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November Rainbow Babies

I am concerned. Baby didn't move well yesterday. I ended up pulling out my doppler and checking for hb. It was there and good. The only 'active' spell it had was when I went thru wendy's drive thru and got a chocolate frosty. That seemed to wake it up a bit for about a half hour. Then there wasn't much movement at all the rest of the night or this morning. I checked doppler again this morning and it has a strong HB. I've felt really dizzy today too. Like I'll just be sitting here and the room starts spinning a bit like I'm drunk! Any suggestions? Am I overreacting? How much movement is not enough???
Klein- would you say there were small movements as compared to large shifts/wiggles in movement? If there just has been a rate of low movement (long spaces of time between movements) then I'd say to go in for an appt. But obviously call your doctors office and tell the nurse your concern. The dizziness is odd as well. Hope everything is well and it's just an off day for you and baby :flower:
They are far between and very small. I did call and they gave me the spill of decreased movement now that baby is so big...which I knew but she did say lay on left side do kick count for 2 hours. So laying i am. We'll see what happens. Just has me stressed. She said the dizzyness is probably hormonal. Lol I figure it is. I've not had any blood pressure issues or anything. Just a weird feeling to feel drunk when I haven't drank lol!
Apparently my baby enjoys scaring the heck out of me. It's so awake and active now! Of course I'm thrilled lol. I'm going to take a nap now if possible. Will read up and respond to previous posts later!
blakesmom-Thanks so much for the compliments. I was worried I'd be swollen at this point. I know your excited to have them done too! It was fun. That sounds good about the insulin. Good job cutting the carbs too! Do let us know what they say Thursday, maybe they won't get upset about the carb cutting.

Dancing-how did the removal go???

Dahlia-Horrible dream. Excluding the fact that you got to see you LO! That's good about finding a shirt as well. I need to check at Target before I go anywhere else. I think I'll try to find something tomorrow or Friday.

LO has been super active since about 9:00 this morning. Guess it must of been sleeping a lot yesterday and is hyper today!
Klein - I'm glad to know that your baby was just being naughty and his/her movements are back to normal :happydance:
I think if you already have a cute top there is no reason to go out and buy another one so close to your due date, unless of course, you want to go shopping :winkwink:

blakes - yay for keeping the carbs under control! I'm praying my glucose test was good because if there is something I loooove is carbs and cutting on them well I would suffer:) do let us know how you do tomorrow at your app. Do you know what you're wearing to your shower already?

Dancing - How did your removal go? I hope everything went great :) keep us posted!

Dahlia - That's an awful dream, I mean it is nice that you got to see your little princess but the rest was way too bad! Good thing it was just a dream :) Glad to know that your doctor's appointment went well!!
I didn't even knoww anything about the strep b test until I googled it, will definitely ask my doctor about it next Wed on my appointment.... very scary!

I'm pretty sure I'll be doing some pics with a friend of a friend who is starting in photograpy and charges super cheap for the maternity pics, $40 for 20 pics... even when I feel like a giant sweaty whale I don't want to regret not doing it in the future.

I think there is a chance I may be too pregnant :( for he last 3 days bed time equels suffering for me, I am so uncomfortable that I'm getting migraines and the hot flashes are out of control! Starting to think the ultrasound was right and my baby is a little whale. A little bit ago my sister called me to see how I was doing and I bursted in tears :cry:
don't really get what's going on but it's almost like if I was sorry for myself! can't sit or walk or lay down comfortably... I still have more than 4 weeks to go but umm I AM SO EXHAUSTED!
I'm not even nesting anymore and things are not completely ready yet :nope:hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up with more energy.

Yesterday afternoon LO did a weird thing in my belly, it felt almost like he turned! I really hope I'm wrong because he was head down already but that was a HUGE movement and now I have to wait a whole week to know what's going on :p

My undesirable aunt is coming tomorrow with her new husband, she told me a couple of days ago she would visit and leave because I was too hormonal, but then she called my dad and asked him if they could stay here... as long as they don't stay for too long I don't mind that much but I'm not movng a finger for her, can barely cook for myself at this point.:nope:
Dancing--I hope the removal went well and it heals quickly!!

Dahlia--So sorry about the dream--its so crazy how real and detailed dreams can be, especially during pregnancy. I'm not certain about what I will be wearing for the shower yet. I got some dark skinny jeans, so I might try those with a sweater and some boots--but the weather here is still pretty warm--I don't want to be too hot!!

Klein--I'm glad baby shaped up and started wiggling around--I'm jealous about your Wendy's frosty just a tiny bit LOL

Cata--I hope you do your pics ASAP. I had Blake just 6 days after my maternity pics--I was 36 weeks 2 days--that's just 1 week away for you :winkwink:

I'll let you all know how my appointment goes tomorrow. Tonight after dinner my number was high, but then I drank some water and then walked on the treadmill for 15 minutes and when I retested an hour later it was nice and low. No insulin needed, but I will probably skip on my pumpkin ice-cream snack before bed tonight.
Oh my! we are doing them next weekend :thumbup: if my LO is ready to come out it wouldn't bother me if he decided to come early :happydance: I hope your app tomorrow goes great :)

My hair is a mess, half of it is super yellow (it used to be a nice ashy blond) and the other half is light brown, my real color :cry: should I do something about it? everyone keeps telling me it is dangerous but I have barely taken any pics because of it :shrug:
Cata-I've done my roots 2 times since I've been pregnant. I did it 2 or 3 times with last pregnancy too and DD turned out fine. Seems like I went all natural 13 years ago with DS and then after I had him all the new research came out with everything saying it was fine. I'd google it and use your own judgement though. Maybe it you choose not to do it she can touch it up with a photo editing software!

Blakes-It was a lovely frosty lol.

Our stroller and car seat was delivered late last night. I really want to put it together! I feel like a kid at Christmas hehe! I think I may take a nap and then try to get it together. I woke up when DH went to work this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Ugh. I need sleep!
pumpkin ice cream sounds delicious!
Removal went well. They gave me a local anesthetic without epinepherin (sp?) which is safe for pregnancy but it didnt make me less nervous. I guess Katrina could tell i was nervous because she got super active. Anyway she took it off and then cauterized it...which i could start to feel so they gave me more anesthetic. I hate the cauterizing part. Then she did an internal stitch and an external stitch, which at that point i could feel her stitching me but i just dealt with it because she was almost done. My poor booby. She called it a Pyogenic granuloma which i guess is common in pregnant women. She also told me that the scar will stretch when my breasts become engorged with milk, but she can fix it after im done nursing. Right now its just sore and I have to go back in a week for them to look at it. She also said there is a chance it can grow back. UGH!! please lets not let that happen lol.
Cata I did my hair several times when I was pregnant with Blake, and a few times this time also---Just went dark so I could save on the maintenance of having higlights/lo-lights)--I have read that foils are safer as a very minimal amount if any at all of the product comes into contact with your scalp with that method. I also used a at home product a few times when I was pregnant with Blake that wasn't a permanent dye--I think it was semi-permanent--so no harsh chemicals really and it would just fade out after a month and a half or so. Getting your hair done before your pics would be a super fun away to feel good and look good :winkwink:
Dancing: glad it went well, and that is great they offered to fix things after your done BF as well. Hopefully with the cauterizing they got it all and it wont come back--_EVER!!
Got in trouble with my dietician/nutritionist today--my blood sugars were nice and low but I cut my carbs too much to get them there----grrrrrr. She said if I continue with a diet like I've had over the last week since I was there they will make me start testing for ketones in my urine and it makes for an acidic environment if you don't get enough carbs. She suggested that I try 6 "mini-meals" rather than 3 meals and snacks, so we will see how that goes...
Klein - Can't blame you for being excited :) the day after my shower I woke up feeling exactly like christmas morning LOL. Did you put it together already?

Dancing - Glad to know everything went well even when it was uncomfortable :flower: let's hope it doesn't come back.

blakesmom- I hope you do good with the 6 mini meals, I still admire your discipline with the carb cutting tho, but if it isn't good for you and LO then mini meals it is!

Thanks for the advice on the hair dye girls, I may just put my natural color on, that way it won't have to stay on my scalp for too long.

I finally reunited some strenght to finish preparing everything for LO's arrival. Was so excited when I was done that I posted in FB: Crib: ready, Hospital bag: ready, Mommy: I think I'm ready :p ... Baby??? hopefully almost ready!!♥

Well obviously english is not my first language :dohh: right after I posted that there was a bad storm and we were out of electricity for 5 hours or so, my best friend called me asking me where I was because a friend we have in common told her I was at the hospital giving birth :haha: and then when i was able to go back online I had lots of messages wishing me good luck :dohh: I am so ashamed lololol I just posted in the comments section saying it would still be a little longer but I would keep all the good wishes for the right time :blush: I feel so dumb right now LOL
I think your friends are probably just anxious for baby to get here---Don't feel dumb. I've had that happen a few times on facebook when people obviously didn't understand my post based on the comments they wrote lol
They are definitely excited lol I am actually glad that half of my FB friends don't understand english at all... costaricans tend to exaggerate a lot more than other nationalities :dohh: LOL I'm still getting comments and got a couple of calls asking how my labor was :shrug: hahahahahahaa!
Klein- oh man, I'm glad baby was just fine! I had a day like that when I was just entering third tri, but mine was just with low movement. It does scare the hell outta you.
What kind of stroller did you get? I'd really like to get a new one, like a three wheeler. My carseat/carrier is a Graco snugride,

Cata- hope you're having a better day today! These hormones can be terrible. I always feel better when I cry it out.
I can't help you with the dye because I've never dyed my whole head. But I have read up on it. I think the ammonia is the problem if not ventilated correctly. I'm not sure if the dye goes into you/baby from your hair or not.
That's funny everyone thought you were in labor.

Blakes- Skinny jeans look great on us pregnant ladies, truly! I wore some on my birthday that a friend lent to me, but now they're too small lol.
Geez, damned if you do, damned if you don't with the carbs! Let's hope those 6 small meals will do the trick

Dancing- Yay, glad it's gone! What a shame that it could go grow back, but hopefully that will never happen. How weird our bodies can be.

AFM- DD and I went to sign her up for Daisy Scout Troop last night. They were asking for some helpers to bring in snacks each week, or facilitate the snacks, and other volunteer roles. I didn't sign up because I didn't know if I wanted to dedicate my time to that just yet. I would love to contribute to snack time, but I wasn't ready to volunteer to be the facilitator. I want to make sure the schedule with baby will work out. I'm sure everything will be just fine, but I know schedules with two kids will be more complicated. (I'm probably just overreacting) but I tend to stress over stuff like that. Anyone else nervous about schedules and mastering the demon of time when baby gets here?
Dahlia I'm most worried about daycare for two kids. Even considering bringing someone to our house to "nanny" the new one while Blake goes to his normal daycare on my work days just so we're only getting one kiddo up and going in the freezing cold winter. Blake didn't start daycare until he was 9 months old and I think that was a GREAT time. My mom has offered to change her work schedule so I would only need daycare 1 day/week really if I used her, but that means me leaving for work even earlier. My office starts patients @ 6:40am, and needing longer to take babe to my moms house and then back tracking to work stresses me out--I would have to leave probably @ 6am---ugh!

I bet if you wanted to volunteer after baby is here whoever ends up in charge of the snacks will be more than willing to let you step in to help. Some things we just wont know until baby is here and we are actually doing it I suppose.
Dancing-So glad the removal went as well as could be expected. I had a 'scar revision' in the office on one of my breasts. They just used a local and numbed it up a bit, cut out the old scar and sewed me back up. It was about 4" of scar though. Yuck! I could feel the tugging and such and towards the end the more I thought about it the yuckier I felt! FX it doesn't grow back though!!!

Cata-Too funny about your post. Everyone's just anxious for you now! The phone calls, stalking and messages probably won't stop until you do deliver!

Dahlia-I hesitate now when I'm volunteering for anything. Its hard to know what your going to be able to do and when w a newborn on the way. I'm not sure about the judging for time either. All of our normal day routines will be thrown out the window for a while atleast. Yesterday I was thinking-I've always done a 1:00 nap time for my kids when they were taking naps...1:00 really won't work this time. We're in the car 2 days a week from 2:15ish til 3:30 (we travel for DD's gymnastics) So...obviousally baby 'should' be asleep this time. Ugh. I'm too much of a planner. Lol. Who sits around and is thinking of their unborn childs naptime?!?!

Anyway, good luck to blakesmom for trying to figure out what to do about daycare. It's enough stress making these decisions!!!

Stroller is assembled and DD has been pushing her dolls around the house in it lol. She keeps saying she's practicing. I can't wait to see her be a big sister. I think she's going to be amazing. As for DS...well, at 13 he's not too excited lol. He'll do great I'm sure. He told me the other day that he wasn't planning on babysitting. I asked him if he liked doing things and going places on the weekend and he said yes. I said well then you'll be doing your share of babysitting! He wasn't too thrilled lol. He's great about picking things up that I drop and getting me things that I need so I think he'll do fine. I'm not too worried. From his point of view though its probably a bit strange for your mom to still be having kids when he's as old as he is lol.

I'm up early for a Saturday morning! DD is competing in her first gymnastics meet today. She is super nervous! I hope her nerves don't get the best of her Can't wait to watch her do her routines!!!

Here are the pics of the door hanger. We just have to glue the name in place when baby gets here!

The colors used in the door hanger are the same colors used for my shower and that's about as gender neutral (w/o using neutrals) that I could think of!

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend.


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