November Rainbows 2016

Morning ladies hope your all well. Any babies born during the night???? I'm constantly checking!
Nope here
Still snug as,a bug :)
And will prob remain so till evicted :)
I do get pains sometimes
But only very random few
My body is prepping
But very slowly so think it prob won't get there before Drs do
But I'm grand cos I know I cant go over
Not even going to due date
I'm potentially cutting 15 days off
If I would hve gone over due
So no fear of me :)

Glad little henry is making progress
Small steps all add up to a giant one in the end
So sorry ye had to go through this though.

I'm hoping my chat distracts u
Rather than think I'm blathering on while your struggling xxx
If you know what I mean
Sorry to hear ye r both in pain girls.
But its all work ye wont half to do later
Its like the study before the exam.

Lynanne u will do great hon.
Nobody knows what contractions feel like before hand
And they r different for different people.
When I was being induced and getting to 4 cm
Like prelabour
I asked nurse am I in labour now
She kind of smiled
And said no not properly yet.
I was a bit put out and was like how can u tell?
She said she just could
She was so right
Your whole demeanor and face and attitude changes in labour
Well mine did anyway
U get very focused and blank out the surroundings
You will know hon.
If u can do normal stuff and talk your not in proper labour yet

That's my best vague description of mine anyway
Someone else might be a le to better describe it
Once again it's a dwindled to nothing apart from back ache this morning did kinda wonder last night if something may happen though obviously not! Does anyone get sharp stabbing pains in their bump remember having a few before now near my belly button but last night they were pretty intense but very localised to the one area, seeing the midwife today so I'll mention it, it's almost like something inside is ripping I do have a lot of old scar tissue in that area so could be that I suppose :thumbup:
Yeah I do.
When she headbutts my ligaments down in the left hand side of base of tummy
Hurts like hell,
Almost like a cutting pain
I think its linked to my spd pain
Cos its left side is most affected on me
Think all my muscles on that side r weak and sore anyway
Her pressure just aggravates it
Dont be silly lilesmom. I'm grateful for all the support. It means a lot to me.

How long is it left for you now lilesmom? I'm so excited for you!

Lynanne it's so hard on your first but honestly I know you have have probably heard it a million times but you will just know when your in labour. I can't be too helpful as my labours are different to most people's, I seem to give birth in record times but it is true that once your having proper contractions you can't think or focus on anything else. No point telling you it's going to hurt as you already know but for me just thinking that every contraction brings you closer to meeting your baby really helped me. Also breathing, I've never tried it before but those long controlled breathes made things a lot calmer for me.

I had them lucusmum in the last two weeks. They scared me but triage said it was normal. Sometimes they hurt so much. Not sure what causes them as only had them with aurora and Henry, on my first I didn't get any at all.
2 weeks Monday eeekkkk
I've finally gotten to the wanting to savour my last few days of preg
I've turned down my pace a lot.
I'm resting more
I honestly just kind of hve to
And I feel a bit better for it
I've only 8 more playschool days till baby :)
I'm glad my projects are at an end
So I feel like I can sit back for a bit.
I get pain in the middle of the bump when turning in bed
It does feel like ripping
Sometimes the muscles can over seperate there from all the belly stretching
Just hoping it all goes back to normal after
I always hve mild back pain
But preg ramps it up big time
I know that you ladies are right. When labour does start I'll know. It's just the waiting that's getting to me, every slight cramp or twinge or tightening has me wondering if it's beginning. But no, I'm still here waiting! I will say that nesting 100% kicked in this morning though. I've tidied my hall, his room, our bedroom and the living room. I even went as far as to clear out some of the units in my living room, dusted and disinfected all the surfaces - including the door! I've still to do the dishes, clean the bathroom and the kitchen but that can wait just now. Also, really need to hoover but we bought a new one online last week and are still waiting for it to arrive. I refuse to use the old one as the dog is shedding like crazy (winter coat time) and the suction in the old one isn't great.

My back is a little achy and I can feel very light cramps in my lower bump but I bet a lot of that has to do with the non stop cleaning for about three hours! Oh well, I do love a clean house, it puts me in such a nice mental state, and now I can pretty much relax for the rest of the day which is nice!

How is Henry doing, maryanne? How are you holding up? Don't worry about posting about him here - that's exactly what we are here for! We may all be virtually strangers to one another but I certainly care about all of you and your families!

How are the pains today, lucasmum? I almost thought it might be the start of something for me too last night but nope! These babies sure like to keep us guessing!

Lilesmom, I don't tend to get bump pain in bed but the pelvic pain when turning over is crazy. I hope it disappears pretty quickly after LO appears!
Just back from the midwife she seems to think some sort of nerve pain and I tend to agree I have a lot of nerve damage in my stomach and where things are all stretched outta shape and place it's probably just from that makes sense I suppose :flower:

Also from last weeks appointment when the head was free we are now 4/5's engaged I'm right in thinking that's nearly fully engaged aren't I and it doesn't count the other way no wonder the last week sitting has been uncomfortable.

Got to start hand expressing colostrum ready for my induction I put it off last week as I wasn't sure what I was doing but she explained all fully and I feel ready to go with it now :flower:

How's our gorgeous little Henry this afternoon and his gorgeous mummy doing :hugs:
Hurry up ladies!!! I'm getting impatient lol.

He's ok. Making progress which is good. I'm meant to be going home to get some sleep tomorrow and to have a shower, DH will take over but I dont think I can cope with leaving him at the moment.
Lynanne that made me tired reading it :)
Good on ya.
Def nesting xxx
I had a 1.5 hr sleep while mouse at playschool today
Just had a snooze with him there now too
Despite actually sleeping pretty well last night!!
I'm hibernating :)
Hope ur new hoover comes soon
When the urge is on, ots yucky when something gets in the way

I def care about ye and your families too xxx
I thought it was counted kind of opposit.
Doesn't 4/5 mean it has 3 more to go
But I'm not sure cos they never tell us that stuff here.
Missy mouse was in my pelvic bone head down
But today she was sideways.
Her head felt like she was trying to burrow out the side.
Back to half down half sideways now again the mouse.
She is gonna be trouble :)
U sound like ur gearing up much more than me though
I only get mild af like at night
And the odd back pain
Think more to do with pressure and bad muscles
Than labour.
Not sure if my mom was hinting all my sleeping might be something
But I think its just me finally relaxing

Maryanne I know what u mean
If u feel u can rest at home
Def take the chance.
Henry be just fine with dad xxx
I left once when Simon was in,
Went to hve tea with my inlaws
I lived too far away for home
But the bit of normality was nice.
Oh arse I googled it it's not the good way should of stayed in my happy little bubble :haha:

So today I have put all her clothes away and near enough packed my hospital bag go me, it made me realise how much I'd bought in the little sizes but hardly any 0-3 I thought it was the other way round it was nice going through it though as I had been buying and just storing till I got storage sorted, Lucas also chose her going home outfit :cloud9:

Maryanne I know how you feel I wouldn't want to leave either but a shower st home might be nice and sleep will be helpful with Henry he needs you as strong and refreshed as can be :hugs:

I managed to drop my phone today I have been gloating for a while that though I'm pants with technology at least my phone hasn't got cracks all over the screen, it's not to bad but OH spotted it right away and has been teasing me for ever since :cloud9:

Lucas and I are selling lots of unused bits on the Facebook sales sites as he wants his phone screen repaired and I told him he needs to pay part of it himself as its expensive once his has been paid I think I'll be having what's left over to do mine :haha:
So just had my first go at hand expressing here's hoping she's not to hungry I have 5ml syringes I have about 0.1 ml :haha: they did say I could add to the syringe over a 24 hour period before feeezing I still don't think I'll ever end up with 5ml in total never mind filling all 4 of them :rofl:
Sorry wasn't sure if I should let u alone or tell u.
Thought it was weirdly opposite alright
But starting to engage is brill
She could be like my little nugget and change everyday :)

Best of luck raising phone money xxx

My phone has a big crack in it too.
And to charge it , I hve to take out the battery
And out it in in my old smashed phone to charge
I alternate the two batteries
So between my two crocked phones.
I hve one that works mostly :)
Finally 37 weeks in morn

Half thinking bout starting expressing on Mon again
I'm so decisive :)
I only got drops last time too Lucas mom
Only collected in the funnel
Not enough to drop into bottle
Haven't leaked in awhile now either
Really want a chicken burger tonight
Stupid cravings
Already just took Rennie for heart burn
I'll keep at it I guess a few drops is better than nothing and I'm hoping that if I keep it up the supply will be better and you never know within a week I may have filled my syringes :haha:

I'm goig with the thought she only has to drop 4 more how ever cars it is rather than she is only dropped down 1 it makes me feel a bit better well it did till I told OH she only gotta get down another 4 and he asked what the starting point one stupid man :haha:

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