teacher at the school. I was happy that she was happy. (Last year, for preschool, she had an older lady, and I could tell she was not enthused lol. The whole year she would tell me she didn't like her teacher).

I was the one who got emotional today :cry:. I brought her into the classroom, and then had to leave because they were already getting started with circle time. I felt like it was the quickest goodbye ever! DD knew I was going to the grocery store, and told me to get her favorite stuff, and for some reason that made me all emotional! Got in a good cry in the car.
Then it got me started on all my hopes and dreams for her this school year. boohoo I was a baby today.
Well, at least it was me, not her.

Picture day for DD is coming up on Thursday. Since she normally has to wear uniforms to school, and I hadn't bought her many fall clothes yet, I bought her a new outfit (long skirt, and a peasant top) and some new earrings. She loved it.

Baby is really coming alive today. These kicks, although some padded by my anterior placenta, are great!
glad to hear everybody's doing well! i feel like its not too long now! i went to my primary care doc today...which i dont have one so it was my first time going to her. and she kept asking how many weeks pregnant i was and i kept saying 30 weeks. I was beginning to feel like she wasnt believing me. So she laid me on my back and was feeling my stomach and said "wow shes a big girl you really are 30 weeks". LOL I guess i dont look as big as i should? anyway it was humorous to me:blush:
Hi ladies

Sharonf- I'm glad to hear everything has settled down. Oooo! Exciting re- photographer. I love newborn professional photos

Dancing your bump is cute! Mine is out of control now. "are you sure you're not having twins" is a common statement to me.

Dahlia I'm glad your daughter settled into her class nicely. So cute that you cried. Our hormones are so crazy. Do you find yourself crying more often. I do for sure.

Klein- I hope your uti clears up- must have been a horrible scare.

Spain was GREAT! It was good to get some sun. Because of my bump I got put at the front of all the queues in the airports. Bump priority! Flying was a breeze - it was only 2 hours. It was OH and I's last baby moon.

I'm shattered now though as i went straight to work. 8 more weeks of work left!
Oh yeah Dancing- To me, I look and feel big. But at the neighbor's a few days ago, one woman told me she didn't even know I was pregnant! LMAO!\

I think our body types must be similar, as my bump looks to be the same size. Are you tall? I'm 5'9"

Sharon, I am loving that first pic of the baby on the photog site. The babies look so sweet and perfect. A good investment is always those newborn pics

Edit- Wanted to mention I've had a few baby dreams. The latest was of me breastfeeding baby and taking walks around town with baby in the stroller. However, when I was first trying to BF, the baby wouldn't latch correctly, but my aunt was there to help me out. <-- even though she formula fed her children. lol. It was a nice dream though,
I did my glucose test last Friday and the nurse called today as my levels were elevated---wahhhhhhh. I have to do a 3 hour glucose test on Saturday now. Did anyone else have to do that one??
Dahlia- I'm 5'9 too! i have a long torso and strong tummy muscles i guess lol.
Blakesmom- booo for elevated levels :( hope the 3 hour test turns out fine. i didnt have to do that one.
I guess normal range is 65-140 and mine was 152--not looking forward to it : (
Sorry you have to have the 3 hour test blakesmom! Hope it goes well for you and your levels are normal at the end of it :flower:
Blakes-I'm sorry your levels were high. I never had to take the 3 hr. My friends last pregnancy had levels that were high. She took the 3 hr and passed that. It's a little extra preparation and more pokes, but I really hope you pass it this time :hugs:

Dancing- I figured! lol

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