November Rainbows 2016

Glad alls well and your both nearly going home
Love the pics they e super cute.

I'm less excited than I was
Nerves r kicking in more cos of my liver and fear of last time than anything else.
Just this week left now
App tomorrow.
Will see if they will move up my date
But they most likely wont
Prob just do more blood test.
Might ask can they do nst too
To reassure me.

Cant believe ye all hve your bubs
Happened pretty fast from my end :)
But I'm sure it didn't feel fast for ye xxx
I felt the same. By the next day I was feeling better than I had in months. Even with the tear and stitches it was still better than being pregnant lol. Glad your both doing well. How's the breastfeeding going? Bet Lucus is super excited to have you and his sister home.

Not long now lilesmom, hang in there. Soon you will have your little one too and it will all be worth it.
So happy you are finally home he is completely goergeous :cloud9:

Lilesmom I understand you worry but I'm sure it will bee perfect this time round only a week wow not long at all can't wait to see the little princess :flower:

We are doing well a bit slow at the breast and my expressed milk has gone for a walk never mind so long as her blood sugars are within range we will go home she did just have a 20 min feed a bit forced by the midwives I love how they deal with this all the time and know they won't break so are a bit rougher and tougher than us parents of newborns will ever be :haha:

Looking forward to my hospital lunch today :wacko: everything I are on the last 48 hours has ended up in a grey paper bowl :blush: so I'm now starving :haha:

I hope your enjoying your little man lynanne
It terrifies me how rough the midwives are sometimes. My milk dried up a bit with all the stress of the last few weeks so his blood sugars were dropping. I'd been told to keep putting him to the breast and pumping to try and boost it but he needed a few bottles to raise his sugars a bit. He wouldn't take it though but the midwives pretty much forced him. I knew it was for his own good but I could never be that rough with him. He's still really struggling breastfeeding though :( he's having major latch issues and my supply that was well established as I kept it going from when I had aurora is now next to nothing. Its not looking great.
He is just gorgeous xxx
Glad ur home safe xxx

Hope lunch stays down hon xx

Hope bf picks up.for ye both xxx
Hi girls. Sorry I haven't had a minute to actually respond!

Lucasmum, huge congrats on the birth of Edith. What a beauty! Sorry to hear that everything got very complicated and serious. I'm so glad to hear you are both fine though! I knew giving birth was scary but I don't think I was prepared for it properly and mine wasn't as scary as that.

Maryanne, I'm so glad to hear that Henry is dong well and you are home. You must be thrilled.

Lilesmom, you're next! You'll have your little lady soon.
Connor is doing amazingly. I cannot believe is actually here, sleeping in my arms right now. He's as cute as a button and looks so much like his daddy. I'm in love :cloud9:

We got home last night about 9:30pm. I had to wait until I had my catheter removed and had peed a couple of times before they would let us leave. I didn't want to stay in any longer than I had to seeing as we were both healthy and the ward was so stuffy any making me feel all yucky. I now have a rubbish cough which makes my stitches hurt so badly! I'm all bruised and swollen down there right now that it hurts to move sometimes. Getting off the couch is owwie!

Abridged version of events: Turns out I was in latent labour since about Thursday but I didn't get admitted to the hospital until 8:30 on Friday evening at only 2cm dilated. Used TENS machine and had two doses of diamorphine to help me get some sleep as I hadn't had a decent sleep since Wednesday. My waters broke about 4:30pm on Saturday when I was next checked i was 4cm dilated! By 9pm I was going to the labour ward and was 7cm dilated. I was in active labour for about five hours using gas and air, pushing for two before they decided to give me an episiotomy and Use the kiwi cap to get him here as I was just too tired. I feel like I was only really pushing properly half the time and I think everyone was worried I'd give up! I was so scared of the cap, getting a catheter, the very serious doctor being there, what would happen if I didn't get him out etc. I found it all quite traumatic in the end but the moment they put him on my chest it was all worth it. Born at 3:17 looking just like his daddy.

Ive got plenty of stitches - ow! and I'm all bruised and swollen but otherwise I am fine. Plus my little guy is here so I couldn't be happier. He's perfect. Needing fed now so I'll update more later! Pics will come!,
I'm sorry your birth didn't go as planned Lynanne. I really do feel for you as I was pushing for over two hours with my dd. Her shoulders were big and it was hard to get her through. I only managed to get her out after I heard them say her she was In distress and that kind of kicked me into gear. Henry was here in three pushes which is odd as he's so big, the labour was aggressive and very fast though and the contractions were very strong so they kind of half pushed him out for me but that's why I tore so badly I think. But honestly you made a human and brought him safely into the world, you should be proud of yourself.
Aw hugs hon
But glad ur both home
And alls well xx
Take pain relief for the stitches to help u
No point in being miserable when there is safe pain relief available xxx
Run water over them in the shower too
Sounds ouchie
But provides relief so long as gentle flow
Witch hazel drops on your pad help avoid infection zxx
Glad ye r home too xxx
Looking forward to pic xxx
Had nice day.
Two of my sis called for lunch
Then had nice eve with sr squish
He is in good form lately.
My hips weren't as bad as preg week
So all good.

Hosp tomorrow.
Think I may need to persuade them to move faster.
Still itchy
Worse again tonight
Tummy still upset.
I think id prefer if she came out now
But they might not agree with me if bloods r borderline

Hope alls well with your cutie bubbas xxx
Hope all goes well tomorrow lilesmom and bloods aren't rising. Glad all is ok with your little man too. Bet your getting excited now!
I sound like a humbug.
I cant wait to meet her
But possibly oc being back and something going wrong
And being away from Simon is over shadowing my excitement
I'll be much happier when I can hold her
And know for sure she is ok.

Hows henry doing at home
Bet ur kiddies r glad to hve u back xxx
She will be ok lilesmom. Try not to let it spoil things for you. Just keep an eye on her movement, that's what they told me when my levels got really high at the end. Do you have any jaundice? It's another thing to look out for. I went really yellow the day before I was induced. And I'm sure little Simon will be ok. Least with a section you can plan ahead and make it as easy on him as possible. Hugs.

Henry is ok, settling in lovely :) I'm still a bit anxious but it's so nice being with my family again.

Midwife came to check on my stitches today. Looks like I'm going to need another surgery. She said it doesn't look right ans isn't healing well and will book me a consultant appointment to get it reviewed. Great. If I do need it redone I won't need to stay in, I will be allowed home the same day. But it's not the point. I've had enough bad luck. Plus means going through all the soreness all over again. Grrr
Oh for fucks sake I've lost two replies now I can't use this site on my phone, we are in for another night I'll update properly when I'm home :rofl:

Lynanne hope your doing ok with your little one none of us have had an easy Aride of it so far it's up to lilesmom for a perfect story
Thanks hon xxx
From what I've read only 10% of people with oc get jaundice
Never had it with Simon thank god.
I don't think my levels go up that fast
Just don't want any chances taken.
Thanks xx
She is quieter
But she is bigger and has less room
Watching movement too much drives me bananas :)

Aw hugs on the stitches xx
Its bad enough getting them once
But good u don't hve to stay in for them xxx
Hugs xxx
Oh for fucks sake I've lost two replies now I can't use this site on my phone, we are in for another night I'll update properly when I'm home :rofl:

Lynanne hope your doing ok with your little one none of us have had an easy Aride of it so far it's up to lilesmom for a perfect story

Hate when that happens!!
I'm afraid of continuing the bad record :)
But all bubs safe and home isn't exactly bad xxx
Just the experiences to get them there didn't exactly go as planned xx
I'm hungry
But don't wanna risk more heartburn
There is something I won't miss :)

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