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November Rainbow Babies

I have an appointment with a diabetes specialist tomorrow early early am--not looking forward to it. I was having great numbers and ever since the weekend was over and I went to work on Monday I haven't been able to keep my numbers low. I have a fear that they will put me on medication tomorrow :cry:
I have an appointment with a diabetes specialist tomorrow early early am--not looking forward to it. I was having great numbers and ever since the weekend was over and I went to work on Monday I haven't been able to keep my numbers low. I have a fear that they will put me on medication tomorrow :cry:

I hope everything gets better... the main thing is that you are doing your best to take care of it, if your system need a bit of help then they will give it to you.

Good luck and keep us posted :hugs:
Aw Blakes, I know it sucks to hear that you might have to take some meds, but I think Cata said the perfect thing. At least you know it will help the situation. However, could you ask them if you could still trial your numbers for another week w/out meds?

Cata-Yes, I guess you're right, that if he does cook til 40 weeks then he might be too large. I hope it all works out in the best way possible for you and him though (F'x he's small enough for a vaginal birth though). It's great that you've been able to control the weight lately.
Oh I applaud you for choosing cloth diapers as well!
Thanks ladies and Cata you did word that perfectly--thank you!! I feel like I should be able to manage with diet and could probably stand to exercise daily like they want me to do also, but the specialist I saw today was kind in acknowledging my efforts and reassuring me that its not my fault my body isn't producing enough insulin. Instead of meds they gave me insulin and Dahlia the blessing of this is I can still try to manage on my own, and if I have a meal that sends me over then I have the insulin to bring levels down quickly. If I know I'm going to splurge (HELLO BABY SHOWER CAKE CAN'T BE SKIPPED!!)--_Then I can be prepared and take the insulin a head of time. LESS THAN 10 weeks---I can get thru this!!!
Blakesmom-Yes, you can get thru this!!!! Hang in there and good luck. Whatever fate may bring just roll with it the best you can. That's all you can do :)

Cata-That's a big baby lol. I do agree, don't get discouraged if you have to do a c-section as the bigger he gets the less of a chance of a vaginal birth. As long as he gets here safely you won't be disappointed in the end. Promise :)

I've felt really anxious in the past couple of days. Almost like I feel as if something is going to go wrong the closer I get. Has anyone else thought about this? I know I'm counting my blessings for making it this far but it seems as though my LO will NEVER get here safe and sound. So frustrating. It's sort of making me depressed. Instead of getting really excited I'm getting nervous and putting up walls emotionally, almost setting myself up for a fall. I feel similar to the way I felt in the first trimester...touch and go.
Ok emotional meltdown over for now...
Obviously thinking about the additional complications possible with the gestational diabetes has also left me feeling panicked and worried something could happen at the big day gets closer---can't wait til we have these babies in our arms :hugs:
Yes, I agree. Then at least we can worry about them in person for the rest of our lives!!! I know the worrying doesn't stop but it makes me feel so helpless when I can't do anything about it!!! Type A personality sucks! I want to control everything!!!
I was reminiscing about the fact that I've left my fears behind. I'm sorry you ladies are feeling that way. I still just can't believe I'll have another baby in this house in a few weeks.

Blakes, well now that you have a plan and "backup insulin", then you can rest assured that everything will be taken care of. \

Klein- how are your iron supplements coming along? Energy?
Dahlia - I still don't lose hope to have a vaginal delivery :) best friend ( I'm not sure if i should keep calling her that lol) makes fun of me because she says I am in denial of how painful it is to give birth
and that I will regret it! she is also expecting her first so I guess she's just too scared and I just have no idea of how much it will hurt LOL!
I managed to keep the weight under control by staying away from my friend, we go crazy when we are together.since this is my first child I hought if ther
I'm very excited about trying cloth, we will see how it goes, nathan being my first I will only care for him so hopefully we can make it.

blakes - I am so glad to know they helped you with the insulin :) shower cake definitely cannot be skipped!! we wait too long for it!! You're almost there and I'm sure you will do great with the GD.

Klein - To be honest I'm just a bit sad because my granny lives 5 hours away, Costa Rica being so small 5 hours is almost half a country and I reallhy want her to meet my son when he's a newborn. If I have a c-section then it will take longer for us to be able to visit her. But you are right,
as long as they get him out of his cave safe they can do whatever is necessary.
I sometimes worry a bit, and think what if I come home empty handed one more time? but then I just fight the scary thoughts away... preparing things for Nathan's arrival is keeping me distracted. I guess is only normal after all we have been through, glad our lo's are almost here!! less time to worry <3

I'm washing all of the newborn and small baby clothes and blankets I got... Happies laundry day of my life <3 I tried to find a natural detergent but apparently Costa Rica's ecological commitment is not as awesome as I thought :( I had to buy a Tide dye and odor free detergent that seems to be the closest to a simple detergent.
The lady at one of the stores said that costaricans normally don't buy these things as most use disposable diapers :shrug:
Maternity pics turned out great. When I have more time I will post a few. LO has been super active today and I'm pretty sure has changed positions. Haven't decided which end I think is up though lol. I am feeling better some today. Excited about going out of town til Sunday. Just wanted to drop by and tell everyone I hope you have a good weekend!
Can't wait to see the pics!! I have my photographer reserved for the 1st week in Nov. Thinking I'm big enough I could probably do it now tho!!
Aw I'm glad you're enjoying your washing Cata : ) I have to say that I too love washing baby clothes, folding them perfectly, and putting them into their drawers. It does make me happy!

Klein- Yes I can't wait to see them either! Have a wonderful weekend!

Blakes- You will be nice and round by then!
Blakesmom- The hardest thing I found about the maternity pics was my back hurt from the posing etc. I was wore out and stiff by the time we were done! Hopefully you'll do better than me...I think it's cause I'm getting OLD :) Also, did I miss what you found out at the doctor for the blood sugar?

Football game was amazing. DH and I had a terrific time together. I added it up and I've been in the car a total of 20 hours in the past 4 days. I mostly sat down during the game and I've had some swelling issues. I think it's all the sitting I've been doing.

My Melt Down---
I did have a pregnancy 'melt down' after the game. It was 2:00am when we got to a McDonalds (the ONLY thing open). I was swollen, tired and hungry....and I hate McDonalds and we waited for-ev-er!!!! DH and I stood in line inside for 20 minutes. They had 4 people working (which under usual circumstances at 2AM is fine) There were customers EVERYWHERE. Everyone left from the game, and were starving apparently. Anyway. Finally I just lost it. I threw my money on the counter, shouted I was done and stormed out the door in tears! Poor DH had to retrieve the cash and wait in line while the poor customers around him felt bad for him being with me I'm sure! He hit the 'unlock' so I could get in the car and waited patiently to order our food. While I was in the van sobbing uncontrollably, mascara running everywhere, me thinking I'm TIRED, HUNGRY, SWOLLEN, CRYING AND IT CAN'T GET WORSE--- MY NOSE STARTED GUSHING BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!! POOR DH CAME OUT TO THE CAR AND DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK! UGH! My chicken was BURNT and I ended up eating out of the vending machine with DH consoling me lol. As horrible as it felt at the time, the next day we had a good laugh about it! It was an experience to say the least haha!

Dr appt today-
Well the 4th doctor in a row has measured my belly, asked me the birth weights of my previous children (6lbs 10oz and 7lbs 2oz), then made a comment on how this baby will be bigger than the previous 2. I guess my facial expression changed when he said it b/c he said...bigger, not huge or anything just for sure bigger! Hmm... I go back in 2 weeks for my first internal exam, then weekly appts til delivery. YAY!!! Oh and baby is still head down. YAY!!!

B&B gives me a horrible time when trying to post pics...so I put them online at my studio site if anyone wants to take a look. There is a password it's 'babyklein' ---Oh and be warned, I am holding the girls in a pic lol. I haven't done the ARTSY editing to those pics yet...its on my to do list lol.
Klein your pics are absolutely gorgeous!! :happydance:

You have such a cute bump and a beautiful family too!!! :flower:

Loved the basketball ones :happydance: and also the all in white pics Oh my I loved all of them, awesome pictures! and thank you for sharing :hugs:

I'm sorry about your meltdown, I hate Mac Donalds too.

Yay for weekly appointments and getting closer and closer to the big day!!

My dog is driving me crazy!! he is so anxious that cries and licks theair for a least one hour before finally falling asleep :nope: he takes anxiety meds but I guess he's just too old and my pregnancy is driving him nuts. I know it sounds silly but I wish I could just tell him how much I love him and that I won't abandon him but he's deaf :cry:

How was everyone else's weekend?:flower:
Klein pics are amazing, I love the ones where you are in the white sheets - you look fabulous! Sorry about your meltdown - theres nothing worse than being tired and hungry :(

Cata - Sorry about your dog, I hope that at least he is able to find some comfort in your hugs xx
Good morning : )

Klein- oh my! Your pics are wonderful and your family is so adorable! I feel the love! You are a beautiful pregnant woman : )
Well that does sound like quite the meltdown. Sorry that happened. It was just late and you had a big day.

My 33 wk appt is in about an hour. I know that I'll have my 35 week appt next, then they'll do weekly starting at 36. I don't think they'll internally check me til 36 weeks.

Cata- poor puppy. I'm sure he knows you love him. Just give him some cuddles.

My weekend was alright. Made and hung the curtains in the baby's room. Visited my brother and his GF. She is opening up an Etsy shop with modified t-shirts, and asked if I wanted to put some hats in there, so I will try to make some for that.
I plan on going to the craft store and buying a black t-shirt that I will paint a pumpkin on for Halloween. I will wear it for DD's classroom Halloween party as well as trick or treating so I can look somewhat festive. I'm just wondering how it will look weird since I know they don't carry maternity tshirts lol.

Is anyone else going to wear anything festive on Halloween?
:flower: Thanks ladies. I love the pics as well and I'm glad they are done with lol. I've got to pick one or two to print out to have at the shower.

Thanks for reading that big long post with my vent too lol! :hugs:

Cata-Aw your poor doggy. I hate it when they sense something isn't right. They are so much smarter than some people give them credit for. I think when the baby gets here he'll put it all together and know he's not left out.

Dahlia- Hope you have a great appt. Will they do your strep b test at your next appt? They did mention that they were doing mine then and an internal. You may get lucky and they do that too. I know they are likely not to see any progress or anything but it's still exciting to know it's almost internal time!!! I don't know how a nonmaternity shirt will look on. It will be cute with a pumpkin on it and perfect for the DD's party at school.

I haven't gave any thought to Halloween this year! OMG, I guess I need to plan a day to take the kids to the store to pick out costumes. The kids came up with a costume for the baby (likely not to be here but they are still hoping lol) they want to put it in an angry bird costume.:haha: I think it's a hilarious idea...if baby klein makes an early arrival we will try to find one on the fly!

I'm lazy and cheap at this point. I need to find something to wear to my shower and I'm going to try on a cute top that I wore to DD's shower 8 years ago lol! Is that really bad??? :shrug: I don't even know if I can get into it bc I was only 28 weeks when I had her shower and I'm alot further along and alot bigger this go round! I hate to buy things this late in the game. :growlmad:
Klein LOVE LOVE LOVE your pics--I want to move mine up soooo bad now!! I don't want to be huge, puffy, and miserable in mine--you are gorgeous!!

At my appointment on Thursday they were satisfied with my food/carb counting over the days before. They did give me Insulin as I didn't have many days with elevated levels, so rather than taking a daily pill I have the insulin if I have a high reading and need to bring it down quickly. So far I did 1 dose in the office so they could show me how to use it, and then I did 1 dose on Friday morning as my levels were high, and now I've just totally cut my carbs back to hardly any and haven't needed to do it again. I'm hoping they don't get made for cutting back too much at my follow up this Thursday---I will keep you all posted.

I'm also getting excited for my shower--just a few more weeks!!
hey everybody. todays FINALLY the day im having this granuloma removed. and good riddance! yesterday in the shower it opened up and poured blood and would not stop! i soaked through a paper towel and the bandaids would not hold the blood. cant wait to have it removed!:thumbup:
Dancing- I was just thinking about that yesterday and was going to ask how things had went, but obviously today is the day. Good riddance is right! Hope it all goes smoothly for you!

Klein- funny thing was that when I went to the craft store they had a navy maternity shirt on clearance for $3 and I was going to but it! except they didn't have it in their "system" anymore, so it was unsellable. But I was so surprised to find one there! I ended up getting a fitted black tank top and an iron-on glitter pumpkin and some orange fabric paint to decorate it.
lol, my DH loves playing Angry Birds. It's a little ridiculous. DD want to be Daphne from Scooby, or a Vampire.
As for your shirt, hey if it's still cute then go for it! Target might have some good clearance on maternity. At mine some of the stuff is 70% off, so might want to check there.

Blakes- cutting our carbs must be super hard :flower: I applaud you! But you gotta do what you gotta do, right? I hope you're able to find some yummy recipes for food that will combat your cravings : )
Did you get a shower outfit yet?

Well, I had a terrible dream last night. I was in the back of my mother's minivan (we were on some sort of road trip) and I gave birth to Savannah! She was so beautiful with a nice head of hair, but she ended up passing away since we were in the middle of nowhere and the ambulance didn't come in time. I was holding her on my chest walking around with her asking for someone to help me, but everyone was just like "oh, that's sad" and didn't do anything. The emotion I felt was so intense, it just makes me love her so much more now. And the fact that got a glimpse of what she "looks" like, made my connection to her more as well.
Anyways, onto more happy things- my appt went well yesterday. Baby is head down, with her back facing my tummy. And yes Klein, I guess they will be doing a strep B test at my 35 week appt. so they'll have to look in there lol. Looking back, I hated when they had to check me, it gets uncomfortable!

Cata- will you be getting a group strep B test done?

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