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November Rainbow Babies

Wow, the furniture and room are beautiful Sharon!
I like the light fixture. Coincidentally I was looking at those types of things yesterday, but didn't really have any luck online.
I think you'll be able to get some cute babygros made up- Maybe your host can print out some notecards with ideas that they can pick up if they're having a hard time. Cute animals can be drawn, or some nice little sayings.

Well, today is some cooler weather, and since I put all my fall maternity stuff in my drawers, out came my NEW pair of maternity pants that I bought on clearance many months ago. But... they are so damn tight on me! I'm sad. I can still wear them, but I have to undo the button, and wear a belly band with them so I can be comfortable. They were from Liz Lange at Target, size 8. Even bought two pairs. So to ebay they go!

Klein- I actually did enjoy having the bed to myself. lol
I watched an episode this morning, but it was a rerun (areb't they all), and I had already seen it so I switched the station. I feel badly for the women who have traumatic births. I know we all hope ours go smoothly, but that hardly ever happens.
When I first finished the nursery, I would sit in there a lot and just think, too.
So is DH's shift change temporary, or what? I know it's probably scary to think that his time at home will change, but I know your kids will be able to help you out :flower: I hope it's only temporary as well!

Blakes- I've wanted a body pillow, but I know I can make do without it. Have fun at Babies R uS this weekend!
One of my friends was due LAST WEEK---poor thing!! She has been in active labor several times but they keep finding reasons why she isn't delivering---most recently, baby was tangled in the cord, then her hands were on TOP of her head, and then last night she posted on facebook babe's chin was up so they were working to get her to tuck her chin down. I'm pretty sure she will have a BIG baby too. She has her heart set on an at home waterbirth but at this point I think she needs to be flexible with other options and GET BABY OUT!!

Well off to check my blood sugar levels---yay me. This is the home stretch tho right ladies?!?
Sharon-Love the nursery! Very nicely done :) I know your LO will love it too!!!

Dahlia-Yea, they are all reruns I do believe. I still watch them. It's kind of funny though cause I only watch them when I'm pregnant lol I can't stand them any other time. The show has been around a LONG time. I remember watching it when I was preggo w DS 14 years ago!!!

DH's outage is for about 50 days. Then his shift SHOULD go back to days and 40 hrs a week. Hopefully I can manage til then.

Blakes-That's horrible about your friend. Good grief, I think I'd be ready for a new modified plan too at that point! Yes mam! Home stretch!!! I checked the October PAAL thread and no births there yet. I keep waiting for someone to go lol. I'm so nosy!

I had enough energy to manage cooking hamburger helper and a cake for dessert. I must be feeling better! So glad too. Maybe I could manage to get some cleaning done tomorrow....key word being MAYBE!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!!!
I'm surprised none of the Oct gals have had babies yet!! That is really good. My April thread (from my miscarriage pregnancy) had SEVERAL girls that had their babies way early ( I kept following them as much as I could stand until what would have been my due date). I did my Babies R Us registry today and also MIL mailed out my shower invites yesterday so people should have started to get them. I wanted to get the crib bedding today while I was at Babies R Us but they didn't carry the one I want in store and its all sold out online---just my luck!! Tried EVERYWHERE online and the only place I could find it was Sears and it was almost DOUBLE the price of a few places I found that used to carry the line. Keeping my fingers crossed Babies R Us gets it back in stock before next month or I might have to settle on a different set...
Hi ladies!!

Popping in to say hi :)

We had a 7.6 earthquake a couple of weeks ago, thankfully nothing bad really happened, I must say we were all very surprised and grateful for this :)

I am glad to see that everything is going good :) I loved the nursery pics and Klein's scan pics! so gorgeous!!!

Last week I had my family shower :blush: they told me it was a meeting to discuss the property and stuff so I got there in flip flops only to find everyone looking as good as they could lol. Got lots of clothes for Nathan and a super pretty bouncer :happydance: It was a great surprise since FOB is not helping at all.

Today I have my other shower. A friend of mine decided to throw me one but unfortunately she doesn't speak to MANy of my other friends so I invited like 20 people and 5 said they couldn't make it, yay for a mini shower! :blush:

Here's a pic of me thinking: what the hell? I look like crap and this is my shower? you will pay for this :blush: I also noticed that my boobs are out of control... I cannot see bump because of them :shrug:

Girls the time is getting closer and closer :flower: if I see one more chapter of one born every minute I swear i will go into labour... I'm kinda ready anyway this baby must be the size of a house!!

I won't do my hair today i sweat too much and I want to keep my make up on my face :blush: but I'll post some pics if I look at least kind of pretty in any of them :thumbup:

Hope everything keeps going smoothly for all :flower:


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That is so sweet they did a surprise shower for you!! I think you look great in your pic!
Thank you blakesmom! :flower: I also think it was really sweet <3 and it was nice because my whole family on my dad's side did it... I was adopted by my dad when I was about 4 so that made it extra special to see how much they love me and LO and how impatient they are to see him :happydance:

My baby shower yesterday was amazing :cloud9: very few people showed up, basically my brother, sister, SIL, and 6 more friends including the one who organized it. I told them not to worry about the gifts and that I really just wanted to share with them but I still got more clothes and of course I'm very happy and grateful :) It was so much fun! the host did some pretty funny games LOL I will post some pics later on girls.
Blakesmom-That stinks about your cribset. I hope they get it back in stock soon. A similiar situation happened with mine. It was 400.00 then they discontinued it and marked it half off. By the time I got around to purchasing it I couldn't find it anywhere. I ended up finding it off of JR's music website! CRAZY I KNOW. Anyway, they had it for half price so I lucked out and got the LAST one. I hope you get lucky with yours too!

Cata-I think your shower pic is cute! So thoughtful they threw you one. That's great your adding to LO's wardrobe :) I know your excited! We look forward to seeing more pics!!!

Maternity session is cancelled today. I really wanted a few outside pics and its raining here all day 100% lol. So...I'm switching gears and cleaning the kitchen and then going to SAMS to pick out a shower cake this afternoon. Rescheduled maternity pics for Thursday. It's supposed to be a pretty day then. I really need to get these pics done! UGH!

Our weekend was good. Just stayed around the house and watched football. I sat in the nursery and thought my we need alot of stuff before the baby gets here! We literally have maybe 10 sleepers, 2 packs of diapers, a pack of wipes, 2 packs of bottles, a diaper bag, crib, changing table and glider! I hope to get down and dirty shopping after the shower. I hate feeling so unprepared!

Anyone feeling crampy in their lower tummy? I do, I figure it's just fingers hitting my cervix as I can feel it when it does that. Maybe my bladder is still sore down there too. Who knows. Doesn't feel alarmingly crampy or anything and it comes and goes...but not like a contraction would.
I lucked out and my sis in law saw that I was having shopping frustrations via a post I made on Facebook and she offered to help. She called her local Burlington Coat Factory (with the Baby Depot) and they held my crib set for her. She got there and then went to look around at the other thing things in the set and she said it must have been the last one!! She didn't even see where they would have had a spot for it. on the shelves. The only other thing they had in the line was the lamp which I ordered off of Amazon. I really would have liked to have the mobile that goes with the set but Oh well--Just glad I don't have to think of a new "theme." She will be up for my baby shower next month and bring the set with her. She even had a 20% off coupon and saved me 30ish dollars--but I gave her extra $$ in the check to pay her back to pay for her gas to go get it--it was local for her but still about an hour each way!!

I have had some "stabbing" like pains in what feels like it would be my cervix. Apparently he likes to kick me there because it goes away about as fast as it comes on but very uncomfy!! He is running out of room in there I think.

Can't wait to see/hear about the maternity shoot on Thursday Klein---have fun!!

Blakes- Wow, after a week overdo, I don't know if I'd want a homebirth anymore. I'd just want baby out!
With my old July Baby thread, I think 2 of the girls had their baby's early as well. I'm glad everyone in the October thread is doing well and healthy!
Gosh, you know, Sears seems to have the highest prices every time I price check there! I don't understand how they stay in business. What a relief to get your crib set though : ) That was very nice of SIL. I know it's hard once you have your heart and mind set on something, and then it ends up not working out. I sort of wish we could have got a new crib set for this LO, but it would have been extra money that I could have spent elsewhere.
I am going to Walmart today to pick up the changing pad I ordered. (I hate that place though). The only one around my house is so trashy : (

Cata- I'm glad you're okay from the earthquake and no damage, I assume. I live in a zone where only tornadoes could strike, and that never happens anyways.

Your showers sounded like a lot of fun! I'm sure it was a special time receiving one from your father's side, but of course they love you and would have one for you, you're family!

Clothing is always needed! And you looked great! :kiss:

Klein- maternity pics in the works! I hope the weather is fab on Thursday. I'm sure they'll be beautiful with your photographer's-mind and all : )
lol I'd be driving myself crazy waiting for my shower, but I know you'll get lots of nice stuff to fill baby's room up.
I've felt a few odd random cramps, but like Blake'sMom, they go away really fast. I had one this morning. It's not the baby kicking me either, it's just a small cramp feeling.
While we were out to eat this weekend though, I was sitting down and all of a sudden I was startled by baby... felt like she was trying to nestle into my low-low right tummy area with her hand. I almost jumped up. The reaction on my hubby's face- he probably thought my water broke or something. ha. And of course when I told him what it was he just didn't understand :haha:

I forgot to add that when I get up in the middle of the night, my lower back really hurts, and it's just harder to walk. Everything feels so heavy. But I noticed when I wake up for the day, and throughout the day, it's not nearly as bad as it is at night? Anyone else the same? I'm just grateful the day isn't bad... yet

I'll probably say this at least once a week from now on, but holymoly! The fact that my baby is due in "7 weeks 6 days", makes it sound so close! ahhhhh
morning ladies,
Glad to see everyone is doing well. Cata your babyshowers sounded awesome! Klein sometimes I do get crampy it almost feels like period cramps every once in awhile. I usually attribute it to not drinking enough water or being on my feet too much. Sitting down and drinking some makes it go away. My babyshower isnt until Oct 7, my mother is flying up for it so I'm excited to see her. Ugh I am so irritated with this Karate school situation. I THOUGHT it was taken care of as last month i didnt have a payment removed. But i checked my bank account yesterday and they took out another payment!! I just mailed my car payment check and my cable check and now I'm worried they're going to bounce! its stressing me out so now i have to call the bank and i guess go to the karate school. I thought the mother had taken care of this she was supposed to mail a copy of his transfer papers to them. But she probably didnt because she's pretty irresponsible like that. UGH! sorry i just had to rant. Anyway I have a doc appt today. Should be business as usual.
blakes-Yay! So glad she helped you out and found one...the last one! That's great.

Dahlia-My middle back down hurts. It seems to get worse as the day goes on and by the time I go to bed it's hard to get comfortable. I think it's the extra weight of the boobs and bump.
Too funny about DH's facial expression!
7 weeks does sound closer! For me not close enough lol but closer. For me I like to think 5-7 weeks sounds better. HAHA wishful thinking!

Dancing-That sucks. I was hoping that situation was resolved! So frustrated for you. Glad your shower is coming up. That's great your mom is going to be able to fly in too.

Guess it's almost time to start packing our hospital bags! (I secretly wish mine would pack itself lol)
Anyone started yet???
Just popping in to say hello :) I read that a few of you are feeling crampy type feelings. At my midwife appt today I stated I had some period type pains and I had some stabbing pains down low. She confirmed its because baby's head is 3/5ths engaged! The pain is due to that :) so that may be what you guys are experiencing too perhaps? It has meant my lower back is really achey at times too you see
GOSH DARNIT! I typed a bunch, then I accidentally reloaded the page. UGH!


Klein- I actually have started my H bag. I did so last week, but forgot to mention it. I will in fact be using a suitcase, because I figure it's easier to roll something around rather than carry it on your shoulders. All I have packed in it are 2 nursing bras, a nursing top, 2 pairs of snuggly socks, and my toiletry bag. I will add the rest when delivery time is closer. I am going to a thrift store today to actually look for some maternity pants and/or jogging suits. I need something warm that fits! It's gotten chilly here that past few days. I plan on packing a jogging suit into my H bag for my coming hope outfit, they are super comfy.

And also, I know as soon as some of you ladies have your showers you might have your baby's coming home outfit, but I've already picked mine out! I will take a pic and post it.

Dancing- How annoying that some people just aren't responsible : ( Sorry you're still dealing with that.
But as for your shower- it's coming up, and I'm sure you'll have a great time with your mom and family/friends. I take it you don't get to see her too often. Will she be able to visit after the birth as well?

Alandsa- That's great that baby is in position! Sorry for your back pain though. My MW didn't check if baby was head down last time, but I think from my next appointment on she will be. I also think that once my pubic bone starts feeling more pressure that I might be able to tell when baby engages.
Alandsa that's great about the baby's position. I can only hope that's the case with me. I doubt it though lol. I'm usually not that lucky!

Dahlia-I've started the list for the hospital bags. I'll be doing a rolling suitcase as well. Since my ob is 2 hrs away it will look like I'm moving in lol! So far my lists are divided as follows:
What to buy
What to pack now
What to pack last minute
Baby bag

I'm wrapping my head around it all lol. That's my start!

The weather got down cold last night. We've not turned the heat on yet but I did get chilly. I have 1 pair of maternity pants and I'm wearing them! I sincerely hope I don't have to buy any. Such a waste of money at this point!
Dahlai- she's planned to come up the day after my due date and stay for almost two weeks. Which will be a big help when Katrina comes. :baby:
Klein - Can't wait to see your pics!! I hope tomorrow is a wonderful day!
It is good that you are waiting until after the shower to buy stuff, I barely have to buy anything now :)

blakesmom - That's awesome that your SIL was able to help you our with the crib set! and how lucky of her getting the last one!

Dahlia - I remember a couple of months ago when a friend said: OMG!! I'll have my baby in 8 weeks! and I thought oh wow, I will never get there! and now 5 weeks and 5 days away it doesn't even feel real... So close yet so far lol

Dancing - Yes! both of my babyshowers were so much fun!! the memories are the best and I'm so happy, I cannot lie of course it was also a great help :D
I'm so sorry that you're still having to deal with the Karate school thiong not even being your fault, some people are really amazin, I hope it all resolves quickly for you .
How did the doctor's appointment go?

I have been in really bad pain, walking funny and all that stuff for the last week... Well I had an ultrasound yesterday and the sonographer asked if I was sure about my due date, I said yes and he said: umm I would make a bet right now with the doctor if it wasn't unprofessional
that this little guy will be out by next week!! I grabbed his arm LOL and asked: he will be here as in I'm giving birth? he laughed and said ummm that's pretty much how babies are born :p
Nathan is weighing 3300 grams. Then the doctor saw me and said baby is very big and he's worried about GD even when all my tests have been normal so I went for the glucose test this morning. I have to go back on Oct 3rd for another ultrasound and if baby is still growing as quickly then it will be a c-section that same day :(

I'm ready to be a mom at last, I just want him safe in my arms <3 I did pack my hospital bag already :) there is a belief in my country that the baby's coming home outfit must be yellow for good luck :) I really wanted a little brown bear pajamas that a friend gave me but everyone has been so sweet trying to get him the perfect yellow coming home outfit that I decided to used yellow that day on baby lol I hate it! better be super lucky hahahahahaha

Finally, I think I just had two contractions... I had to go #2 and instead of being constipated as usual it was ummm soft ( sorry for tmi girls) and then shortly after I felt like a really bad period pain that lasted for about a minute, then anothe one about 5 minutes after that and then they poofed LOL ah! I'm just so tired that I pray for contractions. The mind is powerful :D

It is a good thing that we are all cramping and achey, yay for our bodies getting ready for the big day!! <3 can't believe soon we will be posting baby pics!! :hugs:
Wow, I can't make decent posts... I'm sorry girls. This will probably be the only one LOL:blush:
Holy heck Cata! WOW! I had to break out the calculator to convert. So that's 7.27 lbs.
Now, I do have to tell you that although the sonographer can estimate the weight, it is not 100% accurate (lots of girls on here would agree that when their baby's weight was estimated, it wasn't truly as much). So, I do actually hope that Nathan weighs less than that!

I wonder how your glucose test will go. Good luck Cata!
Holy heck Cata! WOW! I had to break out the calculator to convert. So that's 7.27 lbs.
Now, I do have to tell you that although the sonographer can estimate the weight, it is not 100% accurate (lots of girls on here would agree that when their baby's weight was estimated, it wasn't truly as much). So, I do actually hope that Nathan weighs less than that!

I wonder how your glucose test will go. Good luck Cata!

I have heard many times about the weight not being accurate so I wasn't that worried, but then they also measured his limbs and tummy and said he was "a big fat baby" :dohh: I would really like them to be wrong :flower: I did read a while ago that for every kilo an obese woman gains during pregnancy, the possibilities of having a big baby increase by 20%... I have gained 10 kilos :cry: that's 22 pounds or so.

Anyway he seems to be very healthy and all, I'm just a bit sad because i was looking forward to a vaginal delivery and after yesterday it doesn't sound like I'll make it... he would be like 11 or 12 pound at 40 weeks if they leave him there that's what they said :shrug:

Thank you for the good luck... this last month I only gained 400 grams versus last month that I gained like 6 or 7 pounds, I have been taking care of myself... fingers crossed.

Oh! I'm planning to use cloth diapers and found a facebook coop... I'm happy :D

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