I got two days of those wavy back pains after sex
Jump him again
Its not meant to be a one time thing to kick start it
I'm not doing anything to start things anymore
I've gone opposite world again
I want her to stay till section now again
I know I'm weird
Not gonna start pumping either
I'll hve leaky boobs long enough.
I think if I try start things.
I'll just hve pain for next two weeks and no benefit
It would be different if I was gonna labour
Like ye will be xx
Maryanne hugs honey
I know bub in neo is no fun xxx
Giant hugs.hope he is back on ward with u soon sweetie xxx
I feel periody every night now
But super mild.
Think its more from the weight.of her and my uterus than anything else.
Getting the odd wavy back pain still.
But only a couple a day
So nothing much
Cant believe I've only a little over 2 weeks left