I thought it was counted kind of opposit.
Doesn't 4/5 mean it has 3 more to go
But I'm not sure cos they never tell us that stuff here.
Missy mouse was in my pelvic bone head down
But today she was sideways.
Her head felt like she was trying to burrow out the side.
Back to half down half sideways now again the mouse.
She is gonna be trouble
U sound like ur gearing up much more than me though
I only get mild af like at night
And the odd back pain
Think more to do with pressure and bad muscles
Than labour.
Not sure if my mom was hinting all my sleeping might be something
But I think its just me finally relaxing
Maryanne I know what u mean
If u feel u can rest at home
Def take the chance.
Henry be just fine with dad xxx
I left once when Simon was in,
Went to hve tea with my inlaws
I lived too far away for home
But the bit of normality was nice.