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November Rainbow Babies

Had my ultrasound this afternoon and all is looking good!! He is head down and had better stay that way!! Also met with the "nurse educator" at the diabetes office and she was VERY pleased with my numbers and monitoring and said I can back down to testing just 2x/day which I've been doing on average 6 testing each day so my fingers are thankful for that. She also told me to enjoy my baby shower cake which I fully intend to do--she didn't think I would need insulin before eating it and if I need it after it will probably just be a few units so NBD. Dahlia I hope the "swab" wasn't too bad. I didn't make it to testing time with Blake as I had him early, and this time they already detected it in my urine so will just preventively treatment at the time of delivery--I wasn't too sad about not being "tested."


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Cata-Wow lots of activity happening with you! Earthquakes, baby on the way! Can't wait to see when your LO arrives. Could be before or after Wednesday!!!

Blakes-So glad everything looks great. Love your new pic!!! Baby looks a lot like Blake IMO! Enjoy your cake!!!

Dahlia-Once she gets here I'm sure DD will adjust just fine and be a great big sis. I think sometimes they do better in real time and not talking about it...if that makes sense at all! It sounded good in my head lol.

Nothing new with me. Same ole same ole. House is a wreck, need to clean it. Need to do laundry. Ugh, guess I'll get started on that in a bit. Next appt for me is Monday. I just feel sorta blah. Hope everyone has an awesome rest of the weekend.
He appears to have Blake's same cute little button nose which I just want to kiss!! Looking forward to the shower tomorrow. Got a new top today but haven't tried it on--hoping it will fit, It's a large and I normally wear a small or medium--I figure at this point better to be too big than too small and it was only $7.99 so really not too much of a loss if it doesn't end up fitting. I will post a pic or two tomorrow if I can!!
Dahlia - I wish I was in labor already! LOL
4 more weeks until your dd! yay! time is going by so fast now it´s crazy.

We do get used to earthquakes in Costa Rica, I remember my mom used to make it as a game to run to the safe zone in our house when I was little. But to be honest with this Mayan prediction thing I´m not liking them much anymore.

Glad everything went well in your appt!!

blakesmom - That is such a cute us pic!! I was told it was too late after 32 weeks to get a clear pic but I see now I´ve been ricked! meh! next time I guess.
That is awesome that your levels are better, I´m sure your finger is grateful too!

Hope you are enjoying your baby shower!

Klein - Sometimes I feel weird pains and this unbelievable pressure on mycervix and I´m all: Ok baby bring it on!! but nothing happens :( my so called best friend makes fun of me because I still have faith he will come out on his own and I won´t have tohave the c-section but oh well... we will see.
I hope your cleaning time goes quickly... I hate cleaning.

My dad decided to pay someone to fumigate our house yesterday. We were out for 4 hours and the dogs at the groomer but my poor pooch still got sick last night so I took him upstairs and we had to sleep there, thank goodness he´s better now. Today I was cleaning the kitchen with my brother for hours!! and guess where my 18 w pregnant SIL was? LAYING IN BED!!
I texted my dad with lots of profanity to tell him what was going on just because I wanted to get it off my chest but told my brother anyway after like 4 hours of cleaning cabinets and washing dishes. I can see trouble coming girls, how will it be when she´s 30 weeks? they need a maid grrrrrr.

I asked my doctor about the strep b test and he seemed surprised that I knew, then he said: ummm we don´t have the tobes t store the swab so atm the hospital is not doing it, you will have to pay for it, but hurry because you´re out of time. :( I´m out of words.

Had to order a new laptop charger and well it may take more than a week for it to get here, lol my dad´s computer is like an old typing machine.

Lots of love ladies :) hope everything is ok with all of you!
Blakes- What a great U/S pic, I think it's so awesome you had that opportunity.
So about the Group B, they saw you had it through a urine samp?
I can't wait to see a shower pic! Hope it was wonderful!

Klein- Yeah, I think DD just can't comprehend what it means to have a baby around.

Cata-Ugh, I'd be disappointed with SIL. Do you think your brother will maybe have a work with her. It is important to pull your weight around the house. I mean she's not on bed-rest or anything.
That's weird about the test, I'm sorry they can't offer it to you at this time : (

This weekend I've been getting overwhelmed. I feel like I did a lot of cleaning a week ago, and I wish things would stay clean! So basically, I'm saving myself the deep cleaning until about 2 weeks from now, because I just need a break. (But who am I kidding- I'll probably be back to cleaning tomorrow)
-small rant*DH has been driving me up a wall with his snoring, and sounds he makes when he sleeps. Sorry, but it annoys the s*** outta me :grr: How am I supposed to get any sleep when I have to keep telling him to keep it down.
Cata--I think you may have been tricked--of course we couldn't see LO in one whole shot--it was only what would fit on the screen--head shot, toe shot, potty shot, etc. but VERY clear. I had a late ultrasound with Blake just 2 days before I had him and it was just like a photo of him!! That was @ 36 weeks.

Baby shower was great--I haven't uploaded my photos yet will be sure to do that tomorrow night. SIL was my photog and was at a HORRIBLE angle--grrr but got a few good photos. The cake was PERFECT and tasty, but my Blood sugar levels were OUT OF CONTROL--ok maybe not that bad, but crazy weird so it's good that I know not to do that too often and stick with the crazy low carb thing---blah

Dahlia--yeah my midwife said since those areas are so close it can be present in your urinary tract and show up in a urine sample. She said its a small infection that doesn't need treatment but they will preventatively do the antibiotics during delivery to protect baby---I should probably ask more questions, but tend to just go along with whatever they tell me :doh: My DH has complained about me snoring a few times in the last few weeks--apparently that is annoying--sorry your DH is keeping you up, but I must say he isn't doing it on purpose and probably just doesn't realize he is doing it--have you thought about getting some or those OTC breath right strips or anything??
Dahlia-I hate my DH's snoring. I don't have any solutions to offer you :( About a week ago I asked my DH if he slept good last night. He said yea I guess so why. I said I'd be surprised...I kept having to hit you to get you to change positions so you'd stop snoring. I'd hit him, he'd stop for like 10 seconds then I'd have to hit him again! Seems like its worse when he sleeps on his back!

Blakesmom-So glad you had a good shower!

Cata-I can partially relate to the cleaning. So sorry you didn't have alot of help.

So...I was going to clean house yesterday. My son came in and told me that there were ants everywhere in the kitchen cabinets. Now, I've lived several places and I've had this house for 9 years and NEVER have I had ants!!! ((not to mention I just paid $75.00 to have the house sprayed LAST TUESDAY.)) The man did an awesome job. I have no idea where these ants came from...couldn't see a trail from any windows or doors...it was as if they just appeared from behind the cabinets on a side of the kitchen that didn't have the sink or anything on it. OMG. It was horrible. Had to get everything out of the cabinets, spray, clean, repeat...over and over again. I left a message on the bug guy's answering machine. He's sprayed our house for the 9 years we've been here. I know he will come out and spray again. My kitchen and house is turned upside down...more than it was before. Might I add there are still strays...its like they keep coming. Ugh, its horrible!

Dr appt today. Will take all of my day until time to get the kids from school. No time for kitchen or ants until I get back.
Blakes- Yay for your shower! I'm glad it was a success. Any favorite items? And hey, all you need are a few good pics for a scrapbook, and all the rest will be in your memories : )
And I am inclined to get some Breathe Right Strips for him now. It's always been an issue since we've been married, but I usually have to ask him to roll over on his SIDE, and that'll usually fix it. Except now, he is doing this moan/sigh sound as he sleeps, and I know darn well a Breathe Right can't fix that! ha. I looked it up and it could be a sign of stress, but I asked him if he was stressed (probably due to a new baby coming in a few weeks!) and he said he wasn't. And that reminds me, how are all of our OH's doing with the reality of a new baby coming? My DH seems okay with it. He gets exited, and every time I tell him the new amount of days he says "Holy crap." We joke about how close it is. He asked me yesterday if we could tell DD what we want to name baby, I said no way! I didn't keep it in for all these months just for her to accidentally let the cat out of the bag. I don't think he understood that I wanted to wait until baby is physically here to announce the name. He thought maybe we'd tell people near the end. But nope!

LOL Klein- you made me laugh with the snoring bit. ThX : ) It's always worse on their back.
Oh no, I feel bad about the ants! I hate lil pests. In the summer, our whole neighborhood has a few rats that like to hang around. I literally have nightmares and get anxiety because of it. This summer I had a ragged sickly rat that was by my front porch and wouldn't fricken move! DH had to trap it and bring it to a dumpster to dispose of. It was about ready to die. Seeing as how your "exterminator" is familiar with you all, I'm sure he'll figure out the problem. He will be re-spraying free of charge right?
Did you get a check to see if you're dilated any?
It's kinda crazy because anything can happen in these next few weeks for us. One of us could be pleasantly surprised to hear that we're in early labor or something at one of our appointments.

*edit* Cata- Can you see how much the Strep B test would be? Could you possibly ask Nathan's father for the funds? From what I've read it's pretty important to catch it if it's there. And I'm not trying to pressure you, it's only because I care about you and baby! : )

Well, last night 11 pm I woke up to the TV turning on and off. Apparently there was a storm, and the power kept going in and out. And of course I was the one to get up and make sure all large items were unplugged, for fear of them blowing up! DH was fast asleep in dream land ; ) I swear I am the man of the house sometimes.
So I called and they said power might not be restored until 11 pm tonight. Thankfully it turned back on around 11 am, and I didn't have to worry about my refrigerator and freezer being screwed up. SO I'm thankful I don't have that for a headache.

For the past few days I have been getting these, what can be described as "electrifying cervical pains." It will only last a few seconds, but it stuns me so much that I have to hold the area right above my pubic hairline for sanity. I never had these or BH for that matter with DD. But it goes to show you how different a second or consecutive pregnancy can be. I googled it and it could be the cervix shortening, just readying myself for labor.
I have a MW appt tomorrow so I'll ask her what the deal is.

That's about it. DD has the day of from school and I'm watching my nephew later. And guess what? I'm feeling the need to clean again. What'd I tell ya? :haha:
Dahlia-Eww gross about the rats. We get an occasional one every few years too. Our neighborhood has fields all around it so I guess its to be expected. He will come and spray again free of charge. His wife called me back and said she guesses when he sprayed Tuesday under the house he must of cut off a trail of them and the strays rerouted and appeared in the kitchen...lucky me lol.
Good thing your power came back on! I hate cleaning out the fridge/freezer and wasting all of that food!
Your pains sound really painful!! Good to know your body is getting ready though!
Your need to clean needs to rub off on me!!!

Quick dr visit for me. Got my results back from group b strep. It was negative so that's a plus I guess. No cervical change since last week so still a fingertip dilated :( Was sorta hoping for a bit more lol. Dr did say he was checking to see if the baby was head down and yes he could feel the head and its head down. If they can feel that...how low is the baby then??? He did it when he was doing my internal so one would think he could actually touch whatever he was feeling for? Anyone have any ideas? My wishful thinking is maybe baby is getting lower...who knows though!

DH is so excited. We pass by the nursery door on the way to DD's room. When we went to tuck her in last night he took a detour to the nursery door, turned on the light and said...nope, still no baby. He used his little kid pout voice and it was cute lol.

I popped in on the October Rainbow thread and they are literally popping out left and right! Can't wait til its our turn!!!! SOOO stinking close!!!

Cata-How you feeling? Is it a for sure on Wednesday???
Dahlia--I would say my favorite gifts were the swing, and the diaper bag--but of course all things big and small were special and will be his own rather than hand me downs from Blake!! I think DH is feeling it's getting close now--especially after the ultrasound on Friday. I just wish that he would be inclined to save more money as we are getting closer--this weekend he went out and bought a new gun--I feel like something like that should be discussed before it is down---I didn't even ask how much it was--he did a side job last weekend so it was "his" money--but seriously?? I'm worried about how to pay the bills each month and he just blows money as fast as he can make it---so frustrating! I also have been getting occasional shooting pains in my cervix--makes since that it could be from it shortening.

Klein that is so sweet DH is getting excited for Baby and peeking into the nursery!! We will pass by ours going into our room--can't wait to FINALLY get it organized this weekend. I'm off from Thurs-Tuesday!!
Oops forgot to post the shower pics!!


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aww lovely pics Blakesmom! you are looking fab! :)

Dahlia - the pains sound promising! Are they like stabbing pains that you feel go up inside you? I had the occasional one or two of these that felt like they were going up inside my vagina like sharp pains but wouldnt last long.
Blakesmom-Yay for getting nursery organized. I've been slowly working on ours. I'll try to remember to post pics soon. Love your shower pics. You look great! As for the man issue. No comment. Too bad they can't be as smart as us women. One of their many faults I suppose lol! We still manage to love them anyway even though they can drive us nutty!!!

Nothing new. Bug man came and gave the kitchen a good spraying. Said if I have anymore issues to save some ants and call him lol. I don't have time to put the kitchen back today...will try to get that done tomorrow. House is STILL a wreck. I can't stand looking at it like this it truly depresses me! I can't really ask for help...no one does it like I do lol. Seems like my energy level is down this week from last. Sucks, I have a ton of things to do!
Hello ladies,

My charger hasn´t arrived yet so I´ve been sitting at my dad´s pc for 15 minutes to be able to open B&B LOL

Talking to my brother about my lazy SIL has no effect as he is the one that wants her laying down doing nothing all the time :wacko:

Regarding the test I haven`t even been able to find a lab that will do it for me, a couple didn´t even know what I was talking about :cry: FOB is so useless he reads my messages and ignores them :coffee: but I do have like 200$ so I just need to find a place to do it, my doctor said it was important if I could do it to do it and I have read about it a lot, I am afraid that Im running out of time tho.

Dahlia I can relate to those pains but in my case pain means nothing apparently :wacko:

Klein- That sucks that you have to clean up all over again but better now than after baby arrives :flower: glad to know your ppt went well.

blakesmom - Your shower pics are lovely :happydance: that cake is so pretty! and looks so yummy too :dance: that´s great that you enjoyed your shower.

I feel like I´m about to explode any minute, Nathan´s bum seems to be a big ball I feel at the left side of my bump, he must be too big now that´s my only guess.

Also I made a mistake and my appointment is on Thursday :cry: at this point I just want them to admit me and do whatever they have to do to put my baby in my arms, I love being pregnant but this is out of control now lol.

Funny note of the day: I seem to have a weird attraction for loosers, and not any kind of loosers, stupid loosers :dohh:
Roy, the guy I saw less than 2 weeks ago posted on his FB a pic of him with a pretty girl, I thought that was fine until I saw his hand grabbing her a** :nope: he wrote: what do you guys think? :shrug: So I had a pretty miserable morning but after an extra shower in the afternoon and some ceviche I felt a bit better. I´m about to be a mom now and that is more important than anything else :winkwink:

Oh! I´ve been staying on the room we have on the second floor, terrified of the stairs but hoping going up and down all day will help a bit :haha:

Lots of hugs to all of you. I´ll come back on Thursday if nothing happens, let´s hope they admit me that day tho.
Klein- Ants are gone I hope! Now you can focus on more important things, besides pests! : )
I had my appointment and was expecting to get a check, but the midwife said it wasn't necessary right now, unless I really wanted to know, or felt like something was happening down there. I said that starting at 38 weeks I'd like to get checked then, because I'll want to know how dilated I am before I start actual labor. With the baby's head thing, maybe when they internally check for dilation, they can feel a bulge down there (more so than normal) and that's how they know baby is head down and resting on cervix??? idk just a guess
I told the MW about my pains, and she said it's baby moving around on a nerve. The pain does coincide with baby movement, so that makes sense. I feel like baby is moving more than she ever has before lol. But I expect that to slow down the next few weeks, or maybe even days.

I found DH sitting in baby's rocking chair a few weeks back. It was nice to see him connect like that : )

Blakes- one more day of work for you! That should be a really nice break! What was your name choice again?
I can't wait to use my swing this time around.
I'm with you on the discussing of bigger buys. I get that it was his money, but it is nice to say "oh hey, i want to buy a new gun."
Your shower cake is looking yummy! How adorable! And you look awesome!

Alandsa- yes that's exactly what the pains were. Sometimes I feel baby start moving down there and I think "oh no, is another coming?" But I haven't had one since two days ago.

Cata- oh no for your brother : ( IMO he should realize that you're the one that needs a break now. Maybe when Nathan is here, he'll see that "someone else" needs to start helping around the house more.
Well here's to hoping you can find a place to test, even though it is getting rather close!

Well at least Roy showed his true colors before you invested anymore time into him.

The stairs might help! Good luck at your appointment tomorrow! Hugs!
hey girls, appt time for me today. They are supposed to do an internal exam today so two nights ago i "cleaned up" down there. lol it was particularly difficult to do but i managed. My ankles have been swelling alot lately. i guess its cuz i work on my feet every day because thats when they are the worst. they look like cankles lol except my calves arent that fat so its just fat ankles (fankles?) anyway nothing to do about that until she's born i guess.
Dancing I totally LOL'd at the fankles!! My shoes have been leaving pretty good indents by the end of the day--so sexy!!

Dhalia--It will be Lukas or Lucas William--DH doesn't like the "k" but I think it makes it look better--we shall see who wins the spelling battle!!
Lol Dancing! My doc checks for fankles as well. I swell just a tiny bit, and usually you can only tell from my sock line if I wear them that day. 1 cm yeah! How was it when they checked? Uncomfortable? It's hard to see under my belly for trimming reasons as well. I'll probably trim up in 2 weeks, then on Labor Day as well

Blake's- ok ill add the name(s) to the page!
the only uncomfortable part was when she swabbed me for group b strep. but checking my cervix really didnt bother me. later that night i felt like menstrual cramps but im just assuming its my body's version of braxton hicks because i dont get the whole belly tightening feeling.

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