November Rainbows 2016

I thought my DH was having me on when he told me. I can't believe it. It's like the whole of America has gone insane. I have American family and I phoned them and they said that there is uproar over there about it. Don't get why though as its the people that voted him in. 2016 needs to hurry up and be over!
I was saying that today to DH that I wouldn't be surprised if there was at least an assassination attempt which is a horrifying thought to have! It's really sad to see that hate and fear have won in yet another political decision.

I've just started getting some pretty uncomfortable period like cramping in my stomach. Oh how I have not missed that feeling over the last nine months. Super uncomfortable.
I'm not surprised there is uproar, I keeping thinking how the UK referendum turned out all the racists and homophobs, the same will happen in America but they have legal use of guns :wacko: Scares the crap outta me

lynanne hopefully the start of something :happydance: I had those pains the other day and if I didnt know better I would have swore my period was on its way cant say I've missed those pains either
I saw it on fb this morn and honestly thought that had to be a pi**take
But nope.
So long as he keeps his finger off the nuke button!!!!
Shouldn't affect us too much
I hope!!
It us just madness though.
Cant honestly believe enough people voted for him
Waiting for it to say it was cheat or joke
Lynanne ur body is def getting ready.
Fingers crossed it turns into something concrete soon for u hon xxx

Maryanne how r u and little henry
Hope ye r starting to feel a little better
Hope recovery goes fast for ye xxx

Lucas mom hows maternity treating u xxx

Finished my Xmas shop today.
Very conscious of hoe little time until section now
And that I wont hve car or time or be able afterwards

Well I still hve mt two main men and baby to buy for
But Oh will tell me
And it is always something u order off internet ��
And Simon and bub r only gonna be small things
Cos they still don't understand too.
Went mad last few years for simon
And he had no interest :)
Lilesmom, I am so jealous that you've finished your Christmas shopping. I've barely made a dent in mine and I have so many people to buy for plus DH's birthday at the end of the month and MIL's on the 13th Dec! :dohh:

Lucasmum, I'm hoping the cramps earlier were a pre-labour thing and in the next few days I'll be going into labour for sure but I doubt it. I just get the feeling that this is really going to be drawn out!

I am trying all sorts to get the show on the road though - even sex last night after about three months of nothing! :blush: also been eating pineapple and bouncing/sitting on my ball. Would love to have gone for another walk but it is freezing right now so I'm trying to think of other things I can do to encourage things to progress. Come out already baby.
I'm ok thanks. Henry has been moved to the baby care unit and feeding tube has been put back in :( bit sad as this feels to similar to what happened with Zack but I'm praying all will be ok.

Xmas with us is big, we buy too much but that's the same every year. You would think we would have learnt our lesson. Can't believe little Henry is here for xmas this year. It's going to be amazing! Kind of half done with my shipping but still have lots more to get.

Hope everyone else is well! Sounds like things are getting ready Lynanne!! How exciting!!
I feel so disorganised I have naff all for christmas, I've been so lazy since finishing work I need to get off my ass and get out more :wacko:
Poor wee Henry. I'm sure he'll be okay, maryanne, but I understand that it can being a worry. Christmas is a big thing in our family too. Even as adults DH and I get super spoiled so I can only imagine the mountain of gifts we are going to get for our little man. Even the dog gets presents!

I don't know if things are getting ready or not! The sore cramps didn't hang around long but I've got a bit of cramping going on again now. Uncomfortable for sure. Was trying to work out what day would be best to go into labour earlier so that DH can make the most of his paternity leave :haha:
Hope little Henry is doing better really soon :hugs:

Awful tightnings tonight not painful exactly but uncomfortable enough to annoy me :wacko:
I got two days of those wavy back pains after sex
Jump him again :)
Its not meant to be a one time thing to kick start it :)
I'm not doing anything to start things anymore
I've gone opposite world again
I want her to stay till section now again
I know I'm weird :)
Not gonna start pumping either
I'll hve leaky boobs long enough.
I think if I try start things.
I'll just hve pain for next two weeks and no benefit
It would be different if I was gonna labour
Like ye will be xx

Maryanne hugs honey
I know bub in neo is no fun xxx
Giant hugs.hope he is back on ward with u soon sweetie xxx

I feel periody every night now
But super mild.
Think its more from the weight.of her and my uterus than anything else.
Getting the odd wavy back pain still.
But only a couple a day
So nothing much
Cant believe I've only a little over 2 weeks left
Hurray :)
I forgot 3 people so I'm not done after all
Darn baby brain !!
Xmas pressies I mean
I've killed Lucas' laptop I did the update no one told me that seeing as it ancient I shouldn't so it wouldn't work then tried to reinstall something else but wouldn't and now it's flashing up all kinds of shit and not actually doing anything :wacko: OH has diagnosed it as in his technical opinion "completely fucked and you can tell him" :wacko:

Glad I've got him an iPad for Christmas, I literally repel technology cost aside it's one of the reasons OH won't replace my laptop :blush: he sits cringing when I even glance in the direction of his iPad I'm sure he probably comforts it when I'm not in the room :haha: he even has a brand spanking new lap top that hardly cones out its case that I'm not allowed anywhere near, though to be fair I haven't asked if I can use it I'm to scared he may self combust :haha: but even tucked safely in its bag he keeps it well away from me, I really wish I was a little bit technology minded but I'm not it really does break once I've got my hands on it :blush:
I'm the same and I did computing in college for 3 years.
I was good on the theory side
But hands on I always mess things up
Its how I met Oh , we were in the same class
He was always helping me :)

Hope u don't get totally eaten by Lucas :)
U gonna give him iPad early.
Or keep till Xmas now
Nah he knows nothing of the iPad told him ages ago there is no way on gods green earth can either me or santa afford an iPad :haha:

It's Harry Potter day at school they dress up and learn spells! Yup apparently this is part of the curriculum these days :wacko: but anyway he was so pleased to go to school looking more like Barry Trotter than Harry Potter he wasn't bothered by the lap top and said I always use dads iPad he lets me, something not right when he lets a clumsy grubby 9 year old use it without breaking into a cold sweat :blush:

Is anyone else having trouble sleeping it was gone 0300 before I finally dropped off same the night before it's driving me mad :dohh:
Hope your all well ladies. Sorry I haven't been in that much. It's been a busy few days. Our little man is very very unwell. He has gbs infection so is on iv antibiotics in the baby care unit. The infection has spread into the fluid around his spine so it's pretty touch and go at the moment. Absolutely broken hearted but praying he will pull through. Just didn't want any of you thinking I was ignoring you, you ladies are all amazing! Please pray for my little man. Do t know what I will do if he doesn't pull through.
Oh no, Maryanne! I am so so sorry to hear this. I hope Henry is on the mend in no time and this is all just a horrible memory. We are obviously all here if you need to talk or anything. Thinking of you all and hoping that you'll be able to give us all good news soon. Sending lots of love.
Huge hugs Maryanne xxx
Poor little pet
Hope the antibiotics work for him soon
Life is soo unfair at times.
Plain sailing this time wasn't too much to hope for.
Giant hugs xxx
Hope ur holding up as well as can be.
I know how it feels
They had to keep Simon sedated completely for 5 days
They didn't know if seizures were from stroke or infection
So he had to get a spinal and be treated for infection just in case
Its a horrible nerve wracking time
We r here if u need to chat or vent xxx
I hve a special prayer I got in the neo from another mom
I'll find it and say it for Henry xxx
Its lovely
Especially for babies who are struggling in the first few days xxx
Hugs again xxx
Yup Lucas mom last two weeks r so sleep is super patchy for me
Partly hips, mostly heartburn
Before if I woke, id go back to sleep in seconds
Now it takes ages.
If I'm woken by anything I'm goosed for awhile
I'm back in bed now after tidying the house,.
First time I've gone back to try sleep while mouse at playschool.
I almost feel guilty doing it for no reason

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