November Rainbows 2016

No I just got a mad notion this eve to try the hand pump :)
I'm grand.
Just wont keep doing it just yet
Just in case
Il let it till 37 weeks
Then pump away :)
Pretty sure its fine unless ur at risk of prem labour
I've no risk factors for it
Or history of it.
Thanks xx
Hope your feeling ok today lilesmom!

How's the holiday going lucusmum, hope Lucus is having a great time!

Hope all is well Lynanne.

I have tonsillitis. Well everyone in my house does. Explains why I was so ill yesterday. I feel even worse today. Really annoyed as when Aurora was having her operation last week the boy in the bed next to her had severe tonsillitis and was waiting to have his tonsils out. I was worried as I didn't want to catch it and the nurse said 'I was being silly and as I wouldnt'. Clearly she was wrong :(
Oh no.
I used to get it all the time as a kid
Its awful.
Anytime anyone in our house got it
All the kids did.
But Drs used to tell us it wasn't contagious.
Bit weird we all got it then
Hope ye r better soon.
I'm good thanks.
Mr squish home today so busier :)
We were out first half the day.
Both had food and a snooze for an hour
Lovely day cos Mr in good form
They keep saying it's not contagious, but everyone in the house has it. Just waiting to find out if it viral or bacterial, if it's bacterial they will treat us all. If viral then they won't. I will have to be kept separate in a different room if I go into labour and DH won't be allowed into the birth ward should I go into labour. So fingers crossed Henry stays put for a few days.

Awwww I'm glad your little man is good today :) how's he getting on in nursery?
I didn't realise it would change your labour plans.
Stay put henry xxx
How do they check if bacterial?
Hope its whichever is the most treatable xxx
He loves it
Took to it so fast and so well
I'm delighted by how much he likes it
I get a guiltfree break cos i know he is happy
His teacher and sna s r lovely.
The whole thing is great.
Was saying to my mom this eve how lucky we were to get him in there .
Its really well done
With all his services in it too,
Physio, ot , slt etc.
Its great.
We landed on our feet when we got transferred down there.
Yea they took a swab earlier. Should hear by the morning if we need antibiotics. I'm thinking we won't because the boy in the hospital had viral so I'm thinking we have the same. Only need 48 hours and then things will go back to normal so just need Henry in for 2 days.

That's so lovely that he's so happy. Must be so nice for you to get a break too. And lovely bonding time for when your little miss arrives too :)
I think I'm just being overly paranoid but I feel like wee guy has been quiet today. He's still moving, especially when I prod at him, but not as much. I'm wondering how much of this is really just my anxiety after getting this far when I never thought I would. Monday he was fairly quiet, yesterday he was all over the place, partying hard and then today he's back to being quiet. It's doing nothing for my nerves. I hope he's okay.

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so I guess I can always raise it then. That being said, I feel as though my midwife is majorly scatterbrained and only interested in getting through the appointment as quickly as possible. Ugh.

I've got horrible heartburn too which is not fun at all. I cant wait until he is here and I don't have to deal with this burn in my chest/throat. Nightmare!
If your concerned it's best to get checked Lynanne. Although for me I do notice my babies always Become a little less active in the last few weeks. I guess it's lack of room. But they still move, just doesn't feel as strong or as often. I guess it's just weather you think he's moving a lot less and it's something your worried about. For me I know it's normal. Honestly though they will just pop you on the monitors if you are worried. It's no big deal.

Aren't you 37 weeks today?? If so Yey for term!!!
I dont think I am worried as he is still moving, just less than normal. I think I'm just worrying unnecessarily because I never thought I would get this far and now that I am so close I am beyond terrified of something going wrong. I hope that he's just resting up a bit more to be born soon!

Yup, 37 weeks today!
That's totally understandable. I still feel the same. You just wait for it to be taken away from you. But honestly if it starts worrying you then don't hesitate. I usually find the midwives are lovely and happy to put on the monitors for peace of mind.

Happy 37 weeks! It's such a great milestone.
Now that I've mentioned it he is kicking up a storm. I swear this little boy is just trying to make me worry for no reason. Probably thinks his mum is a major over reactor! :haha:

I've spent the day with my sister and niece which has been nice and relaxed. DH just arrived as my niece woke up. She took one look at him and burst into tears! Poor little thing hadn't properly woken up and for some reason seeing her uncle spooked her. Poor DH is going to get a complex! I felt so bad but I couldn't stop laughing!
Awww bless. That happens a lot to us if dh comes home before aurora wakes up. When she gets up from her nap then she's always a bit spooked and cries when she sees him. It's like 'you werent there when I fell asleep'. Poor DH. She's such a daddies girl the rest of the time. I find it funny like you though. He does look a right state when he gets home, no wonder why she cries :rofl:
Glad he is moving away again Lynanne
I hate when they worry us like that
Little missy quiet today too
Except for trying to borrow her way out the base of my tummy all day
She is curled in a ball at bottom of my tummy
The pressure is seriously on!!
Her head is off off centre though
So she is going nowhere
Feel like someone kicked me in the vjj repeatedly though all day.

Henry stay put for ur momma for 2 days xxx
We hve gone from come on out to stay put
We will confuse him :)
Did u sort out someone to mind the kids
U were wondering over that earlier? Xxx

Had training thing about how to manage bad behaviour tonight
Run by our sons school.
Was pretty informative
Gave us some pitfalls to avoid for later :)
I'm leaking something
But not sure if its anything to be checked or not.
Was enough to drip on bathroom floor this morn
But I did need to pee too.
It was kind of gurgly though after.
She was doing some really weird stuff yest too.
Not sure if just watch and wait
Or ring um.
Think I might watch and wait a little
Id be soo embarrassed if I went up
And they were like nope u peed yourself :)
That's great they they offered that, sounds like a great school!

Oh no. Did you decide to get it checked out or not?
Lying down for a bit with a pad on
If more when I get up
I'll hve to go get checked
I've a sneaky suspicion its not pee
I had lots of downward pain and pressure all day test.
Also tmi but had a big bm clear out with back pain this morn too
I know I said I was done
But I didn't really mean it.
She could do with another 2 weeks r so yet
I really hope it's not waters. Will keep my fingers crossed for you hun.
I hope it isn't waters, lilesmom, and she'll stay put for a few more weeks! Get it checked out if you are worried though. Always better safe than sorry - even if you did only pee yourself!!

Had my midwife appointment this morning and everything seems to be grand with baby boy which is such a relief. I swear I'm getting more paranoid the closer I get to my due date. I think I'm just simply terrified of something going wrong now after getting so far. Bump measuring 36cm but midwife did say it's probably because he's dropped down a bit. Not that the measurements particularly worry me, I know that they aren't always the most accurate.

He's also still head down and in the "optimal position" at the moment which is nice to know. Gives me even just a little hope that I might not be made to wait around too long although I know nothing can be taken for granted. She's written that he is "5/5, fixed at brim" on my notes which, from research online seems contradictory as apparently 5/5 means free? :shrug: His heartbeat was between 150-160 but we think that's only because he took objection to having his head squeezed while she was checking his position :haha:

As for me, my BP is apparently low at 90/60 but I'm not dizzy or anything so she wasn't too concerned. Maybe I'm just feeling super chill today!

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